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Fish dont like smokers? 2024

fishing user avatarBASSMAN1301599783 reply : 

Some people tell me that fish dont like the smell of tobacco or nicatine (sp) I have never noticed a difference. My buddy spits his dip onto a new lure before he throws it out and i smoke while i fish. what do you all think?

fishing user avatarRJS2 reply : 

Hmm I chew maybe i should try that someday...

fishing user avatarKU_Bassmaster. reply : 

Maybe people are just telling you this to get you to stop.  How many times do you hear or told that smoking is bad for you and yada yada yada.  Is that getting you to stop?  Now, somebody tells you that it will effect your fishing .............. now you are considering stopping (at least while your fishing). ;D  Just my $.02.  This isn't made to be mean, just an interesting observation.  Nothing can stand in the way of a man and his fish. ;D

fishing user avatarLow_Budget_Hooker reply : 

has anyone seen the new "bang pure craw dip"  tastes like crap but fish love it!! lol

fishing user avatarel_jewapo reply : 

i smoke while i'm fishing, i don't think it matters.

fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 


Ditto, fish don't care.

fishing user avatarSkeeter6598 reply : 

Don't do like I've done. I had a smoke in my mouth and came back with a hookset and it burnt the line in to! Talk about being ticked off! haha! Lesson well learned!

fishing user avatartexasbass1 reply : 

I have asked a number of the bass I have caught  if my smoking bothered them and they don't mind at all.

More anti-smoking propaganda

Smoke em if ya got em   ;D

fishing user avatarBuckeyeStateBass reply : 

I don't think the fish care, but more importantly a big cigar helps keep the little bugs out of my face at least...

fishing user avatarbassin4life reply : 

caught plinty of fish smoking the same as when i don't smoke.

fishing user avatarMuddpuppy reply : 

I thought the title was a riot  ;D  I know they probably don't care much for my cajon cooker.  As far as cigarettes go they might not mind haveing one if they wern't what's on it.

fishing user avatartnroadrnr reply : 

I really enjoy a good cigar while fishing.

I think the bass like "Lucky Strikes"    :o

fishing user avatarPa Angler reply : 

Sometimes I wonder if all this talk of masking human scent on lures isn't a marketing scam to sell lure scent. The original Creme Worms had nothing but human scent and caught tons of fish so why not tobacco products on lures. Hey maybe the fish will get a nicatine addiction and then we can put chew on all our lures and catch more fish. "LOL"


The Pa Angler

fishing user avatarLow_Budget_Hooker reply : 

PA,.you workin for sponsorship from U.S. Tobacco?  lol

fishing user avatarPa Angler reply : 

Ya know Low Budget One that sounds like a good idea maybe I need to propose this to the tobacco companies "MMMMM" sounds like a plan for a six digit income "MMMMMM". LOL

fishing user avatarguest reply : 

idont know but smokers like to fish ::)

fishing user avatarMuddpuppy reply : 

Most herbivorous animals love tobacco try sticking a cigar (unlit) up in front of a horses nose. Bugs love it too. We used to spit tobacco juice on worms thinking it increased their catching ability. I wouldn't take up the habit because of that however. And I have seen bream attack chewing tobacco thrown in the water.

fishing user avatarPa Angler reply : 

I've seen Bream attack normal everyday spit as far as that goes. Just imagine all the bad breath I wonder if Catfish will like it.

fishing user avatarMuddpuppy reply : 

Catfish probably roll their own.  But I have seen them take gold hooks and tabacco juice too, but in all fairness they also took just the hooks.

fishing user avatarel_jewapo reply : 

this is kind of off topic, but here goes.

my dad said one time he was deer hunting on a ladder stand dipping snuff and spitting it under him.

he said a deer came up and stuck its head through the steps of his ladder, smelling the spit. i've never tried it though.

i smoke while i hunt, i smoke while i bow hunt and kill deer, it's all about the wind and not throwing them on the ground. i'd probably kill more deer if i didn't and i usually won't do it the first few times i hunt a spot.

fishing user avatargc reply : 

I've heard that you should avoid applying sun-screen while fishing so I try to remember to put it on before I go, then wash my hands. Is this just a myth too?

fishing user avatarel_jewapo reply : 

i don't know about sun screen, most of it smells good and might actually work as an attractant. but i wouldn't count on it.

i don't use sun screen like i should. what i'm more worried about is insect repellant. when i use that, if i get it on my hands i wash my hands with a fish attractant to mask the smell. i don't think human scent or even cigarette smoke scent will stay on the bait longer than a cast or two, chemicals are a different story.

fishing user avatarBASSMAN1301599783 reply : 

WOW ! didn't expect this post to get so many replies. I guess a lot of fisherman smoke. I have to pick up some cigars to keep those little bugs out of my face, great idea. I dont like to put any thing on my hands that smells, like bug spray or sun screen, so ill put on rubber gloves then put on sunscreen then take them off again and throw em away. Maybe im just weird ?

fishing user avatarKana reply : 

hers one for the sunscreen debate.  i apply it well in advance to actually fishing, then wash my hands afterwards.  sometimes i may be off and geta little too close to my mouth, it dosent taste all that great so i doubt if the fish like it either!  i may be wrong too!

fishing user avatarBassin101 reply : 

Are there any nonsmoking fishermen?  Do fish like beer drinkers or not? ;D

fishing user avatardeep_waters reply : 

I too have worried about sunscreen.  I used to put on sunscreen via rub in method, lean over boat, wash my hands in the water, spray tons on fish scent on my hands, rub it in, and again wash in water.  Then I would apply another dose of fish spray.  Looked like a darn fool.  Anyway, now I buy the sport spray on sunscreen that you don't have to rub in and it doesn't even get on your hands.  Here's what I get and I'm not a spokesman or anything! ;D  

However the kind I buy at Wally World is in a blue container.  

fishing user avatar2_Poppa reply : 
this is kind of off topic, but here goes.

my dad said one time he was deer hunting on a ladder stand dipping snuff and spitting it under him.

he said a deer came up and stuck its head through the steps of his ladder, smelling the spit. i've never tried it though.

i smoke while i hunt, i smoke while i bow hunt and kill deer, it's all about the wind and not throwing them on the ground. i'd probably kill more deer if i didn't and i usually won't do it the first few times i hunt a spot.

One of my biggest deer to date came when a 140 class buck came sneaking through the woods  almost on his knees avoiding my buddys deer stand who seen the deer while he was smoking...

Another time I witnessed what I thought was a doe walk up to my buddy sitting on the ground, rifle in hand smoking, walked all the way within spitting distance sniffing the air, and began to rub her head on the scope of his gun.

Turns out it was a button buck  rubbing his nubs on his scope. He only left after a couple of whiskers got singed.

Why? The young buck still had his curiosity in tact...

The big buck had encounterd smokers before and associated it with danger and was fleeing...

Fish do not associate smoking with danger. 8)

Neither do humans... ::)

fishing user avatar12gauge reply : 

one tip i learned was to carry a small bottle of garlic powder it kills any smell - tobacco, insect spray, sun screen, etc.....

fishing user avatar12gauge reply : 

one tip i learned was to carry a small bottle of garlic powder it kills any smell - tobacco, insect spray, sun screen, etc.....

fishing user avatarLunkerGuy reply : 

I've had gasoline, oil, cigatettes, and sunscreen on my hands at one time or another.  I don't see the big deal.

Although, I try to avoid the gas and cigarettes at the same time..for obvious reasons!


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