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What would you do? 2025

fishing user avatarburleytog reply : 

Tournament hours are posted as 6:30AM-4PM on the tournament website. Show up at tournament, no mention of any time change. Come back to the ramp for weigh-in at 3:38PM, almost every boat has already taken out, weighed in, covered their boats and put up the scales and table.

When the tournament director is questioned, states that the hours were changed to 6:30PM-3:30PM.

You get disqualified for being late.  None of those who weighed in had the balls to say anything to those who were late.

fishing user avatarpreach4bass reply : 

Ask for clarification and protest if I had enough weight to make a difference.  If not, pick another battle to fight.

fishing user avatarSDoolittle reply : 

If I had enough weight to get a check, I probably would have gone off on someone. If not, I would probably be able to calmly explain the situation and my displeasure. I did a lot of tournament fishing in Kentucky where there are two time zones. Knowing the tournament hours was always a little confusing because you never knew what time zone the tournament director was from. I got into the habit of sychronizing my watch with the director and I continue to do that.

fishing user avatarJimzee reply : 

To clarify this story, this is what happened to Pitchinkid and myself today. Kind of ruined my thoughts on tournament fishing all together.

Long story short, my tournament career is now over. Is this the way things normally get handled when the local boys start taking an ass kicking from a couple guys in a tin boat? Sorry Bastages!! >:(

BTW, we wouldn't have won, but would have probably finished in money. We will never know because the fish wasn't weighed on the certified scale.

fishing user avatar5bass reply : 
Tournament hours are posted as 6:30AM-4PM on the tournament website. Show up at tournament, no mention of any time change. Come back to the ramp for weigh-in at 3:38PM, almost every boat has already taken out, weighed in, covered their boats and put up the scales and table.

When the tournament director is questioned, states that the hours were changed to 6:30PM-3:30PM.

You get disqualified for being late. None of those who weighed in had the balls to say anything to those who were late.

So when you showed up 'late' and got DQ'd, I hope you asked the TD how some guys were informed of the time change but you and a few others werent. A lot would have been riding on his answer to that question.  

If I had ANY fish to weigh , well, I'll just say it wouldn't have been pretty. Clubs are based on points. Being DQ'd because of a lack of communication from the TD and getting NO POINTS after paying to fish is BS. The TD would have definitely, without a doubt known before he left the ramp that he screwed up and my true feelings about the situation whether he liked it or not. And I'm 110% sure he would not have liked what I had to say. People like that just need to be knocked down a level or two every now and then. I would also file a protest although with small clubs, the protests dont usually go very far.

Is this the same club you've had issues with in the past? If so, I'd find another club or start my own with the members they keep screwin'.

fishing user avatarCODbasser reply : 

if there was a time change and the tournament director didnt anounce it before he started calling boat numbers, then they should have weighed your fish..thats a bunch of bull...i would def protest wether you had enough to win or not...its things like this that give tournament fishing a bad name..dont let this turn you against tournaments...most of the time the rules are stated by the director before blast off..this kinda thing does happen but not often...if nothing else the director should refund your entry fee...where was the tournament at? who was the director?

fishing user avatarpreach4bass reply : 
Is this the way things normally get handled when the local boys start taking an ass kicking from a couple guys in a tin boat?

How would the "local boys" know that they were getting their butts kicked by a couple of guys in a tin boat if ya'll didn't even get a chance to weigh in?  Have you fished with this group before and whipped them?

fishing user avatar5bass reply : 
Is this the way things normally get handled when the local boys start taking an ass kicking from a couple guys in a tin boat?

How would the "local boys" know that they were getting their butts kicked by a couple of guys in a tin boat if ya'll didn't even get a chance to weigh in? Have you fished with this group before and whipped them?

Yes. Jimzee and Pitchin Kid have been taking their money on a regular basis.

fishing user avatarCODbasser reply : 

is this a club in our area fbl?

fishing user avatar5bass reply : 
is this a club in our area fbl?

No. West Virginia.

fishing user avatarJimzee reply : 
Is this the way things normally get handled when the local boys start taking an ass kicking from a couple guys in a tin boat?

How would the "local boys" know that they were getting their butts kicked by a couple of guys in a tin boat if ya'll didn't even get a chance to weigh in? Have you fished with this group before and whipped them?

We have won three of the last five tourneys. Just a small club, no big deal. I just wanted credit for the points. They have a championship at the end of the year based on the point total. I guess it's pretty common for small clubs to do this.

What sucks the most is driving over 400 miles, buying an out of state license, paying for the tournament, and then getting nothing to show for it but a DQ. The more I think about it, the madder I get. >:(

d**n you Burley for starting this!!! ;)

fishing user avatarpreach4bass reply : 


Seeing that you've obviously got these guys numbers, don't quit now.  You're smarter than that.  Enter the next tournament, catch enough to win, and show up to the weigh-in an hour early.  When the conmen get there, politely let them know you can cut an hour out of your fishing day and still take their money. ;)

Oh, and if you do all of this with a smile, it'll make it that much better. ;D

fishing user avatarCODbasser reply : 
is this a club in our area fbl?

No. West Virginia.

oh ok...reason i asked is because there alot of guys from wv that are members in wythe county bassmasters....

oh guys drove that far and they still did you like like they did that crap on purpose...some people get spitefull when they keep gettin whooped...just wait till they start calling you cheaters...this is messed up for real...

fishing user avatarburleytog reply : 

d**n you Burley for starting this!!! ;)

Just wanted to nudge you a bit.   ;)

fishing user avatar5bass reply : 

What sucks the most is driving over 400 miles, buying an out of state license, paying for the tournament, and then getting nothing to show for it but a DQ. The more I think about it, the madder I get. >:(

With the lack of this information before my first response, please disregard it.

I WOULD HAVE FLIPPED OUT ON THE TOURNAMENT DIRECTOR, WITHOUT A DOUBT. HIS DAYS OF FAILING TO NOTIFY EVERY MEMBER OF A TIME CHANGE WOULD BE OVER. FOREVER. And after my tirade, if they didnt allow me to weigh my fish, I would have come back home with my entry fee too.

fishing user avatarbmadd reply : 

What sucks the most is driving over 400 miles, buying an out of state license, paying for the tournament, and then getting nothing to show for it but a DQ. The more I think about it, the madder I get. >:(

With the lack of this information before my first response, please disregard it.

I WOULD HAVE FLIPPED OUT ON THE TOURNAMENT DIRECTOR, WITHOUT A DOUBT. HIS DAYS OF FAILING TO NOTIFY EVERY MEMBER OF A TIME CHANGE WOULD BE OVER. FOREVER. And after my tirade, if they didnt allow me to weigh my fish, I would have come back home with my entry fee too.

And possibly his scalp  >:(

fishing user avatarSam reply : 


As we know, usually the tournament director will inform the boaters of the current time and the weigh-in time just prior to announcing the numbers for blast-off.

If there is a time change, it is the responsibility of the tournament director or inform the participants when they register and pull for their blast-off positions.

Should this not have happened, I believe there was fraud involved and may I suggest contacting the West Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries, in writing, with the details, and ask for an investigation.

The tournament director may have announced the new weigh-in time at blast-off and you and your partner did not hear it.

In the tournament director's defense, it seems that all of the other boaters understood the new weigh-in time. So the information was distributed in some manner.

Why you did not receive it needs to be clarified.

As for legal action in small claims court, I do not know if fishing tournaments are gambling under West Virginia law or are enforceable for a variety of reasons.  But you may want to ask for an opinion from the state.

A strong letter of protest to the tournament director needs to be sent just to clarify and memorialize your situation.

Good luck.  Let us know what you do, if anything.  :)

fishing user avatarbass wrangler569 reply : 

I'm with fbl if I would have driven 400 miles and then gotten screwed over like that there would be blood  . Sounds like that TD has his head up his @$$.

fishing user avatarI Love BassResource reply : 

Dude don't quit, that's very likely giving in to what they want. My last soccer games is next week, and I'm back for the rest of the year. I'm going to call around and see what the deal is. At the very least, if they failed to notify you, I think you should have your entry fees returned. It isn't much, but its the principle of the matter.

**Edit - I just spoke to three of the guys who fished, and they said it was announced to the group before launch.  None of them said they wanted you guys DQ'ed, but I don't know why they didn't come forward and make a case.  Bad juju for sure...

fishing user avatarJimzee reply : 
In the tournament director's defense, it seems that all of the other boaters understood the new weigh-in time. So the information was distributed in some manner.

I guess this was the reason for the mix-up.  Apparently, A.J., myself, and two other people in a boat did not hear this announcement of the time change.  I don't have a clue when he made this announcement but apparently he did at some point.  Whatever, no big deal, we're thirteen points out of the lead with eight tournaments to go until the championship.  Plenty of time to make up ground.

fishing user avatarI Love BassResource reply : 
In the tournament director's defense, it seems that all of the other boaters understood the new weigh-in time. So the information was distributed in some manner.

I guess this was the reason for the mix-up. Apparently, A.J., myself, and two other people in a boat did not hear this announcement of the time change. I don't have a clue when he made this announcement but apparently he did at some point. Whatever, no big deal, we're thirteen points out of the lead with eight tournaments to go until the championship. Plenty of time to make up ground.

 Atta boy, just show up next tournament and take the money. I'll be at the next one, so I'm not letting mine go as easy.

If anyone wants to follow the drama..

Shows some info, although most isn't current.

fishing user avatarCJ reply : 

Yes Blaine, go kick their ass!!! Now you have some great material for ya'lls AOY acceptance speech at the awards ceremony. Man you two need to relocate to better tournament water.

Is there an Angler's Choice region close to ya'll? Much more rewarding trail than clubs.

Hate to hear about that guys.


fishing user avatarfishfordollars reply : 

What sucks the most is driving over 400 miles, buying an out of state license, paying for the tournament, and then getting nothing to show for it but a DQ. The more I think about it, the madder I get. >:(

With the lack of this information before my first response, please disregard it.

I WOULD HAVE FLIPPED OUT ON THE TOURNAMENT DIRECTOR, WITHOUT A DOUBT. HIS DAYS OF FAILING TO NOTIFY EVERY MEMBER OF A TIME CHANGE WOULD BE OVER. FOREVER. And after my tirade, if they didnt allow me to weigh my fish, I would have come back home with my entry fee too.


fishing user avatarJ Francho reply : 

I'm having a hard time putting my thoughts together into a post that doesn't include some pretty foul language.  Needless to say, I wasn't even there, and I'm PO'd.  I'm kind of a "Nixon" when I want to be, and it would not have been pretty had it been me there at the weigh in.

fishing user avatarJimzee reply : 

I spoke to the TD this evening on the phone.  I guess he made the announcement just right before takeoff.  The problem was another tournament taking off at the time with about 20 boats in it.  I guess I need to get my hearing checked.  Ended up being three tourneys on the lake that day, probably close to 90 boats.

All is good now, thanks for the support but it was ultimately my fault, not the TD's.  It would be safe to say I will not be late for another one, even if I have to ask him 10 times before takeoff when the tournament ends. ;)

fishing user avatarPitchinkid reply : 

On a good note. The 5 Lber i lost at the boat didnt hurt as much.  ;D Thank you selective hearing.

fishing user avatarI Love BassResource reply : 
On a good note. The 5 Lber i lost at the boat didnt hurt as much. ;D Thank you selective hearing.

That's awful nice of Blaine.. to let you reel in his 5lb fish.  Great guy he is...

fishing user avatarPitchinkid reply : 

lol yep

fishing user avatarJ Francho reply : 

I spoke to the TD this evening on the phone. I guess he made the announcement just right before takeoff. The problem was another tournament taking off at the time with about 20 boats in it. I guess I need to get my hearing checked. Ended up being three tourneys on the lake that day, probably close to 90 boats.

All is good now, thanks for the support but it was ultimately my fault, not the TD's. It would be safe to say I will not be late for another one, even if I have to ask him 10 times before takeoff when the tournament ends. ;)

That's the way to man up, brutha.  I do have to say that just shouting it at takeoff is a little sketchy - I'm surprised you were the only ones that missed it.  Don't they do a kill switch/livewell check for each boat?  I'd think that would be the BEST time to make the new end time clear.

fishing user avatarPitchinkid reply : 

I spoke to the TD this evening on the phone. I guess he made the announcement just right before takeoff. The problem was another tournament taking off at the time with about 20 boats in it. I guess I need to get my hearing checked. Ended up being three tourneys on the lake that day, probably close to 90 boats.

All is good now, thanks for the support but it was ultimately my fault, not the TD's. It would be safe to say I will not be late for another one, even if I have to ask him 10 times before takeoff when the tournament ends. ;)

That's the way to man up, brutha. I do have to say that just shouting it at takeoff is a little sketchy - I'm surprised you were the only ones that missed it. Don't they do a kill switch/livewell check for each boat? I'd think that would be the BEST time to make the new end time clear.

There was another boat that was DQ for the same reason.

fishing user avatar5bass reply : 

Maybe you, AJ and the other boat that got DQ'd can all pitch in and get the TD a bullhorn. Probably wouldn't hurt anything.

fishing user avatarZel... reply : 

I would have protested on the spot.

When I was a club tournament director, I always stated several things to the whole field before blastoff, so as not to have any miscommunication:

1. Current time according to my watch (official time), and to make sure they check their watches against my stated time.

2. Number of bass, and minimum sizes, allowed at weigh-on for the tournament (different here in PA depending on the lakes).

3. Any restrictions for the lake like speed limit, no wake area, off limits, etc.

4. Tournament end time, and that they would have to be within hearing distance of the launch (weigh-in spot) to qualify as not being late.

5. And to be safe on the water, be sure to wear their PFD's when the big engine was running, and that the co-angler should check to make sure the kill switch was hooked up to the owners PFD.

(I trained my replacement to do the same)

fishing user avatarSimp reply : 

I spoke to the TD this evening on the phone. I guess he made the announcement just right before takeoff. The problem was another tournament taking off at the time with about 20 boats in it. I guess I need to get my hearing checked. Ended up being three tourneys on the lake that day, probably close to 90 boats.

All is good now, thanks for the support but it was ultimately my fault, not the TD's. It would be safe to say I will not be late for another one, even if I have to ask him 10 times before takeoff when the tournament ends. ;)

Well I'm surprised this type of change didn't have to have a vote before the change. We just had to vote on a change to one of our tourneys tonight at our meeting. The closest we've came to this is our launches which are always a mess because they are at "safe light". What happens is the president will say something like be there at 5:30 and we will take off at safe light. Then people get there at 5am and SL ends up being at 5:20 and we take off early. So the people who show up at 5:30 are just SOL. His response is always "I said SL!"

fishing user avatarsimplejoe reply : 
I would have protested on the spot.

When I was a club tournament director, I always stated several things to the whole field before blastoff, so as not to have any miscommunication:

1. Current time according to my watch (official time), and to make sure they check their watches against my stated time.

2. Number of bass, and minimum sizes, allowed at weigh-on for the tournament (different here in PA depending on the lakes).

3. Any restrictions for the lake like speed limit, no wake area, off limits, etc.

4. Tournament end time, and that they would have to be within hearing distance of the launch (weigh-in spot) to qualify as not being late.

5. And to be safe on the water, be sure to wear their PFD's when the big engine was running, and that the co-angler should check to make sure the kill switch was hooked up to the owners PFD.

(I trained my replacement to do the same)

Our director does the same thing. He makes sure were all standing there then does his announcements. Sorry to hear about your DQ but with eight more Tournaments I'm sure you'll blow by them in points.

                                          Good luck guys

fishing user avatarthe crab reply : 
Is this the way things normally get handled when the local boys start taking an *** kicking from a couple guys in a tin boat? Sorry Bastages!! >:(

I've gotten scoffed at pulling up to some of the larger tournaments in my little tin boat, and I love that look of suprize on the guys faces who drive $50,000 rigs when they see a nice bag weighed out of a little ol' tracker :)

fishing user avatarI Love BassResource reply : 

In WV I think boat size/type is pretty much irrelevant.  We don't have any waters that really warrant the really long runs or rough water, you'd typically see on the bigger tournaments scenes.

 I can see how much larger lakes, KY, Guntersville, Erie, etc... could put a dude in a tin boat, at a pretty huge disadvantage.

fishing user avatarMr Jenkins reply : 

Is this the way things normally get handled when the local boys start taking an *** kicking from a couple guys in a tin boat? Sorry Bastages!!

Skettie, I realize it was nothing personal, just wish I would have heard the new time. Never would I ask anyone to change the rules or bend them in any way. I would not be a part of any club that changed or bent the rules. It was just a misfortunate understanding on my and A.J.'s part. I can assure you we will not be late for another weigh-in. ROFL :D

fishing user avatarMr Jenkins reply : 

And to dick boat size does matter.  Just axt those guys that drink water from my rooster tail as i pass em LOL

fishing user avatarJimzee reply : 
Is this the way things normally get handled when the local boys start taking an *** kicking from a couple guys in a tin boat? Sorry Bastages!!

Skettie, I realize it was nothing personal, just wish I would have heard the new time. Never would I ask anyone to change the rules or bend them in any way. I would not be a part of any club that changed or bent the rules. It was just a misfortunate understanding on my and A.J.'s part. I can assure you we will not be late for another weigh-in. ROFL :D

I spoke to the TD this evening on the phone. I guess he made the announcement just right before takeoff. The problem was another tournament taking off at the time with about 20 boats in it. I guess I need to get my hearing checked. Ended up being three tourneys on the lake that day, probably close to 90 boats.

All is good now, thanks for the support but it was ultimately my fault, not the TD's. It would be safe to say I will not be late for another one, even if I have to ask him 10 times before takeoff when the tournament ends. Wink

This has got to be Rodney. ;D


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