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Ponds, cheating? 2024

fishing user avatarbiteme reply : 

I love fishing ponds! Any pond I can find, public or private. Ive yet to fish a private pond but sure would like to. One of my fishing buddies is hell bent on fishing lakes. But everytime we go out on the lake (no boat) We might catch a fish or two. The lakes here get a TON of pressure. Theres people all over the place! But he still wants to fish em. I told him Im headed out to the ponds I usally go to. He asked why I like fishing those sissy arse ponds. I was like what!! I told him because I like to CATCH fish! I dont like to go fishing just to throw my line out! So it looks like I might be loosing a fishing buddy. ;D Im not giving up my ponds!!!

Where do you guys mostly fish? Whats your take on fishing ponds?

fishing user avatarBassassasin12 reply : 

My friend is the same way sometimes. We have a pond that pretty much only we fish and it is loaded and tons of fun to catch nice bass in the 2-4 pound range consistently and then he insists we bike a couple miles to this one lake that I don't even like because he caught two pike there one time. I told him if he wants to fish a lake just come in my dads boat

fishing user avatarjtbassman reply : 

I hear ya man.....

When I can't get my boat out, the best way to get your fishing fix is pond fishing.

It's alot of fun to go just hammer the bass at the local ponds.  But I would rather be on my boat at the lake, more of a challenge, plus you can't compete in tournaments in my local ponds.  But as far as just fishing from the bank, of course you'll do better at ponds, I wouldn't even think about trying to bank fish a lake.

fishing user avatarjanalon reply : 

I think most everyone loves to have a great chance to catch a lot of bass.

I like fishing the bigger lakes, it is more of a challange to find the fish to me.

My 23 year old daughter loves it too, maybe that's why she has said for the past 15 years, "let's go hunting daddy!"

I always thought it was funny that she considered Bass Fishing a hunt.


fishing user avatarGrey Wolf reply : 

Fishing large lakes without a boat is a sure way not to catch many bass. Stay with your smaller ponds and catch , catch , catch. If and when you can get a boat , then hit the larger lakes and catch , catch , catch. Just my two cents worth.

fishing user avatartallydude reply : 

If you have no boat, ponds are the way to go. The allure of fishing lakes, in my opinion, is tracking the fish down and locating them. Some people don't like the ponds because they feel as though the fish are sequestered and the hunt for the fish is eliminated.

fishing user avatarbiteme reply : 

I agree, if we had a boat then it wouldnt be a problem. Im just not much for fishing side by side with people. I go out to get away from people. I just bought a small boat but Its being stored about a hour away. Until I can get it closer Ill stay with the ponds. I also feel the ponds are good learing for a newb like me. I just started bass fishing a few months ago. Im just starting to catch decent fish.

fishing user avatarbiteme reply : 
If you have no boat, ponds are the way to go. The allure of fishing lakes, in my opinion, is tracking the fish down and locating them. Some people don't like the ponds because they feel as though the fish are sequestered and the hunt for the fish is eliminated.

The odd part is the last time I was at the ponds my buddy said there was no fish in it. I cought 8 NICE size bass in about two hours, 2-3 1/2 lbs. He cought two. He still says theres no fish in it,lol. I guess it just comes down to he doesnt like ponds. ;D

fishing user avatarx-trued reply : 

Until a few years ago I fished ponds almost exclusively.  Once I got a boat, the fun of boating and locating the fish became much of the fun I find in fishing.  There is a farm pond about 1/2-3/4 acre in size about 3 minutes from my house that no one has fished in years.  It is about a mile down a dirt road and is not visible from that road.  I can't remember anyone fishing it in the last 20 years.  I have often wondered if there were any large bass in there.  Perhaps I check it out this fall and gove an update.

fishing user avatarbow3022 reply : 

Sorry but i have to disagree with you guys. Last year, I went lake fishing, and i fished ON shore. That year my heaviest bass was about 5lbs. I caught a total of 24 bass that season(not counting my cousin who fished along with me). I only fished in the summer since i have school. So i gotta disagree with you guys that shore fishing from a lake is could be decent, depending if there is fish.

fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 


A better term might be "catching". At least 90% of my largemouth bass fishing is on local ponds, both private and public. All but one of my 10 lb largemouth have been caught in these ponds. However, I don't encourage a lot of guys to fish the ponds, I prefer keeping them to myself!

fishing user avatarfishingJ reply : 

Ponds are fun every once and a while but i like the lakes more. Sometimes me and my buddies fish a private pond that is stalked with largemouth and pull 30-40 bass out usually. I find that ponds are a good way to try something out but aren't enough of a challenge and can make you a lazy and spoiled fisherman.

fishing user avatarbiteme reply : 
Ponds are fun every once and a while but i like the lakes more. Sometimes me and my buddies fish a private pond that is stalked with largemouth and pull 30-40 bass out usually. I find that ponds are a good way to try something out but aren't enough of a challenge and can make you a lazy and spoiled fisherman.

I hear ya. I have to work for the fish though. I have to walk a mile and a half each way just to get to it. Hey maybe thats why my buddy doesnt like it,lol.

fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 


I fish big water for different species, but I don't find that any more challenging than fishing small water. My most productive pond (especially for size) is in a public pond that might be the most heavily fished pond in the Mid South. I have never seen anyone catch a fish over a pound, although I have heard some stories about people catching 3 and 4 lb bass and catfish up to 5 lbs.

Sometimes I do a little better than that.

fishing user avatar5bass reply : 

I grew up fishing a couple of private ponds and the bass grow big and are eager to bite for the most part and was lots of fun,without a doubt.After pounding those ponds and catching fish after fish after fish,it got a little boring catching the same fish over and over and eventually I just quit going.

Fishing a big lake where the fish have room to move and hide is much more challenging and in the end,much more rewarding when you do locate the fish and start filling the livewell.

I do hit a pond every now and then to catch some real big bass.The big lake I fish turns out good ones but nothing like a private pond.

fishing user avatarRattlinrogue reply : 

I fish pretty fair sized public lakes.I like boating and locating bass also.That's part of the total experience for me,but I'll never pass up a hot private pond if given permission to fish it.

fishing user avatarejtaylor822 reply : 

I enjoy the ponds.  Have a nice one behind the house that makes it very convenient.  However, if I had a boat would probably enjoy that just as well.  But, it sure is nice just fishing from the shore and not having to worry about trailering a boat.  Enjoy going out on the lakes with friends' boats, but, can be quite a bit of work.


fishing user avatarbasswagoner reply : 

Ponds are a challenge. They may not have the same challenge of having to locate the fish but bait choice, presentation, hookset, and landing are all the same regardless weather you are at a pond or lake. THe only TRUE difference is in locating fishing sites. After you KNOW a lake, Know migrating routes, underground structure, cover and etc, you are basically fishing """"small ponds""" in a large mass of water. I go out with fisherman all the time on boats who say it must be nice to come out here all the time and I shrug it off. You basically go to burn money and pay (high gas prices) to fish small """Ponds"""" in large bodies of water that hold fish. Weather it be hydrilla, lilly pads, etc.. two miles up the lake, or a 100 yard shorline of timber. Whatever it may be I think you get my point. It's not cheating and I believe it makes you better at pitch to spots, consistant hooksets, bait presentation, and landing. That is largly the skills used in fishing. If you don't have a fishfinder, lake maps, locals advice on hotspots. YOu will waste a ton of gass, time, and aggervation to fish areas blind. Just something to think on.

fishing user avatarKenDammit28 reply : 

I don't think its fair to suggest that fishing in a pond is not a challenge.  In my opinion, the two bodies of water are totally different ballgames.  Lakes have their own challenges with regards to producing fish and ponds have theirs.  

Is fishing the same lake every day you go fishing really a challenge?  If you know the water so well that you know where fish are and how they're usually biting and what they'll be biting on at any given that a challenge?  

I don't know about everyone elses ponds but the ones I go to, you have to work for the fish just like you work in a lake.  They're not just sitting in the water waiting to see a takes a lot of effort.  

fishing user avatarsenile1 reply : 

I fish mostly lakes but I love ponds and do fish them.  I'm still trying to locate more than the two that I have permission to fish.  I catch more fish at the ponds and the size is good, but there's nothing like hitting a 50,000 acre lake and getting away from everything and everybody, enjoying the beautiful scenery, and catching a few bass as well.  

fishing user avatarCraw reply : 

In my opinion fishing a pond is not cheating at all. I hear the same thing about river fishing being to easy or my favorite, "Anybody can catch em in a river." I like the "big water" as much as anyone but I need a change of pace once in awhile or I get stale. I grew up fishing the New River here in Va. and that is where my roots are but I love the challenge that our area lakes offer. I currently don't have permission to fish the area ponds that I fished years ago but I wouldn't hesitate to drop whatever I was doing to spend the day on any pond. Back when I was fishing the ponds I really enjoyed the sneakin around to avoid spookin the bass, dressing in camo style clothing so I would blend in and learning to pitch my baits in quietly. I owe everything I know about fishing the t-rigged plastic worm to the half a dozen ponds I was able to fish 15 yrs. ago.

I don't participate in bass tourneys so for me I fish for fun, relaxation and that special experience that I have no words to describe(that spiritual connection). I recommend that each of us fish in the manner that we feel comfortable and pay no attention to people who criticize our efforts.

fishing user avatarguest reply : 

Some of the top pros got good learning on small ponds, and they still return to those for a welcome break and usually a real challenge. Go for it.


fishing user avatarnboucher reply : 

As a kayak angler, I LOVE fishing ponds, and find them plenty challenging, thank you. This spring I started by fishing lakes, then one day I put my yak into a 40-acre pond that is two minutes from my house. It's a wild little spot, and I've only ever seen one or two people fishing it, and that's rare. (That's it in my avatar.)

Well, over the past month or so I've caught some of the year's best fish there: a six-pounder and three four-pounders. I take particular pride in fishing there because:

(1) Unlike the bigger lakes, there are no maps of this pond and no known hot spots. I had to figure it out myself, and as a result I learned a lot more than I was learning reading about the bigger lakes and hearing where people were catching fish there.

(2) In my yak, I don't get blown around as much as I do on bigger lakes.

(3) The fishing pressure is practically nonexistent.

(4) It's a beautiful, quiet spot where early one morning while I was working the lily pads at one end, an otter stuck his head out from the pads. I don't know who was more startled, him or me.

This was a pond that I'd driven by hundreds of times without ever bothering to carry my kayak down to it, and now it's my little secret spot! Since then, I've been examining maps for other such ponds, and although I've explored a handful of others nearby, none have beat this spot.


fishing user avatarFish Chris reply : 

If I were to fish (small, private) ponds more, I really believe "I'd be cheating myself" !

Farm ponds sometimes produce good numbers of "nice fish" (just watch any episode of Bill Dance) but if you want (at least a shot at) the "biggest" fish, you need to fish places that get heavily culled. Or should I say, lots of pressure to remove lots of the little dumb ones, that try to take up space and food.  I'd like to say this was "Selective Harvest" at work..... unfortunately, a lot of the biggest ones are also removed in the public waters too..... yet we still produce as many giant bass as we do. If only we had a "max size limit", our giant bass production could be absolutely off of the scale !

A while back their was a young guy who lives in my area, who was sneaking onto an off limits lake, and smoking a bunch of nice 3 to 6 lb'ers. His buddy caught an 8.... but he was (in his own mind) just so sure this place had lots of 10 plus lb'ers.

I told him, I didn't really care if he fished this "off-limit" place or not.... and I offered him a challenge; I said to him, "I'll tell you what... You fish that place all you want for a couple weeks, and I'll fish this totally 'legal' place, just up over the hill, and lets see who sticks the biggest fish". He never did get one over 8.... let alone 10, but I stuck a 10.7 and a 12.5, at the totally legal place.

Anyway, let me put it this way; Some guys often rag on others about "easy" fish caught at this place or that, or on this live bait or that one..... Yada... Yada. Personally speaking, my whole philosophie on trophy bass fishing is to stack every odd that I can in my own favor.... or in other words, to make the task "as easy as possible". So then, isn't it ironic that I almost always prefer to fish the "tough public lakes" and predominantly with artificial lures ??? :-)

With fishing, things are often not as they would appear on the surface.



fishing user avatarValascus reply : 

there is a time and place to fish any body of water depending on what equipment you have at your disposal. I love fishing any body of water I can cast a lure into. If I have a boat at my disposal, I will fish larger bodies of water or larger rivers. If I don't I prefer to fish smaller bodies of water such as ponds, small rivers, or creeks that I can walk around and cover a lot of water from the banks. I like 'em all...if it hols fish, and I can catch 'em...then I like it. 8-)

fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 

I think Chris Fish's comments apply to my most productive (for size) public pond. Lot's of little fish are removed, well actually, almost all that are caught! The few bass fisherman that visit this pond generally fish spinnerbaits either right next to the bank or thrown out in the middle with a perpendicular retrieve (cast it straight out, reel it straight in). I fish soft plastics, mostly, parallel to the shore, but five to fifteen yards off the bank. I fish a shelf that falls into deeper water adjacent to the deepest water in the pond.

It's little things that make a difference in how successful you are.


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