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[Sigh] I Think I Do Suck At This... 2024

fishing user avatar---=Martin=--- reply : 

OK hear me out guys, because I'm a bit frustrated... about 15 years ago when I was in H.S. I remember fishing for bass on a lake in NY state, in the summer, from the shore or boat. All I ever used were 2 lures: Daredevil spoon (red and white) and a Jitterbug. I remember catching a ton of fish! Every time I went out there with family. Now fast forward 15 years, I'm back into Bass fishing, and I can't seam to catch skunk unless I use a senko. Mind you, I only been fishing again for last 2-3 months, so maybe it's the wrong time of year right now and senko is the only thing that work, but still. I'm a bit frustrated, because I don't want to be a one lure guy. I want to have fun working a worm on the bottom, frog on top, spoon in the middle, and everything else there is!


Recently I got a ton of lures that people recommended and/or I've seen people write about on this site (see attachments, which don't even show half the stuff I have). And nothing I try works (ok so I did once get a small bass on a 10" pink worm). Only the stupid senko.


Anyone here gives lessons? I'll pay top dollar  :pray:

fishing user avatarbassandcats reply : 

just wait till spring!!

fishing user avatar---=Martin=--- reply : 
  On 2/5/2013 at 5:07 AM, bassandcats said:

just wait till spring!!


Oh I hope so! I have a canal behind my house and can't wait to throw a Jitterbug at 7pm or early morning and actually catch something!

fishing user avatarislandbass reply : 

If senkos are working, then why change it? They are telling you what they are willing to hit. I'd milk that senko until they don't want it any longer then switch it up.  It's a little backward for me.  I catch them on almost everything expect a jig or 5" senko, lol.

fishing user avatar---=Martin=--- reply : 
  On 2/5/2013 at 5:20 AM, islandbass said:

If senkos are working, then why change it? They are telling you what they are willing to hit. I'd milk that senko until they don't want it any longer then switch it up.  It's a little backward for me.  I catch them on almost everything expect a jig or 5" senko, lol.


Well, it sort of feels like I'm cheating by only using one lure :-) plus it get's boring fishing the same lure. I do enjoy pulling fish out of the water of course, but wish for more action with other lures...

fishing user avatarPABASS reply : 

Around here we have ice covering the lakes and the rivers & Streams are flooded and I am not much help with what would work in FL as I have only fished there once.  With that said if I was in FL I would  be fishing, nothing wrong with SENKOS if that's what the fish want, but if you goal is to practice with other lures then do just that, what does it matter if you get skunked at least you can fish.  Captn Shane was catching them on, crank-baits, spinnerbaits and senkos, you could give the other two a try.  For your lures in the pictures I wouldn't be using frogs and or topwater unless I see activity on the surface and no lizards either, worms should work but that's an odd color around here.  I would be trying spinnerbaits and crankbaits those two are very effective and versatile enough.

fishing user avatarfstr385 reply : 

We went out again this weekend in Davie to a high pressure lake and got some good fish, even my girlfriend got a 2.5llb`er



fishing user avatarDarren. reply : 
  On 2/5/2013 at 5:22 AM, mvorbrodt said:

Well, it sort of feels like I'm cheating by only using one lure :-) plus it get's boring fishing the same lure. I do enjoy pulling fish out of the water of course, but wish for more action with other lures...


My take is it is never cheating unless you're using dynamite. Or stealing a fish from an aquarium... or fishing a tourney and setting big bass down in traps in certain holes and ... well, you know.


Here's the thing, you're either fishing or catching. I prefer catching. Heck, if the only thing that worked was a worm and bobber, I'd use 'em!

fishing user avatarBair reply : 

Winter is a ruff time to get back into bass fishing. If you want another option try a dropshot with a roboworm and find some structure.Work it SLOW. When spring comes T-Rig those lizards and you'll be fine.

fishing user avatarfstr385 reply : 

In my opinion, fishing in places or times its more difficult is going to train you to rake when you find the right time and place, and its better to master a few baits than to try to learn 10 new ones at the same time. Use what you know works all the time, and if for some reason one doesnt, try something new. Likewise if fish are biting everything, experiment with something new and see how it goes.

fishing user avatartbone1993 reply : 

By looking at your gear one suggestion I could make is match the hatch. For me fire tiger is one of those colors that only works in certain places and is not my #1 producing lure. I have never fished in florida so I cannot comment on what to use but I know that if you throw what the fish are eating you are more than likely going to get a bite.   Try and match the seasonal patterns in your area which will take some research. 

fishing user avatarTopwaterspook reply : 

The two confidence lures I see in your gear are the Pop-Rs and the lizards. Hang in there they'll all catch bass. Just keep plugging away. .................Much Good Fortune to you.

fishing user avatar---=Martin=--- reply : 

thanks for the kind words of encouragement! many moons will pass before i give up. for now i'll stick with senko and one or two other baits until better days are upon us...

fishing user avatarDarren. reply : 
  On 2/5/2013 at 9:09 AM, mvorbrodt said:

thanks for the kind words of encouragement! many moons will pass before i give up. for now i'll stick with senko and one or two other baits until better days are upon us...


Well, you may stick with Senko during spawn, too!  :eyebrows: And post-spawn, summer, turn over.... Thank you Gary Yamamoto!

fishing user avatarJig Meister reply : 

Here is some advice, and no, I did not check to see if this as already been posted.


I know how you feel, I was a hardcore fishermen in my younger years 10-19 then I had to take time off to party, which I thought was a better idea.....meh


Anyway, all I used to use was plastics and lipless cranks, spinners.


Now all I use is plastics (shaky/wacky/trig/weightless), Jigs (all types), Spinner baits and lipless cranks. All I have added is the jigs (and I am glad).


The point is, stick to what you know, and move on when it either gets very boring or you want to learn something new.


Chasing what others use is a slippery slope, you will be trying many things and never getting one under your belt. 


Senkos are working for you, try them every way you can, master that and then move to something else, maybe a different worm in a new style. Or maybe a jig that is fished similar. 


My point is, do what comes easy for you, chasing something neat or cool can cause a lot of frustration and money loss.


I know I hate to do something when it is not fun, and getting into the bait chase of others makes me hate fishing.




fishing user avatarJay Ell Gee reply : 
  On 2/5/2013 at 10:31 AM, Jig Meister said:

Here is some advice, and no, I did not check to see if this as already been posted.

I know how you feel, I was a hardcore fishermen in my younger years 10-19 then I had to take time off to party, which I thought was a better idea.....meh

Anyway, all I used to use was plastics and lipless cranks, spinners.

Now all I use is plastics (shaky/wacky/trig/weightless), Jigs (all types), Spinner baits and lipless cranks. All I have added is the jigs (and I am glad).

The point is, stick to what you know, and move on when it either gets very boring or you want to learn something new.

Chasing what others use is a slippery slope, you will be trying many things and never getting one under your belt.

Senkos are working for you, try them every way you can, master that and then move to something else, maybe a different worm in a new style. Or maybe a jig that is fished similar.

My point is, do what comes easy for you, chasing something neat or cool can cause a lot of frustration and money loss.

I know I hate to do something when it is not fun, and getting into the bait chase of others makes me hate fishing.


I can't say enough good things about this post.

The most frustrating thing you can do is go buy a ton of lures that you have no confidence in. You will spend more time wondering what lures to throw then you will fishing. On the water you will end changing them all day instead of focusing on how to properly present the ones you are comfortable with.

Pick a few versatile, tried and true lures. The key word is versatile.

Senkos are a great place to start, or worms in general. Are you working those senkos weightless? Weighted? Wacky? Like jerkbaits? You can do a lot with them.

If I was going to add anything, I would add a jig. Want to really get ahead? Buy a small, cheap crayfish trap and bait it, then put it in the canal behind your house. You can't beat having an accessible fishing hole right behind your house. When you plan on fishing, take a few minutes a couple of times a week (remember, it's in your back yard, it's not like you have to drive to the river) to bait it and keep a close eye on the crayfish colors. Use those color jigs or even soft plastic crayfish like rage claws or Zoom UV speed craws. I'll bet you start slamming them on a regular basis if you learn to fish those lures properly on the bottom. Heck, you could even rig the small crayfish up live and really get into some great action. No shame in doing that.


I myself love senkos. If I could go a full day in the winter nailing bass only on senkos, I would be absolutely ecstatic. A day of fishing with one rod, a few packs of plastics and hooks/weights in my pockets with no 25 lb tackle box and multiple rods to lug around?

Why, that sounds fantastic!

fishing user avatarpiscicidal reply : 



The bite has been pretty tough down here recently.  15lbs (five fish limit) won Burkes tourney at Okeechobee, yesterday...a bunch of studs fish that thing.  Only about 1/4th of the boats in the King of the Glades yesterday caught over 10lbs.  The bite is tough right now....the flipping bite is not going and the fish aren't chasing.    Don't fight it...If the senko is working for you, stick with it.  When the temperature stabilizes a little bit (temps in 60s at night), throw a skinny dipper in that shallow canal.

fishing user avatarFisherBird reply : 

I've never fished in florida but I have fished alot in a small canal, the hennepin canal and the Illinois michigan canal (Both in Illinois). Both of these are very shallow, get over grown with weeds and recieve a decent amount of fishing pressure. When I bank fish them I usually use plastics only because they are weedless and its easy to carry a versatile selection of baits as your rigging options are the same. Texa pose, texas rig, wacky, drop shot etc, you can carry some terminal tackle and alot of plastics in small back pack and not be bothered by excessive weight. This also gives you alot of options and lets you fish fast or slow untill the fish tell you what they want. Something I would reccomend you look into is punch rigging, (Texas rigging with an extra heavy weight and straight shank hook) it shines in very weedy conditions and if your milking a small spot, ie your back yard on the canal fishing slow is probably your best option. Its like fishing a jig, but works better in weeds as it doesn't get fouled as often.


The biggest tip I can offer on actually fishing is practice casting/flipping and invest in some heavy duty equipment that will allow you to fish narly cover. Being able to present your bait in a location that 98% of other fishermen either can't or wouldn't dare to will allow you to fish fresh water even on highly pressured locations. I kill bass in the spring on those canals by skipping tubes under bushes/trees, and this can be right behind another boat or bank fisherman.

fishing user avatarNitrofreak reply : 

Throwing all of these different baits is not helping you learn anything at all other than how frustrating can one person get.


Do you suck at this? No, absolutly not, but with all the different things you are trying it seems you are loosing focus, one thing about the Senko I have found to be true in my area,  if a Senko is working then look at the presentation, if it makes it to the bottom then fish the bottom, if it gets hit right at the surface then fish baits that run close to the surface and so on, where the fish hit the bait should give you the clue you are looking for and the depth you should be fishing with different baits, also the speed you should be fishing, a Senko is a very slow falling bait, depending on the amount of salt you have in the bait, if any, so you should be fishing as slow as the bait is falling as well.


If your fishing from the bank, then it may also be the area itself and you may have to relocate.


Good luck and be safe !!!

fishing user avatarMCS reply : 

Only tip I can mention that I think hasn't been really said already is go slow. espeicially with the ribbon tails and lizards on a texas rig and light weight. try dragging them painfully slow(do this weightless in the summer especially effective with senkos, trick worms, lizards) or a gentle sweep of the rod and let it sit, 5, 10, 15 seconds. Couple of sharp hops and let it sit 5, 10, 15 seconds. experiment around varying retrieves and speed.


Also If you wish to learn a new type of bait, use this bait and only that on a given outing versus trying to figure out what will work in your entire tackle box. Typically I will take a couple baits, one I have confidence in(senko for you) and one I want to try or think will work. I try the "experimental" then when I feel like i just want a strike or can't stand it switch to the proven. Recently I am so anal I will stick with a given bait during a full cycle of the moon to make sure I have at least fished on a given feeding cycle.

fishing user avatarWRB reply : 

You are fishing in Florida now, not NY! FLMB are a different bass than northern LMB or smallmouths.

You want to use a jitter bug, get a musky size. Instead of a small popper, use a Zara Spook. Senko's are working, keep fishing them and add Fat Ika for a variety. 7 1/2" to 12" plastic worms and brush hogs work good in Florida. Try a lipless crankbait where there is open water, a spinnerbait along weed breaks, lots of good choices to play around with. It's pre spawn where you are, now the time to go fishing whenever you can.


PS be aware of the alligators!

fishing user avatarWhiteMike1018 reply : 
  On 2/5/2013 at 5:05 AM, mvorbrodt said:

OK hear me out guys, because I'm a bit frustrated... about 15 years ago when I was in H.S. I remember fishing for bass on a lake in NY state, in the summer, from the shore or boat. All I ever used were 2 lures: Daredevil spoon (red and white) and a Jitterbug. I remember catching a ton of fish! Every time I went out there with family. Now fast forward 15 years, I'm back into Bass fishing, and I can't seam to catch skunk unless I use a senko. Mind you, I only been fishing again for last 2-3 months, so maybe it's the wrong time of year right now and senko is the only thing that work, but still. I'm a bit frustrated, because I don't want to be a one lure guy. I want to have fun working a worm on the bottom, frog on top, spoon in the middle, and everything else there is!


Recently I got a ton of lures that people recommended and/or I've seen people write about on this site (see attachments, which don't even show half the stuff I have). And nothing I try works (ok so I did once get a small bass on a 10" pink worm). Only the stupid senko.


Anyone here gives lessons? I'll pay top dollar  :pray:


Dude., the senko is working because its a great time of the year for it and the action fits the season perfectly (slow fall, tight wiggle etc)


Plus whats wrong with having success with only the senko?


Part of the reason there are a lot of different baits on the market is because not everyone fishes the same and it allows those fisherman to use their strengths and strong points.


You should congratulate yourself for catching these fish on a senko. Its a good presentation that works almost anywhere in the country and you seem to be doing something right.

fishing user avatarSPEEDBEAD. reply : 
  On 2/5/2013 at 5:07 AM, bassandcats said:

just wait till spring!!


Dude lives in Florida. It IS Spring. LOL


Just keep fishing, time on the water will yield you more fish. Use proven lures and techniques, present them in high percentage areas and fish whenever you can.

fishing user avatarChristian M reply : 

If the Senko is what they want, then give it to em, it may get boring fishing the same lure after a while, but its never boring catching fish! Right now most of our lakes up here are either frozen over, or still too cold to catch anything out of. Use this time to master the Senko until the fish start hitting other lures.

fishing user avatarClackerBuzz reply : 

I like to narrow down the day's lure by keep it simple.  I'm confident i can dead stick a senko or jig and land fish.  then i test out more action and or swimming.  feel free to use any soft plastic t-rigged in this manner.  swimming it fast would be my next class up ie a non vibration moving bait.  more aggressive would be a bladed/vibrating bait (spinnerbait, chatterbait etc).  i don't mess with topwater too much but i could eliminate it quickly if i located 4-5 times and didn't get any lookers w/ 30+casts.  Also, I have great success constantly moving.  I see fisherman sitting in the same place for hours.  I hike or paddle a lake/pond so I’m always casting in fresh/new water.  Your FIRST cast has the best chance at catching the biggest fish in the area. Why not just move to new water where you can have that awesome

chance again. I don’t fish, I hunt fish.

fishing user avatarSirSnookalot reply : 

I'm not a bass fisherman (b/c I only use spinning , lol) but I do live in Florida, not far from you, and fish for bass nearly everyday.  The calendar may say winter but it's spring down here and this is bass time.  The last couple of months has seen some pretty good bass fishing, true the last week or so has been slow, that will change just have to be patient because it's totally out of your control.  What you can control is where you are fishing and the baits being used.  Off the top of my head I would say there are 3 types of Florida canals, wide major ones with depths maybe 15', secondary ones that you can cast across and they may be about 7' deep and feeder canals that are 2 or 3' with a lot of slime and vegetation.  Being a bank fisherman I prefer the secondary type canals, like I have behind my home.  This time of year we have a lot of sea lettuce floating around so I'm mostly fishing weedless, either a jig and trailer or a fluke, casting either along the shoreline or in the middle and angled back to the shore.  Casting on the opposite bank and pulling your bait back into the water can work well too.  It's pretty hard to beat a plastic worm, I don't fish them often, I get more of a thrill watching a bass come up on top hitting a weighless fluke.  Some of the best areas to fish these canals are at a junction where 2 canals intersect.


We also have a ton of ponds, most hold some nice bass, these for the most part are not lakes, they are man made community ponds.  Some are barren and others do have some vegetation, that's seems to be controlled by the HOA, mine sprays every couple of months.  I'm using lighter gear and moving baits in these ponds, what you have already will work just fine, jigs, plastics can be used as well, whatever you are comfortable with.  When the fish are "on" it's easy and when the fish are "off " it just takes a bit more work and time, relax, don't pressure yourself and just let it happen.  If I could give 1 tip it would be this, don't caught up buying every bait on the market, you have plenty already, learn to fish with what you have first.


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