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Have you ever been able to tell there is going to be little to no bites? 2024

fishing user avatarHop reply : 

I know this is not a typical topic but I was wanting to know if you have ever gotten out on a lake or river and could just sense there would be little or no action that day. There has been several time that I have gotten out on a body of water and felt that the fish were not around. It is like when my kids are away, the house has a different feel to it.

fishing user avatarPopeye reply : 

Never. I always expect to catch something even though sometimes I don't. Several times this year the fish were trying but I failed on the hooksets. My fault.

fishing user avatarEastTexasBassin reply : 

I always get on the water expecting to catch fish.  I only got skunked twice this past winter, and some of the days I went out were NASTY.  My friends thought I was crazy for getting all bundled up to go bass fishing in January, but I still managed to catch a few on most days.  Some of my highest overall weight days with many fish over 5 pounds were during times that my fishing buddies told me I was stupid for going out and trying.

Confidence is key.  Don't let your own doubts ruin your fishing.  I think its an extremely rare thing that conditions make it impossible to catch fish.  (if it happens at all)

fishing user avatarfishizzle reply : 

Never like you say it but there have been times when I knew it would be slow due to a cold front

fishing user avatarJRL reply : 

My best day came in 20+ mph winds out in open water.  Meanwhile my worst days are almost always in dead flat water.

Only time Im a little negative is right before a major weather change.

fishing user avatarJoel W reply : 

I always have a positive attitude when I'm going out fishing. I can't pick my days to fish, so I'm always prepared to try and figure out some sort of pattern even on post cold front days with blue bird skies.  The fish are still there, and the better fisherman somehow put in enough time to find 'em.

fishing user avatarBassinBoy reply : 

Yeah, in a different kind of way.  One way is if your fishing a lake that is used to sunny weather and you fish a day when it is cloudy(or cloudy to sunny) it can turn the fish off.  This can happen on florida and texas lakes sometimes.  Another is when the conditions are bad or you just dont like them then it can give you a lower confidence level.  Whatever my opinion is on the type of fishing day it is going to be, i always try to keep a positive mind.

fishing user avatarGrey Wolf reply : 
I always have a positive attitude when I'm going out fishing. I can't pick my days to fish, so I'm always prepared to try and figure out some sort of pattern even on post cold front days with blue bird skies. The fish are still there, and the better fisherman somehow put in enough time to find 'em.

A truer statement was never uttered!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

fishing user avatarThe Rooster reply : 

I almost always feel I'm guaranteed to catch at least one fish.  Most times I get up that morning thinking I'm going to catch 20.  

But I have had days where something just felt wrong and I thought I wouldn't catch anything, but even then I usually can manage to get one and then after that my entire attitude changes and I feel that I'm going to continue catching them.  It's probably me being negative when I start out feeling that way.  I tend to do that a lot.  Fishing though is one of the only things I have complete confidence in most of the time.  Probably 95% of the time I'm thinking positive when thinking it's going to be a particular kind of day.  

fishing user avatarshocker1310 reply : 

once last november when I arrived at my favorite pond and found that they had just dredged it.  the place stunk like dead fish and the water, well it didn't really look like water anymore............come to think of it, that place hasn't been the same since.......

fishing user avatargrimlin reply : 

Cold fronts for me.I'm shore bound when oct. rolls around my catches go way down to getting skunked.I can't really reach deeper water.  

fishing user avatarjdw174 reply : 

If I get out on the water and the graph shows fish suspended about halfway to the bottom and not much's gonna be a slow day.

fishing user avatarCatt reply : 

Have you ever been able to tell there is going to be little to no bites?

After 14 straight hours it finally registers   ;)

fishing user avatarba7ss3in reply : 
Never like you say it but there have been times when I knew it would be slow due to a cold front

I hear ya, It's been in the 70's the past few days and on saturday 59. I know this lake and it will be tough but I'm fishing. I'm going to catch fish, I just can't throw the baits that I had planned on all week.

fishing user avatarRoLo reply : 

My boat has been in the shop for almost two weeks now, and the prognosis is now next Tuesday.

So between now and then I sense little or no bites  :)


fishing user avatarmrme reply : 

Yep, Just cracked the head on my fishing truck, so no bites for a while, till i put a new head on it.  Cant pull my boat with a jetta!

Even thou i get skunked alot, i always think i am gonna get a bite!!

Going to bank fish a private pond this Saturday to help with the pain!!

fishing user avatarguest reply : 

Yea, it usually starts when Risk Kid says; THIS LOOKS LIKE A GOOD SPOT

fishing user avatarBassnbrett101 reply : 

yes i have, i always hope for the best but some days i know i'm only gonna get 1-2 bites.  i only get that feeling if its been really cold and the water turns muddy or the lake level rises significantly.  Some days i get that feeling though and I hammer them.  I think its more a personal mood than it has anything to do with the fishing however

fishing user avatarjrhennecke reply : 
Never like you say it but there have been times when I knew it would be slow due to a cold front

I agree there may be times when I think it will be a little slow but I always feel like I can put some fish in the Tracker.

fishing user avatarSam reply : 

Of course.

You just have a feeling.

But you go out and try, anyway.

fishing user avatartreble_hook_smile reply : 

Yep, I get that feeling. Some days its wrong and some days its right. But you have to have some sloooowwww days to appreciate the good days. Besides, you cant really learn anything if all our days fishing are good days.

fishing user avatarNwfisher reply : 

living in the pacific northwest i get that feeling almost every trip.  :-/

fishing user avatarQuinn reply : 

Fishing in cold,snow,rain,sleet and hail..Oh and wind with stained water after 3 days of rain, and the same lake every day I thought......


fishing user avatardetroit1 reply : 

The only time i feel that the bites will be few and far-between is in the middle of summer with no clouds or wind. That really makes me work for a bite...

fishing user avatarGlenn reply : 

Yes.  Right now there's ice and snow on the ground and I'm sitting in the living room in front of a fire.  I can guarantee there won't be any bites today!  ;D

fishing user avatarguest reply : 

. I really wanted to mook this, but I rather like being here


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