There's really no point to this post, just bought a couple more and figured I share. What's your "Go To" for topwater?
Looking good,who makes them?
I'm just starting to fish topwater this year.It's a goal of mine.
I use a combination of: Skitter Walks,Sputterbuzz, couple of the newer Hendon Sway back Spooks,Spittin Images, and my 2 favs Jittersticks and this guy THE BLACK JITTERBUG:
grimlin, those are Storm Rattlin' Chug Bugs. I used those a lot when I was younger, with good success.
Buzzbait although this year I am going to try the jitterbug out for the night bite.
Quotegrimlin, those are Storm Rattlin' Chug Bugs. I used those a lot when I was younger, with good success.![]()
Thanks,now i got to look into them....
Those Sway Back's look very nice as well! Haven't tried one yet...
and yes, these are the Chug Bug's! Drive's the fish here crazy and the strike is usually pretty impressive. Catch Largemouths and Peacocks on them...
I use the Chug Bug all the time one of my favs. Latly been use the LC Sammy alot. Need to get back to Bugging!!
I have read a lot about the Black Jitterbug for night fishing,,I have fished 5 night tourney over the last few years and have yet to get a strike on. I will keep trying thou.
Either a Strike King Buzzbait or Rebel Pop-R/Berkely Frenzy Popper
My go to is the Lucky Craft G-Splash. Over the winter after reading different posts on Bass Resource, I bought some Daiwa TD Mouthwash and MegaBass Pop Max topwater lures.
Most productive: Zara Spook
Most used: Lucky Craft Sammy
Favorite: Cavitron Buzzbait
My go-to topwater is a Gaines (used to be Worden's) Crippled Killer. I also like the Rapala Skitter Pop, and last year my new favorite became the Scum frog.
> Gambler Cane Toad
> Heddon Super Spook Jr.
> Cavitron Buzzbait
> Booyah Buzz (clacker)
> Spro Bronzeye Frog Jr.
> Stanley Ribbit Frog
> Rebel Magnum Pop-R
> Ah, who are we kidd'n?
When the topwater bite is on, bass will hit a bobber on a string if it's properly worked
Rapala Skitter Pop
Cavitron Buzzbait
Heddon Torpedos
Strike King Spittin' King
Accent Lures High Rider Buzzbait
A Caviron Buzzbait. I caught my PB on one.
I am not much of a topwater guy but I catch a fair share on a Manns swimmin toad. I also do very good with a weightless tube bait, twitched like you would a spook, in the walk-the-dog fashion. The difference between the tube and the spook is that you can fish the tube much slower and when it sits the tentacles move slowly.
Black jointed Jitterbugs, and River2Sea frog.
Baby Bass Torpedo
Devil's Horse
Chug Bug
Zara Spook and Zara Spook Puppy
Deps Buzzjet and Lucky Craft 115 Gunfish
Heddon Lucky 13
Quote> Ah, who are we kidd'n?When the topwater bite is on, bass will hit a bobber on a string if it's properly worked
For me it's the Zara Spook. I'm going to be giving my new Sammy a good work-out this season though.
anyone ever use one of these? seems interesting... bass like to ambush other fish that are feeding... gimmick?
I thought those were made by Norman, but I have not seen one in years. Yes they work, especially on schooling fish. When worked in front a topwater bait you can occasionally catch a double. I still have a few that I have had for years, did not know they were still available..............AL
Cabelas real image poppers in pearl and Zoom Horny Toads.
Favorite and most productive is the Smithwick Devil's Horse. I am actually really surprised there aren't more responses for this. In FL. they are really popular and they produce. Won our Club Classic fishing one of these all day. That was the only lure I threw all day.
For me would be the Jitterbug, the bites sometime can be a heart attack inducing experience
Most productive: Devils horse.Front prop removed,rear prop tweaked.
Favorite:Any size spook,with the SS Jr being the best.
Also a weightless trickworm twitched on top.
I am a topwater fanatic.These ar just a few of my favorite things....
Oh! cant forget the Excalibur Zel Pop!
QuoteMost productive: Devils horse.Front prop removed,rear prop tweaked.![]()
Veddy Intedesting 8-)
My favorite top water is the floating minnow or jerkbait as the pros call it.My favs are the gold blk back orange belly Rogue,chrome blk back Rogue,chrome blue back Rogue,and the silver blk back Rapala original floater.
yeah you have to take off the front prop and tweak the back. I usually put a larger hook on the back also using a split ring. The las devil's horse I bought I put both props on the back, with one prop bent a little forward and the other bent a little back and the splash on this is awesome. I only fished it for a little while this past weekend but the action was amazing.
Quoteyeah you have to take off the front prop and tweak the back. I usually put a larger hook on the back also using a split ring. The las devil's horse I bought I put both props on the back, with one prop bent a little forward and the other bent a little back and the splash on this is awesome. I only fished it for a little while this past weekend but the action was amazing.
NICE! I have some more playing around to do.
When I get my DH the way I want.I get the rear prop to spin effortlessly with very little rod movement and shouldnt have to really move the lure at all to get it to spin.Very light twitches in place, or slight pull of the rod tip.It is about the same as twitching an original Rapala on top.It looks like a wounded minnow fluttering about.A real subtle action without aggressive rips and jerks.
Berkley Frenzy Poppers, and Zara Spooks. The Frenzy is a fish catching dynamo. It pops AND walks.
A Ribbit Frog is my #1 topwater bait. Looks like a frog acts like a buzzbait it is awesome.