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Fishing Log Idea 2024

fishing user avatarNick_Barr reply : 

I have found it to be a hassle to write everything down. Instead, I use a video camera or my cell phones voice memo to talk my fishing into, then i get home review it and put it on my computer.

any of you guys do something similar?

fishing user avatarJeff_NHBA reply : 

I just upgraded my cell phone and use the voice recording feature instead of writing reports.  I will also copy fishing reports from various sources and paste them onto my PDA for quick reference.

fishing user avatarDDbasser reply : 

Thats a great idea, I never thought about using my cell phone voice memo to record my days events.

I always write it down until now.

Thanks for the great idea.  

fishing user avatarBassMaster_1 reply : 

I have 2 log books, One for home and one for the boat.  I just scribble stuff down on the boat log, to remember.  Then do a more detailed report in my home log.  My home log i have broke down in different lakes i have fished, so its a bit bulky to lug around.  I think they help alot when you go back to a lake you dont fish often.

fishing user avatarFutureClassicChamp reply : 

would anyone be interested in buying a super log for the computer, kinda like bassmaster1's home log. with every possible detail and you can look up all information based on each individual body of water or lure type, or whatever else?

fishing user avatarNew Bass Man reply : 


fishing user avatarFutureClassicChamp reply : 

still brainstorming right now. i have a few ideas whether it be making and distributing copies or creating a website and make it one big shared file, i dont know yet. trying to get some feedback from those interested first.

fishing user avatarbassackwards reply : 

nick, what do u put them into on ur computer?

and the log sounds like a good idea....

fishing user avatarBASSMAN1301599783 reply : 
would anyone be interested in buying a super log for the computer, kinda like bassmaster1's home log. with every possible detail and you can look up all information based on each individual body of water or lure type, or whatever else?

Thats a good idea I have been keeping my eye out for one to come around. Let us know what you end up doing. ;D

fishing user avatarpiranha reply : 

The computerized log already exists. You can download a trial from

I never actually used my trial and the time ended so I can't tell you much about it. It sounded good, but again, I didn't use it. It indicates that you can pull up graphs and info on just about every attribute that you input so that you can find trends.

Let us know how it works for you.

fishing user avatarFutureClassicChamp reply : 

any idea how much it is after the 30 day free trial is over? i was thinking of keeping it cheap, just like 25 bucks or whatever. ill fool around with it this weekend and try to estimate how many hours itll take to come up with a decent model.

fishing user avatarHookhead reply : 

Didn't someone a while back mention that their girlfriend put together a detailed Excel spreadsheet that worked well?  That's a great idea.

fishing user avatarFutureClassicChamp reply : 

excel would limit you to one dimesion. i wanna put it in access where you can use buttons and lookup fields to search for specific things.

fishing user avatarHookhead reply : 

You're right Future, even better idea!

fishing user avatarNick_Barr reply : 

FutureClassicChamp, PM Me when you get that log started. I am very interested.

fishing user avatarFutureClassicChamp reply : 

will do, ill also start a new thread.

fishing user avatarBASSMAN1301599783 reply : 

Yea keep me posted on it too.

fishing user avatarPhishn_Phool reply : 

I also would be interested...thank

                                        CPR ;D

fishing user avatarguest reply : 

I'm an Access wiz.  

If you need some help with your project, let me know.  I'd be glad to lend a hand.

fishing user avatarNew Bass Man reply : 

I use a program called Fishing Log V3.5 for my PDA.  It's by Ahchi.  You can find it here FREE:

It's pretty straight forward--no bells and whistles but it does keep track of the following:

Best Location

Most Fish Caught

Biggest Fish Caught



Water Level

Water Color

Water temp

Air Temp

Numerous customizable fields.  I keep track of tackle and Rods I was using.

The program appear to have been developed for fly fishing but it adapts pretty good for bass fishing.

fishing user avatarJeff_NHBA reply : 


 I just loaded that onto my PDA.  Very cool.  Thanks!

fishing user avatarMoBassFishN reply : 

any idea how much it is after the 30 day free trial is over? i was thinking of keeping it cheap, just like 25 bucks or whatever. ill fool around with it this weekend and try to estimate how many hours itll take to come up with a decent model.

Cost of that software is $49.95. I like the idea of it and really should start using it as sometimes my memory isn't as good as I'd like!

Here's the link:

fishing user avatarabelfisher reply : 
Didn't someone a while back mention that their girlfriend put together a detailed Excel spreadsheet that worked well? That's a great idea.

I think that was Low Budget Hooker's girlfriend.  I think she can do just about anything.

fishing user avatarbassackwards reply : 

any experienced anglers find any pros and cons to this idea?  whether it would be sufficient or not?  er, helpful or not in fishing?

fishing user avatarGatorbassman reply : 

Go to Ebay and do a search for FOL2002. It is the best fishing log I know of and only cost 16 bucks. It is searchable and has a place for pictures and much more. It has just about everything.

fishing user avatarfireandice reply : 

I did some of this with my other, yet even more anal hobby...flyfishing.  I think we can spend too much time deciphering facts and data.  I simply use my camera phone to take pics of good fish.  This I can look back on for dates, sizes, times of day, etc.  Granted not everyone carries one of these, but all the data can sometimes weigh a guy down.  The fishing is never the same two days in a row at any given place.  That's part of the whole experience.  Experimentation, hypothesis, theory.  Just my opinion.  I'm sure some don't agree, but seriously guys, do we want to go blind going over data sheets trying to figure out what to use on what lake?  Look at the weather, look in your box, take a deep breath and trust all that we've already learned by studying all the ideas here and I think you'll enjoy your fishing trips even more.  Flyfishers zen maybe, but read some of the poetic fishing literature.  I don't recall too many fishing logs.  Log it in memory, smell the air, take it all in, and above all, make one more cast instead of logging info. on a database.

fishing user avatarNew Bass Man reply : 

Fire and Ice,

While I can't disagree with anything you said, I think each to his own.  But there's nothing wrong with recording facts.  Some can benefit from the data stream while others, not so much.  

I like the camera phone and the technology it represents.  

It's all good!

fishing user avatarfireandice reply : 

Welcome Newbassman,

Thanks for the input.  I appreciate it.  We're all in this together.  

fishing user avatarbassackwards reply : 

u might wana check this site out...

fishing user avatarBass_junky reply : 

I use my GPS as my logbook. It already lists the current conditions, moon phase and of course location. All i input is the water depth, lure presentation, structure/cover & a name for saving data. When I get home i simply download it to my computer and can search the database by date.

A access database would be more user friendly. I will take a peek at some of these and may generate one.


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