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favorite crappie/bluegill bait 2025

fishing user avatarlargemouthbass reply : 

What is your favorite crappie/bluegill bait besides live bait? I am trying to become a better ultra light fisherman.

fishing user reply : 

Buy the smallest shrimp you can find at the supermarket, they work extremely well for me. (Also if you live nearby an Asian food market, they will have really shrimpy smelling dried grass shrimp skins.)

If the bluegill are stocked where you live, corn can be a killer.

fishing user avatartuxdaddy reply : 

Powerbait "nymphs" on a 1/64 oz shad dart(I use the ones from trout magnet), under a slpi float.. ;)

fishing user avatarthunderstruck reply : 

Bluegills, where I live, eat everything from slugs to senkos.  

fishing user avatarFivePoundBluegill reply : 

I have caught bluegill on some pretty odd baits. I have caught them on bubble gum, a bare trebble hook, and small poppers and torpedos topwater bass fishing. These are just extriem events though that do not happen much. When I first started fishing I would fish for bluegills often and the best baits were bread and corn. I would catch a large number of bluegill with them. Now adays I do not fish for bluegills anymore but I often catch very good size bluegill throwing a medium size yellow or white rooster tail while fishing for bass and crappie. That is probably the best bait for good size bluegill.

fishing user avatarDaniel My Brother reply : 

For bluegill I like small bits of nightcrawler.

For Crappie nothing beats live minnows. If you'd rather use artificials, try a small marabou tail jig fished vertically.

fishing user avatarTaliesin reply : 

I'm not much of a crappie fisherman, but if I had to try and catch one without live bait I would go with small maribou jigs (used to be called crappie jigs) under a bobber.

For bluegill I really like small in-line spinners (Roostertails) and small safety pin spinners (Beetlespins). Thes will also catch occassional crappie.

fishing user avatarBassPonder72 reply : 

Beetlespin, Beetlespin, Beetlespin...Uh Oh!  Now I've done it.

I have caught them plenty of times on poprs when bass fishing too!


fishing user avatarejtaylor822 reply : 

Beetlespin - black with yellow stripes.

fishing user avatarbass109 reply : 

BassPonder72 nice fish :)

fishing user avatarBassPonder72 reply : 

Should've gotten a replica made! ;D

fishing user avatarbassboy1 reply : 

Well, I caught a 3 inch  bluegill on a 5/8 ounce crank.  Sucker musta tried his best to get his tiny mouth on that hook.  I have had them grab at a T-rigged finesse worm.  But, when going to catch them, nothing beats a nightcrawler, a bamboo cane pole, and a cork bobber.

fishing user avatardgquail reply : 

crappie - live minnows, bluegill - crickets.... if you had to pick an artificial, I would suggest some type of small jig, or beetle spin type bait

fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 

Bluegill:  crickets

Crappie: small minnnows on a split shot rig & small plastic crappie jigs on a 1/16 oz jig jead

fishing user avatarNEBassMan reply : 

i love 1/8oz rattle traps for crappie.  also small crank baits.  they tear em up.  



fishing user avatarguest reply : 

For bluegill I like a Beetle Spin or a Strike King Bitsy Pond Minnow.  I catch some honkin' BG on the Strike King.  

For crappie I like a Blakemore Roadrunner with a curly tail grub, or a small deep diving Shad Rap in silver.   I'm not much on jigging for crappie.  

That little Bitsy Pond Minnow will catch anything:


fishing user avatarguest reply : 

Another plug for the Bitsy Pond Minnow, and my son and fishin' pardner


fishing user avatarChris at Tech reply : 

...small in-line spinners (Roostertails) and small safety pin spinners (Beetlespins). Thes will also catch occassional crappie.


And also add maribou jigs in chartreuse or yellow.

fishing user avatarfishing=life reply : 

try a little rebel crawdad they work great and you might even catch a few largemouth too  ;)

fishing user avatardeerhuneter02 reply : 

I just caught 20 perch/bluegill on hotdogs today. I was fishing for about an hour and a half. I also caught two bass (3 lber and 1.5 lber).

fishing user avatarzbigbadaaron reply : 

live: peice of nightcrawer, or red worm, or mayfly

artafical: paddle bug, or small curly tail grub

fishing user avatarsouthbassfisher reply : 

Blue gill- chartuse grub, red worm

Crappie- chartuse grub, minnows

fishing user avatarMuchyMan reply : 

a fuzz-e-grub fished above weeds and fish nests

fishing user avatarbeetlespin91 reply : 

for bluegills i use bread and critter spins

I have only caught two crappie in my life but i caught one on a beetle spin brown tail and on a rattle trap

fishing user avatarthe captain reply : 
Bluegills, where I live, eat everything from slugs to senkos.

Ditto but the best thing I have found is a small(1-2.5 in) piece of red or brown senko. Also 4" ribbon tail worms chartruese w/ green flake Strike King works real well in the crick.

fishing user avatarIndianafisherman reply : 

I can't believe nobody mentioned my two favorites the roadrunner and mini- mite. I like chart. head with a black or white body with mini-mites.

fishing user avatarBassHunter69 reply : 

i like the beatle spin neon yellow with black stripes


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