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Pictures Of Your Best Worst 2024

fishing user avatarBrent Bartman reply : 

Found this picture on my phone from last year. nothing Better than a Problem and a solution.


Needless to say my friend didnt much like going fishing with me after that day


Lets see yours



fishing user avatargardnerjigman reply : 

Redneck med kit right there. Swap that miller for a bottle of jack though!

fishing user avatarBrent Bartman reply : 

we wanted our heads a bit clearer before we operated. and besides i more a Makers guy myself

fishing user avatarOzark_Basser reply : 
  On 12/18/2014 at 8:18 AM, gardnerjigman said:

Redneck med kit right there. Swap that miller for a bottle of jack though!

Jack to me is meh....Gentleman's Jack though.....



  On 12/18/2014 at 8:03 AM, Brent Bartman said:

Found this picture on my phone from last year. nothing Better than a Problem and a solution.


Needless to say my friend didnt much like going fishing with me after that day


Lets see yours


I've yet to hook someone that resulted in injury.  I've hooked some shirts but never any skin.  However, I'm sure I have gotten close more times than I care to know. 

fishing user avatarDwight Hottle reply : 

That is pretty ballsy. I think that job might have benefitted from a MD's touch.

fishing user avatarNorcalBassin reply : 

2 years ago...


fishing user avatarOzark_Basser reply : 
  On 12/18/2014 at 9:06 AM, NorcalBassin said:

2 years ago...


Annnddddd those jeans are ruined lol

fishing user avatarNorcalBassin reply : 

2 weeks ago...


fishing user avatarNorcalBassin reply : 
  On 12/18/2014 at 9:08 AM, Auggie14 said:

Annnddddd those jeans are ruined lol

Lol... they're now "vintage" with a battle reminder (a 4+ pound rainbow was attached for the other two hooks gator rolling for what seemed like an eternity). One more spin and he would have been on the smoker instead of released...
fishing user avatarSnakehead Whisperer reply : 

These are pretty gruesome. Not surprised the conversation has turned to drinks ;)


  On 12/18/2014 at 8:18 AM, gardnerjigman said:

Redneck med kit right there. Swap that miller for a bottle of jack though!

True. The Miller makes a pretty poor disinfectant too (but don't use too much of the whiskey on your wounds, it's good for other things.)


  On 12/18/2014 at 8:57 AM, Auggie14 said:

Jack to me is meh....Gentleman's Jack though.....

In that price range I'll almost always reach for the Buffalo Trace. Occasionally George Dickel Rye or Knob Creek.

Evan Williams is $10, and is better than most whiskeys costing double that (imho.)

fishing user avatarBrent Bartman reply : 

It looked worse that it was. we just snipped each hook off. and pushed em right threw. the most painfull part was snipping the hooks. Those Lazer Trokars are pretty sharp. They pushed right through 

fishing user avatarpapajoe222 reply : 
  On 12/18/2014 at 8:03 AM, Brent Bartman said:

Found this picture on my phone from last year. nothing Better than a Problem and a solution.


Needless to say my friend didnt much like going fishing with me after that day


Lets see yours

Only have one question about your 'first aid kit'  What's the lighter and screw dirver for?  :scared: :scared: :scared:

fishing user avatarOzark_Basser reply : 
  On 12/18/2014 at 9:12 AM, Snakehead Whisperer said:

In that price range I'll almost always reach for the Buffalo Trace. Occasionally George Dickel Rye or Knob Creek.

Evan Williams is $10, and is better than most whiskeys costing double that (imho.)

Ole George Dickel.  From what I remember when I tried it, it was some pretty good stuff. No go on the Evil Wevil.  I have too many friends that are fat girls with their numbers in my phone to be drinking that stuff lol. 

fishing user avatarJtrout reply : 
  On 12/18/2014 at 9:06 AM, NorcalBassin said:

2 years ago...932_zpsa4197181.jpg

Did u drink the night before lol

fishing user avatarJtrout reply : 

Never been hooked yet I did have a Livingston lipless crank stuck on a log pulled that sucker 10 times before It bent the hook and it came shooting back at me like a rocket I seen it coming and turned my body and it smacked my for arm and left a big welt and the hooks barely scratched me.

fishing user avatarSenko lover reply : 


fishing user avatargardnerjigman reply : 
  On 12/18/2014 at 12:35 PM, Auggie14 said:

Ole George Dickel. From what I remember when I tried it, it was some pretty good stuff. No go on the Evil Wevil. I have too many friends that are fat girls with their numbers in my phone to be drinking that stuff lol.

Hahahaha! That last sentence is great!

fishing user avatarMaster Bait'r reply : 

You almost never see T-rigged plastics stuck in people.  





Just sayin'  ;) 

fishing user avatar*Hootie reply : 
  On 12/18/2014 at 8:03 AM, Brent Bartman said:

Found this picture on my phone from last year. nothing Better than a Problem and a solution.

Needless to say my friend didnt much like going fishing with me after that day

Lets see yours



fishing user avatarBrnnoser6983 reply : 
  On 12/18/2014 at 8:03 AM, Brent Bartman said:

Found this picture on my phone from last year. nothing Better than a Problem and a solution.


Needless to say my friend didnt much like going fishing with me after that day


Lets see yours

I can just see the wheels spinning in your head as you go out the garage. I think I need one of these, and these, and .... I know I can or may need this somehow.


You thought about sterilization though.. Lol

fishing user avatarChris S reply : 

June 2012 fishing a tourny, was careless unhooking a white bass from rapala, tried for 10 minutes to push it through, no luck. Drove home, put boat away and let a professional cut it out!! My son laughed about it!!




fishing user avatarRhino68W reply : 

I am a combat medic in the Army right now, and I have had the pleasure of removing 3 hooks from peoples arms while at work. I was even granted permission to show our Dr. how to do the braid removal method (with the patients approval of course)!!! 

fishing user avatarRaul reply : 
  On 12/18/2014 at 8:03 AM, Brent Bartman said:

Found this picture on my phone from last year. nothing Better than a Problem and a solution.


Needless to say my friend didnt much like going fishing with me after that day


Lets see yours

You are certainly missing something in that first aid kit, where´s the duct tape ?

fishing user avatarfisherrw reply : 

yikes those are bad.. my worst was a 1/2 ounce dropshot weight hitting me in the back of they head.. unfortunately i don't have a pic. it was pretty nasty had to go to the doctor..

fishing user avatarcorn-on-the-rob reply : 

Was fishing with 4 people on my dad's bass boat so it was pretty tight, I was on the front deck fishing next to him. All of a sudden I felt a sharp pain in my head and my dad backlashed like I had never seen. On his cast he got me in the back of the head with a 1/2 oz spinner bait. I was playing it down and said no big deal and with the spinner attached to my head I went to take off my baseball cap and it wouldn't budge lol. I gave it a good tug and it came free but man did it bleed. Didn't get barbed because the hook was so big but left a good gash. Just surprised me how stuck it was being in such thin skin after penetrating fairly thick hat material. Just put a paper towel on my head, put my hat back on to hold it down, kept fishing. He had never hooked anyone before in his lifetime of fishing, so naturally I gave him a hard time.

fishing user avatarBooyahMan reply : 

This thread reminds me of why I dislike using barbed hooks, and especially barbed trebles. Most of the big fisheries here require single barbless hooks so if we do hook ourselves, it comes out cleanly.

fishing user avatarBrent Bartman reply : 

The Lighter is for the razor blade and disinfecting it. the screw driver was the apply pressure to the skin so it didnt pull and stretch.

fishing user avatarlectricbassman reply : 

Pretty fancy tools for your basic hook removal. Sparky by any chance?

fishing user avatartopwaterrob reply : 

I hate trebles.... Took some grunting to get this one out...  It was the second time in seven days.


fishing user avatarBluebasser86 reply : 

I'm going to go home and mash down the barbs on all my treble hooked baits now...



I don't have a picture of it stuck in me, but I got the back hook of this bait stuck in my side after it rocketed back at me when a fish missed it right at the bank. Thankfully gardnerjigman was with me and able to push it through and cut the point off. I was fine until it made a loud "pop" when it came back through the skin, got a little queasy after that, didn't help that I hadn't eaten in 12 hours I'm sure. 


fishing user avatarbassboy107 reply : 


My worst looked something like this with my friend. Not paying attention and got 2 trebles in my side. No pictures, just a lot of blood. lets just say I kept my distance from there on  :grin:  

fishing user avatarSlipknot_Fan666 reply : 

I have no pictures, but I was trying to get some weeds off of a spinnerbait one time and I shake all the time for some reason so I thought my finger was clear of the hook and when the weeds gave their grip up the hook went under my fingernail. I just gritted my teeth and pulled it out because I have a high pain tolerance but I'm scared of getting hooked.

fishing user avatarBankbeater reply : 

Holy Cow!  When I first read the title of this I thought it was about catching dinks!

fishing user avatarJd_Phillips_Fishin reply : 

I've been lucky so far.

fishing user avatarBammerBass reply : 

I lost my appetite.....

fishing user avatarDillo reply : 

my dad one hooked himself in the same spot twice in a day and once more in another spot.

fishing user avatarRhino68W reply : 
  On 12/23/2014 at 5:44 AM, Dillo said:

my dad one hooked himself in the same spot twice in a day and once more in another spot.

That's one of those "You really don't need to fish today" signs.

fishing user avatarJtrout reply : 

When I was a kid i had a deep diving crank in my closet stuck to a blanket and my mom tried to get it out for me she ended up with both treble hooks in her hand had to go to the er to have them take it out. They actually have a tool for removing fish hooks.

fishing user avatarColdSVT reply : 

The pic in my avatar

A 24inch lady fish did that...i really like the part where it was still on the other hook

fishing user avatarscaleface reply : 

I can contribute to this thread. The lure is a Rogers Big Jim with short shank KVD hooks.. Big Jims are fantastic square bills. I just pushed it through .




fishing user avatarColdSVT reply : 

^^ Very nice! lol


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