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first fish 2025

fishing user avatarhank reply : 

25pound catfish i caught it in my

nannas pond when i was 7 years

old i got a picture


fishing user avatarBrookie reply : 

Wow thats huge lol. My first fish was a 3 inch brook trout a couple years ago, big difference lol

fishing user avatarHunteR reply : 

Very Nice for a first fish.

LOL mine was a small drum ::)

fishing user avatarguest reply : 

1 pound angelfish when i was 3 fishing at a canal on the NC coast. Been hooked on fishing ever since!

fishing user avatarFivePoundBluegill reply : 

About a 9 inch rainbow trout

fishing user avatarberkley reply : 

a small perch

fishing user avatarKy_Lake_Dude reply : 

A good sized bream.

fishing user avatar[[J4cks0n.Shr3dd3r]] reply : 

My first fish was a gill. How origional LMAO.


fishing user avatarbeetlespin91 reply : 

i caught my first fish when i was 13 i caught a LM bass

fishing user avatarDavis reply : 

I took my niece out the other day for her first fishing trip ever. She is 15 and has never fished.

Her first was a 2" long gill lol. Than I almost crapped my pants when a brownie about 15" got on her line but than threw the small trout worm. I should have told her..."TIGHT LINES!!!!" but I never got around to it. Then she caught a nice perch. So for her it was a pretty good first fishing trip.

I started fishing when I was around three years old so I have no clue what my first catch was. Most likely either a sucker or a small rainbow as thats what I remember catching out of the creek my grandpa took me to.

fishing user avatarthe captain reply : 

I started fishing when I was around three years old so I have no clue what my first catch was.

Actually I was probably closer 4 but still I can't remember what my first catch was. I can remember that when I was about8 I caught my first pickerel on a piece of corn, to date that is the only pickerel I have ever caught.

fishing user avatarMobydick reply : 

Thats really nice for a first fish. My biggest catfish is only about 15 pounds. Can't really say when I caught my first one, but I started fishing when I was 3 or 4.

fishing user avatar.dsaavedra. reply : 

i dont remember but no doubt my first fish was a stunted bluegill caught down at the local park. or maybe it was a white perch at the pier in my old neighboorhood where i was raised. dang...i wish i knew, i'll have to ask my dad tonight.

fishing user avatarLoudy reply : 

2 pound grunt (saltwater)

1 pound Bass (freshwater)

fishing user avatarskillet reply : 

 Can't remember first fish (way too young), do remember first Bass. Fishing for Catfish with cane pole. Couldn't pull it up out of the water so I took off up the bank and drug it in ;D...

                                  As Ever,


fishing user avatarPopeye reply : 

Bluegill caught on the Whitewater River in Indiana MANY years ago:o) Since then I've caught about everything indigenous to the waters of the Midwest EXCEPT a Musky.

fishing user avatarBassFishingMachine reply : 

I don't remember, a sunny im guessing..

fishing user avatargarry77 reply : 

My first was probably a rock bass or a catfish.Dad took us fishing for those a lot.Maybe a fall fish.I'll have to ask him.

  My son's first fish was a bluegill. :)

fishing user avatarpondhopper reply : 

A tiny Mountain Whitefish on a bamboo cane pole. I hauled him out of the Yellowstone River so fast, he never knew what hit him! 8-)

fishing user avatarjrhennecke reply : 

I started fishing ponds with my Dad when I was 4 or 5 years old so it must have been a bass or some sort of sun fish.

fishing user avatarba7ss3in reply : 

Too young to remember but my mom and dad tell a story about night fishing on a creek that leads to Toledo Bend where he missed a big cat. My sister and I were asleep on a blanket so, I'm sure I had a cane pole in my hand sometime that day for gills.

fishing user avatartkite16 reply : 

12 inch smallmouth 8-)

fishing user avatarLCpointerKILLA reply : 

saltwater catfish

fishing user avatarHesterIsGod reply : 

small trout deep in the mountains of Montana :)

fishing user avatarsmithers111 reply : 

4lb largemouth

fishing user avatarKy_Lake_Dude reply : 

A little bream when I was 2 at Lake Graham. But I caught a 5lb bass on a spinnerbait when I was 4 and we got it mounted. Thats what hooked me on bass fishing


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