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Who's Attending This Year's Classic? 2025

fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 


Who's attending the Classic this year?

Today at 08:23:59    

I was just wondering who from BR is planning to attend.  If anybody wants to meet up for dinner one night I'm in.  



fishing user avatarfishfordollars reply : 

I will be there. Not sure how many days though.

fishing user avatarGlenn reply : 

I will be there.

fishing user avatarbighed reply : 

I'm planning on staying Fri., Sat., and Sun. I'd like to drag the boat over one day and watch the action in person. Hey maybe I could get Chad to hold up a sign in the background while they are filming ;D .

fishing user avatarsquid reply : 

I would love to go.  I have never been to one...not even when it was up here on Lake Michigan.  I had to work and could not get the time off.

I have seen a Super Bowl, Rose Bowl, Baseball playoffs, and NBA playoffs, but never a Classic...... :'( :-/

fishing user avatarSam reply : 

Squid, go!

It is unbelievable.

I went to the one in Pittsburgh and had a super time.

You get to meet the pros; see new products; see old products; speak with the manufacturers reps and company people; get lots of freebies; and touch and feel everything.

You can ask any questions and someone there will have an answer or suggestion on any fishing and boating related topic.

Just go to the first one you can make and it will better than any sporting event you ever attended.

Wish I could go, but business responsibilities do call this time of the year.   :)

fishing user avatarTeamHillbilly reply : 

Yup I'll be there, seeing how I'm only two hours away, and  I fish the Red River every year.

Anybody see the Life Member early Classic Show times or date?? Wondor if they are going to provide seating like thay did in years pass?? :)

fishing user avatarbighed reply : 

Here's a link to the registration Hillbilly:

Looks like I waited too long to book my room.  The Horseshoe and Eldorado are full.  Motel 6 might be in the cards for me  :'(

fishing user avatarblueranger1 reply : 

Im going it will be my first 1 to watch.I hope

its worth the 4 1/2 hour drive.Im staying at

BoomTown casino.There the only casino

that i called that had rooms last week.

fishing user avatarbighed reply : 

Be sure to attend a morning launch.  Well worth getting up early for!

fishing user avatarTexFishin reply : 

If I can only attend one day which day should I choose?  Also, what are the must do/see events?

fishing user avatarbighed reply : 

Friday is cool because you'll see all the qualifiers at the launch and weigh in.  Saturday or Sunday is good since the pros that don't make the cut will be around the expo.  Sunday is cool to see the champion crowned.

fishing user avatarLow_Budget_Hooker reply : 


not enough vacation time or cash to do all the things I want.  It was either Kentucky or the classic, a no brainer.  I want to fish with the real pro's!!

Kentucky, here we come!!!

fishing user avatarbighed reply : 

I feel your pain brother.  We're having Chad's 15th b-day at the Classic and spending all weekend.  A week later I'm taking the family to Maui for a week for the wife's big 5-OHHHHHH.  Spring break is two weeks after that and I'd like to do something with Chad while he's off.  Maybe go to visit his big brother in CO for some snow fun???  Then a few weeks later is the BR Roadtrip.   Of course there's the club and trail T's as well as some Jr. stuff Chad wants to do.  It's going to be tough but I think I can get it all done.  I hope to see you in KY!

fishing user avatarGatorbassman reply : 

The highlight of the classic for me is the chance to meet the members. I love it. Glenn and I will be at the Expo each day working the booths. If you see two guys wearing tan BassResource shirts come up and say hi. We will also try to have another dinner planned for Friday or Saturday night at a nearby steakhouse so we can all meet up and chew the fat.

fishing user avatarMARSH MASTER reply : 

I'll be there for sure and fluke we need to get together to eat some crawfish man we in louisiana. Ya know you gotta suck the heads right.

fishing user avatarGatorbassman reply : 
I'll be there for sure and fluke we need to get together to eat some crawfish man we in louisiana. Ya know you gotta suck the heads right.

Holy crap, I didn't even think about that. I can suck heads with the best of them. One of my best friends in the Army was a Coonass. He taught me right. Your on man.

Glenn, Sorry. No steak this year.  We're eatin Mud Bugs.

fishing user avatarchasescott reply : 

L-train and I will be there Saturday and Sunday. It will be our first one so we are pumped. For those who have been before; Is it worth bringing your boat? We would like to see some on the water action but didnt know if it was worth the effort.


fishing user avatarGatorbassman reply : 
L-train and I will be there Saturday and Sunday. It will be our first one so we are pumped. For those who have been before; Is it worth bringing your boat? We would like to see some on the water action but didnt know if it was worth the effort.


Being that they are fishing the Red River I would think that it will be nothing but LONG runs. If you are up to that then I say do it. It's fun to follow the pros around and try to see what they are doing. I enjoy the expo more because I get to meet the pros and legends of bass fishing.

fishing user avatarbighed reply : 

Since it's not too far from home for me I thought I'd bring the boat and chase the pro's but have now dropped the idea.  Long runs on unfamiliar water and lots of locks would be the standard I think.  Not many places I'd feel safe leaving the boat at over night or during the expo.  

fishing user avatarblueranger1 reply : 

36 days i can't wait! Is there usually good

deals on tackle at the classic?

fishing user avatarbighed reply : 

Yes!!!  Treat it like a trip to a casino.  Only take what cash you're willing to leave behind.  Lots of buy two get one free from the mfg's booth kind of deals.  Tackle Warehouse got a bunch of my $$$ last year.  If you wear Costa Del Mars, bring them along incase they have the wheel spin thingy set up.  Last year my boy won a free pair.  Also bring a camera and a sharpie.  There will be folks there that you'd like a picture with and an autograph from.    

fishing user avatarBass_Fanatic reply : 

Considering I only live an hour and a half from there, I will definetly be there at least one day, but hopefully two!  Sundays out of hte question for me because I work at a church, so kinda have to be there!!!

fishing user avatarSuperNewbie reply : 

i am thinking about going but it is a good ways away but after all you'll all watch me on tv in a few years be good to meet some big people and feel that certain feeling they say you can only feel at the classic   ;D

fishing user avatarblueranger1 reply : 

24 days to GO!

fishing user avatarGlenn reply : 

Sounds like there will be a lot people there.  We should all meet somewhere for dinner one of the nights.  Friday?  Who can make it?

fishing user avatarbighed reply : 

Chad, my wife Cinda, and I will be driving over Friday afternoon and would be happy to meet up.  Just need to decide on a time and place.  Bert

fishing user avatarGatorbassman reply : 

Can somebody recommend a great place to get Crawfish that is close to the CenturyTel Center.

fishing user avatarbighed reply : 

This place was recommended by a boardmember on the TFF.  Supposed to have a big enclosed patio.  I think it's not downtown though.

fishing user avatarGatorbassman reply : 

I don't see any boiled crawfish on their menu.  :-?

fishing user avatarGatorbassman reply : 

What I'd like is a place that dumps a big pot of Low Country Boil Crawfish in the middle of a big table and we all dig in.

fishing user avatarGlenn reply : 

If it's got hush puppies and sweet tea, I'm in!

fishing user avatarbighed reply : 

Click the link again Fluke.  It's at the top of the page.  Really, anywhere is good with us.  Maybe a BRer will pop in with another place closer to the action.  I know with all the stuff going on the last thing anybody wants to do is to drive all over town.  Did that in SC last year and killed about two hours in traffic before stopping at a place right by  the hotel, lol.

fishing user avatarTexFishin reply : 

Quick question.  You dont have to be a BASS member to get in to any of the classic events do you?

fishing user avatarGatorbassman reply : 

NO you don't have to be a member to get in. Come and enjoy.

Those who want to eat dinner on Friday night. Just check back here on Wednesday night and we will have a place picked where we can meet up and have dinner.

fishing user avatarGlenn reply : 

We had about 15 people at the dinner last year.  Let's see if we can beat it!

fishing user avatarbowtech_182 reply : 

I wish I could make it this year.  I had a great time last year and really enjoyed meeting Glenn, 5bass and everyone else at the dinner.

fishing user avatarbighed reply : 

We'll be there.  Leaving right after work so should be in town by 7:00 or so.  Hope that's not too late.  Bert

fishing user avatarblack cat 650 reply : 

This place is good and only 5 minutes from the CTC....I just called and they said they have crawfish. They are open until 10pm on Fri and Sat.

Savoie's - The Cajun Restaurant

Genuine Cajun food served in a friendly and casual atmosphere. Seasonal only.

2400 E. 70th St

Shreveport, LA 71105


Fax: 318-797-9775

fishing user avatarblack cat 650 reply : 

Also if you guys are looking for a good steakhouse, the Saltgrass is in the Louisiana Boardwalk, by the Bass Pro, about 5 minutes drive from the expo or 10 minutes from the Century Tel Center. I live just outside of Bossier City, so if ya'll need any other info just let me know. Scott

fishing user avatarGlenn reply : 

We will be having a BassResource get together at Joe's Crabshack at the Boardwalk at 7:00. Just go there after Fridays weigh-in. We will try to get there before anyone else to get the table ready. If you don't know how to get there just go to the Bass Pro Shops and it's in the same shopping center.

Black Cat - thanks for the info.  Fluke and I will have to check those places out before we leave Monday.


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