I saw it in a magazine, but how many of you actually do it?
Is it rewarding?
Is it leagal?
How do u know if there are fish in it?
I tossed a jitterbug a few times last night into two different ponds and got no bites. I was surprised but, maybe it just wasn't the right night.
Get permission, then have at it.
Some of my biggest bass have come from golf course ponds actually. I golf at the courses I fish and nobody seems to mind. I think that these ponds are perfectly suited for bass because most of them are irrigated, kept clean, and rarely fished.
Most golf courses do not allow fishing.... at least where i live they frown upon it :'(
well do they stock them with fish or somthing?
or do other ppl do it?
The bass fairy stocks them.
SORRY I couldn't help myself.
Golf courses are some of the best fishin around, just be polite to anyone you may run into.
It's too hard pullin the fish up through those little holes
QuoteIt's too hard pullin the fish up through those little holes
Hell i can't even get a golf ball into those holes HAHAHA
QuoteSome of my biggest bass have come from golf course ponds actually. I golf at the courses I fish and nobody seems to mind. I think that these ponds are perfectly suited for bass because most of them are irrigated, kept clean, and rarely fished.
while golfing in florida i looked into a pond and saw about a 7 pounder on a bed and i was ticked because i had my rods in my car but i was on one of the hole furthest away from the parking lot so all i could do is watch the huge bass
Most of the time it depends on the course but if you dont see any no fishing signs i would ask the manager or pro and im sure they would let you early in the morning or late in the evening when its not as crowded. lol be careful around the golfers, it doesnt take much to really tick some off
Best pond fishing in the world.
Be sure to get permission and fish on days when the course is closed.
Some ponds are good and others are not, but usually golf course ponds have little of no pressure and the fish will hit almost all baits.
Just be sure to get permission to fish them.
Usually if you are a member somewhere they may not like it but will not normally say anything. We went to visit my brother in Tallahassee Florida this past week and we were playing a course called Jake Gaither and i can promise if i had had a rod and reel i would have most definitely fished those ponds. But the best thing is always just ask for permission. If they say yes go have fun catching fish and if they say no just go ahead and bite the bullet and try somewhere else
Put an emty trash bag in your pocket and go early in the morning and ask the golf course superintendent. This is coming from a golf course superintendent.
QuotePut an emty trash bag in your pocket and go early in the morning and ask the golf course superintendent.This is coming from a golf course superintendent.
Now that's what I call "Great Advice!"
umm yeah.......but how do the fish get in the ponds :-?
do they stock them, fall from the sky? or does some fisherman put them in there himself?
Some are stocked and some are the result of fertalized bass eggs sticking to the feathers of water fowl,some come from streams connecting ponds and some are just put there by magic ;D
and I thought bass hatch from lost golf balls
gotta try those golf courses around my area. There are like 5 of them and all look good but I wasn't sure of the 'procedure'. OK just ask
Quoteand I thought bass hatch from lost golf balls
Me 2!!!!
QuoteQuoteand I thought bass hatch from lost golf balls
Me 2!!!!
well i plan on asking the golfcourses around me this or next week,
if there are fish in those ponds, ill never know unless i try
THXS for the help guys ;D
i almost only fish golf course tanks. my buddy is the member so i cant go without him(sucks!) i even went and asked, they said sure, it is $100 a month to be a member!! the public can golf there but you cant fish it unless your a member, or go with a member.
it is great fishing tho, the one i go to has like 10-15 tanks. some of which are connected to lake waco, so you can also catch white bass and hybrid stripers too.
Where im at in iowa its became my 2nd home. Just a few blocks from the house. They let you fish it but you have to stay in certain areas. They have it marked with paint. We have been tearing them up since we know where they stay when its warm out. I wish I lived by a lake haha. Only problem is it gets fished alot. But i pull 13-16 inch lmb out of it all day long untill the sun starts to set. They have two ponds but i stick to the smaller one since i can fish it almost all the way around. The bigger pond you only get a corner.
From time to time I fish a local public (privately owned) golf course. There are three ponds that border it which are owned by the county. One of which provides excellent LM and pan fishing. There are also a two smaller ponds on the course itself. I've fished one in the rain with fair results. But the Head Grounds keeper doesn't officially allow fishing on the course due to liability reasons.
i would be afraid i would get caught doing fishing at a golf course.
One of my friends lives on a Golf Course here in Charlotte, little pond on the 3rd hole is the best bass fishing ever. We've been fishing it 2-3 nights a week. It's packed full of 2-3 pounders and I've never seen a <1 lbs. fish pulled out of it. And they do hit anything lure you throw in the water. Been throwing lots of the Rage Tail Shads lately, lots of fun
Gotta love it when you can drive a golf cart down to the pond to do some fishing! ;D
QuoteGotta love it when you can drive a golf cart down to the pond to do some fishing! ;D
Hehe, that's our fishing caddy. It really is an awesome spot to fish, we just discovered a few months ago. Sitting on the fairway of a Jack Nicklaus golf course at sunset pulling out big top water bass left and right....doesn't get much better than that .
I still don't understand why it's such good fishing out there. There's no structure at all, no shady spots during the day and almost perfectly clear water, doesn't really sound like a good fishing spot does it?
QuoteGotta love it when you can drive a golf cart down to the pond to do some fishing! ;D
yeah my dad lives on a nice golf course too so we know what golf course pond fishing is all about
QuoteQuoteGotta love it when you can drive a golf cart down to the pond to do some fishing! ;DHehe, that's our fishing caddy. It really is an awesome spot to fish, we just discovered a few months ago. Sitting on the fairway of a Jack Nicklaus golf course at sunset pulling out big top water bass left and right....doesn't get much better than that
I still don't understand why it's such good fishing out there. There's no structure at all, no shady spots during the day and almost perfectly clear water, doesn't really sound like a good fishing spot does it?
I have thought the same thing about why golfcourse ponds are such great spots to fish. I actually have a theory on this. I have witnessed packs of 4-5 larger sized bass actually cruising around close to shore, searching and hunting for bait. Since there is no cover the bait fish move more, which forces the bass to hunt rather than ambush. this makes them way more aggressive. I think this is why I have caught 10 nice fish in an hour