Berkley Powerbait Crappie Nibbles Dough Bait Glow review and price compare 2025
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Product overview
product features
- by entering your model number.
- PowerBait original chrome glow crappie nibbles are a glowing formula for visual attraction from a greater distance
- Soft yet longlasting, petite, preformed nibbles are easy to use with less mess
- Non-floating formula is ideal for tipping jigs or filling tubes
- Dissolves slowly in water, dispersing a scent cloud that attracts crappies and other panfish
- Perfectly sized for crappie hooks and small lures; available in glow chartreuse color
From the manufacturer
Berkley Powerbait Crappie Nibbles Dough Bait Glow
Berkley PowerBait makes novice anglers good and good anglers great! Berkley scientists have spent over 25 years perfecting an irresistible scent and flavor - the exclusive PowerBait formula. Fish love PowerBait so much they hold on 18 times longer, giving you the time and confidence to Feel More Bites - Set More Hooks and Catch More Fish!
- Glowing formula nibbles Glow the Color You See!
- Soft, yet long lasting, petite, preformed nibbles are easy to use with less mess
- Slowly disperses scent cloud to attract crappie and panfish for more bites
- Non- floating formula - ideal for tipping jigs or filling tube baits
product description
Soft yet long lasting, petite, preformed nibbles are easy to use with less mess
product details
- Date First Available : April 7, 2015
- Manufacturer : Berkley
important information
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Questions about Berkley Powerbait Crappie Nibbles Dough Bait Glow
Do these float?
Answer: Definitely not. If you toss one in the water it sinks on its own.
Answer: no with a hook. I have caught nothing with these !
Answer: no
Answer: No
Answer: No, I believe not.
Where is the best place to buy Crappie Nibbles for the best price - on-line or a certain store ??
Answer: I usually find the best price online for crappie baits, it usually runs two dollars more in bait shops.
Answer: walmart online or here usuallu if you watch. i always go compare the two bc they ajust their price to walmart usually bc they are the cheapest. i just prefer amazon`s ups service compared to walmarts stupid $35 must spend and fedex.
Answer: So far as I know, Amazon usually has the best price. You might (might!) catch a better deal on eBay occasionally . However, please note that this information is a few months old and may have changed.
Answer: If anyone is still interested, Walmart or here on Amazon if you are patient with the price watching.
What size jar is this?
Answer: 1oz, 30 grams, 2.7" jar.
Answer: .80 oz.
How do you use these
Answer: Put on tip of hook right in front of bait.
how are these with white perch?
Answer: Very Good.
Did everybody see how much they sre now ? This is BS
Answer: Yeah they have gone up. Try BassPro
Answer: I saw it.... they work good if you don't have live bait. You get what you pay for and you get a lot of bait in that little jar.
Answer: May be a little pricy but it works! Worth the price
Answer: Shut up and fish
Answer: quit your whining
Will these catch 5 pound crappie?
Answer: If there’s a 5 pound crappie in the water
Answer: I did not have any luck with this bait.
Answer: Didn't have much luck with this
Are these vegan?
Answer: NO. Fish are not vegan.. there is a form of meat by product. Either shrimp or some other fish…
Answer: Nope. They take the scraps of every type of meat possible and grind it up to make these delicious little fish bait balls that the fish can’t stand not to eat because they are so delicious and scrumptious.
Answer: I don't know and really don't care, but the fish you catch with it sure as heck isn't.
Do you combine items for shipping?
Answer: I'll ship you 5 jars for 34.99 total. You can mix and match colors too.
Answer: Yes we do.
8.72 for s small jar hell that is outrageous I pay 4.50 for the large jar
Answer: Where is it $8.72 for the large jar? Thanks.
Answer: Then you got a super deal! The cheapest I have found for the small is around $5.50. When you add shipping it comes to around $8 to $9 dollars total.
Answer: Hi,
is this the full size jar? or the smaller half jar version
Answer: It's the full sized jar.
Answer: full size
Answer: Full size
Does this have an expiration date?
Answer: I couldn't find any expiration date on the bottle. Mine are over 3 years old and still pliable, but I never took the seal top completely off and reseal it after every use when I tighten down the lid.
Answer: I've kept unopened bottles for a year with no problem by keeping the bottle in a dark, relatively cool spot in a cabinet. Occasionally, I will have an opened bottle dry out and once bought a bottle in a retail store that was already dry and hard when I opened it. However, all is not lost even in those cases. I have found that if I wad up and dampen a small amount of paper towel (bigger than a pea) and place the damp (not soaking) wad inside the bottle and seal the lid, it will rehydrate the nibbles almost to their original state. VERY dry nibbles may require more than one treatment.
Made in the USA?
Answer: Yes they are.
whats the ingredients list specifically? Thanks
Answer: I don’t know but crappie love them
How long do they stay on the hook? assuming they dissolve instead of a fish biting into it.
Answer: They or pretty tough, will stay on quite awhile.
Which color do the sunfish like best?
Answer: i have just about all the colors fish are picky one day they might like white the next day pink they might like white in the morning and green at eveni ng pink
How many is there
How do you store these?
Answer: Normal room or garage temp will suffice. I store mine in the garage with other fish/tackle items.
Answer: I leave mine in garage next to tackle box. Buddy of mine does same. No problem with them the following year
Answer: I just close jar back tight and put them in the house after I finish fishing. They last a long time.
Answer: Just on the shelf, no refrigeration is necessary.
Answer: Anywhere that it doesn’t freeze with the cover on.
Answer: i just keep them in my tackle bag till winter then bring them inside the house
Answer: Just flip the container up side down, it lasts a bit longer
Is this the large bottles or small? It’s showing 1.1 oz bottles but it tells that it’s the small.6 oz
Answer: i belive they have lg and sm bottles
Did everybody see how much they sre now ? This is BS
Answer: Yeah they have gone up. Try BassPro
Answer: I saw it.... they work good if you don't have live bait. You get what you pay for and you get a lot of bait in that little jar.
Answer: May be a little pricy but it works! Worth the price
Answer: Shut up and fish
Answer: quit your whining
What is the difference between this and the salmon nuggets?
Answer: It doesn't work, salmon eggs do.
Can someone tell me how to use this? im new to fish and i want to bring my 3 year old fishing. what is the best rig? if possible detail w. picture. th
Answer: Just put it on a bare hook
So, does this stuff actually glow (in the dark if activated by a UV source) or is Berkely using a bit of hyperbole in the name...?
Answer: Do not know about that.
How can a purchase an item that is an "add on item" if I dont have 25 worth of stuff I need to buy?? I really want the item..
Answer: ask amazon
Do these work for fresh water or salt water fish? Or both?
Answer: Fresh water for sure but knot real sure about salt water
Answer: Works well in fresh water. Never tried it in salt
Answer: I only used them in fresh water. I would assume they would work in salt water
Answer: I don’t know about salt water but they work really well in fresh water
Answer: I use it for fresh water fish like crappie and blue gill with a light weight jig. I imagine it would work on any small hook. ( small being a key word)
Answer: Hi,
Okay, I'm confused. Are these actual bait or do you throw them in the water for chum then fish with another bait/jig?
Answer: They are actual bait. For crappie, of course, you use a very small hook that these are perfect for. I also will also use them for chum as well.
Answer: There actual bait. I use them for blue gill, crappie, and perch.
Answer: They can be used either way. I actually bait my hook with them only
Answer: You tip your jig hook with a crappie nibble and they attract more crappie
Answer: Put them on ur hook. Don’t chum
Answer: Just put one or two what ever you prefer on your gig or hook
Answer: Yes, add a jiffy. It’s a sent enhancement. Works too well.
How many should be put on a hook?
Answer: You use a very small hook for crappie, so one is all you need.
Answer: Using jigs cover the hook
Answer: 1 or 2 on a crappie jig will do it. work great.
Answer: I just use one.
Answer: I just cover the tip.
Is this the same size as the one on the berkley website? These are twice the price, which is why I'm asking.
Answer: Purchasing from Berkley is apparently a better deal than amazon. The amazon bottle is .9 oz at $4.29, while the ones on Berkley website are about 1.0 to 1.1 oz. at almost $10.00. Not enough difference for me to pay twice the amount. Good luck.
Do these need to be refrigerated?
Answer: No, they do not need refrigeration.
Answer: No. It seems that keeping the lid on tight is sufficient. Bluegills don’t care from one summer to the next.
Answer: no just keep the lid tight or they wlli dry out
Answer: No, just keep dry.
Answer: No just close tight
Answer: NO
Answer: No
Answer: no, but I have caught nothing on these.
whats the best color to use? in water that is not super clear only can see down 4-5ft
Answer: Hey Chase! This is a tough question as there are so many variables (time of year, water temp, weather forecast, fish population, etc) that come in to affect. We would recommend the chartreuse as it seems to be a fish favorite, however, the hot pink can really work well sometimes...especially on the days where they just aren't biting. Have a great day!
Answer: We have tried the pink and the Chartreuse, and the Chartreuse has worked the best for us. Good luck!
Answer: I think it all depends on where you are and the time of year. I have the same visibility you do and the crappies seem to like the yellow ones. I also like to stick them on the hook while using a fake minnow. Just to add a bit of stinky to attract the fish.
Answer: Not sure for you. Yellow worked for me
Product reviews of Berkley Powerbait Crappie Nibbles Dough Bait Glow
Amazon Customer : Great Texture
The texture with these is just right for a clean bait or attraction. We have had success with them.
(Just a wife and husband enjoying our days)
Lego Grandma : Old and dried out
I love crappie nibbles, but I sure these were probably sitting in warehouse for too long. The picture is of a container I bought at the local store (on the right) and the Amazon purchase on the left. Both containers are in opened and upsidedown. I had bought two from Amazon and when I used them, they definitely didn't attract the fish as well either. Still debating whether to go through the hassle of returning them. Complete garbage
bryan burks : awsome bait
These work wonders. i like to pack a bunch of them into a children's medicine syringe and then you can push them into the baits where they dont come off as easy. Get multiple fish on the same bait before having to replace
Thomas vanderlaan : Let em dry a little.
These things slay panfish, though bluegill like them more than the Crappie do.
Thomas : Works really well!
I went bluegill fishing with these, and the fish absolutely go wild for them.
Dorothy : Good product
We like these
Pepe : You can catch alot of Sunfish with this on #10 hook.
Works great for Sunfish! Makes no difference for Crappie. Crappie will not smell it and come to it. If u find the crappie and wiggle a jig they may bite it with or without this if in the mood. More on sight and vibration. It would work if it wiggled like a maggot.
Edward Wick : As good as live bait.
If you are fishing warm water, just add one of these to your jig. In late spring and summer I tip my jig with these. If the water is around 50°f I manly use a 1/32oz jig with a 1" Gulp minnow (black shad).
One of these on a small gold colored Aberdeen hook works for Blue Gill too.
Most of the time these work as good as livebait, sometimes better. The super big plus is it can not die. Just screw the lid back on and you are ready for your next fishing trip.
Offenbach : Not crappy for crappie
Used these for crappie fishing with a cane pole. They stayed whole while mounted on the hook & lasted about 20 minutes once in the the water. I used some for chum as well. I think they are good bait and I will use them again.
bryan burks : awsome bait
These work wonders. i like to pack a bunch of them into a children's medicine syringe and then you can push them into the baits where they dont come off as easy. Get multiple fish on the same bait before having to replace
G S : It didn't work for me so far
Yet to catch a bluegill with it... I gave it a few try. I will come back with n update....
tong lee : something is wrong
i couldn't catch anything with these. I even throw it in the water to attract fish but nothing lol .
SegaNeptune : Tried it out on a fishing trip vs. live bait
We tried this out on a fishing trip in northern Minnesota and it performed quite good. It seemed to catch more perch than anything else, though. While it won't replace leeches/crawlers/minnows, it's perfect for bringing the kids out and not wanting to pick up live bait. I'll have a bottle in my tackle box from here on out.
P. Killen : Beats trying to keep bread from drying out !
Blue gill, Sunfish, Crappie added to a feather jig, and Trout on a bobber.
P C : Crappie nibbles
Crappie nibbles work great they make the fish take an extra taste and then you got him
Nick B : Quick and fast working bait
Good bait for bluegill, crappie, and sunfish. Literally instant hits with a small hook and bobber.
Adrian W. : Smaller fish love it
Putting these on a size 10 hook, and bluegill and baby bass alike are all over it, and all too often, this is the only way I can catch fish, it does disintegrate pretty quickly, meaning you have to replace it regularly if they aren't biting. Obviously not gonna catch any hogs on these, but overall a great choice for catching panfish.
Avvy : Good for blue gill, use minnows for crappie
I got this to take my little daughter fishing for perch (blue gill, pumpkin seed). She landed 5 in 25 minutes! It gets soggy fast but put a fresh one on every 5 minutes. I keep it in my garage fridge when not in use. Easier than trying to keep worms alive. It melts in the water releasing an attractive scent; just use one at a time in a very small hook.
Gregory George Plutko : soft and weak, but fish love these
There is no arguing with the fact that panfish (and one confused, 2-lb small-mouth) love these. They are, however, very soft and will fall off almost instantly upon anything biting at them. On several casts, I have watched as the bait went one way and the sinker and hook went another. If they survive the casting process, you will most assuredly get fish though.
P. Killen : Beats trying to keep bread from drying out !
Blue gill, Sunfish, Crappie added to a feather jig, and Trout on a bobber.
Brad Clark : Must Have
If crappies are slow biting, put on of these on it will get better!! Great addition to you lure
Great Santini : I was hoping the crappies would love this bait
I bought these for some spring fishing. I was hoping the crappies would love this bait. It turned out the large mouth bass went crazy for the bait. They work well and hold up in the water long enough for a fish to find it.
taylorjax2000 : Worth buying
Worked great and it really did exactly like the description said it would I got plenty of bites and caught some huge fish
jerry c. : great price..great item
great for catching crappie.
G S : It didn't work for me so far
Yet to catch a bluegill with it... I gave it a few try. I will come back with n update....
Thomas : Works really well!
I went bluegill fishing with these, and the fish absolutely go wild for them.
Avvy : Good for blue gill, use minnows for crappie
I got this to take my little daughter fishing for perch (blue gill, pumpkin seed). She landed 5 in 25 minutes! It gets soggy fast but put a fresh one on every 5 minutes. I keep it in my garage fridge when not in use. Easier than trying to keep worms alive. It melts in the water releasing an attractive scent; just use one at a time in a very small hook.
Naimur : Nice
P C : Crappie nibbles
Crappie nibbles work great they make the fish take an extra taste and then you got him
shan : Gone fishing
Could see a difference. I caught fish both with and without. Could not hurt.
Adrian W. : Smaller fish love it
Putting these on a size 10 hook, and bluegill and baby bass alike are all over it, and all too often, this is the only way I can catch fish, it does disintegrate pretty quickly, meaning you have to replace it regularly if they aren't biting. Obviously not gonna catch any hogs on these, but overall a great choice for catching panfish.
G S : It didn't work for me so far
Yet to catch a bluegill with it... I gave it a few try. I will come back with n update....
Adrian W. : Smaller fish love it
Putting these on a size 10 hook, and bluegill and baby bass alike are all over it, and all too often, this is the only way I can catch fish, it does disintegrate pretty quickly, meaning you have to replace it regularly if they aren't biting. Obviously not gonna catch any hogs on these, but overall a great choice for catching panfish.
JulieAnn : Works
I like to take my kid fishing but I do not touch worms. This bait is perfect for small fish. It's a great alternative to live bait. It tends to stay on the hook well. It will sit in the water and reeled in still in place
Peggy : Fish LOVE this bait!!!
These are fantastic to use with jigs! We immediately get bites when it's cast into the water and have consistently brought in bluegill, crappie and even trout!! These white ones work best for us and are our go-to bait. The yellow and neon green nibbles aren't as effective for us. Best thing we've added to our fishing tackle box!!!
Great Santini : I was hoping the crappies would love this bait
I bought these for some spring fishing. I was hoping the crappies would love this bait. It turned out the large mouth bass went crazy for the bait. They work well and hold up in the water long enough for a fish to find it.
P. Killen : Beats trying to keep bread from drying out !
Blue gill, Sunfish, Crappie added to a feather jig, and Trout on a bobber.
Gregory George Plutko : soft and weak, but fish love these
There is no arguing with the fact that panfish (and one confused, 2-lb small-mouth) love these. They are, however, very soft and will fall off almost instantly upon anything biting at them. On several casts, I have watched as the bait went one way and the sinker and hook went another. If they survive the casting process, you will most assuredly get fish though.
Patrick wagner : ????✔️
mxbrad : Must have for any Panfisherman
I don't know what it is.. but after spawn crappie tend to get harder to fish. When I put on of these on my hooks they hit it like crazy. Good stuff!
steve : Five Stars
They work!!
Rogmc : Waste of money
Used this product to Brem and crappie fish. Cane pole. Useless. The fish ignore it. I can see them in the water swim right past it. Don't buy this product.
Peggy : Fish LOVE this bait!!!
These are fantastic to use with jigs! We immediately get bites when it's cast into the water and have consistently brought in bluegill, crappie and even trout!! These white ones work best for us and are our go-to bait. The yellow and neon green nibbles aren't as effective for us. Best thing we've added to our fishing tackle box!!!
JoshV : Not one single bite with this although the place is full of crappie, bluegills and bass.
Didn’t work for myself nor my brother on several occasions at different fishing spots. I did however catch crappie on a lure.
Jefpac 69 : never got a nibble
it didnt work at all. tried for a while. took it off and put a wax worm on and in 2 min got a fish. there are better baits
JulieAnn : Works
I like to take my kid fishing but I do not touch worms. This bait is perfect for small fish. It's a great alternative to live bait. It tends to stay on the hook well. It will sit in the water and reeled in still in place
James S. Lee : As advertised
As advertised
Mike : Meh
Not impressed fishing in VA off the piers and caught nothing not even a nibble. I waited a few months to post this but this product might be best for boat fishing
Gregory A. Irvin : Blue Gill seem to love it as
while it says Crappie, I catch all kinds of fish with it. Blue Gill seem to love it as well
Mr. Ira J. Pinckney : Not what my child was expecting or imagined it to be..
It was a Birthday gift. It was very mall and more of a toy for a 1yr to 3yr . And the value for the money is very upsetting. I was i could have a refund. Im highly upset with this purchase as well as my son.????????
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