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Trout lures? 2025

fishing user avatarfishingkidPA reply : 

im getting ready for trout and have about 40 spinners i use and some very small rapalas, i always use these and want to try other lures. But are there any other lures for trout? it seems to me either spinners, rapalas, or live bait! but any suggestions on lures i could try?

fishing user avatarVolFan reply : 

You can get a casting bubble and use any flies a flyfisherman uses, that's one way to go.  Small plastic worms (4 ") in natural colors sometimes work on the drift.  Kind of depends on where and what you're going for: big browns will hit alot of the same things as bass; rainbows are a little more skittish.

fishing user avatarBluebasser86 reply : 

The last couple years I've done very well with a 1/16 oz chatterbait with half a trout worm on the back of it. Little Cleos, Slender spoons, and Super Duper spoons do really well too. A micro jig under a bobber or casting bubble can be deadly too.

fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 

Panther Marten, gold blade, black with chartreuse dots

Floating Rapala, Countdown (trout pattern)

LC Pointer 78

X-Rap XR08 (white & trout pattern)

Puff Balls (yellow & orange)


fishing user avatarMac1 reply : 

A trout magnet is also a good option.

fishing user avatarzero limit reply : 

K.o. woblers.

Lil. cleo's


Rapala's j-13.

Reef runner's.

Rat'l trap's

Salmon or trout egg's under a float

fishing user avatarVolFan reply : 

X2 on the trout magnet, sadly enough.

A small, 1/32-1/64 oz rooster tail in the color "grasshopper" has worked for me in TN, CO, WY, VA, and KY.  It just works everywhere on every species.  If you need it to get deeper/farther, add split shot above it.  It does everything, and smallies love it too.

fishing user avatarwebertime reply : 


Rooster Tails

Panther Martins

fishing user avatarfishingkidPA reply : 

lol guys all i use is roostertails and panther martins! they produce nice fish.

fishing user avatarCapeFairMO reply : 

I've been successful with white or black/yellow maribou jigs as well as white rooster tails.

fishing user avatarErn reply : 

I do ALOT of trout fishing. 

I will give you some of my go to lures.

1) Berkley Powerbait Trout worms.  Carolina rigged.

2) Blue fox Vibax Minnow

3) #2 size blade gold spinners.

4) Little Cleo Spoons

5) Up to #9 Original Rapalas

fishing user avatarCoBass reply : 

1/8, or 1/4 oz Kastmaster in chrome, rainbow trout, or brown trout patterns kill in rivers and lakes around here.

fishing user avatarfishingkidPA reply : 
I do ALOT of trout fishing.

I will give you some of my go to lures.

1) Berkley Powerbait Trout worms. Carolina rigged.

2) Blue fox Vibax Minnow

3) #2 size blade gold spinners.

4) Little Cleo Spoons

5) Up to #9 Original Rapalas

got a blue fox vibrax minnow, ive had it for awhile but never got it wet much. i'll try it out

fishing user avatarwvbucketmouth reply : 

Best bait I have ever used for trout is Joe's Flies.

They make several different styles, sizes, and colors and none of them has ever let me down.

The trout go nuts over these things for some reason.

Here is a link to their site:

fishing user avatarNorcalBassin reply : 

Small tube baits work great, especially on pressured fish. However, I've caught more trout on a gold 1/4 oz Kastmaster than anything else out there.

fishing user avatarnorthern basser reply : 

Shock the stream. ;D  Just kidding.

I've always done livebait,  spinners and raps too.  A guy I see every year at the local tackle shop by where I trout fish keeps saying to use large floating rapalas.  Like #11 up to the biggest floater.  Yes, that giant one.  He swears he uses it all the time.  Less fish,  but bigger fish according to him.

I haven't used anything bigger than #9.

fishing user avatarfishingkidPA reply : 
Best bait I have ever used for trout is Joe's Flies.

They make several different styles, sizes, and colors and none of them has ever let me down.

The trout go nuts over these things for some reason.

Here is a link to their site:

used them, they are great.

fishing user avatarGavin reply : 

Depends on where your fishing, and what your fishing for...I've trout fished all over the place and some local knowledge is key, especially if you want to fly fish for them. Here's a couple general rules...

Brookies & Rainbows...tend to hold in current and eat small stuff...they love flashy little nymphs, egg patterns, small jigs, & inline spinners.

Brown Trout...are ambush predators like a bass...My best lures for them are suspending jerkbaits & floating minnow plugs in the 3.5-5.5" range...Get there first and make your first cast count. They are low light early or late is a must if the water is clear and its sunny. They might bite all day if the water is up and a bit stained. Cloud cover is a plus. Brown trout seem hate the flashy little bugs that rainbows & brookies go for....Drab natural colored nymphs & jigs seem to be preferred. Big bushy dry flies when they are looking up.

Cutthroat Trout...are suckers for most anything that a rainbow or brookie might eat..and they love big bushy dry flies. Cheers.

fishing user avatarwisconsin heat reply : 

ive been rigging a 2in. artificial minnow on a 1/32 jig head and just DEADSTICKING IT! let it just sit there (out of your sight, if you see them-they see u) they should hit it pretty quick.. under 30 whole seconds if the water is moderately clear.

fishing user avatarbigredxlt reply : 

drift half a nightcrawler on a small hook with no weight through fast moving water and watch the line! will catch trout absolutle anywhere

fishing user avatarnorthern basser reply : 
Best bait I have ever used for trout is Joe's Flies.

They make several different styles, sizes, and colors and none of them has ever let me down.

The trout go nuts over these things for some reason.

Here is a link to their site:

Is there one that works better than others (color)?

fishing user avatarGrinch reply : 

Around here the cast master's, panther martin's, and rooster tail's work well. Last year I started using the fly on a bubble method and it worked really well. Gulp alive and worms always produce just not as much fun in my opinion.

fishing user avatarfishingkidPA reply : 
  On 3/29/2011 at 9:35 AM, northern basser said:

Is there one that works better than others (color)?

we found some in a local store that had a black fur trailer and had like a silver double blade connected ( looked like a helicopter blade) it worked great

fishing user avatarRaul reply : 

Heres are some of my favorite trout lures:

Lipless cranks ( and they don´t have to be teeny tiny )

5" Grubs

4" worms

Hard Jerkbaits

Cranks ( Rebel´s Wee Frog is a killer trout lure )

In-line spinners

One bait family that I don´t get why it doesn´t work with trout for me are spinner type baits ( buzzbaits, spinnerbait, spin jigs ). :huh:

Actually some of my largest trout have been caught with cranks.

fishing user avatarnorthern basser reply : 
  On 4/5/2011 at 12:59 AM, fishingkidPA said:

we found some in a local store that had a black fur trailer and had like a silver double blade connected ( looked like a helicopter blade) it worked great

I ordered a bunch of the joes flies spinners. I got some 1/8oz for trout and some 1/4oz. for smallies. They just came in yesterday and man do they look good. They look even better in person than they do online. I will be surprised if these don't work good.

fishing user avatarfishingkidPA reply : 
  On 4/5/2011 at 9:23 PM, northern basser said:

I ordered a bunch of the joes flies spinners. I got some 1/8oz for trout and some 1/4oz. for smallies. They just came in yesterday and man do they look good. They look even better in person than they do online. I will be surprised if these don't work good.

i love there lures, i usually use 1/8 for trout and smallies cause they dont get big on the streams i fish but i tied on a 1/4 oz. and hooked into a 3lber on UL gear, he later broke my line on a rock :rolleyes:

im sure you will love them

fishing user avatarboystcroix reply : 

Try using large size rapalas (11 or 13), you'll may not catch the numbers you will with smaller baits but they're the ticket for the brutes


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