*Commence rant*
I have now been told more than a few times by our beloved NYS DEC Rangers to register my little 14 foot canoe because I have an electric trolling motor on it.
Check out a small sample of the giant pile of buII$#!t this would entail:
Since I purchased this boat privately off craigslist 6 years ago without ever planning on putting a motor on it I have about zero chance of ever getting a "bill of sale" from that person who sold it to me. I will have to look up the ID# on the hull on the company's website and track down the dealer who sold it new and work my way back somehow.
I never paid taxes on it, so I guess now even if I do find the person I'll get that leveraged out of me by the State as well.
Hypothetically, what if I actually built the canoe though?
It is really disturbing feeling to have the government intervene in private affairs to such an extent that I can't even buy a stinking $400 canoe from someone without getting investigated and threatened, registered and taxed.
(btw, serious question, is there any difference between this and extortion? Robbery? Essentially, men with guns [DEC] came up to my boat while I'm out in the wilderness minding my own business and told me to go do XYZ (register boat, pay the tax, etc) and if I don't at some point they'll kidnap me and toss me in jail. )
In any case, I will find a way to register it somehow. And under the registration number on the hull I will stick one of these:
Do people in other states put up with this sort of stuff too? Anyone register a boat they bought anonymously in private tax-free?
What is next-- registering guns?
Oh wait, yes. Yes, that probably is next.
Where can I move to avoid this sort of BS?
/here ends the rant.
Take the motor off, problem solved.
You're complaining about a problem you created, that's the issue. Don't be mad about the state over your choices.
it isn't about the boat, it is about the motor. pretty much every state that i know of requires the same thing. Many of those requirements are designed to see if a boat is stolen. I now when i was looking for a jet ski trailer for my kayak i had a heck of time finding one that had a title. most just drove around without it and took the risk. Well, i waited and found one and it was way easier to deal with.
Anyways, a bill of sale would be easy to make and of course you didn't pay taxes yet because it wasn't registered.
And as far as building a boat goes, you have to apply for a number i believe and go through the same process once you put the motor on it. no motor, no problem.
Paddling is good exercise...
...and yes, I did have to register my canoe since I motor it. Wasn't that big of deal since I researched the requirements before I bought the boat. And no, I never considered it extortion...just another process to go through - just like registering a car.
In Ohio you have to register all watercraft including inflatable kayaks. Gotta follow the laws or get fined. Pretty easy concept.
yup it's the same in PA. it might be easier if you go to the court house. i was in the same situation with no proof of sale and the lady just told me to make up a name/address b/c they don't have time to check. and even if they did it's just 'due diligence' and they will move on if the phone is disconnected etc. the big thing is they will run the hull number to make sure it's not stolen.
also i told her i paid $200 for the canoe and she said "why do you want to pay taxes on all that? just say you bought it for $50". the court house employees literally suggested i break the law. i thought I was on candid camera.
in PA registration is different than a title. i can get a title for an extra $36 but who needs in on a canoe/yak.
typically you can work with the tax collector to get it registered. As long as it was a gift, there should be no tax to pay on it. The Tax collectors offices I have dealt with have all been very accommodating in the process. Do yourself a favor and go to a rural town to take care of the registration. The folks in the rural areas always seem to be more pleasant and easy going about things.
"in PA registration is different than a title. i can get a title for an extra $36 but who needs in on a canoe/yak."
I bought a canoe off of a friend who was terminal with no bill of sale. When i registered it all i did was give them his name, phone number and address. But that wasnt a problem, but i did have to title it.
I had the same scenario..I found out I needed a registration when I was stopped by a ranger while fishing. In NH if you dont have a title or bill of sale, the ranger inspects it and gives you a paper allowing you to register it..luckily thats how mine happened.
Really no need to rant about a problem that isn't a problem. As far as I know just about every state has a requirement that if you have a motor on any type of boat it must be registered.
pretty sure you'll run into this in every state. i just registered my kayak a while ago because i added a trolling motor. SAME exact requirements as your state. I could not produce a bill of sale either so i called the DNR and they waived that requirement.
Good luck, but it is what it is.
Yep, my son put a electric TM on a old 12' jon in Texas, with no title. I had to fill out and affidavit that it was an old boat that had been on my farm pond for many years without a motor and I gave it to him.
He has also been trying to register a 14' jon he bought from Academy Sports three years ago so he can put a motor on it and never got the original manufacture's paper work. They have it in their computer where he bought and have been almost a year trying to get the paper work, and he still hasn't been able to register it. Kinda hard to fool them on that one since it still looks brand new and has a ID number stamped into it.
Yeah, taxes are a pain in general...
Had to register my 12' kayak for trolling motor usage.
C'est la vie
Kentucky started this a few years ago, before a jon boat or canoe with a trolling motor was legal, No need to register it. there was lots of boats and canoes with no title or regisration when the new laws went into effect, If you have owned the boat for 6 to 8 years they will issue a title, if you sign a statement stating you have been the owner, so this helped a lot of people and they get there tax money. It took a few years and lots of complaints before they allowed this,
Heres a better question:
Whats the difference between a 14' canoe with only a trolling motor, and a 20ft ranger with only a trolling motor?
In the eyes of the law, NOTHING.
Pay it or strip the motor. I decided to pay.
A local FWC officer explained it to me like this,"you can row a U.S Navy battle ship with no registration, but if you put a trolling motor on a log, you need to get registration".
It's the same in arkansas if you motor it you pay
Here in Indiana it's pretty much the same. If the vessel has a motor, it has to be registered.
The problem lies twofold for me. Likewise I don't have a bill of sale, it was a used inflatable Sea Eagle on CL.
Secondly, the state requires 3inch block letters and our registration numbers are a mile long, so it ends up taking the entire side of my little boat. The DMV says it has to be stenciled on the transom, the DNR says the hull (both sides) so I just did the transom and if they have a problem with it I keep a copy of the instructions with my registration to show them I followed the DMV rules.
When I went to the DMV to register it, it was like the people had never registered a boat with no serial number, no title, and no bill of sale.
The police also have to come "inspect" it to verify something i'm sure, they charge $10 for it. They thought it was the stupidest thing they had ever been called out to do. The officer literally said "You have to register THIS??"
Registering kayaks would make a ton of $$ for my state-and my guess is that most kayakers could swing the extra $25 or so. I'd be all for that, our F&G is hurting for money.
I have three boats registered in my name- a 10' jon boat, a 14' I turned into a bass boat, and an 18' Tracker.
Same here in MA I had to register my inflatable seaeagle because it has a TM... ,I'm more ticked that I have to pay 60.00 a year for my lowe' trailer to keep it legal
They're just keeping us safe!
It's a motor vehicle - no more difficult that keeping your car or truck registered. In fact, you can do the boat and trailer in one trip. I guess I'm not really sure what the problem is.
On 10/14/2015 at 1:05 AM, PourMyOwn said:Registering kayaks would make a ton of $$ for my state-and my guess is that most kayakers could swing the extra $25 or so. I'd be all for that, our F&G is hurting for money.
I have three boats registered in my name- a 10' jon boat, a 14' I turned into a bass boat, and an 18' Tracker.
I'd guess every department of your state government would say they are stretched for finances. Most All state governments are strapped for cash.
I don't know how it is in other states but in MA it's not the registration that gets you , It's the trailer plate ,has to be re-registered every year ,for me that's 60.00
On 10/17/2015 at 11:07 PM, Fishing Rhino said:I'd guess every department of your state government would say they are stretched for finances.
MostAll state governments are strapped for cash.
Of course they are....however, it's pretty well documented how dire the F&G dept is at the moment. I'm just really tired of "you gotta pay to play" applying to boats with motors, snowmobiles-but not kayaks or hiking boots. A voluntary donation along with a sticker would make a big difference-and it's a demographic that tends to have disposable income anyway.
On 10/17/2015 at 11:12 PM, carlm01 said:I don't know how it is in other states but in MA it's not the registration that gets you , It's the trailer plate ,has to be re-registered every year ,for me that's 60.00
Other way around up here. My trailers are 12-30 dollars, the boat is more like 60.
I have to agree with fishing rhino, when I'm out on the Nashua or Merrimack Rivers I see as many kayaks as bass boats they are using the launch areas and parking their vehicles in the lots ,they should have to pony up something..
On 10/17/2015 at 11:07 PM, Fishing Rhino said:I'd guess every department of your state government would say they are stretched for finances.
MostAll state governments are strapped for cash.
It's not due to limited cash coming in..it's the unlimited cash going out.
Had to register my 9ft 'toon. Cause i put a motor on it. Only 65$ though to do so.
In Illinois, ALL watercraft have to be registered. Canoes, kayaks and personal pontoons need an annual water usage stamp which costs $6 a year.
Scott do you have to pay an additional fee for an electric motor on them ?
I have two small boats, one for 15 years ( 12 ft) and the other over 20 years(8 ft pontoon) both with trolling motors and I have never registered either one. Nor do I plan on ever registratiing them.
My taxes are high enough.
I have seen dec officers over the years at different lakes and they never said a word about it.
I agree with the op one this one, its total bull ****.
On 10/19/2015 at 3:41 AM, carlm01 said:Scott do you have to pay an additional fee for an electric motor on them ?
With an electric motor you don't use the water usage stamp, you go through the same registration as a full size boat. $28 initial registration fee for boats less than 16 feet, canoes, kayaks and other craft with motors, good for 3 years. $18 for 3 years after that which is the same fee at the water usage stamp.