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Topwater lovers checkin 2025

fishing user avatarworminator reply : 

Wednesdy night going to be doing some stump grinding , at dusk not gonna be totally dark , not gonna be totally light.I plan on using some topwaters , targeting fish in the range of 7-10 #'s . Everyone fond of tops please chime in w/ suggestions on size and color I was thinking black jitterbugs and 7" spooks.

:-/ :-/ :-/ :-/ ;D

fishing user avatarrondef reply : 

I love fishing top water, here are a few suggestions.

Cavitron Buzzbait

Rage Tail Frog

Spinnerbait (black with a single colorado blade)

fishing user avatarworminator reply : 

me too hope this goesas planned met a guy who had pics of fish he caught at this spot biggest ive ever seen on long island

fishing user avatarhjerk24 reply : 

Strike King----Chartreuse and Red Bleeder bait Hook---right out of the box from Walmart.  Have caught more bass on that, than all othe top waters combined!  I could get a few of those for the price of some others....but it doesn't matter, as long as we are all smacking them down!!!!

Here's a pic of my sweetie pie...BUZZER!


fishing user avatarfishbear reply : 

You might want to try the Ragetail shad..  That thing will really tear up the water, when burned right at the surface.

fishing user avatarworminator reply : 

hjerk those fished right on op or just under the surface?

fishing user avatarBassaholic84 reply : 
I love fishing top water, here are a few suggestions.

Cavitron Buzzbait

Rage Tail Frog

Spinnerbait (black with a single colorado blade)

x2 the jitterbug and ragetail frog are definates at night.  I caught 8 on the frog the other night.

fishing user avatarBrian_Reeves reply : 

I really only use 5 topwaters right now:

1)  Open water, sparse cover-  Rebel Pop-R or Zara Spook

2)  Medium Cover- Rage Tail Shad

3)  Heavy Cover-  Snag Proof Frog or Rage Tail Frog

fishing user avatarfretfishman reply : 

I'm digging the stanley ribbit frog - makes so much noise and looks a lot better in the water than a buzzbait. looks like there are plenty on the market  now with the same approach, though. always been fond of the old excalibur spook jr., as well. (albino color) Rapala's Skitter walk and skitter pop usually produce fish.

surprisingly, my luck lately has come from a chrome Cordell prop - 3.5 inch. I've even been catching some mid day here, which usually doesn't happen with this super clear water. for some reason they're loving the chrome, though.

I hear the rage tail is good so I'll have to try that out.

fishing user avatarfisher of bass reply : 

i have never caught anything close to 7# but i would suggest

1. big black broken-back [jointed] jitterbug

2.either ragetail shad or frog

3.buzzbait with trailer hook

if the bass short strike i would follow up with a wacky rigged senko, just my opinion. good luck

fishing user avatarcrappiekid24 reply : 

I would definitely suggest a buzzbait and a frog. Jitterbugs are great too. Also Strike King makes a good popper that I have had good success on. Something that makes alot of commotion and noise.

fishing user avatarworminator reply : 

thats what i like to see everyone is kinda on the same page on this one,thanks for your ideas guys ill give the rage tails a try along with the jitts and my black spook.

now ive never fished well with buzzbaits , seems like fish run away from those kinds of baits here. could it be initial splash that spooks them, and if you spook a fish on your first cast and buzz the bait back how do you get said fishs trust back to get it to take the bait?

fishing user avatarEastTexasBassin reply : 

I'll 2nd the cavitron recommendation, its my new favorite topwater.

fishing user avatarJake P reply : 

Cavitron Buzzbait, Poppers, spooks, but dont forget the Cavirton Buzzbait.

fishing user avatarwisturkeyhunter reply : 

superspook is my fav.

fishing user avatarCFFF 1.5 reply : 

Devil's Horse. Plain and simple. Color won't really matter because it will be dark out, but I would go with Black Back, Chrome Sides and Orange Belly.

fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 

I'm all about the 3/8 oz Cavitron Buzzbait, black on black.

Otherwise, Lucky Craft Sammy, 128 Aurora Black (blue & silver).


fishing user avatartoad-aholic reply : 

My favorite topwaters are Mann's Hardnose Swimtoads and Stanley Floating Ribbit.

fishing user avatardjmax22 reply : 

The ZarA Super Spook is tough to beat. Black buzzbait is also good.

fishing user avatarLCpointerKILLA reply : 

Last time I was fishing at night I caught one on my ghost minnow LC Gunfish. But I caught a lot more fish with a black 6.5 inch Yamamoto Kut tail glass & brass shaking

fishing user avatarSimp reply : 

I love the Storm Chug Bug!! Mine is about the size of a Zara but it weighs more and I can cast it great. I'd say this is my #1 confidence lure! With that lure I know I can haul in numbers and big ones with it. That said I love the strikes on the ribbit frogs and my dad caught a 24inch+ on my Cavitron buzz bait.

fishing user avatarPrimus reply : 

Here's my first post, on the subject of topwaters my favorite popper is easily the Yellow Magic. I rotate several types of walking baits as each has different characteristics that I will utilze based on the conditions at hand. I like to use the Sammy when the water is calm to a light ripple, this one has a subdued rattle that usually does'nt spook bass when they are wary. If the fish are rattle shy then I'll go to the original Zara Spook or a wood Sammy. If I really want to get their attention or the water has some chop I have had crushing strikes on the Reaction Innovations Vixen, Bone color for overcast conditions and the Silver Flitter shad color for clear water/clear skies. Another great producer this year has been the Lucky Craft Rick Clunn wakebait 2.75" in the Purple Shad color, I've become a huge fan of this bait. Lastly, on the subject of Buzzbaits in addition to the cavitron I've done well on the Honeybuzz, on this one the blade hits the head of the bait and makes a most pleasantly obnoxiuos sound that at times really calls out the bass. Good luck, hope you do well ;)

fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 

Welcome aboard!


fishing user avatarLow_Budget_Hooker reply : 

7-10 #'s, you might want to start with a wake bait and then go to a wake bait, ending the night with a.......wake bait.


fishing user avatarBig-O reply : 

Welcome aboard Primus. If I am fishing topwater at night, I'll stay on a Dark colored Rage Tail Shad all night long. Key to this bait at night is let the fish load up on it, and they will. Since it is a small soft plastic bait, immediately after the hit, the fish will mouth it for plenty of time to let you set the hook. Plus you can throw it in the slop and it comes thru nicely making plenty of racket.

Big O

fishing user avatarworminator reply : 

thanks again everyone who felt inclined to chime,my new personal best is 5+ ,unfortunately said fish escaped my clutches before we could take the pics, but it was about 20 inches and real fat.

i caught it on a black jitterbug and it felt great to see her explode on the surface.Quik question when the bass have some red coloring to them under the mouth and near the tail is this from feeding on craws?

fishing user avatarBirdNestBen reply : 

I'm still fond of the Billy Bass topwater lure- I still have 2 left from the 80's... I caught my PB on a chrome color...

Hard to beat a Zara spook... be sure and use split rings to get the hooks down lower to increase your catch rate.....

I bought a few powerpack topwater lures in shad and in the frog and suprisingly as weird as the lure is... it really brings out the curiosity  in a bass- I've really had great luck with this lure....

A tornado spinnerbait- when it is half-hitched it becomes a deadly buzzbait..... what a lure!!!!!!!! a spinnerbait-buzzbait- and jig all in one... ;)

fishing user avatarMichiganFisherman reply : 

You can never go wrong with a black jitterbug.  Good luck.

fishing user avatarGone_Phishin reply : 

Another vote for the black Jitterbug. If you are targeting monster fish, give the muskie sized Jitterbug a shot. Be sure to sharpen or replace the hooks. You don't want to lose the fish of a lifetime.

fishing user avataravid reply : 

My number one bait for big fish is the live sammy 120.  A super spook jr, gets me more fish, but all of the fish I catch on the live sammy are quality.  Oh, I rarely fish at night, but when I do I find that buzzbaits and jitterbugs are tops.

fishing user avatarMuddy reply : 

5/8 Black Jitter bug

Jitter Stick

#11 and # 13 Original and Floating Rapala

Spittin Image

Skitter Walk

and new this year

A Booyah Buzz bait I got from Speed Bead



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