I was wondering what's your favorite fishing show?For years mine was Bill Dance but lately I really been enjoying Timmy Horton show,like Bill he explains what he's doing which I think is awesome.
Only show that really holds my interest is MLF
I really liked Within City Limits but have not seen it on in a long time and do not know if it is still running
MLF is by far the best fishing show I've ever watched. There are some other shows that are alright but most just feel like a long infomercial.
In-Fisherman TV. I do more bass fishing than anything, but I also chase Walleye, Trout, and panfish. I like multi-species focus, and it's more tutorial based rather than watching a contest.
Bill Dance was the best though.
For the multi-species freshwater angler, you'd be real hard pressed
to best anything produced by the In-Fisherman staff and "Lindner's Angling Edge".
Don't get MLF here but about the only ones I watch are, in order, Jimmy Houston (my favorite), Bill Dance, Timmy Horton. Most of them have become infomercials.
If I'm bored I go to Waypoint TV and may watch a few. Flats Class is kinda interesting but the guy that does the show is local so it holds some interest there.
Prefer just going to YouTube videos, you just have to sort out the bad ones but it is interesting watching guys from all over the world fishing for different species in different locations. Can be very entertaining plus no, or at least only a few, ads.
MLF is an awesome show and I don't miss it. I do like a few others though.
Zona's awesome fishing show
In-fisherman (multiple species)
Strike King fish hard
i used to like city limits fishing when Ike hosted it.
Seeing how I no longer get fishing shows due to
basic cable, what I DID enjoy was MLF and Larry
Dahlberg's Hunt for Big Fish, among a few others.
On 2/14/2017 at 8:28 AM, Darren. said:Seeing how I no longer get fishing shows due to
basic cable, what I DID enjoy was MLF and Larry
Dahlberg's Hunt for Big Fish, among a few others.
i have DirecTV and still cant get Dance anymore unless i upgrade my current package (hold your laughter). i'd do it but i already pay for the Sunday Ticket and mama say's thats enough.
On 2/14/2017 at 8:52 AM, lo n slo said:i have DirecTV and still cant get Dance anymore unless i upgrade my current package (hold your laugter). i'd do it but i already pay for the Sunday Ticket and mama say's thats enough.
Mamma say, mamma say. All u need to say.
The rest is just...well, it's gonna get u in trouble
I've got Cox and am seriously considering the
switch to Verizion (ugh) for FiOS and possibly
TV again...
But if it requires extra $$, Momma gonna say NO!
And I cain't blame her.
MOTV on your computer will cost less.
Capt Mike
Fish Fishburn was the only show I ever really enjoyed. I screw around a lot when I fish so that always appealed to me.
MLF or Zona's show are my favorites. The Bass Pro's is another good one. Hook&Look is pretty interesting cause he goes under the water to show you what the bass are doing. I too miss City Limits Fishing. I thought it was a good idea for a fishing show.
MLF, Zona's Awesome Fishing Show, Hunt for Big Fish, Facts of Fishing, Ultimate Match Fishing, and Lunkerville. I watch several others, but those are the ones I DVR.
I record Dance and Mlf and Scott Martin challenge.Also Roland, and I will occasionally watch Jimmy Houston.I just get tired of his laugh ,sounds like a turkey gobbling.
It's funny that you bring up Timmy Horton. I've watched 3 of his episodes in the past couple days... And the dude caught more big bass (5+ lbers) on those outings than I did all season last year.. by far. And the only two lures he used was a deep diving crankbait.. and a buzzbait in the shallows. The deep crank in 2 of the episodes and the buzzbait in the shallows on the other.
Now, he is getting to fish prestigious southern lakes. Like lake falcon. And I think the other one was in Alabama. . But it made me wonder why I have a tote full of fishing lures when this dude slammed 10+ hogs on 2 lures. In 2 different states at 3 different times of the year.
It's the electronics... The technology at our fingertips (if you can afford it) is incredible... Being able to set waypoints and your boat controls the trolling motor for you. Can keep you on that ledge or brush pile in the current...So impressive.. and The sonar is out of this world.. unbelievable what things have come to. It's almost like hunting with an infrared scope and an m4 custom. WITH a grenade launcher
Major League Fishing and MLF All Angles.
Zona's Awesome Fishing Show takes the cake for me,Facts of Fishing,MLF, then Timmy Horton's show are my tops. I'm hoping Money Fish would cut out the music and focus on bass fishing because they have a pretty good pro staff and product.
Facts of Fishing with Dave Mercer and Going Ike with Mike Iaconelli. I loved Mike's City Limits fishing when it was on.
Shaw grigsby is fun to watch... He spends most of the show pimpin out the products... But he always gives little pointers towards the end... He is always having fun..
MLF and Zonas awesome fishing show.
I miss city limits fishing. but MLF, and zonas awesome fishing show got my through the cold months. Also lindners angling edge is pretty good just from and informational side. I had to subscribe to my outdoor tv to get the outdoor channel on my phone so I'd survive the winter without doing much fishing. Best investment I've ever made.
FLW Circuit Breaker. Nothing compares to them
I'm no particular order:
Bass Pros
Bass live (internet)
Ikes podcast
Hook n' Look
Zona awesome fishing show
River Monsters
Loudmouth Bass - Only seen a few but they were great, very hard to find online.
Lol ok so maybe I have a few too many favorites.
Years ago it would have been easier to answer that I watched every available fishing show. Orlando Wilson, Jimmy Houston, Bill Dance and many more. Today, it is just MLF and The Bass Pros. I have them set up to record on the DVR so I can watch them when I have time. Being retired, working part-time and fishing as much as I can is hard work.
Being truthful, I do watch other fishing shows when I have time. Freshwater, saltwater, icefishing, spearfishing, it doesn't matter.
Facts of Fishing
Strike King Pro Journal
Xtreme bass angler
The Bass Pros
I watch Roland Martin, Jimmy Houston, Timmy Horton, Bill Dance, and Hank Parker. Also, I subscribe to My Outdoor TV. It's $9.99 a month and you can watch on your phone, computer, or ipad or kindle! Just about every fishing and hunting show is on there.
Monster Fish with Zeb Hogan....
MLF, Zona, Joe Bucher Outdoors, Jason Mitchell Outdoors, Timmy Horton, Linder's Angling Edge. If I could only watch one, it would be MLF.