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Ever Caught A Meanmouth? 2025

fishing user avatarduckmaster55 reply : 

Awhile back at my local lake, Keuka, I saw a guy catch a meanmouth bass, I guess its a mix between a largemouth and a smallmouth.

Has anybody here ever caught one?

fishing user avatargreyleg33 reply : 

Never heard of it.

fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 

Never heard of it

fishing user avatarSpinnerbaitSlinger reply : is this what you are referring to?

fishing user avatarduckmaster55 reply : 

That's the fish, but that's not where I had heard of it, I meant to say that it is a crosse between spotted and smallmouth

fishing user avatarduckmaster55 reply : 

I think this is it

fishing user avatarcast_and_destroy reply : 

Never heard of it, but a cool looking fish. Kinda looks like a guadalupe bass.

fishing user avatarzwhiten12 reply : 

That fish is awesome

fishing user avatarJ Francho reply : 

It's possible, but doubtful there are any "mean mouth bass" in Keuka.  Here's a great article that explains the origins of the hybrids and the terms:

fishing user avatarMDBowHunter reply : 

Yea and I'm still married to it!!!

fishing user avatarMunkin reply : 

Yes, I caught one out of a pond on FT. Leonard Wood, Missouri about 10 years ago.



fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 

I have caught two in 14 years on the Tennessee River.

Neither of them were exceptional.

fishing user avatarBassfishing375 reply : 

That fish looks so cool, I want to catch one.

fishing user avatarDarren. reply : 

Very cool fish. Almost looks photoshopped (by nature), top half a smallie, bottom a largie.

fishing user avatarpbrussell reply : 

Just wanted to post a picture of an apparent smallmouth/largemouth hybrid caught in a tournament at havusu. 

One of the coolest looking fish I've seen. post-36372-0-87239100-1374715150_thumb.j

fishing user avatarSiebert Outdoors reply : 

That is cool PB.


About 10 years ago a buddy and I were fishing a lake with spots and smallies.  I caught a bass that looked like both but was neither.  I use to have a picture of it.  To this day all we can figure out that is was a mean mouth.  We are not sure and I wish I could find the picture since I know more about it now.

fishing user avatarJ Francho reply : 

I wish you had that picture, Mike.  In just about every picture claiming to show a "meanmouth" or whatever is simply a someone holding a smallmouth or a spotted bass, and torqueing the the heck out of it's jaw.  It's either that, or a smallmouth with plain markings.  We catch those all the time on the Great Lakes.  They aren't hybrids.

fishing user avatarGavin reply : 

We catch a lot of smallie/spot hybrids on some of the rivers I fish...They look kinda like smallmouth...but they have barrings below the lateral line like a spot. Pbrussells fish is 100% smallmouth...not a hybrid...great catch!

fishing user avatarSiebert Outdoors reply : 
  On 7/25/2013 at 9:45 PM, J Francho said:

I wish you had that picture, Mike.  In just about every picture claiming to show a "meanmouth" or whatever is simply a someone holding a smallmouth or a spotted bass, and torqueing the the heck out of it's jaw.  It's either that, or a smallmouth with plain markings.  We catch those all the time on the Great Lakes.  They aren't hybrids.


I'll do some looking around but I bet its lost and gone. 

fishing user avatartytay89 reply : 

Pretty sure it's a mean mouth


fishing user avatarpbrussell reply : 
  On 7/26/2013 at 2:57 AM, Gavin said:

We catch a lot of smallie/spot hybrids on some of the rivers I fish...They look kinda like smallmouth...but they have barrings below the lateral line like a spot. Pbrussells fish is 100% smallmouth...not a hybrid...great catch!

I wasn't the one that caught it. Either way, the photograph I posted was discussed quite a bit at another forum about the fish possibly being a hybrid. I know I've not seen many smallmouth like it.

fishing user avatarJ Francho reply : 

What was found to be "unique" about it?  Looks like a run of the mill, larger than average smallie to me.

fishing user avatarGavin reply : 

PB....I don't see anything that doesn't say...Smallmouth. Smallmouth color up like that when they become stressed.


TT89's fish looks like a smally/spot hybrid because of the hints of barring under the lateral line......Its not a "Meanmouth" (Largemouth/Smallie Hybrid)...Think they can only cross smallmouth and largemouth in the laboratory and the offspring are sterile(I think) and very aggressive fish....Smallmouth and spotted bass readily hybridize in the wild, and the offspring are fertile. They aren't any more aggressive than a spot or a smallmouth. Meanmouth and smallie/spot hybrids are not the same thing.

fishing user avatarpbizzle reply : 

Am I the only one that's disappointed that we don't call them Regular Mouth Bass?

fishing user avatarpbrussell reply : 

well. S'pose I and the others may have been wrong.

Won't be the first time  :grin:

fishing user avatarMcAlpine reply : 

I have caught a couple out of the Ohio upriver of Louisville. Pretty rare to encounter though. I have heard of a few coming out of some of the larger creeks that are known for smallmouth as well. Cool fish. The ones I have caught have been small but pull like a truck.

fishing user avatarTmpr reply : 

Search Shoal Bass, very similar if not the...........

fishing user avatarBluebasser86 reply : 

They get caught at Table Rock a lot, only place I've ever caught one. I've only caught one and it was oddly enough the only fish I could get to eat an A rig that day. Thankfully there was a long time guide fishing close by to confirm it was what I thought it was. Unfortunately I got one picture with my cheap digital camera and it turned out pretty poorly but you can still see the unique markings on it.


fishing user avatarrobdob reply : 
  On 7/26/2013 at 3:47 AM, tytay89 said:

Pretty sure it's a mean mouth

thats just your average run of the mill smallmouth.... maybe its slightly bigger than most where you fish but it is a pure smallmouth no doubt about that.

fishing user avatarrobdob reply : 
  On 7/26/2013 at 8:13 AM, pbizzle said:

Am I the only one that's disappointed that we don't call them Regular Mouth Bass?

I've heard people on the three rivers in pittsburgh talk about catching a regular mouth bass and laugh about it once.   i assume they were talking about the same thing we are.  made me chuckle once i realized what they were probably talking about

fishing user avatartytay89 reply : 

i read an online article that talked about mean mouth-had that picture....

So I screen shot it and sent it over

"maybe its slightly bigger than most where you fish "

lmao no comment

fishing user avatarcbass12 reply : 

Missouri state record, I think the guy caught it in 2003



fishing user avatarGREENPUMPKIN reply : 

I have caught a couple while fishing Pickwick lake. I fish it a lot over the last 5 years and have caught only 2. Mix between spot and small mouth. One was small the other about 2 lbs

fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 

Our very own Fish Chris may have caught the World Record meanmouth:

fishing user avatarJ Francho reply : 

Uhh, that's a smallmouth.

fishing user avatarpatbfishing123 reply : 

A friend of mine caught a meanmouth bass during a tournament in Keuka Lake, may be the same guy that duckmaster is refering to.  Was he from flower city bassmasters?  He took a picture of the fish on his phone and it was indeed a meanmouth. He had it verified with DEC, not sure if he kept it and brought it to them or if he showed them the picture. 

fishing user avatarpatbfishing123 reply : 

It looked just like the pictures of a meanmouth bass on the internet.  However I don't think there are any spotted bass in keuka lake... so maybe it was a different breed of meanmouth... Largemouth mixed with smallmouth??

fishing user avatarQuillback reply : 

They are fairly common in Table Rock, it's not unusual to catch one or two a day.  But I've never caught one over 2 lbs.

fishing user avatarJ Francho reply : 
  On 8/12/2013 at 11:14 PM, patbfishing123 said:

It looked just like the pictures of a meanmouth bass on the internet.  However I don't think there are any spotted bass in keuka lake... so maybe it was a different breed of meanmouth... Largemouth mixed with smallmouth??


It was just a deep water largemouth.  It was just a cell phone pic.  Nothing for the DEC to verify.

fishing user avatarJ Francho reply : 

Here you called "mean mouth"



fishing user avatarpatbfishing123 reply : 

You don't think there is such a thing as a mean mouth? Or you dont think they exist around here?

fishing user avatarJ Francho reply : 

I have yet to see anything that looks like a hybrid. Since there are no spotted bass, that isn't possible either. Obviously, lmb x smb have been created in a lab. Spots are well known to interbreed in nature, but their range doesn't extend this far north.

fishing user avatarJ Francho reply : 

Besides, the meanmouth claim is from North Ponds. No smallmouth there. ;)

fishing user avatarDelaware Valley Tackle reply : 
  On 7/25/2013 at 4:50 AM, MDBowHunter said:

Yea and I'm still married to it!!!

Ha, beat me too it. Only I threw mine back!

fishing user avatarWRB reply : or CA state record Smallmouth Bass search.

Story of Fish Chris lake Pardee smallmouth.


fishing user avatarpatbfishing123 reply : 
  On 8/13/2013 at 9:47 AM, J Francho said:

I have yet to see anything that looks like a hybrid. Since there are no spotted bass, that isn't possible either. Obviously, lmb x smb have been created in a lab. Spots are well known to interbreed in nature, but their range doesn't extend this far north.

Fair enough.

fishing user avatarJ Francho reply : 

I think Mitch had something as well.  That may have been the Keuka fish - rings a bell now.  But that fish just looked like a bland or sick smallmouth. Never "patterned up" in the livewell.

fishing user avatarRatherbfishing reply : 

I caught a mean case of something but penicillin cleared it right up!

fishing user avatarJ Francho reply : 
  On 8/16/2013 at 4:46 AM, Ratherbfishing said:

I caught a mean case of something but penicillin cleared it right up!

fishing user avatarcraww reply : 

There's a small river that has all 3 species with limited fishing pressure near our property. We used to catch quite a few "mutt" bass, usually quite small...My uncle did catch a 4lb range smallmouth with a baseball sized mouth once, even as a uninformed kid I couldnt believe it.


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