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Mend It! Glue 2025

fishing user avatariceintheveins reply : 

Anyone ever use it? Looks like it would be great for all plastics, but especially senkos and rage shads.

fishing user avatargobig reply : 

All the time. It does not work on all plastics though.

fishing user avatarhmongkidBee reply : 

it works pretty good.  I like using it for my paddletail swimbaits and my ragetail baits especially the anaconda.

fishing user avatars13john reply : 

works good and is in a convenient container. but i belive all it is, is pvc pipe glue or cleaner one hopefull someone can correct me on that. but it will save you a bunch of soft plastics.

fishing user avatarGorgebassman reply : 

I cant say as I have ever used it but I use super glue gel for the same thing seems to work well for me .

fishing user avatarshortbasser reply : 

Never leave home without it.  Best soft plastic glue I ever used.  It will not glue your fingers together like super glues. Dries quick. Has saved me a few bucks too.


fishing user avatarMattlures reply : 

It is not PVC glue. They may apear similer but the results are not. Once Mend-it cures you are left with a repair that is like new and just as soft.

fishing user avatarRick-b reply : 

It's really not a glue at all.. It kind of melts the plastic and welds it together more than glueing it. Good Stuff Indeed..

fishing user avatarbuzzcatcher reply : 

Absolute junk! Or let me correct that, the container is junk. Got some 2 weeks ago and you have to squeeze so hard that my thumb got sore. Went to use it yesterday and it was to thick to even come out so in the trash it went. Also leaves a white residue at the repair which is rather ugly. The glue itself works pretty good on the bigger main body parts, not so good on small appendages. A wood burning tool with an exacto blade attachment is what I use and it works awesome. Not trying to bash, just telling my experience.


fishing user avatarlavbasser reply : 

Does acetone thin it out?  I need to thin mine out.  Any advice is appreciated.

fishing user avatargrimlin reply : 
Absolute junk! Or let me correct that, the container is junk. Got some 2 weeks ago and you have to squeeze so hard that my thumb got sore. Went to use it yesterday and it was to thick to even come out so in the trash it went. Also leaves a white residue at the repair which is rather ugly. The glue itself works pretty good on the bigger main body parts, not so good on small appendages. A wood burning tool with an exacto blade attachment is what I use and it works awesome. Not trying to bash, just telling my experience.


Yeah...It does dry out. somebody mention to me here add a little acetone to it again.To be honest i haven't tried that yet.

fishing user avatariceintheveins reply : 

Looks like I will be picking some up.

fishing user avatarMattlures reply : 

MEK is the best for thinning it. Acetone will work. If you had a problem you should have contacted Will he would have taken care of you. I have never seen a white residue so something is off. Maybe you had something on your bait? Either way the customer service is more then good.

fishing user avatargobig reply : 
Absolute junk! Or let me correct that, the container is junk. Got some 2 weeks ago and you have to squeeze so hard that my thumb got sore.

You have to take the cap off.

fishing user avatarMaxumBass reply : 

My bottle also worked great the first time I used it and was dried up a week later. I now use my soldering gun to melt them back together. I throw all used baits in a zip lock bag until I have enough to fool with. I have the same problem with super glue, its always bad the second time you want to use it.

fishing user avatarbuzzcatcher reply : 
Absolute junk! Or let me correct that, the container is junk. Got some 2 weeks ago and you have to squeeze so hard that my thumb got sore.

You have to take the cap off.

That comment is as worthless as Mend It.

fishing user avatarAvalonjohn44 reply : 

I have not had a single problem with the bottle being tough to squeeze, or with the stuff drying out. 

I bought a bottle last summer, and estimate that I have saved over a hundred bucks just on the senkos and sweet beavers I've ressurected.  I've used it for everything and it's saved me tons of cash.  It won't work on the 'Elaztech' stretchy plastic, but should work with just about everything else. Well, not gulp...

Plus, you can use it to make cool new baits... You can add arms and legs from one bait to another.  It's really fun to experiment with.

fishing user avatarAvalonjohn44 reply : 

Also, never saw any white residue whatsoever.

fishing user avatarbilgerat reply : 

I thought the drying out issue was resolved with a new type of bottle - one that didn't allow evaporation.  I thought this was taken care of for a while now.

fishing user avatarHopelesslyAddicted reply : 
Absolute junk! Or let me correct that, the container is junk. Got some 2 weeks ago and you have to squeeze so hard that my thumb got sore.

You have to take the cap off.

That comment is as worthless as Mend It.

Hey buzzcatcher you really must have gotten a bad bottle. First, in a good bottle you barely have to squeeze at all to get it to come out. It just drops like one drop at a time, and it allows for a very precise amount to be used. Second, it DOES NOT dry out if you always keep it in moderate temperatures and make sure to keep the cap on tight when not in use. The stuff works incredibly well when used as directed.

I don't mean to imply that your dumb or something, just that you got a bad bottle. The good bottles don't dry out, definitely don't leave any residue, and most times you can't even see the repair. It just needs to sit for 10 or more minutes before it sets completely in your bait, then its all good.

You are giving people the wrong impression of the product because, if you get a good bottle, which I'm sure most people do, none of the problems you had will occur.

I bought mine directly from Will Hesch on Ebay about a month ago. That's where he sells it for the best deal, and if you're willing to try it again I highly recommend Ebay.

fishing user avatarkms399 reply : 

I bought mine on ebay last year in june I think, bottle is still half full works like a charm I have been using it more this summer than I did last year. saving me a ton on rage toads.

fishing user avatarBig Bait Fishing reply : 

bought mine over a year ago , jsut as good as the day i bought it  ;)

fishing user avatarchromedog reply : 

I just use a superglue gel with a brush applicator.  Works awesome, inexpensive and easy for my to get my hands on when needed.

fishing user avatarshortbasser reply : 

New packaging now available for Mend-it.  Should solve the drying out problem.  They say it should have a 2 year shelf life now.  Glass bottles in 1/2 oz. and 1 oz. with a brush applicator.  $7 and $12. Info is on their website. 


fishing user avatar=Matt 5.0= reply : 
Absolute junk! Or let me correct that, the container is junk. Got some 2 weeks ago and you have to squeeze so hard that my thumb got sore.

You have to take the cap off.

fishing user avatarTrippyJai reply : 

I am about to pick up a bottle off eBay, but I have a few questions before I do. Lets say I rip my senko where I place my hook a wacky rig, if I mend it back together, can I place the hook again where it ripped?

Also is this the new packaging?

fishing user avatarMattlures reply : 

That would be the new packaging. When you repair with Mend-it, the bait is fixed as if it were never torn. There is no hard spot and it is the same softness. It is not like superglues that glue the two halves back together and leave an ugly hard spot

fishing user avatarvia reply : 

i always use mend it whenever any of my soft plastic bait rips. 

fishing user avatarWayne P. reply : 

I have two of the former "new improved" plastic bottles. The one I kept in my boat locker is as solid as a brick and the one I keep in the house is still a liquid.

It works great if it stays a liquid.

fishing user avatarbladeslinger reply : 

I love the stuff, never had the bottle clog or dry. Even if it did after a year, one swimbait repair would probably pay for it's initial cost.

fishing user avatarrubba bubba reply : 
Absolute junk! Or let me correct that, the container is junk. Got some 2 weeks ago and you have to squeeze so hard that my thumb got sore.

You have to take the cap off.

That comment is as worthless as Mend It.

Even if Mend it were worthless, which it is not, that comment had immense hilarity value.  Try not to take things so seriously, instead join in the fray and shoot back something equally humorous.  It's all good natured fun around here.

fishing user avatarHammer 4 reply : 

I like it, so do my soft swimbits ect... 8-)

fishing user avatarBankbeater reply : 

I have never used glue to fix plastics. I just heat up a paperclip with my lighter and melt the torn area back together again.

fishing user avatarrubba bubba reply : 
I have never used glue to fix plastics. I just heat up a paperclip with my lighter and melt the torn area back together again.

Mend-It does exactly that but chemically.  It's why it works so well.


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