What Pro or Show do you find the most informitive?
by this I mean who do you learn the most from, or who do you think "brings the most to the table"
this could be a certain bass show, or just a pro that everytime he opens his mouth it opens our minds....
Me, I always get a lot out of Lindlers edge....
also, you could throw in who you learn the least from, or who seems the least infomed, and brings the LEAST to the table, the worst show to learn from
As far as seing someone speak live I thought Gary Dobyns was a great teacher. As far as shows go the Bass Pros is pretty good.
KVD tends to share alot of secrets and speaks in easy terms
Every thing the Linders and Stange do. BILL DANCE; I do not care if he hawks his sponsor's products or fishes on privaste ponds. He explains why he is fishign where he is at, why he is using a bait and how to use it, works for me. These fellas are also not so full of themselves .
KVD, on "Bass Pros" or any of his DVD's.
Kim Stricker's show, "Hook n Look" is very educational. His videos have opened my eyes many times.
KVD: When he talks about bass all you have to do is listen. He is all about bass. However he is not opn alot of programs for any length of time.
Bill Dance: Very informative. So what if he is fishing stocked pig farms he is still teaching you, and keeping you interested.
In-Fisherman/Angling Edge. Gives you the science to go along with the guesswork.
I agree with the other guys: Bass Pros and Lindner's Angling Edge are my favorites. Along with Bass Edge and the posts on BR, there's a wealth of information/knowledge to learn from. I particularly like the Fishing in 4 (minutes) segment of Bass Pros. IMO:o)
I also think alot of Pros blow smoke up your a-- to showcase a sponsors product!
i like when they "invent" problems....
like that jig the other day....they acted like jig fisherman miss millions of fish each year because the jig rolls over...
I like the Strike King Pro Team Journal
I agree that Bass Pros is a good one to watch
As far as someone who opens my eyes and mind, other than KVD of course, is Boyd Duckett. It seems as if everytime he talks its more towards the mental side of fishing than throwing a spinnerbait on a windy bank.
QuoteI like the Strike King Pro Team Journal
Hey KY, I like a majority of the pros sponsored by Strike King and I love their products. Where do you find that journal you speak of? I may check it out.
I learn the most from Bassin Magazine with columns from Hank Parker, KVD, Mike Iaconelli, and more. Sometimes Jimmy Houston shows his face in there too and they have great guest columns every now and then.
But they have some great articles and tips for alot of different baits. I do have three of KVD's dvds. They came in a set, they are insightful as well but it's been a while since I watched em' so I'm not sure if I put any of his ideas to use yet (at least from this set of dvds).
My dad and I watch alot of Bill Dance and I LOVE his blooper dvds. Anyway, he is very much like my great grandfather according to my dad (though I never got to fish with him). I like the way he REALLY breaks things down and shows you exactly how to go about fishing in each situation he finds himself in. The other thing I like is he focuses on ONE bait for each show (most of the time), so you really get a feel for what he's doing with that particular bait while not clogging your head with how to use 3 or 4 other ones.
I also think alot of Pros blow smoke up your a-- to showcase a sponsors product!
Almost unwatchable dribble
The Lindner's, Bill Dance and the Bass Pros - KVD is very informative and Stacey King's tips on jigging have been very helpful. Agree with other's, Bill Dance might be hocking products on private ponds but I feel he gives a lot of information on what he is fishin and how. His recent show on soft plastics was one of the best I have seen in a long time.
Those of you that read Basmasters may know what I am talking about. The cartoon in there Harry and Charlie Feb 08 page 22 says it best.
"I caught em crankin"- what the leader of thebass tounament,who happens to be sponsored by a crankbait manufacturer tells the crowd after weighing in a limit of lunkers he caught on spinnerbaits!!!
Day on the lake...ESPN Saturday and Sunday mornings. There is only like 5 or 6 episodes but they are good and informative. Bass Pros is still the best though. Get the season 1 DVD and don't stop watching it.
The only guys that have ever been worth watching were the Linder's. I dont like watching their new show.
QuoteDay on the lake...ESPN Saturday and Sunday mornings. There is only like 5 or 6 episodes but they are good and informative. Bass Pros is still the best though. Get the season 1 DVD and don't stop watching it.
i second that notion....day on the lake is awesome...u see how they decipher un anknown body of water, one thing us amateurs actually do more often then the pros.
Growing up I learned a lot from Hank Parker and Jimmy Houston. They're still my favorite shows.
The Bass Pros,, KVD does a great job!!! WGFS is just a good show!
Bill Dance. Infomercial or not he is a very passionate teacher. His show always includes solid fundamentals that I often need to be reminded of as well as detailed info for some very specific situations.
I guess that I'm in the minority. I like Ike's videos purely for the content of knowldege versus the amount of time spent ratio. I think you get more out of a 1 hour video with him than anyone else. He's really clear and concise in the one's I've seen (classic patterns, ike's rules, etc.), and provides start to finish instruction. He acts like a jacka** sometimes, but he's usually in the money.
The other teachers are good, but usually all utilize the same type of instruction. Rick Clunn is a bit more introspective.
That said, I like KVD's books.
Anytime there is either a Bassmaster or FLW tournament near where you live I suggest y'all go. I'm very privileged to fish Toledo Bend and fish quite often with a few of the top Pros and I've fished a couple B.A.S.S. tournaments the last in 2001. Just ask Glenn, Scott, Gene and many others who were at 2008 Classic these Pros are much like us and love to talk fishing.
The most talkative Pros I know are Larry Nixon, Shaw Grigsby, Tommy Martin, Paul Elias, Ken Cook, & Gary Klein. Glen Lau while not a Pro Angler will have you head swimming in a matter of minutes.
Sorry I'm not Mr. Originality on this one, but:
Pro: KVD
Show: The Bass Pros
I have to go with The Bass Pros.
And the one of the worst, which I watched today, is Roland Martin. He use to be OK to watch but over the years he has started to remind of the INFOMERCIAL guy, Billy Mays (I think that's his name). Nothing but product plugging and less about fishing.
Bill Dance, KVD (Bass Pros) and the Scott Martin Challenge.
Over the years I have been a fishing freak... Truthfully for knowledge the Lindners really have had a great impact on fishing... Especially there older shows although they really now do go all over and do alot of different types of fishing... The Bass Pros show is a great thing these days... Bill Dance for his intimate knowledge of fishing (although
he does tend to plug things)... Over the years there have been several other shows that were good as well.. Search me I can't remember their names... But yes one that was good in past ages was Roland Martin... Although now he is a huge infomercial about other than bass fishing... For those of us that can remember, remember when Roland fell head first in the water trying to lip a bass and came up with it on Camera... Have a great night all...