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BPS Stick-O's?.......Nope 2025

fishing user avatarHeron reply : 

Didnt like 'em.


I like to use 3" senkos whenever just fun fishing for numbers.   When others reach for the Ned rig, I grab a 3" senko, and have similar results.   Recently I picked up some BPS 3" Stick-O's, and fished them side-by-side with the Senkos.   And boy lemme tell you what, the difference there was night & day.   I would be catching fish fairly well on the Senko, and then switch to the Stick-O for a good while, and it was like somebody just switched off the mojo.  And I would fish it for a good hour.  Once I switched back to the Senko, it was "game-on" once again.   It was an extremely noticeable difference.

I know many of you have had good results with the Stick-Os, but after this try out, I don't believe these things will be my preference.  Its a shame too cause that was a pretty good deal.


fishing user avatarFun4Me reply : 

I don't know if I would let one fishing session turn me off to any bait, but to each his own, fish whatever makes one happy. 

fishing user avatarHeron reply : 
  On 8/23/2016 at 7:12 AM, Fun4Me said: whatever makes one happy. 

Pffttt....Fish whatever actually works.

fishing user avatarDarren. reply : 

3" Stick-O worms don't work very well for me...

But 4, 5, and 6 are incredible.

fishing user avatarFun4Me reply : 
  On 8/23/2016 at 7:25 AM, Heron said:

Pffttt....Fish whatever actually works that day.


fishing user avatarTravis Gasper reply : 

I've never used the 3" ones, but their 5" version is by far my #1 producing bait for bass. Watermelon Red Magic has caught me near 200 bass this year alone. 

fishing user avatarChrisD46 reply : 

Depends on how you are rigging them : Wacky rig perhaps Senkos are better , T-Rig I can't see how there could be much of a difference ?

fishing user avatarHeron reply : 
  On 8/23/2016 at 8:34 AM, ChrisD46 said:

Depends on how you are rigging them : Wacky rig perhaps Senkos are better , T-Rig I can't see how there could be much of a difference ?

Well, they were T-rigged.   That's the only way I fish them. 

  On 8/23/2016 at 7:29 AM, Darren. said:

3" Stick-O worms don't work very well for me...

But 4, 5, and 6 are incredible.

Good to know.  I will keep those options open.

fishing user avatarHeron reply : 
  On 8/23/2016 at 7:30 AM, Fun4Me said:

....Fish whatever actually works that day.

Pfffttt....The 3" Senko works everyday, any day, any time, in all waters, under all conditions.   Ive even used that little sucker at night.

If an alternative stick worm cannot match that kind of consistency, then Im not interested.

fishing user avatariiTzChunky reply : 

My buddy got a big pack of those I think 5" and man... He couldn't catch a thing. I throw him a Senko and 2 casts on he's reeling in his first fish. I took a couple from him and watched the action of the falling and it's not even close to a Senko. Also took them to the local pond that's good for catching numbers all day long, I typically fish it with some yum worms and bring in a lot of fish. Couldn't get a bite here either. I'm convinced these won't work for how I use them. 

fishing user avatarHeron reply : 
  On 8/23/2016 at 9:27 AM, iiTzChunky said:

My buddy got a big pack of those I think 5" and man... He couldn't catch a thing. I throw him a Senko and 2 casts on he's reeling in his first fish. I took a couple from him and watched the action of the falling and it's not even close to a Senko. Also took them to the local pond that's good for catching numbers all day long, I typically fish it with some yum worms and bring in a lot of fish. Couldn't get a bite here either. I'm convinced these won't work for how I use them. 

Im starting to wonder if there is an issue with BPS quality control.

fishing user avatarprimetime reply : 

The Stick O is the #1 selling soft plastic bait that is manufactured by the Main OEM based on a report that the Alabama ledger did on the company, sales, top brands, and how certain baits receive Higher Quality Control.

BPS plastics are made in the same place, same barrels, and the difference imo between say a GYB, STIK O, RAGE, Zoom etc...Is the consistency of the baits. I have purchased zoom baits that were all dinged up and bent in bags, off color, and with BPS since they article stated after Labor Day they buy whatever is left on the shelves for buckets etc., I would imagine that older stock can dry out even though warehouse is cooled but I would agree that the softness and weight of a sticko varies from the date on the bag or lot #. 

GYB baits and Rage baits are actually cooked for an extra 24 hours and every bait is weighed by a person not a machine, then packed in the shell packaging to keep them perfect and keep them air tight to prevent any coffee scent from the grinds they use to evaporate as well as salt and oil. SK will only take perfect baits and GYB is the same way from what I understand. I have looked at new packs of worms and the worms are almost always perfect. I Find that if you buy Stick O's or Zoom, or most brands when on a big sale like 3/10, bogo etc...

You may be buying blemishes in a bag which is how the retailer is getting them much cheaper. A blemish can be a bait that looks perfect but may not have enough flake, even coloring or flake, texture can be slighlty off, or tint. 

I would always look at the baits on sale at Dicks, or any retailer when you purchase them on sale. A very popular Swimbait that is made by a Japanese company and is now made in America, sold at Dicks for example has been on clearance lately as well as another model. I looked at them and sure enough the laminates were bleeding but not badly, they also had bent tails from storage etc....A new lot came in along with new baits for the year and the new baits are Perfect, so soft baits will always vary, but I catch the same amount of fish on baits with dents since I never examine them, as I do with perfect baits, and a soft Stick'O still feels different than a Senko but sometimes really close and also .25" longer or were. They keep changing baits like Yum from scents to salt, but I like GYB grubs and Sticks due to the colors they offer which are different than all other companies and I think that matters. I also never wonder if another worm is better although I do like the Ocho and Salt Lick.

At one point in time, a Stick O cut to the same length as a GYB worm would weigh exact, sink at the exact rate, and only difference I noticed was in the "Shakiness" of the GYB but it was in the sink and barely different. some worms are harder but skip well and I like some Larger Senko's to be stiff like the STick O in 7.25". Thats my ramble for today but the article just came out in the Ledger in Alabama about how Brush hogs require the most work to make out of all the baits, it was a good read. It explains how BPS line was started back in the day encouraged by Tom Mann for BPS, and now they are the best selling brand of soft baits apparently. I would have guessed Zoom maybe but BPS line of baits is HUGE.

fishing user avatarHeavyDluxe reply : 

My personal philosophy:  The number of days where the bass will bite a green pumpkin GYCB Senko and not bite a green pumpkin [copycat stickbait] are very few.  But, there are those days.  And, when you find them, it's beyond frustrating.

Trick is that there are also days where the fish will/would bite the copycat and would bypass the 'real deal' for whatever reason.  

That's fishing...


Same goes for color, etc etc.

fishing user avatarMosster47 reply : 

How to make every non salt core stick bait work. 

Boil a pot of water, dump them in, count to 10, dump them into a strainer, run cold water over them. 

Run a 5/0 EWG to match the fall rate of a Senko, smaller for slower. 


fishing user avatarBaitMonkey1984 reply : 
  On 8/23/2016 at 7:29 AM, Darren. said:

3" Stick-O worms don't work very well for me...

But 4, 5, and 6 are incredible.

The 6"in a watermelon creme color works better than 5"GYCB in my parts. Absolutely slays the fish. I haven't had the same luck in the smaller sizes.

fishing user avatarBankbeater reply : 

I use Stik-O's in the 3", 5", and 6" size.  Usually they work and catch fish, but every once in a while the bass want a different bait.

fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 

This argument, "Senko vs The Universe", has been going on for years:


fishing user avatarBluebasser86 reply : 

I've had good luck with the 3" on a Ned rig jighead. The results are far from a Ned rig with a Zman bait, but they still work. I wouldn't both T rigging a bait that tiny weightless. Might put them on a Slider head though. GY Senkos are nearly $9 a pack around here, I'm not paying that to catch 1 or 2 fish per bait. 

fishing user avatarking fisher reply : 

I saw a video where two kids ran an experiment on a small pond.  One fished a Senko, wacky.  The other fished gummy worm candy rigged wacky.  The guy fishing the gummy worms landed a few bass.  The guy with the Senko was  hook a fish.  I'm not going to start fishing gummy worms, and will not be giving away any of my Senkos.  Just goes to show some days bass will do strange things. 

fishing user avatarMassYak85 reply : 

I've had far too much success with them to justify spending nearly 1 dollar a bait for something that will get torn beyond use after one dink fish. The senkos sure are nicer and I might consider them for tournaments if I ever did them, but I have no reason to switch currently. I've gone through 10 stick-o's in a day. Probably would have been 3 bags of senkos had I used those instead. 

fishing user avatarTorn Thumb reply : 
  On 8/23/2016 at 10:48 AM, primetime said:

The Stick O is the #1 selling soft plastic bait that is manufactured by the Main OEM based on a report that the Alabama ledger did ...

I would love to read that article if you can link it or pm it to me. I'm a nerd for that kind of stuff.


  On 8/23/2016 at 7:00 PM, Bluebasser86 said:

I've had good luck with the 3" on a Ned rig jighead. The results are far from a Ned rig with a Zman bait, but they still work. I wouldn't both T rigging a bait that tiny weightless. Might put them on a Slider head though. GY Senkos are nearly $9 a pack around here, I'm not paying that to catch 1 or 2 fish per bait. 

Dang, at my local Wallyworld they just went down to $6.36 - 6.96 a bag. For some reason they have the smaller size at the higher cost. At DSG however, they are $8.00~ a bag.

  On 8/24/2016 at 2:02 AM, Torn Thumb said:


fishing user avatarrippin-lips reply : 

There is no exact replacement for a 5" senko. The way they shimmy on the fall either T rigged or wacky is its own thing. People have searched high and low for an exact replacement. Me being one of those people. The 5" bps stick o is one of the baits that's about as close as I've found to a match to the gybc senko. I've watched multiple videos comparing the actions of different stick worms to a senko in the water. That was the closest one I've seen and it made me try them out. So far it was worth saving a couple dollars per pack. Yes, I might miss a few fish here and there as a result but I'm okay with that.  

fishing user avatarS. Sass reply : 
  On 8/24/2016 at 3:11 AM, rippin-lips said:

There is no exact replacement for a 5" senko. The way they shimmy on the fall either T rigged or wacky is its own thing. People have searched high and low for an exact replacement. Me being one of those people. The 5" bps stick o is one of the baits that's about as close as I've found to a match to the gybc senko. I've watched multiple videos comparing the actions of different stick worms to a senko in the water. That was the closest one I've seen and it made me try them out. So far it was worth saving a couple dollars per pack. Yes, I might miss a few fish here and there as a result but I'm okay with that.  

You need to check out the Forum sponsor BizzBait. Their Sassy Stick is just as good imho

fishing user avatarrippin-lips reply : 
  On 8/24/2016 at 4:19 AM, S. Sass said:

You need to check out the Forum sponsor BizzBait. Their Sassy Stick is just as good imho

I like their action a lot. I saw a video they'd posted showing it in a tank.  I've never pulled the trigger though due to how cheap the stick o is for 16 worms. 

fishing user avatarS. Sass reply : 

I'll send ya some to try if you pm me your address. I think you will be surprised. 

fishing user avatarrippin-lips reply : 
  On 8/24/2016 at 5:01 AM, S. Sass said:

I'll send ya some to try if you pm me your address. I think you will be surprised. 

That's awesome. Thank you very much. Pm on its way. 

fishing user avatarlong island basser reply : 

I've been using the 5 3/8  stick-o exclusively for years now. It's been the only Brand and Size I buy. No need for me to keep trying other manufacturers as I might have done in Years past.

I stock up when on sale, there are  great bang for your buck and catch tons of bass, what else does anybody want? 

fishing user avatarHeavyDluxe reply : 
  On 8/23/2016 at 11:00 AM, Mosster47 said:

How to make every non salt core stick bait work. 

Boil a pot of water, dump them in, count to 10, dump them into a strainer, run cold water over them. 

Run a 5/0 EWG to match the fall rate of a Senko, smaller for slower. 


For reelz?  Color me skeptical, but the kinda skeptical that will try this the next time I have a box of Stik-Os. :)

fishing user avatarrippin-lips reply : 
  On 8/24/2016 at 6:29 AM, HeavyDluxe said:

For reelz?  Color me skeptical, but the kinda skeptical that will try this the next time I have a box of Stik-Os. :)

The hot water will soften the plastics. I've used that method to straighten bent soft plastics. My only issue would be the 5/0 ewg hook. I have no need to use a hook that big on a 5" senko. If wacky it's a 1/0 finesse wide gap and if t rigged it's a 3/0 straight shank worm hook or ewg.

fishing user avatarprimetime reply : 
  On 8/24/2016 at 2:02 AM, Torn Thumb said:

I would love to read that article if you can link it or pm it to me. I'm a nerd for that kind of stuff.


Dang, at my local Wallyworld they just went down to $6.36 - 6.96 a bag. For some reason they have the smaller size at the higher cost. At DSG however, they are $8.00~ a bag.


I think this is the article that explains the process but you can also look up the Georgia OEM D&J which does many of the same brands & molds. I think You tube has videos of how they make the baits, the key is really the guy mixing the barrels and making sure they are heated just right. I guess the Reason Why BPS soft baits seem to be about 50% of entire inventory is they have a line up for every type of fishing, every size, hundreds of colors, plus they use the BPS baits as Filler baits for smaller companies. BPS has about 8 different types of grubs alone, dozen sizes, 100 colors, then saltwater series, panfish, Walleye, plus they often insert discontinued baits on clearance racks during big sales or in the buckets. 

Like should work.

fishing user avatarMosster47 reply : 
  On 8/24/2016 at 6:29 AM, HeavyDluxe said:

For reelz?  Color me skeptical, but the kinda skeptical that will try this the next time I have a box of Stik-Os. :)

Yes, it's works. The cheapest thing you can do is get the 25 bags of the 5" Big Bite Baits sticks. Do what I said to them and they flutter the exact same. 

The only real difference is they don't weight as much so in warmer water run a 5/0 and it will match the Senko fall rate. I actually like these better in cold water because you can switch to a 3/0 and it falls slower than a Senko. 

The non salt core ones are still much more durable even after you soften them. Don't count any longer than 10, you don't want to melt them. 

fishing user avatarbigbill reply : 

I started using 5" senko in red black flake. They worked great but one senko per fish. No money left even for a happy meal have to hit the dollar menu. Then I switched to bps stik o worms in Amber red flake cheaper. Lasts longer and works. They don't offer then anymore. Now Bizzbaits offers senko type baits. Affordable in back in the happy meal and I get my toy............lmao

fishing user avatarfishwizzard reply : 
  On 8/23/2016 at 7:00 PM, Bluebasser86 said:

I've had good luck with the 3" on a Ned rig jighead. The results are far from a Ned rig with a Zman bait, but they still work. I wouldn't both T rigging a bait that tiny weightless. Might put them on a Slider head though. GY Senkos are nearly $9 a pack around here, I'm not paying that to catch 1 or 2 fish per bait. 

I have found that a 3" senko rigged weightless on a 1/0 Roboworm hook will always catch a fish.  It might be a 5" panfish, but if I am 15 min from dark and I have been skunked so far, even a 5" panfish becomes attractive.  Of course, this rigging makes for a single hit lure, but again, the bar is closing and I don't want to go home alone. 

I do only buy them when I can find them on deep discount, but as a bait of last resort, they do work.  I have been looking at the BPS 4" split tails as a river bait, but still have a backlog of tiny plastics to work through before I give them a shot.  

fishing user avatarFisher-O-men reply : 

This whole thread makes me want some guacamole!

fishing user avatarRobert Riley reply : 

The Stick-O is there senko right? I got a big box of them a few years ago and I've just been fishing them nonstop. 

fishing user avatar*Hootie reply : 

Tubes and beavers, beavers and tubes. 


fishing user avatarww2farmer reply : 

I use yum dingers exclusivly, and have for several years. Most of the guys I fish against use GYCB senkos...............I take people's money regularly. Draw your own conclusions.

fishing user avatarMumbly reply : 

I fish yum dingers as well and they work great for me. I haven't done any comparisons to GYB Senko's so I really don't know how they stack up, nor have I tried the BPS stik-o's so not sure about them. I will stick with dingers especially when you can find them on sale for $2 a bag.


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