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Stolen stuff off boat 2024

fishing user avatarSnakemover reply : 

I keep my boat on the lake in a neighborhood marina. The lake is open to the public. Someone less fortunate than myself came along and stole the battery off my boat!

Now, I could have lived with that. But the slimy piece of scum also broke into the storage box on my boat and stole my tackle box and ,worst of all, my sons new rocket bobber fishing rod!!!

What kind of person would steal a kid's fishing rod???

Obviously the guy has a boat and is into fishing. I could understand if he needed a battery and didn't have the money. That's a crime of need. But breaking into the storage box and stealing my tackle box and son's fishing rod is just mean and nasty.

Hey thief, if you like fishing, maybe you're reading this. I hope the karma comes back to you tenfold. My kid is bummed out.

fishing user avatarJ_Zink reply : 

Sadly, it's not uncommon to hear about theft rings working lakes. Most of the time they're pulling smaller OB's off the back of small boats, pulling high end SS props, graphs/electronics and taking any fishing tackle that isn't locked up.

Sorry to hear.

fishing user avatarww2farmer reply : 

I wouldn't be so understanding if they just stole the battery. Stealing is stealing, no matter what they take. IMHO only a low life steals, "need" or not, and only the lowest of the low take things that belong to kids.

fishing user avatarSenkoShawn reply : 

hey man i dont know how u held up. id be ripping threw every boat i see if someone stole my kids stuff. sorry about this. i really am. i have a good discount at dicks cause my wife is a manager there if u can find the rod on there and give me ur address threw pm id like to buy your son a new rod. i know how crappy he must feel i have a 4yr old who loves fishing as much as me. and to steel from a kid, well there just no reason to do something that messed up. and karma will get him. dont worry.

fishing user avatarrondef reply : 

Sorry some pos took your stuff from your boat. He will have to answer for it one day. Hopefully the authorities will catch him one day and lock his sorry behind up.

fishing user avatarMALTESE FALCON reply : 

Sorry to hear of your misfortune.

Unfortunately, it's all too common. As J_Zink said, usually when the thieves strike, they take all the high-dollar items, like electronics, props, and small motors. (I've had it happen, I lost my kicker motor to a thief three years ago)

Anybody that steals from a child is a complete piece of crap.

Now your real problems start.............dealing with the insurance company. (they're almost as bad as the thieves)

Good luck,


fishing user avatardone reply : 

Dude that sucks! Was it off Lake Norman or Wylie? Just curious. The both have had a bad rap lately for that type of garbage. Almost makes you wish it was legal to wire a 110 line to the lock when you leave your boat. Course then he would probably get melted to the deck. You'd never get that smell out.

I would not be so understanding about the battery. One of my friend just bought one, He had to save up for it. It was not cash he just had lying around. I would not see it as a need. You do not need to go out in your boat. Not to mention, I am sure you do not pick your money from trees in your back yard.

That is pretty darned low taking a kids stuff though. I would bet it was because of the "cool" factor. I remember seeing one of those in target.

fishing user avatar32251 reply : 
I. I could understand if he needed a battery and didn't have the money. That's a crime of need.

What the heck is that????   A crime of "need"???????

Need for fishing stuff?? That is no excuse for stealing stuff out of your boat.

fishing user avatarGlenn reply : 

Unfortunately theives are everywhere.  They steal whenever and wherever the boat is unattended, even when it's attached to your truck and you're asleep in the back of it!

Be forewarned - protect your boat whenever you're not on it.  They have locking bolts for props and wheels, extra locks for storage compartments, and event locking mounts for electronics these days. If nothing else, always put the cover on it as it makes it less of an easy target. Cheap insurance!

fishing user avatardone reply : 

Yeah i would stress insurance. No matter how much you protect it, if someone wants to steal from it bad enough, they will eventually get what they want.

fishing user avatarBassnajr reply : 


I have been in law enforcement for 25 years and unfortunately, see this every day. Some people will steal anything that is not locked down. A kids set-up...stolen for another child. How could anyone give their child a stolen fishing rod to fish with? This gives you a little more insight into the kind of scum you are dealing with. If you have a marina orginization, that's your best bet. People looking out for people works best. Good luck.


fishing user avatarGonzoFishing reply : 
hey man i dont know how u held up. id be ripping threw every boat i see if someone stole my kids stuff. sorry about this. i really am. i have a good discount at dicks cause my wife is a manager there if u can find the rod on there and give me ur address threw pm id like to buy your son a new rod. i know how crappy he must feel i have a 4yr old who loves fishing as much as me. and to steel from a kid, well there just no reason to do something that messed up. and karma will get him. dont worry.

Totally suks! I know my kid would be really hurt if her rod was stolen. Way to go SenkoShawn! Thats what I love about this forum and most anglers in general. Good looking out!

fishing user avatarSinDale reply : 

Sounds like kids to me. However, up here in NY we have had a few guys with stuff taken from their trucks, boats, campsites, you name it. A friend of mine talked to the DEC and says that they arrested 4 Russian speaking guys, with P.A. plates with a truck FULL of gear, from kickers to fly gear.

I'm sorry to hear about you're gear. Its hard enough for us all to dump the money we do into our hobbies...

fishing user avatarjax reply : 

I to am sorry to here about your loss. Stealing from my 3 1/2 yr old little girl hurts more than stealing from me. I'm about to buy her a fishing pole. She would be devasted if something were to happen to it. She's at that age.

Theives suck. It is hard to claim on insurance because unless you have alot of high end stuff it may not be enough to meet your deductible. I'm new to fishing and I understand what it is like to start from nothing. It gets expensive fast. Especially when you are on a budget. I can't imagine have a full tackle box and then have it stolen.

Down on one of the river boat ramps theives are breaking into parked cars. They wait until people either go boating or go running. They are mainly looking for purses but they will take what ever is handy.

I hate thieves.

fishing user avatardone reply : 

Yeah I have seen ones here who break a car side window to get in for pocket change. I WISH you could get something like that trunk monkey commercial. That would rock.

fishing user avatarSam reply : 

OK, so we all agree the loss is awful and the items stolen will probably never be recovered.

Glenn stated that we need to protect our equipment on our boats, trucks and trailer.  I totally agree as we are "sitting targets" for people who do not hold the same high principals of fair play and honesty as us fishermen do.

So we can only transfer so much to others, be it an insurance company, a rich relative or under a contractural arrangement.

This means we must assume part of any loss and therefore protect our property the best we can.

I am taking Glenn's suggestions very seriously as I do not protect my trailer wheels or my motor's prop. Or my trolling motor.  And all I can do is lock the boat's cabinets other than the battery compartment which can be opened by anyone at any time.

One of the items I may purchase is an alarm that is placed on motel room doors so it will activate when moved.  If we place these types of alarms in our boat or in a compartment they will sound an alarm to notify us of a problem.

Remember, the three things that thieves hate are light, sound and things that impede their speed thereby adding time to their criminal activity.

Although this is not the first post discussing the loss of fishing equipment to third-parties, it is time for us to protect ourselves and equipment from the perks.

Now, with that said, does anyone know where I can get a Claymore mine???  ;D   ;D   ;D

fishing user avatardone reply : 

I actually went to Depot a while back and grabbed a length of heavy duty galvanized chain, I run it through the wheels on my trailer, around the axle a couple times and it meets up with a rather large Pad lock.

Still not impossible to steal, but i plan to make the thief work for it a bit. I like your idea of an alarm to it. A big honkin' screeching alarm would certainly get a thief running. Especially in an area where they may be people who would heard it.

fishing user avatarsewholesale reply : 

Man that sucks.

fishing user avatarTrippyJai reply : 

wow... honestly, how lame can people be. stealing from each other is so wrong. you could never just put something out there unlocked and unsupervised and expect it to stay in its place. someone always would think of stealing. makes me sick how people try to take advatange of each other rather than helping each other to make this world a better place. sigh... i hate stories like this. just so stupid...

fishing user avatarLong Mike reply : 

I bought a car alarm off E-Bay for $20 and adapted it to my boat for an additional $20.  If anyone opens any hatch, or jars the boat, there goes the alarm.  Also, I installed a tilt sensor.  Anyone trying to steal the boat will have to crank it down to their hitch.  There goes the alarm.

fishing user avatarpreach4bass reply : 
I bought a car alarm off E-Bay for $20 and adapted it to my boat for an additional $20. If anyone opens any hatch, or jars the boat, there goes the alarm. Also, I installed a tilt sensor. Anyone trying to steal the boat will have to crank it down to their hitch. There goes the alarm.

That's a great idea.  Could you post more information about this?

fishing user avatarLong Mike reply : 

preach4bass, Car alarms have circuitry that will set off the alarm if a door is opened.  I used magnetic switches on all my hatches and accomplished the same thing.  Also, car alarms have a shock sensor to detect glass breakage.  No mods necessory for me other than adjusting the sensitivity.  If you bump the boat, it sets off the alarm.  As for the tilt sensor, that was my own design, with some help from Ghotti.  This requires a more than a casual knowledge of electronics.  PM me if you want more info.

fishing user avatarGlenn reply : 

Brilliant idea Mike!

fishing user avatarTom H. reply : 

I know what your feeling - Someone cut the chains off of my boat and lifted it off the trailer a few weeks ago . Really sucks

fishing user avatarpreach4bass reply : 
Brilliant idea Mike!

I agree.  You could make millions off of that idea, and then be able to retire and travel all over the country fishing all the time.....Oh, wait, you already do that. ;D  But it would be nice to see someone market a boat alarm.

fishing user avatarSnakemover reply : 

Thanks for the condolences and well wishes guys.

I have taken measures to make sure it doesn't happen again. I bought a new storage box. But this one is the steel kind they use on construction sites. It's solid steel and locks up weather tight. You'd need a serious blow torch to get into it. It will be bolted to the deck to store my stuff.

The new battery will be bolted to the deck with a steel strap that would take a good hour to cut thru.

I'm also trying to get the other boat owners to force the HOA to set up security cameras and beef up police patrols.

Wish I could rig up some small explosives to surprise the next thief that comes along.

If a thief get's his leg caught in a bear trap or wire snare on my boat, could I be held liable for that?

fishing user avatardone reply : 

If you were in NY I would say definitely but here in NC, you might could get away with that. Maybe not in Charlotte though. I know in the mountains they define justifiable homicide by declaring "He needed killin'" and someone stealing a childs fishing rod from a boat would certainly fall into that category.

fishing user avatarSam reply : 

I know the new Bass Cats have compartment alarms.

I have no idea if any other boats have alarms.

Great ideas.  Will consider some of them.  :)

fishing user avatarGrey Wolf reply : 
Thanks for the condolences and well wishes guys.

I have taken measures to make sure it doesn't happen again. I bought a new storage box. But this one is the steel kind they use on construction sites. It's solid steel and locks up weather tight. You'd need a serious blow torch to get into it. It will be bolted to the deck to store my stuff.

The new battery will be bolted to the deck with a steel strap that would take a good hour to cut thru.

I'm also trying to get the other boat owners to force the HOA to set up security cameras and beef up police patrols.

Wish I could rig up some small explosives to surprise the next thief that comes along.

If a thief get's his leg caught in a bear trap or wire snare on my boat, could I be held liable for that?

He would sue you and win.

fishing user avatarJimzee reply : 
I bought a car alarm off E-Bay for $20 and adapted it to my boat for an additional $20. If anyone opens any hatch, or jars the boat, there goes the alarm. Also, I installed a tilt sensor. Anyone trying to steal the boat will have to crank it down to their hitch. There goes the alarm.

I could have a lot of fun with this on my boat.


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