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Giving It Away Or Keep It To Yourself ? 2024

fishing user avatarlanzbass reply : 

I have been out fishing before and have seen people on either side of me fishing and not catching anything...


While I was pulling them in almost every cast...


I have told the people what might be better to use for bait...


And I have gone as far to give them what I am using (if I have extra)...


What have you done or would you do ?...



fishing user avatarJig Man reply : 

I have done everything from trying to teach them to ignoring them. Mostly I have found that they lacked the skills to catch fish the way I was doing it.

I find that a lot when I take guys who don't go often and just can't quite get the presentation down.

fishing user avatarHeavyFisher reply : 

I'll show them what I use and make recommendations. I would never show another Fisherman my 'Honey Holes'. Those are mine, they took me a long time to find and I wouldn't just easily give it away nor would I ever ask another fisherman where the fish are. Half the fun is in the hunt, in my opinion. 

fishing user avatarSirSnookalot reply : 

I do a lot of barracuda fishing, not only myself but my other good buddies will give our home made tubes away to those that want to try it.  Quite often I'll hook one and just hand the rod to a stranger, let him have a thrill, or a young kid on his first snook. 

I give lures away, show people how to fish and always give up good fishing spots expect private ones where I have permission.  I made this post early this morning, a very normal thing for me to do, without being smug I've already caught many super fish, I get just as much a charge watching some else land a great fish.

fishing user avatarMissourifishin reply : 

I'll show just about anyone what I'm using. As far as giving stuff away, I usually only do that for family, friends or kids. But I'd be willing to give anyone something small like a couple soft plastics, hooks or sinkers. Recently I had a foreign guy speaking broken englsih strike up a conversation with me. He was very curious about the way I was fishing. He had no concept of doing anything other than casting out live bait and sitting and waiting. But he said he was fishing for bass. So I spent several minutes teaching him about a few different bass lures.

fishing user avatarSudburyBasser reply : 

I'll tell people what I'm using. My job requires a government security doesn't.

fishing user avatarCatt reply : 

I tell em where, with what, & even give them some!

I laugh at people who think they have honey holes!

Some one was there before & will be there after you're gone!

fishing user avatarK_Mac reply : 

I have been on both sides. Many years ago I was fishing down a bank at a local power plant lake, not catching anything. Working the bank from the other direction  were a couple of guys catching fish on almost every cast. When we passed I asked them what they were using that was working so well. They gave me a bag of 3" grubs and a bag 1/8 oz darter jig heads, along with detailed instruction while showing me how to use them. It changed the day and opened the world of finesse to me. I will never forget it. Another time on the same same lake we were killing hybrid stripers on roadrunner jigs. We had just lost the last of them when an old guy (probably about my age now) stopped to tell is how good we were doing. When we told him we had used the last of the roadrunners he dug in his box and found us a couple that he would not take a penny for. That is good stuff and I have tried to pay that forward over the years. The look on someones face when you cut off a bait that they just saw you catch fish on and hand it to them is worth much more than the cost IMO.


Helping others is part of the outdoor tradition. I am grateful that I can occasionally be part of that.

fishing user avatarViolinguy reply : 

I do not offer unsolicited advice to anyone.  I don't want it either.  Now if someone asks, I'll mention what I've caught fish with at that particular lake, but I make it a point not to just walk up to a guy I don't know and tell him how to fish, even if it looks like he has no idea what he's doing.

fishing user avatarRAMBLER reply : 

I've told people how I was fishing and given them a lure and told them how to use it. I've actually been swore at because they still couldn't catch a fish and it was my fault.  I don't tell a lot of people much about fishing, anymore.

fishing user avatarwhitwolf reply : 
  On 5/25/2014 at 4:33 AM, K_Mac said:

 The look on someones face when you cut off a bait that they just saw you catch fish on and hand it to them is worth much more than the cost IMO.


Helping others is part of the outdoor tradition. I am grateful that I can occasionally be part of that.


Amen brother K_Mac!

fishing user avatarRB 77 reply : 

I always pay it forward. I am very appreciative of those who have helped me along the way.

fishing user avatarSirSnookalot reply : 

Catt is right, there may be some fishing spots better than others but it's a pretty safe bet you didn't discover them.  I can't possible be at the same fishing location 7 days a week, 24 hours a day, nor do I even want to, I see no harm in being helpful.  I read these statements about honey holes on all kinds of fishing forums, if you have honey hole then you don't mine.  I do have to draw the line at places that give me permission, I don't want to compromise my welcome.

Not singling anyone out as I mentioned these honey hole statements are on every forum, the peeps with secret spots usually are not the senior citizens.

fishing user avatarViolinguy reply : 
  On 5/25/2014 at 2:14 PM, SirSnookalot said:

Catt is right, there may be some fishing spots better than others but it's a pretty safe bet you didn't discover them.  I can't possible be at the same fishing location 7 days a week, 24 hours a day, nor do I even want to, I see no harm in being helpful.  I read these statements about honey holes on all kinds of fishing forums, if you have honey hole then you don't mine.  I do have to draw the line at places that give me permission, I don't want to compromise my welcome.

Not singling anyone out as I mentioned these honey hole statements are on every forum, the peeps with secret spots usually are not the senior citizens.


Yeah, I'm a firm believer that any idea I come up with has already been thought of 100 times.  I will say that back in college, there was (I guess there still is lol) a small pond in a park with soccer fields that me and my roommates fished at.  We never once in three years saw anyone there except for bucket heads.  Do I think we were the only people in all of CT that seriously fished that lake?  No, but I never saw anyone either.  We all caught bass over 6 pounds from shore there and I believe that there are state record-ish fish in there to be had by boat.  It's also been 25 years so I would be curious to go back there and see what it's like. :eyebrows:

fishing user avataraavery2 reply : 

This is kind of one of those deals where you have to know your audience.   If I see a guy struggling, and pass by within talking distance, I will ask him how he is doing, if he is not doing well I might suggest a bait, or even throw a plastic to him and let him know that I have been doing well using it.  If I pass a guy in a 70K boat decked out and ask how he is doing and he says not well, I will usually just say that I have been having luck with t-rigged plastics or whatever the case may be.  If he asks for more information I give it, if not I let it be.  What you want to accomplish is being helpful not come off like a know it all and it can be a fine line.

fishing user avatarHeavyFisher reply : 

Maybe some of you misunderstood me. I DID find them, I took the time to fish every part of a lake and found certain areas that are more active than other areas. Not once did I imply no one else fishes there but me, but I can see how my wording might of confused some of you. In my mind those are my prime spots I found them and I wont just tell every passerby to go fish them because they aren't catching jack diddly.....


Edit: If everyone knew about them and fished there all the time they wouldn't be prime spots now would they? Or do you guys really believe Honey Holes don't exist and are just a figment of one's imagination?

fishing user avatarViolinguy reply : 
  On 5/25/2014 at 9:05 PM, HeavyFisher said:



Or do you guys really believe Honey Holes don't exist and are just a figment of one's imagination?


I think with today's technology, internet, Google maps, etc., there just aren't lakes that are publicly accessible that aren't fished to death.


fishing user avatarCatt reply : 

HeavyFisher, yes I believe honey holes exist but I know for a fact if I found it someone else did to.

Do you think you're good enough to find a "Honey Hole" no one else can find?

I can tell you where I'm fishing that doesn't mean you'll fish it the way I do.

I have a 230 page thread on fishing Toledo Bend, I've told dozens of guys how to fish spots correctly. The knew the areas but didn't how to fish em correctly.

I would rather share what I know, see the smile on their face than take to the grave!

fishing user avatarHeavyFisher reply : 

Again, when I have ever stated no one else can find what I found? Your asking me a question about something I never stated. The point is I took the time to circle a lake and fish every possible spot available to me. Most people pick a spot somewhere easily accessible and fish there for hours never leaving or trying a different spot because they have 0 initiative and they really don't care. 


In my last post I tried to make it as OBVIOUS as possible that I don't think I'm the only one who fishes these prime locations. Are you just looking to argue at this point? 

fishing user avatarWRB reply : 

Working at a boat landing as a teen part of my job was showing new anglers how to rig their tackle and what to use and where to use it. What you learn is some folks need and seek help, others avoid it. If someone ask or shows an interest, then volunteer your help. Unsolicited advice is often taken wrong and can create animosity.


fishing user avatarJBakerMD reply : 

A lot of people who fish aren't interested in becoming a better angler , If im catching fish and the people around me are not i'll only offer advice when they ask.

fishing user avatar*Hootie reply : 

My favorite honey hole, is in the middle of a hot biscuit.


fishing user avatarWRB reply : 

The small approx 2,000 acre lakes in SoCal get about 100 bass boats fishing tournaments every weekend year around, there are no secret spots. I will share a few spots with folks I know, rarely give away exact spots to stranger.

Share what you know about techniques, presentations, depth, angles, lures, colors, not exact locations, few anglers would expect that information.

If someone is watching you catch fish, then they know where you are fishing.

If a father is fishing with their kids, then go out of your your way to help them, if they are interested. Most tournament anglers always ask, rarely share what they are doing to catch fish when on the water, answer accordingly.


fishing user avatarJolly Green reply : 

I give away plastics and/or hooks to kids who ask what I'm using, tell them to work it like they're teasing a cat with a string.  

fishing user avatarMr. BattleArmor reply : 

I usually don't tell people what I am using, unless it's a friend. I've given worms to kids though. Once saw a little guy trying to catch a fish on a piece of turkey... gave him some worms and he caught a little one a few minutes later. 

fishing user avatarCDMeyer reply : 

It all depends on what I am throwing, if the bait is expensive I usually keep it to myself, unless it is family or in a tournament 

fishing user avatarbmac31 reply : 
  On 5/25/2014 at 8:52 PM, Violinguy said:

Yeah, I'm a firm believer that any idea I come up with has already been thought of 100 times.  I will say that back in college, there was (I guess there still is lol) a small pond in a park with soccer fields that me and my roommates fished at.  We never once in three years saw anyone there except for bucket heads.  Do I think we were the only people in all of CT that seriously fished that lake?  No, but I never saw anyone either.  We all caught bass over 6 pounds from shore there and I believe that there are state record-ish fish in there to be had by boat.  It's also been 25 years so I would be curious to go back there and see what it's like. :eyebrows:

If you'd like to let me know where it is I can check it out and report back to you. Lol

I have a immense collection of soft plastics and I'm always keeping and eye out for a kid who can use a few. It's fun giving them a type or style theyve never seen.


fishing user avatarBassFit reply : 

It really depends on the situation. I'm usually free with the info. If it weren't for those who've helped me, I'd be hapless on the water. Haha I think I still am. But on rare occasion I've found I am tight lipped.

fishing user avatarfishva reply : 



In April, I was bank fishing a pretty large reservoir and catching some pretty nice fish. Every now and then, someone would pull up to where I was fishing on their bass boat, and they'd usually ask how I was doing. I'd tell them I was getting skunked, only because they had the whole reservoir at their disposal and I was limited with where I could go. Didn't really want them hanging around longer than they had to.


Now, if someone fishing the bank had asked me the same question, I would have been honest with them, because they aren't going to get in the way of my casts.

fishing user avatarporkleaker reply : 

I've seen this and given away the rest of my bait because I was done for the day anyway. 


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