Howdy folks,
I've been away from fishing for a while and have finally had the time and inclination to get back into it. In going through my tackle hoard, I found that most of my gear has pleasantly survived the years of dormancy. I got everything out and went lure type by lure type, sorting everything into keeper or cullers. (In doing this I realize I'm a sucker for poppers--I have more of those than any person should...) Most of it was sitting in a cool, dark and relatively dry basement so I was fortunate. What didn't fair as well was the rubber skirts on my jigs and spinnerbaits. I was never a huge jig user (I typically use either soft plastics--mainly Senkos--crankbaits and topwater) so this wasn't a huge loss. I was just getting into spinnerbait fishing when I dropped out so losing those is a pain.
That being said, I want to at least build a staring library of new spinnerbaits. Some spinnerbait skirts did survive but I lost most so I'm just considering it a clean slate. I've decided to get 4 new ones to try out and then go from there. I'm looking for suggestions as to which ones to start with. I fish in PA, NJ and NY, mostly from the shore in rivers and lakes so consider that. I've used Piccasso, War Eagle, and Terminator all with varying degrees of success. The areas I fish have typically had relatively clear water so I've usually gone with double willow or willow/Colorado.
So, you're starting from scratch with spinnerbaits and you want a decent bit of variety for the above region/waters--which brand/combos do you chose?
PS--Yes, I did replace all my line on my reels. I even splurged for a new Stridac and Diawa Tatula.
My favorite overhead spinner is the War Eagle 1/2 oz Indiana/Colorado.
BTW I've fished a great deal in NJ, NY and PA (Delaware Bay to the Thousand Islands)
My best advice Dave is to get back slowly and buildup gradually, otherwise you'll end up like the rest of us
starting from near scratch myself under very similar circumstances.
I fish pretty stained water here in the south - I first filled out 3/8 oz spinners in the traditional 3 colors: black/blue, white/chartreuse, and something like a bluegill or green pumpkin type of color. I didn't focus much on willow or colorado blades - mostly I picked lures with one of each on it. I also added a couple of chatterbaits in similar colors and weight for cloudier days. I'm always either shore fishing, or in someone else's boat, so I don't have much space. As I feel the need to adjust from what I have, I'll probably weed out what I'm not having luck with.
I would suggest the War Eagle Finesse Spinnerbaits, I have had the most luck off of those spinners. Either the Spot Remover or the Sexy Shad color. I don't know what it is about those spinnerbaits, but they seem to work for me.
I like my sk burners and Stanley's.
If the hooks aren't rusted on your old baits, why not just add new skirts to them? You said you had some success with them.
I'm a fan of Stanley's VibraShaft, although Hart and Hidlebrant are also found in my box.
War Eagle are great and Booyah spinnerbaits are really nice too. I like that both offer a variety of blade colors and types, like the hammered blades as well as offering gold, copper, and painted blades that work so well in the dirty water I fish often.
Two white, one chartreuse and one chartreuse & white.
Junking your spinnerbaits because the skirts are worn is like junking your car because the tires are worn. If you want new spinnerbaits, get new spinnerbaits, but some of my oldest spinnerbaits are my favorites. But to answer your question, I like Stanley's, Strike King, Booyah, Mann's Classic, and H2Os. A lot of small manufacturers make some really nice spinnerbaits, but I don't catch any more on those, and I'm always tinkering with skirts, blades and weight anyway. YMMV.
For me, Booyah Pond Magic spinnerbaits (3/16 ounce) are for numbers. Just love using them.
Thanks for the responses. I'm not just tossing the old ones; I'll order some new skirts and try a bit of polish on the blades. I just wanted some suggestions as to some new ones I should try while I'm tinkering around with the oldies.
Why throw away good jigs and spinnerbaits because the skirt or collars skirts are bad?
Barlows Tackle and Fishing both have a wide selection of skirts and blades you can use to rebuild your lures with.
Dress the skirtless spinners with a 4" or 5" grub or swimbait...
like already mentioned - buy some skirts, collars and a $2 skirt tool.
Tackle Warehouse has an excellent selection of spinnerbaits. Just ordered Strike King's Lil Mr. Money and waiting for Humdinger single blade Colorado 1/4 gold to become available.
I would use mostly Pepper Custom baits spinnerbaits in the 3/8, 1/2 and 3/4 ounce sizes. My favorite 1/4 ounce spinnerbaits are Nichols Pulsators, and on their website you can build a custom spinnerbait. Make sure you have both double willow and tandem style baits. My favorite colors are white, chatreuse white, bluegill, golden shiner, and a chartreuse shad/bombshell shad color.
I would replace the bad skirts with pepper custom baits skirts as well.
Going to throw a couple of local companies into the pool -
RMD Revolution -
Bass Art Creations -
I"m not going to be brand specific .
1 : small single willow leaf
2: med sized single Colorado
3: Double willow
4: Turtle back / Colorado
Terminators T1's can take a serious beating and never needs to be re tuned.
Terminator T1's are my absolute favorite! War Eagle and Booyah after that.
Stanley Wedge- TN Shad & chrtrs/pearl
I prefer the ones Seibert makes. A few others I like:
Savage Gear Titanium Wire
Jackall Super Eruption
Damiki Gladiator
Stanley Vibra-Wedge
I use to like Ganns, but they are no longer available. Now I am using Pepper.
Booyah spinnerbaits are my favorite.
I actually have a few single leave 1/4 oz Colorado blades that I bought for $1 each that I get at a gas station. When I first started bass fishing many years ago Strike King was the head honcho in spinnerbaits, and that's what I still go with. But I don't use the fancy $10 ones, I just like the plain old $4-5 spinner bait, double willow leaf, gold or silver I don't care. I'd get two in chart. and two in white. And I'd pick up a couple of $1 jobs too.
So what I ended up ordering...
And an assortment of some Dirty Jigs replacement skirt.
I slipped an extra in there to hit the $50 free shipping charge.
I also spent a few moments with some Mothers Mag polish and brightened up some of the dingy blades on my remaining spinners.
Thanks for the suggestions.
Now to decide on a few chatterbaits...
No love in this thread for Zorro. I mostly use Zorro Stan Sloan double willow with rattles. I have had by far more success slow rolling this spinnerbait. 5/8 oz is my favorite. It's great for shallow laydowns or deep bluffs and anywhere in between.