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Best BC reel for around $100? 2025

fishing user avatarMichiganFisherman reply : 

What do you think?

fishing user avatarDrewster116 reply : 

I'm not the smartest when it comes to these but I been looking at alot of them lately cause I was looking to buy a BC myself I did come across a reel for aorund the price you're looking at and it seems pretty good to me but i'm no expert it's a Pflueger Trion. But i can tell you i have a Pflueger spinning for both my saltwater and my latest bass rods and i like them alot.

fishing user avatardodgeguy reply : 

pflueger trion narrow spool.

fishing user avatarMuddy reply : 

Pflueger Trion , Either NS or the standard.

fishing user avatarIneedanewscreenname20170204 reply : 

Shimano Citica 200e online for right at $100.  BPS Extreme is a nice reel (esp. for the $$) and can be had for $50 w/ trade-in at BPS in a couple weeks.

fishing user avatarbigfruits reply : 

definitely citica 200e

fishing user avatar-nick- reply : 

I was in the market for one just this week and ended up going with the citica and love it! I'm glad I didn't make the mistake of buying something else.

fishing user avatarretiredbosn reply : 

Depending on what you want, right now you can get the BPS Extreme for 50 plus shipping, on Ebay you can get last years model of the Quantum Tour PT for 139 including shipping (that is a steal), you can get the Abu Garcia  EXT Pro for 85 shipped to your door (also a steal, and my favorite), you can get 2 Quantum Accurist CX's delivered for 99.  If you want to highest quality reel for the lowest price and like lps the Tour PT, if you like round the EXT Pro.  Good Luck

fishing user avatarhawgchaser reply : 

Quantum Accurist PT burner is 60% at cabelas. I bought 3 of them!

fishing user avatarTuckman reply : 

Shimano Citica E for sure...fishes almost exactly like a Curado. I just wish they would offer more choices in gear ratio!!!

fishing user avatarYJsmitty reply : 

In my opinion spend an extra $10 and go to and pick up a Abu Garcia Revo S.

I've got six of them and I love all of them.  You can't beat them for the price.  If your interested in one send me a pm and i'll give you a secret about getting one cheaper then that.

fishing user avatareyedabassman reply : 
definitely citica 200e


fishing user avatarMaxximus Redneckus reply : 

revo s

fishing user avatarfish-fighting-illini reply : 
Shimano Citica 200e online for right at $100. BPS Extreme is a nice reel (esp. for the $$) and can be had for $50 w/ trade-in at BPS in a couple weeks.

pretty much an x2 on both of these. I haven't used the Pflueger Trion but I own several PFL spinning and a Supreme BC and they are excellent reels.

fishing user avatarmattm reply : 

The Revo S or citica.  Both great reels.

fishing user avatarcentral_fl_fishin reply : 

Daiwa Tierra.  Smooth, tough and around $120.00.  It's the charter boat version of a Bass fishing BC'er.  IMO.

fishing user avatardaviscw reply : 


fishing user avatarMichiganFisherman reply : 

Thank you for all of the replies guys.

I think it's a toss up between a Citica and a Revo S.  Citica's got more votes though... hmm.

fishing user avatarfirefightn15 reply : 

*Revo S*  ;)

fishing user avatarretiredbosn reply : 

You can't go wrong with either reel.  If we can get the Abu possee fired up we can get the votes equalized for ya  ;)  Both reels are quality products, right now I'm partial to Abu's.  If you can handle both of the reels, pick the one that feels best to you.

fishing user avatartritz18 reply : 

Citica E

check this review out

fishing user avatarfirefightn15 reply : 
You can't go wrong with either reel. If we can get the Abu possee fired up we can get the votes equalized for ya ;) Both reels are quality products, right now I'm partial to Abu's. If you can handle both of the reels, pick the one that feels best to you.


fishing user avatarmichaelkim_9582 reply : 

revo s, citicas not bad either

fishing user avatarBassinBoy reply : 
The Revo S or citica. Both great reels.


fishing user avatarEhubb5951 reply : 

Revo S

fishing user avatarOIFBasser reply : 

[                            REVO

fishing user avatarMichiganFisherman reply : 

Saw Revo S's at Walmart for $100!  Too bad I don't have the money right now...

fishing user avatarMALTESE FALCON reply : 

Another vote for the Revo.



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