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Love The Summer Bite 2024

fishing user avatarGreen Trout reply : 

I just love bass fishing in the summer. A lot of people think summer as being hot, fishing deep, and fish that are lathargic from the heat. But that's not my approach to summer. I love summer so much because of the mornings. I don't fish long, 2 hours or so in the morning, but I catch a ton of bass very active up shallow ready to inhale topwater PopR. It is truly a blast and if you get away from fishing the mid day and the evenings in the summer, you can catch loads of bass on Topwater right at daylight.

fishing user avatarScott F reply : 

If you fish rivers in the northern parts of the country, you can catch smallmouth bass shallow all day long in the summer.

fishing user avatarBluebasser86 reply : 

I love summer because night fishing!  :respect-059:

fishing user avatarnascar2428 reply : 

5am to 9am, that was the perfect time slot for me all summer last year.

fishing user avatarBankbeater reply : 

I love summer because I hate winter.

fishing user avatarRSM789 reply : 

I'm fortunate because many of the bass in my home lake stay shallow in the summer all day long. 


My home lake is a man made "development" lake, the type of lake that was made specifically to build homes around in order to increase their value (like golf course communities).  To keep the water manageable since it is very shallow, there is no incoming or outgoing streams and boat activity is electric only, the homeowners association added a bubbler system throughout the lake after it was built.  At the entrance & back of each cove, there is an underwater bubbler that creates current & oxygen.  What I have found is that during the summer mornings, the bass are cruising the shallows as you describe, but as the sun rises, rather than move deep, they stay shallow and just find shade in the form of docks or overhanging trees.  The water temps are more moderate near the bubblers, they have structure, cover & food, they are happy as pigs in slop to stay shallow.  In fact, during the hottest part of summer, those bubblers that are the strongest and are moving the most water have the highest concentration of fish nearby.


In fact, the only time a majority of the bass are out deep is the 6 weeks or so of winter we have from December to February.  I am assuming the main reason is food, for all of the sunfish disappear from the shallows and seem to be out deeper

fishing user avatarJon G reply : 

I love summer as well. It seems I get more quality in the summer but more quantity in the fall. 

fishing user avatarpapajoe222 reply : 

I love summer because I have fewer aches and pains when fishing!          :Idea3:   I gotta start heading south around Labor Day.

fishing user avatarSirSnookalot reply : 

Summer is when I curtail my bass fishing, actually from May to about mid October.  Not only is the bite slower in South Florida the gnats drive me crazy.  The noseeums down at the ocean are no picnic, but they don't stay around too long after sun up.

fishing user avatarSteveo-1969 reply : 

Summer is my favorite time too.  The water in my river is low and clear and WARM.  Wade fishing!  Shorts, sneakers, tackle bag, favorite spinning rod, lucky hat and there is nowhere I would rather be than standing in the river.  Unfortunately it looks like summer is never going to get here...

fishing user avatartnt2671 reply : 
  On 2/15/2015 at 10:57 AM, Scott F said:

If you fish rivers in the northern parts of the country, you can catch smallmouth bass shallow all day long in the summer.

amen to that , best time of the year in the northeast is june through september!

fishing user avatarzachb34 reply : 

I don't like summer much here in south Florida. Shallow natural waters can be tricky with 88°+ surface temps. The upside is I can cook scrambled eggs on my aluminum boat at 9 A.M. no electricity required.

fishing user avatarSirSnookalot reply : 

I love the summers into the early fall in South Florida, dislike the winters here.  From a fishing standpoint the action is almost unbelievable.  Year round there is always a hot bite someplace.

fishing user avatarSam reply : 

7" of snow on the ground.


Schools closed for a third straight day.


Back roads not plowed.


Record setting cold temperatures.


And we get a post about summer bass fishing.


Is this Forum great or what?????


Thanks for warming us up for a few minutes.

fishing user avatarCatt reply : 

Predictable...Summer is predictable!

East Texas & Southwest Louisiana is in full on pre-spawn, the time of year to boat hawgs but it's highly unpredictable.

The bass are everywhere & nowhere!

I like the Dog Days of Summer, deep structure, matted vegetation, & big bass @ night!

fishing user avatarww2farmer reply : 

I like summer the best. Weather is stable and a pattern can last for a week or more. Spring is great but a cold front or something can make the fishing do a 180 really quick, same with fall. I will say a % wise of my bigger fish come in spring and fall, but summer is not really all that far behind. Lucky for us in WNY, our summers are not brutal, day time fishing is not uncomfortable, and with the exception of a few busy holidays, the jet ski/wake boat traffic is not too bad.

fishing user avatartnt2671 reply : 

the ice is so thick on every body of water in Massachusetts right now i don't think i'm going to be able to fish until summer anyways so it better be good

fishing user avataryugrac reply : 

Know what you mean tnt2671, Even the creeks and rivers are froze over here in mid- east Indiana.   I fish when I can, working 6 days a week you have to go when you can so the season or weather just has to be dealt with, but that being said I also love the mid-summer season, at least if the fish are not hitting its nice to be outside.  I also love mid-summer wading for smallies, great time, shade of the trees, the areas I fish are in the middle of corn and bean fields, you see a deer or two, but no humans!   Love It!

fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 

I can understand how summer's can be enjoyable in other parts of the country. Especially when many states are snowed in for several months. But for me summer is a brutal time of year. The sweltering heat and South Florida humidity can wear anybody out if they can't physically and mentally handle it. Spring is definitely my favorite season for bass fishing. 

fishing user avatarSirSnookalot reply : 

I loves the summer down here, but not for bass fishing.  I don't mind the heat and humidity but I do mind the lethargic bass bite as well as the inland insects. I do bass fish in the summer just not as much.  My favorite time down here is late summer thru the end of the year.  We have the bait runs, lots of inshore fish, then about mid October the bass pickup, insects pretty well gone then.  My mornings are at the ocean and my afternoons are bass fishing, I do a lot fishing that time of year.

fishing user avatarRMcDuffee726 reply : 

What is summer? (New Hampshire resident)

fishing user avatarhawgenvy reply : 

Per my amateur observations, Boca Raton area fishing (I fish evenings) last year was awesome for big fish in April, May and early June, but almost stopped altogether at the start of July (except for deep canals deep in the glades). And good bassing didn't turn on again until late October, with the sudden and delightful appearance of schoolies busting shad everywhere, aggressive tough bass amenable to small baits of all kinds, but especially senko types. Other anglers may have a different, and perhaps more accurate, interpretation of these seasonal events.

fishing user avatarBasshunterJGH reply : 

Pumped for summer. I'm so sick of winter. Even here in SoCal with no rain and snow, the fishing is just too slow...

fishing user avatarJaxBasser reply : 

I love summer because that means it's froggin time.

fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 
  On 2/26/2015 at 1:12 AM, JaxBasser said:

I love summer because that means it's froggin time.

Here in Fl, you can frog almost 3 out of the four seasons quite well. Keep thinking frogging is just a summer bait, you are missing out on some quality fish otherwise. Just my .02 ;)

fishing user avatarJaxBasser reply : 
  On 2/26/2015 at 6:50 AM, BassinLou said:

Here in Fl, you can frog almost 3 out of the four seasons quite well. Keep thinking frogging is just a summer bait, you are missing out on some quality fish otherwise. Just my .02 ;)


Oh I frog in the spring and fall as well. It's just the majority of my big fish have come frogging late evening and into the night in the dog days of summer.

fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 
  On 2/26/2015 at 9:50 AM, JaxBasser said:

Oh I frog in the spring and fall as well. It's just the majority of my big fish have come frogging late evening and into the night in the dog days of summer.

Makes sense. Best of luck to you.

fishing user avatarfredlee1947 reply : 

Just to get on the water just before daybreak, have a cup of coffee, enjoy the warmth of the mornng sun and then find (hopefully) "the" spot..... still looking but, I don't think there is anyone who enjoys their time on the water more than myself.

God Bless

fishing user avatarbucky reply : 

I too fish a couple hours in the early morning during the hot summer, or fish s couple hours before dark. I also like night fishing. I just can't take the extreme heat. If you can stand the heat, the ledge bite on Kentucky lake can be can be fantastic when they are pulling a lot of water thru the dam, those basses love the current.

fishing user avatarRobeng reply : 

Early morning and night fishing.

Blue bird days are pretty and can be good,

Will fish all days in summertime,

For fun and food!


(sick of cold and wanting snow to melt---looks like Detroit will need to get to March 15+ before we stay(?) above freezing.)


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