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What Does Bass Fishing Do For You? 2024

fishing user avatarjunebugmn reply : 

Just interested in what other people think how it affect's them, and the emotional connection they have when they are thinking of bass fishing or better yet out doing it!! For me, it relieve's a lot of the stresses of everyday live, I have heard some of the tourney pro's say they get tired of it, and I can't figure that one out!!! I LOVE TO BASS FISH Nuff said! :D Junebugman

fishing user avatarFish Chris reply : 

It totally allows me to clear my head. 100% stress relief. I can call all of the shots. Make all of the decisions, and answer to NOBODY !

I've often said, I'm infinitely happier on the water with an empty wallet, than at work with a full one :) {of course what's even worse, is being at work with an empty one.... but that's a whole other can of worms :)}

BTW, as much as I love bass fishing, ANY species of fish (if they are biting) will usually do just fine :)

I also get most of the same relief out in an open field, or in the mountains, or at the ocean, with my camera (trying to capture that trophy shot) > as long as I'm by myself. Having anybody there to distract me, pretty much ruins it.



fishing user avatarAlex Cirabisi reply : 
  On 5/15/2011 at 12:24 AM, Fish Chris said:

It totally allows me to clear my head. 100% stress relief. I can call all of the shots. Make all of the decisions, and answer to NOBODY !

I've often said, I'm infinitely happier on the water with an empty wallet, than at work with a full one :) {of course what's even worse, is being at work with an empty one.... but that's a whole other can of worms :)}

BTW, as much as I love bass fishing, ANY species of fish (if they are biting) will usually do just fine :)

I also get most of the same relief out in an open field, or in the mountains, or at the ocean, with my camera (trying to capture that trophy shot) > as long as I'm by myself. Having anybody there to distract me, pretty much ruins it.



i dont think i coulda said it any better. i love just fishing in general. its just relaxing, gets me outa the house, and i love being by the water, clear deep water is just beautiful to just gaze down into the depths and watch what ever is down there. i can go out every week and get something new for fishing and not break the bank, and most other bass fishermen are great to hang around and the older guys always have good fishing stories ( but theres always that rotten egg that is just inconsiderate ).^_^

fishing user avatarScorcher214 reply : 

It just lets me chill. I don't have to worry about anything.

fishing user avatarRed reply : 

Same for me. Just being out there enjoying the outdoors. I saw a Bald Eagle this morning. It was in an old dead tree not far from me, then it flew right over me. I don't know much about them, but this one in particular seemed freakin huge to me. It looked like it was six feet across its wings. Anyway, thats the kind of thing that makes it great being out there.

fishing user avatardhami013 reply : 

Well I mean for the pro's it's a way of lively hood. It's how they make their dough. Most people who work for money eventually get tired of working.

For me. Love bass fishing. I can stand there, catch hardly any fish. And still be glad it's a day at peace. Really seeing God's creations and how they interact together. But I do love hooking into a hog.

fishing user avatarFat-G reply : 

Usually I take fishing pretty seriously, especially when I'm not catching anything.

Otherwise I just throw a dip in and relax.

fishing user avatarynnhoj86 reply : 

I just like fish. I own a koi pond with koi and a few large 75+ saltwater reef tanks. It seems my life revolves around fish somedays. Lol

fishing user avatarHuntnfish reply : 

Like Billy Currington says, "a bad day of fishin beats a good day of anything else."

fishing user avatarFishinDaddy reply : 

Most of my time on the water is spent with my 14 year old daughter or my wife. For me it means family time and relaxation with a sprinkling of puzzle solving thrown in for fun.

fishing user avatarGetfished reply : 

I've got a small tourney coming tomorrow. I'm not fishing too many this year because I don't have the resources to follow it. With that said I've spent Wednesday night, Thursday night, Friday night, and most of Saturday going over my entire outfit making certain everything is just so so. I've got the boat completely ready to go, all my clothes are laid out and my alarm is set. I probably won't sleep a wink tonight. That's what bass fishing does to me. Can't help it. I also enjoy watching all the natural flora and fauna also. I told my wife once before we were married that there is only one thing that I can't get from fishing .

fishing user avatarFish Chris reply : 
most other bass fishermen are great to hang around and the older guys always have good fishing stories

Sure ! And I love to talk fish with these guys > at the boat ramp, at the store, on the internet, etc.....

But when I'm fishing, that's my time. I'd really prefer not to have another human being within 5 miles of me, if possible :)


fishing user avatarPondBoss reply : 

I love fishing by myself because it allows me to escape. Not that I have an unruly wife or stressful home life, because I don't. It's quite the opposite. But fishing alone outside on the water if I'm fishing from the bank or in my tube, it's almost an experience. It gives me a time to reflect on things and and think about everything, and absolutely nothing at the same time. It's a time to unwind, and become one with your surroundings. Almost a Zen type time.

On the other hand, I fish to feed my family, so it can be stressful at times when they aren't biting. So I could see how guys that fish for a living could get tired of the constant grind. On the other hand I bet they love fishing for fun when money isn't on the line.

fishing user avatarBluebasser86 reply : 

Fishing does a lot of things for me. My work is stressful and it is a great stress reliever. It's a bonding time with my friends and my dad anytime we get to go together. It's "me" time when things are tough and I need to clear my head and think. It's a great conversation starter because even people who don't fish seem to like to hear stories about big fish. It's the one thing in life that it doesn't really matter how much you make,what you look like, who you are, the fish don't care. I can have as much fun with a container of worms and a couple cheap spinning rods catching little catfish from a creek as I can fishing a big lake from my boat for a big bass. The chance to be forever learning something new on every trip and experience something different on every trip is another big thing that helps to keep bringing me back again and again. :D

fishing user avatarCatt reply : 

It keeps me from going insane ;)

fishing user avatarBigEnosBurdette reply : 

Stress relief....and I'm feeling stressed, so you know what that means.... :fishing2:

fishing user avatarDave T. reply : 

It gets me away from the wife... LOL. Just kidding... the wife is great.

Anyhow, it does everything mentioned in the previous posts. I spend most of my fishing time with my son, and it is awesome.

fishing user avatarflippin and pitchin reply : 

It's my mental health treatment. I, for the world cannot explain why hooking and landing a fish brings so much enjoyment. I love it when someone else catches fish. That is fun to watch. I work a high stress job and really look forward to the time on the water to " decompress. " Fiddling with the stuff is just a teaser.

fishing user avatargrimlin reply : 

Not just bass fishing but fishing in general for me is a big stress reliever. Since I moved to Michigan I've been back in fishing hardcore again.I've been here 8 years(today). Not to be rude about Michigan but It can be a very,very depressing state to live in sometimes.Half the people I know take some kind of Depression medication here.Or could be the fact I'm around some loony people...LOL.

I've always been somewhat of an outdoor type of person...there's nothing calmer and more sense of happiness than with Nature alone.

But to be fair....I love smallmouth bass.There's not a better places I rather be than in Michigan to catch them.Michigan lakes are full of wonderful species.Species I rarely find in Texas. :)

fishing user avatarTimJ reply : 

I'm with usually relieves my stress, allows me to either spend some fun times with my sons or friends OR some isolated alone time without walls. It can get my competitive side in play OR I can drop worms into a bunch of sunnies.

I can work hard all day OR just relax and take what comes.

fishing user avatarHyrule Bass reply : 

like many have said its a great stress reliever and allows me to clear my mind. it can be enjoyed whether its a competitive or non-competitive atmosphere. it doesnt matter if i catch fish or not, doesnt have to be bass fishing, i enjoy catching all species willing to bite whatever bait im using. actually one of my favorite things to do is sit out on the dock at my uncles lake house all night drinking beer, listening to the radio and catfishing, but many times also catching bass, white perch, bream, carp, and crappie. one night even caught a nice striper off the dock. many nights im by myself down there and those are the best nights usually. going in two weeks for memorial day weekend, cant wait. last year the catfish were in there spawning and i probably caught 200 catfish that weekend, most of them nice eaters and hard fighters. anyways ive gone off point some, but usually after i take a weekend fishing trip i return to my 'daily routine/everyday life' feeling much more refreshed mentally...

fishing user avatarWdyCrankbait reply : 
  On 5/15/2011 at 7:58 PM, Catt said:

It keeps me from going insane ;)


fishing user avatar"Lunker Hunter" reply : 

I love to fish, to me it is a relaxing, stress relieving activity. There is nothing like watching the sun come up over the trees, a dozen or so geese taking flight and a tight line.

fishing user avatarfishermantony reply : 
  On 5/15/2011 at 8:54 AM, Getfished said:

I've got a small tourney coming tomorrow. I'm not fishing too many this year because I don't have the resources to follow it. With that said I've spent Wednesday night, Thursday night, Friday night, and most of Saturday going over my entire outfit making certain everything is just so so. I've got the boat completely ready to go, all my clothes are laid out and my alarm is set. I probably won't sleep a wink tonight. That's what bass fishing does to me. Can't help it. I also enjoy watching all the natural flora and fauna also. I told my wife once before we were married that there is only one thing that I can't get from fishing .

Nice, I like this! Bass fishing is me, it's a big part of who I am. I told my wife the other night, there's been times when I took interest in something, like playing the guitar for example and was trying to make it be my passion, but it was more of an obligation than an enjoyment. I know now, you can't force something to be your passion, it's either a part of who you are or it's not.

fishing user avatarRoLo reply : 
What Does Bass Fishing Do For You?

My first reaction to that question was: "Absolutely Nothing" :D

I can't say that I fish to relax or unwind, because I'm more intent on the water than anywhere else..

In the grand scheme, fishing teaches me a little about myself, it will elate me today and humble me tomorrow.

But since I'm addicted to all outdoor sports, "I'll be back" :)


fishing user avatarRaider Nation Fisher reply : 

It completely relaxs me. It is a time for me to get away from any and everything. However it is also nice to fish with my brother, brother in law,and cousin. Usually though its just me and nature, and i love it. Complete and total serinity.

fishing user avatarReel_Kaotic reply : 

Destressor, relaxation, escape from everyday life, scenery, nature, being on the water, sport of it, the fight, the thinking game...

fishing user avatarKCFisherman reply : 

I used to LOVE bass fishing. I would read all the mag's, had subscriptions to several, I would even go to the libary and check out books on bass and fishing. I bought a Bass Tracker 185 in 2000 and me and my son would go to the lakes every chance we got. Table Rock, Pomme, Truman, Tanneycomo, we fished them all. I got involved in tourny fishing, fished once a week every week from early April to late August and found that fishing like that can wear on you. Well, my son grew up and he didnt want to go fishing anymore with his Dad, so found myself fishing alone and then the tourny thing started to be a real grind so I started hating to do that. Can you imagine that- HATING to go FISHING!! I finally gave it all up, sold my boat and havent been fishing in 3 years. My guess is I just got burnt out on it. I was also just burnt out on some of the types that fished those tourny's...hyper competitive, cheating, backstabbing, wife hating guys know the types....anyway since I have taken the break I am getting that mojo back, wanting to get out on the water early on a quiet morning with the lake as smooth as a sheet of glass, running across the lake to one of your favorite spots that always produce...hooking into that fish fish of the morning and looking around seeing not another sole on the son just recently asked if I was interested in buying another boat so we can go out fishing again, and I said HELL YA!

fishing user avatarChiCityBasser reply : 

Stress relief and a opportunity to learn each time I'm out but it really helps to relax and let go of some of the daily stress of life.

fishing user avatarMissouribassman95 reply : 

A great stress releiver. When I'm fishng I don't think about school, or people at all, just me and the fish.


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