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Great fishing spot gone forever... 2024

fishing user avatarbilgerat reply : 

Had a deep sandwash close to home that a developer bought out and is putting up homes around it.

This place was awesome, could always count on some 5 to 6#ers with an occasional 7#er if you played your cards right. I'm bummed out big time about it.

Anyone else have something like this happen ?

fishing user avatarQuinn reply : 

That sucks, who had control over it before the developer got it? (I'm not anti development, I am a free trade kinda guy, but that is a drag) :-/

fishing user avatarSam reply : 

If the developer leaves the pond intact, just ask a few residents that back up to the pond for permission to fish.

If you are nice, clean cut and tell them that you release all fish and do not make a mess or leave litter around, you may get them to agree.

In the meantime, fish that pond as often as you can before the houses are sold.  ;)

fishing user avatarMuddy reply : 

If you look like me, find another place to fish, according to Sam

fishing user avatarBassinBoy reply : 

Sam's right.  I get kicked out of some neighborhood ponds once in a while.  I mean its kinda ridiculas because im a 14 year old whos just looking to catch a few fish.  Some people actually have the nerve to yell at you and tell you to leave even though im just a kid.  >:(

fishing user avatarQuinn reply : 
Sam's right. I get kicked out of some neighborhood ponds once in a while. I mean its kinda ridiculas because im a 14 year old whos just looking to catch a few fish. Some people actually have the nerve to yell at you and tell you to leave even though im just a kid. >:(

Yea, but you can't trespass on private property, if that is why your getting kicked out.  It sucks that allot of the places I see around here are on private property, I don't bother to ask them and just lick my chops at the thought of what I may catch there.  You can always ask permission.

fishing user avatarbilgerat reply : 

It was actually owned by a concrete plant. It was never really "open" to fishing but they never bothered you if thats all you did. Sometimes they would ask you how you were doing.

There were some isolated incidents over the years including one or two drownings. This place was very deep with very steep vertical drop offs. Great for fishing, not so great for swimming. People would swim for a while then discover it was difficult to get out after they got tired. They kind of clamped down on the place after that, but left the fishermen alone. We'll see how it goes after the development is complete, but it'll never be the same. I can only imagine what will happen to the water after a few years of fertilizer runoff from all of those manicured lawns :(

fishing user avatarflechero reply : 
Sam's right.  I get kicked out of some neighborhood ponds once in a while.  I mean its kinda ridiculas because im a 14 year old whos just looking to catch a few fish.  Some people actually have the nerve to yell at you and tell you to leave even though im just a kid.  >:(

I used to be one of those kids... never understood until I lived on the lake.  If you had any idea how many of the "innocent" kids had ripped off, littered, etc., you wouldn't be so offended when you get asked not to trespass.  Over the years, I've personally lost a few thousand dollars worth of fishing and boating gear.

If you had asked permission on the front end, you might still be fishing there.  

fishing user avatarGrey Wolf reply : 
Sam's right. I get kicked out of some neighborhood ponds once in a while. I mean its kinda ridiculas because im a 14 year old whos just looking to catch a few fish. Some people actually have the nerve to yell at you and tell you to leave even though im just a kid. >:(

Do you think you're special ? Ask for permission first.

fishing user avatarLucky Craft Man reply : 

The solution is simple, just buy a house on the lake.  Then you can kick everyone else out.

fishing user avatarbilgerat reply : 

It's going to be a 55 and over community. ;D

fishing user avatarBassinBoy reply : 
Sam's right. I get kicked out of some neighborhood ponds once in a while. I mean its kinda ridiculas because im a 14 year old whos just looking to catch a few fish. Some people actually have the nerve to yell at you and tell you to leave even though im just a kid. >:(

Yea, but you can't trespass on private property, if that is why your getting kicked out. It sucks that allot of the places I see around here are on private property, I don't bother to ask them and just lick my chops at the thought of what I may catch there. You can always ask permission.

It's not private property, most people just call it the homeowners association and tell me I cant fish there.  Makes me mad

fishing user avatartyrius. reply : 
It's not private property, most people just call it the homeowners association and tell me I cant fish there. Makes me mad.

If the land isn't owned by the gov't (city, county, state, federal) then it's private property.  Just because it's owned in common doesn't mean that it isn't private property.  A lake that has multiple houses on it can still be private property.

fishing user avatarmattm reply : 
It's not private property, most people just call it the homeowners association and tell me I cant fish there.  Makes me mad

If its in a neighborhood it is almost certainly private property.  I doubt a developer came in and said I want everything but where that little tank is.  Land isn't sold that way.  Futhermore, the HOA that you appear to think is nothing gets pretty hefty dues from everyone in the neighborhood for maintaining the pond and sub-division.  With those dues comes the right to fish and allow whoever they want to fish the pond.  I live in the exact kind of neighborhood you are talkin about.

Now a few of my neighbors are different, but I will let anyone fish the pond whether they ask or not.  However, I would prefer they ask.  When I see someone up there I don't know I walk up and look for litter, coolers(for fish).  If I see nothing alarming I walk of saying nothing.  If they are nice and we have a little conversation typically I will tell them my name and say that a few of neighbors don't like anyone fishing up here, but as long as they don't keep fish or litter they can say they are my guest.

fishing user avatarLucky Craft Man reply : 
It's going to be a 55 and over community. ;D

Oh...then I think your Grandmother or Parents (if they are over 55) need a new home.

fishing user avatarPigsticker reply : 

The only problem I see is if the houses are right on the water. So you would have to fish on people's backyards. If not I do not see any reason to be sad.

If anything less people will fish it now that it is private. Also I do not think many people will fish it from the community, people always forget about the places closest to them ;)

You just have to get permission and your set.

fishing user avatarmrbassky reply : 

Be optimistic. That lawn fertilizer runoff will make the fishing better trust me. The only thing you need to worry about is access and overharvest and more pressure.

fishing user avatarPaul Roberts reply : 

I'm old enough now to have seen the majority of my natural traipsing grounds lost to urbanization, either by access or downright destruction.

(I'm not anti development, I am a free trade kinda guy, but that is a drag)

The trouble with free-reign free market thinking is the assumption that somehow markets are organic, (something of nature) rather than contrived. Unfortunately, the understanding and value of natural processes just aren't a part of the vast majority of development I've seen rolling across this country and other parts of the globe I've been.

That lawn fertilizer runoff will make the fishing better trust me.

That is not apt to be true in the vast majority of cases.

fishing user avatarBassinBoy reply : 
It's not private property, most people just call it the homeowners association and tell me I cant fish there. Makes me mad

If its in a neighborhood it is almost certainly private property. I doubt a developer came in and said I want everything but where that little tank is. Land isn't sold that way. Futhermore, the HOA that you appear to think is nothing gets pretty hefty dues from everyone in the neighborhood for maintaining the pond and sub-division. With those dues comes the right to fish and allow whoever they want to fish the pond. I live in the exact kind of neighborhood you are talkin about.

Now a few of my neighbors are different, but I will let anyone fish the pond whether they ask or not. However, I would prefer they ask. When I see someone up there I don't know I walk up and look for litter, coolers(for fish). If I see nothing alarming I walk of saying nothing. If they are nice and we have a little conversation typically I will tell them my name and say that a few of neighbors don't like anyone fishing up here, but as long as they don't keep fish or litter they can say they are my guest.

So im wrong about the private property, but like mattm said he looks for coolers and litter and such.  I never leave anything there and I always release the fish I catch.  Most of the time I even know a few people personally who live in the neighborhood but they still like to kick innocent kids out.  ;D

fishing user avatarbilgerat reply : 

You're still young, people are going to treat you differently. I didn't say it's fair, it is what it is.

If after asking permission politely and you are declined, thank them for their time and walk away. That will make a positive impression on them. You left the door open for them to change their minds.

A word on sneaking into a private development to fish. Years ago my buddy's brother in law got nailed for it. Homeowners assn. pressed trespassing charges and the judge made 'em stick. $300 fishing trip. :o

It could as well have been us, as my buddy and I did it many times. That ended our midnight fishing trips. I'm not gonna lecture you, just be aware of what can happen.

fishing user avatarmattm reply : 
but like mattm said he looks for coolers and litter and such.

Don't forget that I also said I prefer to be asked. ;).  All you need is permission from one person and you have no worries.  You might even make a new fishing buddy.

fishing user avatarGrey Wolf reply : 
It's not private property, most people just call it the homeowners association and tell me I cant fish there. Makes me mad

If its in a neighborhood it is almost certainly private property. I doubt a developer came in and said I want everything but where that little tank is. Land isn't sold that way. Futhermore, the HOA that you appear to think is nothing gets pretty hefty dues from everyone in the neighborhood for maintaining the pond and sub-division. With those dues comes the right to fish and allow whoever they want to fish the pond. I live in the exact kind of neighborhood you are talkin about.

Now a few of my neighbors are different, but I will let anyone fish the pond whether they ask or not. However, I would prefer they ask. When I see someone up there I don't know I walk up and look for litter, coolers(for fish). If I see nothing alarming I walk of saying nothing. If they are nice and we have a little conversation typically I will tell them my name and say that a few of neighbors don't like anyone fishing up here, but as long as they don't keep fish or litter they can say they are my guest.

So im wrong about the private property, but like mattm said he looks for coolers and litter and such. I never leave anything there and I always release the fish I catch. Most of the time I even know a few people personally who live in the neighborhood but they still like to kick innocent kids out. ;D

When is sainthood going to bestowed on you ?

fishing user avatarBassinBoy reply : 
but like mattm said he looks for coolers and litter and such.

Don't forget that I also said I prefer to be asked. ;). All you need is permission from one person and you have no worries. You might even make a new fishing buddy.

The funny thing is about that is I had permission from two different people who lived in the neighborhoods and people still kicked me and my buddy out.  I asked two seperate houses and personally knew a few of them and I still was bothered.  Heck, the one man came down and offered to me water once, an umbrella one time when it was raining, and offered to have me for lunch.  But in the end some guy still managed to get me out of there.

fishing user avatarmattm reply : 

If you have friends that live there and really have permission then you need to stand up for yourself.  Call the HOA and tell them your parents are considering buying a home and would like to see a copy of the deed restrictions.  Make sure that residents have the authority to allow guests there without being present.  If so the next time the guy trys to kick you out just simply say I'm a guest of John Smith he lives at 100 abc street and his number is 817-234-7834.  If thats not good enough for him tell him to call the cops.  It will be good enough for them.  Keep the restrictions in your box so you can show the cops.

fishing user avatarZeNoob reply : 

I live in a condo built around an old sand pit. Are HOA has alot of rules for the pond. One rule is,"if your guest is fishing or around the pond then you have to be with him." also the HOA spends alot of money every year on the pond. Stocking cats, and dealing with the algie. The bass are not allowed to be kept.

From the prospective of a person who lives on a sand pit like your, I pay alot of money every year to have access to this slice of haven. And dont want it opened up to the public.

fishing user avatardaviscw reply : 
I live in a condo built around an old sand pit. Are HOA has alot of rules for the pond. One rule is,"if your guest is fishing or around the pond then you have to be with him." also the HOA spends alot of money every year on the pond. Stocking cats, and dealing with the algie. The bass are not allowed to be kept.

From the prospective of a person who lives on a sand pit like your, I pay alot of money every year to have access to this slice of haven. And dont want it opened up to the public.

I don't blame you there.

fishing user avatarBassinBoy reply : 

Im sure if a 14 year old like me stood up to a grown man that was kicking me out it would cause even more trouble though.

fishing user avatarGrey Wolf reply : 

Im sure if a 14 year old like me stood up to a grown man that was kicking me out it would cause even more trouble though.

You really have to take into account that some people might not like you.

fishing user avatarbassinri reply : 
Had a deep sandwash close to home that a developer bought out and is putting up homes around it.

This place was awesome, could always count on some 5 to 6#ers with an occasional 7#er if you played your cards right. I'm bummed out big time about it.

Anyone else have something like this happen ?

That kind of thing happens all the time here in Rhode Island. Not so much with new develpments but with existing spots being fenced off and leaving no access to get in the pond. EVERY spring without fail another spot gets blocked off. Its usually not because of the fishermen its because of the JERKS dumping stuff in the lake or teenagers partying there.

fishing user avatarFishing Rhino reply : 

Here's an interesting possibility no one has suggested..

Talk to a lawyer.  If you and others have had access to the pond for years, you may have a legal right to continued access.  A change of ownership does not necessarily eliminate that right.

There are countless stories of folks who have bought waterfront property only to find that because a prior owner granted access, they are powerless to prevent folks from using that access.

I'm not sure of the legal term, but for sure it exists.  Laws vary from one locale to another, but you may have the legal right to continue accessing the pond.


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