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The Show "Lost Lake" a Fraud? 2024

fishing user avatarLucky Craft Man reply : 

I saw an episode of "Lost Lake" the other day on WFN. For those of you who may not be familiar with the show, it is a lot like "Day on the Lake." They take an angler to a lake he/she has never been and shows their day as they try to figure out where the fish are. Well, the episode I saw had Dave Lefebre on a lake "somewhere in New York." Dave starts out the show by saying he has never been to this lake before and later in the show states that figuring out new lakes like this one are a great part of fishing. The lake he was on looked familiar to me and then they showed a map of the lake and I definitely knew it. It was Lake Chautauqua in Northwestern NY, a lake Dave used to guide on and also competed in many tournaments there! I was so disappointed, because these shows try to portray these anglers as being on brand new water (which would be a great concept), but instead they put them on lakes they know like the back of their hand. I guess these guys have too big of an ego to be put in a situation where they are truly on a lake they don't know for fear of failure. I hate to say it, but this make me lose some respect for Dave and any other pro anglers who may try to "deceive" their viewers (such as Italo Labignan getting caught snaggging whitefish and rehooking them to show them catching the fish on camera).

Is anyone else disappointed to learn about some of these antics the guys pull to help enhance their image as professionals?

fishing user avatarNateFollmer reply : 

It sucks, but it probably happens a lot more than we realize. That's TV! It's probably hard to get them out on a lake they have "never" been too. What are they going to do, give them a list of lakes and say, pick some you've never been too. If they put me in that situation, you bet I'd be researching some of those lakes I saw on the list...

I like how Facts of Fishing will show how real it is fishing. I remember watching a walleye episode where Dave only caught 1 tiny walleye (almost a fingerling haha). I really don't care if people aren't catching fish, if theres enough technique info in the show, I'll watch :)

fishing user avatarGrey Wolf reply : 

A lot of these shows are staged and deceiving but they still have thousands tuned in watching them.

fishing user avatarevrgladesbasser reply : 

This shouldn't be a suprise or a disappointment, it's been going on for years. How many people would tune in to watch a pro fisherman cast for 30 minutes without a catch? Not many. The question is what are they selling, and are you "buying" it

fishing user avatartyrius. reply : 
This shouldn't be a suprise or a disappointment, it's been going on for years.

This goes way past the "norm".  The premise of the show is not watch the host catch tons of fish on the baits that he is paid to fish.  The premise is watch the host/guest angler go through the process of breaking down a body of water that he's never been on.

I'd call it a fraud and never watch it again.  I watched a few "Day on the Lake" episodes where the anglers were launching their boats on the "lake" without a ramp (barely even a dirt area to launch). 

fishing user avatarflipin4bass reply : 
This shouldn't be a suprise or a disappointment, it's been going on for years.

This goes way past the "norm". The premise of the show is not watch the host catch tons of fish on the baits that he is paid to fish. The premise is watch the host/guest angler go through the process of breaking down a body of water that he's never been on.

I'd call it a fraud and never watch it again. I watched a few "Day on the Lake" episodes where the anglers were launching their boats on the "lake" without a ramp (barely even a dirt area to launch).

I agree with Tyrius, we've all been there, first time on a lake and you're going through a multi-step process to determine where to fish. I would much rather observe an angler going through this process than watching him haul in fish after fish in an area that he already knows produces.

fishing user avatarLucky Craft Man reply : 
This shouldn't be a surprise or a disappointment, it's been going on for years.

This goes way past the "norm". The premise of the show is not watch the host catch tons of fish on the baits that he is paid to fish. The premise is watch the host/guest angler go through the process of breaking down a body of water that he's never been on.

I'd call it a fraud and never watch it again. I watched a few "Day on the Lake" episodes where the anglers were launching their boats on the "lake" without a ramp (barely even a dirt area to launch).

I agree with Tyrius, we've all been there, first time on a lake and you're going through a multi-step process to determine where to fish. I would much rather observe an angler going through this process than watching him haul in fish after fish in an area that he already knows produces.

If you watch the show, Dave "finds" a real small sweet spot and starts ripping in 4 to 5 pound smallmouth like nothing.  Lake Chautauqua in not a huge lake (just over 13,000 surface acres), but it is not a lake you could expect to find these sweet spots that easily, especially in a half of day.

fishing user avatarfirefightn15 reply : 
This shouldn't be a suprise or a disappointment, it's been going on for years. How many people would tune in to watch a pro fisherman cast for 30 minutes without a catch? Not many. The question is what are they selling, and are you "buying" it

Misrepresenting the water they are fishing is a total load of crap. I'd rather they fish a water they know and swing 'em in left and right than lie to me about where they are fishing. At least while they are stacking them up like cord wood on familiar water, you get a look at their presentations and techniques and know your not being lied to. I say if it's true he should be called on it and offer up an explanation. 8-)

fishing user avatarTuckman reply : 

Its an amazing lake. Dave Lefebre knows that lake front to back.

look at the middle pic.

fishing user avatarevrgladesbasser reply : 
This shouldn't be a surprise or a disappointment, it's been going on for years.

This goes way past the "norm". The premise of the show is not watch the host catch tons of fish on the baits that he is paid to fish. The premise is watch the host/guest angler go through the process of breaking down a body of water that he's never been on.

I'd call it a fraud and never watch it again. I watched a few "Day on the Lake" episodes where the anglers were launching their boats on the "lake" without a ramp (barely even a dirt area to launch).

I agree with Tyrius, we've all been there, first time on a lake and you're going through a multi-step process to determine where to fish. I would much rather observe an angler going through this process than watching him haul in fish after fish in an area that he already knows produces.

If you watch the show, Dave "finds" a real small sweet spot and starts ripping in 4 to 5 pound smallmouth like nothing. Lake Chautauqua in not a huge lake (just over 13,000 surface acres), but it is not a lake you could expect to find these sweet spots that easily, especially in a half of day.

I agree with you guys that it's a load of crap trust me. For anglers like us, we would rather you "teach" us how to fish and find patterns on new waters, rather than just watch you reel in fish for 30 min and show us your brand new flashy lure in between. However I have heard so many rumors about so many bass fishing shows, at this point I take everything at face value, and that ain't much. So many shows you will see guys reeling in fish, but you don't see the cast or the hookset, why??? I've learned more about bass fishing from this site than any tv show. Why is that? Becuase I am not being sold anything and real people aren't afraid to say "hey fishing was tough today". People on here don't have there reputations to worry about becuase they don't lose money when they have a bad day. And the advertisers on here with good product don't have to promote thier product because we do it for them.

fishing user avatarLucky Craft Man reply : 

I guess my point is if Dave L. said, hey I'm on my favorite lake that I've been to 1000 time and I am going to show you a few tips that help me catch fish, then I would have no problem. But to say that you are on a Lake you have never seen before, when if fact you have every contour memorized, perturbs me a little. The only reason you would say that is to try and show people how great of a fisherman you are by going to a lake you have never seen and pull in a 25+ pound bag. I just don't understand it.

fishing user avatarSkunked in DR reply : 
I guess my point is if Dave L. said, hey I'm on my favorite lake that I've been to 1000 time and I am going to show you a few tips that help me catch fish, then I would have no problem. But to say that you are on a Lake you have never seen before, when if fact you have every contour memorized, perturbs me a little. The only reason you would say that is to try and show people how great of a fisherman you are by going to a lake you have never seen and pull in a 25+ pound bag. I just don't understand it.

I'd say you've understood it perfectly.

fishing user avatarJ Francho reply : 
Its an amazing lake. Dave Lefebre knows that lake front to back.

look at the middle pic.

LMAO, Gatto is all over my spots!  :D

As for the OP, someone should post call them on this.  That's bull.  I wouldn't care, as long they are truthful.  But that's fishing, never believe a word anyone says.  :-X

fishing user avatarRandall reply : 

I was having a conversation like this with someone involved in the fishing industry a few days ago. We were talking about a guy who had, according to someone who witnessed the electroshocking, took fish shocked up from a shock boat and was using same fish photos with the bait hanging from the mouth of the same electroshocked fish just days later to promote his baits and guide service. Photos exist of the same fish in the hands of the DNR and in his hands with the bait. Story was the photo was to be used for a magazine article later as well.

Now to me that is just wrong but I was told by this guy that at least by the fishing industry (Magazines, writers, lure companies, TV shows etc.) that it would be considered by many to be a "normal practice". :o

Now to tell on myself. :) I have done several magazine shoots where I caught the fish put them in the livewell and we took photos later. Even some of the action shots were all done later. I did catch the fish and caught them how the articles said I did. I have been asked if there was a bait I wanted to put in the photo. I declined but this told me it is done by others. I once put another bait in the fishes mouth for an action shot. I didn't want to harm the fish so I put a finesse jig in the mouth if the fish since it would do less harm to the fish to get the photo. Nothing in the article advertised the jig and I had nothing to gain from it but it made a good photo for what was a general lake info kind of article. But if you saw the photo you might think it was caught on the jig.

My point is that magazine articles photos are often staged and fishing shows often are too. There is also a lot of what is considered "normal" dishonesty that the fishing industry accepts and even encourages.

Bottom line is they are trying to sell you something.

fishing user avatarRaul reply : 

Bread and circus for the mass.

fishing user avatarmrbassky reply : 

I fished there before. I wish I could have seen that show too bad its not on Directv.

Still kinda Slimy. He could have found another lake if they really wanted.

fishing user avatarpudmunk reply : 

I watched a couple episodes, that is kinda fd up

fishing user avatarSkeeterDon reply : 

If we only new what we can't see or hear we would be in trouble.

fishing user avatarTaylor Fishin 4 life reply : 

You know it would be awsome if we had a little contest  on who makes the best fishing show here in this forum based on info,acting, shots.

fishing user avatarvapredhunter reply : 

Ok so I watch the Lost Lake show and I find it very helpful Ive been fishing 35 years and always find something useful in this show. So if they know the lake or not its still a helpful show :o!!!!!!

fishing user avatarjdw174 reply : 

Normally I watch this show and enjoy it.  I've fished Chautauqua Lake many times and won some money there.  It's a great lake.  After finally watching the show last night on my DVR, all I can say is that the scenery brought back some fond memories.  I found the rest of it rather boring.  Not the best for sure.

fishing user avatarpudmunk reply : 

I like Bass Edge

Also the skeeter bass champs was on last night, great show

fishing user avatarjdw174 reply : 
I like Bass Edge

Also the skeeter bass champs was on last night, great show

Bass Champs has the potential to be a lot better than it is.  Way too much talking/interviewing and not nearly enough fishing IMO.

fishing user avatar32251 reply : 

Knew of a fishing host in a small tv market over in alabama.  went out with the camera crew to a small private lake and when getting set up about daylight caught a 10+ pounder!  not enough light for the camera, so he just put it in the livewell and when the sun came up he and the camera man "staged" the catch again.    Now is that dishonest...he did in fact catch the fish.......sort of like instant replay!

as for the lake this guy "never" fished....that is not right!

fishing user avatarwackyworm66 reply : 

Fake or not, you can still learn from watching their techniques.

fishing user avatarbilgerat reply : 

The vast majority of fishing shows are about as exciting as watching grass grow. Most of them are nothing more than infomercials.

Why should the premise of fishing an unknown lake be intimidating to any angler ? Especially a "pro"

In fact, I'd like to see a show where several pro's have to fish a body of water they've never been to WITHOUT electronics of any kind. A boat and their gear. That's it. Now that would be interesting to me. Maybe include a few amateurs in the mix to keep it honest.


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