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flourocarbon line snppping on hook set!!!!!! 2025

fishing user avatarwdy77 reply : 

What is the real story with this line? I have used basspro XPS and trilene, I dont want to waste anymore $$$$. I have tryed 4 different knots and not much luck yet...

I have gotten info from an FLW tour pro and so far not much luck there either. So can anybody tell me what they use, and any tricks when using it. I do like this line I feel way more then with mono, but I have snapped off on 5 nice fish in my last 2 trips (NOT GOOD)!!! >:)

fishing user avatarburleytog reply : 

Where is the line breaking?

fishing user avatarLostime reply : 

Disclaimer: I dont use FC so feel free to disregard the following.

If its the knot its the nature of the beast.

The more stretch the FC has the better the knot strength.

The less stretch the FC has the worse the knot strength.

Tackletour's testing shows the simple improved clinch as having the highest average strength at an average of 78% for FC lines.

Suprisingly the Palomar tested #2 at 72% (It has got a bad rep with FC). Most others (including the San Diego) were in the 60's.

It appears FC is VERY unforgiving of less than perfect knots. Whatever you tie has to be perfect. This is more important than knot type.

fishing user avatarwdy77 reply : 

The line is breaking at the knot and sometimes above the knot!! Its almost an equal amount. I do check my knots and the knot I tie is a pretty good knot, they dont look ugly!! I found an article that said you have to change a little about the hook set, and loosen the drag.

The problems Im having is fishing a worm Texas style.. and I do set the hook HARD... When I was a kid we would call it crossing there eyes!! I have not had that much of a problem with crank baits!!

NO hard hook sets!! :-/

fishing user avatarThe_Natural reply : 

If you are using Trilene 100% and breaking off you might want to stick to mono.  My experience as well as others (and Tackle Tour's tests) have the Trilene Pro Grade as well as the BPS branded Toray as the Fluoro kings (the most well-rounded fluoros available).  No matter the fluoro brand; you will no doubt get a line that actually has a breaking strength true to the rating (or below in several brands).    I recommend going up one lb test when switching to fluoro; i.e. if you use 12lb CXX for a certain technique and want to make the switch to fluoro...go with 15lb.  Hope that helps....

fishing user avatarThe_Natural reply : 
Disclaimer: I dont use FC so feel free to disregard the following.

If its the knot its the nature of the beast.

The more stretch the FC has the better the knot strength.

The less stretch the FC has the worse the knot strength.

Tackletour's testing shows the simple improved clinch as having the highest average strength at an average of 78% for FC lines.

Suprisingly the Palomar tested #2 at 72% (It has got a bad rep with FC). Most others (including the San Diego) were in the 60's.

It appears FC is VERY unforgiving of less than perfect knots. Whatever you tie has to be perfect. This is more important than knot type.

Good info, but it will benefit you to know those stats are based on Sunline Shooter, which is a rather stiff fluoro, and why it shuns the palomar (pinches a little in the fold).  If you look at the Trilene 100% review, you will notice it actually preferred the Palomar over the Trilene and Improved Clinch knots.  This is another area where an angler just needs to use good judgement; if you are using a stiffer fluoro/line...go with a non-pinching knot such as the Trilene Knot or Improved Clinch.  Softer fluoros such as Trilene 100% and Seaguar Inviz-X actually prefer the palomar.  

fishing user avatarWayne P. reply : 

Learn how to PROPERLY tie a knot in fluorocarbon line. Use the proper knot for fluorocarbon line. Stretch has nothing to do with it, they have the same or more stretch as nylon monos. Friction during knot tightning is the killer with fluorocarbon.

fishing user avatarfishntime reply : 

Hey guys, I am by no means an expert.  But, I use the improved clinch knot on 12lb. Pline Halo.  And I have yet to lose a fish to line breakage....

fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 

If it ain't perfect, it's not "good enough."


fishing user avatar21farms reply : 

i'm in agreement with wayne p. friction at knot tightening will "burn" the line and weaken it severely...make sure you wet the line before cinching it down. flouro is also doesn't like any kinks in the line so be careful working out backlashes. if there are any kinks, cut it off and retie.

fishing user avatarwdy77 reply : 

OK I dont know what is wrong then, I wet the line when I tie my knots (all of them). and I have used every knot that has been mentioned!!

I have seen other people knots and some guys tie real ugly knots and you can see it easy..Like I said earlier, I tie a good knot and I take my time when doing it, so Im not sure whats wrong. :-/

fishing user avatarGrey Wolf reply : 

Could it be you just have some bad line ?

fishing user avatarJig Man reply : 

I have tried lots of knots with fluro and though I don't like to tie it the palomar works best for me.  I have found that a sloppy spit soaked knot doesn't seem to burn as badly and thus works better for me.

The sloppier the better  ;D ;D.

fishing user avatarMichBassMan reply : 

Beacause of breaks at kinks and knot failure I gave up on 100% flouro a couple years ago.

fishing user avatarWayne P. reply : 

I use the uni-knot of all fluorocarbon connections except one with zero knot failures.  I use the Palomar for a dropshot rig and avoid as much line stress as possible when bringing in a fish but still get breakoffs with the 8#. The brand of fluorocarbon I use is XPS in 8#, 10#, 14#, 17# and 20#.

fishing user avatarww2farmer reply : 

I have been using Trilene 100% Flourocarbon all season and have yet to break it. Try using the Trilene Knot, and REALLY REALLY wet it when you pull it tight. Also play with your drag a little bit, don't have it locked down tight, unless your using braid that is a sure fire way to break line on hook sets. I find it hard to beleive that you have gotten severl bad batches of line  from different mfgs. that all break in the same way. Some times people hate to admit it (including me) but I suspect you are doing something wrong to have the line break so often. BTW check your rod guides, I had an guide top tip guide on a St Croix rod some got chipped one trip out, and was breaking my line on every hook set, I too cursed the line, till I looked at the guide, replaced the guide, problem solved.

fishing user avatarPitchinkid reply : 

i use 100% Trilene 20# on my flippin stick. I always tie a clinch knot. I dont think there is a man out there that sets a hook harder than i do. i have NEVER broke a knot nor the line on a hook set. Perhaps you got a bad batch or something or spilled something on it. IMHO, you cant beat Trilene 100% pro grade Floro.

fishing user avatarfishinfergy reply : 

i had the same issue, just broke off all the time with the pline, switched to gamma edge and have not broke off yet(knock on wood) by far the best co-poly and fluro i have used

fishing user avatarwdy77 reply : 

Im using 14# XPS flouro, I will reduce the drag alittle now. Im going fishing tomarrow.. We will see what happens!!!  >:)

fishing user avatarJ Francho reply : 

I think many line issues are blamed on the line itself when its really the knot.  I've used Seaguar Carbon Pro, Invisx, XPS, P-Line 100%, and Trilene 100% without major issues.  Each has their strengths, but for my purposes, CarbonPro, XPS, and P-Line 100% work best for me.

fishing user avatarburleytog reply : 
I think many line issues are blamed on the line itself when its really the knot.  


fishing user avatarSam reply : 

Are you "burning" the line when tieing the knot?

If the line is "burned" it will snap above the hook.

So if the line is "twisty" and not straight after you tighten the knot then retie again and try not to "burn" the line.  :)

fishing user avatarshimanogloomis man reply : 
What is the real story with this line? I have used basspro XPS and trilene, I dont want to waste anymore $$$$. I have tryed 4 different knots and not much luck yet...

I have gotten info from an FLW tour pro and so far not much luck there either. So can anybody tell me what they use, and any tricks when using it. I do like this line I feel way more then with mono, but I have snapped off on 5 nice fish in my last 2 trips (NOT GOOD)!!! >:)

I had the same problem with knots breaking so i solved my problems by going with suffix braid 40/12 on baitcasting and spinning 20/6 with a  24''  20 lbs floro leader material problems solved plus greater sensatiity  ;D

fishing user avataradclem reply : 

I took an old eye glass cleaner bottle and filled it with water and a little bit of soap and carry that with me to wet down my line as I am tying the knot.  Works very well and I use the palomar knot.

Later, :)

fishing user avatarLOW7681 reply : 

I've had issues with line breaking at the knot on hooksets. I usually use monofilament in 14 or 17# test.

Since I started checking to be sure that the knot does not get lodged in the gap where the hook eye meets the shank breakoffs at the knot rarely occur.

By-the-way I primarily fish close in heavy cover with medium heavy to heavy action rods and make hundreds of pitches during a days trip.

After a number of fishing trips with knots breaking on the hookset I used the same tackle and lodged the hook into a tree and and from about 20 feet away tried to break the line on a "hookset" and never could.

fishing user avatarwdy77 reply : 

Went out today caught 12 bass and had NO problems,, I backed off my drag and that did help!! 8-) I do think that the problem is that flouro has less stretch!! All of my snap offs came with strikes close to the boat, which means not alot of line out. So with a hard hook set and the drag tight :'( :'( :'( snapping line!!

fishing user avatarbooneangler reply : 

how loose should you set the drag i mean should it give some on the hook set?

fishing user avatarwdy77 reply : 
how loose should you set the drag i mean should it give some on the hook set?

Its a personal feel thing, the first time I had it alittle to loose and I had to tighten it after seting the hook. So just back it off alittle and see how it feels!  

Also I do like the BPS XPS line so far its been working. I think all the flouro lines snap quicker because they have less stretch. I did a home test with a hook in a vise and I could not beleave how much the mono stretched, then on the other side the flouro didnt stretch much and would just snap. Its just a matter of getting used to this new line.


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