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Why Is It That..... 2024

fishing user avatarSodus Bay Scooter reply : 

Why is it that so often when I'm concentrating real hard, paying complete attention to everything I'm doing while fishing that the bites come so infrequently, BUT, when I start to casually drift off in my thoughts and start day dreaming WHAMMO! There's the strike!

Anyone else experience this? It happens more often than not to me. And then on the contrary, when I try to reproduce the day dreaming fishing action nothing happens of course.

Oh well, I still catch fish even when I concentrate but I just noticed this happens a lot.

What are your thoughts?

fishing user avatarflyfisher reply : 

Probably because when you are day dreaming your fishing slows down without you realizing it.  I always take those situations as a note to slow down whatever presentation i am doing.

fishing user avatarSodus Bay Scooter reply : 

You know what, that makes a lot of sense. Note taken! Thank you

fishing user avatarFrog Turds reply : 

like many times when i'm fishin with a buddy or girlfriend and talking on the water etc...and thats when i get bit or a fish blows up on my topwater, its that longer pause at those times i'm blabbin and letting the bait sit...which is a longer pause then i'd ever do focusing on what i'm doing...thats been my experience that way...

fishing user avatarShewillbemine reply : 

A watched pot (or lure) never boils. 


I know exactly what you mean--it is usually what happens to me as well.

fishing user avatarSodus Bay Scooter reply : 

Right, so I've been trying to somehow balance not watching the pot (bait) yet be ready for the cues that the fish has taken the bait.

It's a tough balance I'll tell you. Meanwhile my buddy is at the front of the boat slammin slobs which makes it even harder to figure out cause now you KNOW there are fish there.

fishing user avatarjbsoonerfan reply : 

I hate to admit this, but I fished a touney last year and I spent way to much time in the Casino the night before and didn't make it to the lodge till about 3:00 am. I was so hungover the next morning I was throwing up over the side of the boat. I didn't even fish the first hour because I couldn't even see. Conditions were TERRIBLE. Wind was blowing 20 - 30mph and it was raining. I finally was able to cast a lure about 7:30. I would thow it out and just sit there and hold my rod. I was throwing a Jumbo Chigger Craw on a T-rig. I would actually fall asleep and let it sit there and not move it. I caught 4 fish that morning and they were all during my drunken stooper. My buddy fished his butt off all day and he blanked. I am not proud of my showing that morning, but I think I did learn that it is sometimes best to slow down.

fishing user avatarLunker7 reply : 

IMO, when you daydream, time seems to pass a lot quicker (5 minutes could feel like 1 minute) so even though you may feel like you're catching a lot of fish in a short amount if time, you're probably catching the same amount of fish as if you were concentrating, it just feels like a short amount of time. (Sort of like the phrase, "time flies when you're having fun") Just my opinion.

fishing user avatarSodus Bay Scooter reply : 

Jbsoonerfan, that's just an awesome story!

fishing user avatarwademaster1 reply : 

Happens to me all the time, answer a call, daydream, look off in the woods, bam! Bite every time. I personally don't think you can fish too slow, but too fast? Yes

fishing user avatarSodus Bay Scooter reply : 

That's funny, that reminds me of when my wife called me when I was on my kayak and I set the hook right then. I was basically holding the phone with one hand, holding the rod with the other and trying to reel the fish with my leg while holding a conversation. Totally awkward!

fishing user avatar*Hootie reply : 
  On 1/1/2013 at 10:16 AM, Lunker7 said:
 (Sort of like the phrase, "time flies when you're having fun") Just my opinion.


or as Kermit the frog says, "time is fun when you're having flies".



fishing user avatarRyneB reply : 
  On 1/1/2013 at 10:13 AM, jbsoonerfan said:
I hate to admit this, but I fished a touney last year and I spent way to much time in the Casino the night before and didn't make it to the lodge till about 3:00 am. I was so hungover the next morning I was throwing up over the side of the boat. I didn't even fish the first hour because I couldn't even see. Conditions were TERRIBLE. Wind was blowing 20 - 30mph and it was raining. I finally was able to cast a lure about 7:30. I would thow it out and just sit there and hold my rod. I was throwing a Jumbo Chigger Craw on a T-rig. I would actually fall asleep and let it sit there and not move it. I caught 4 fish that morning and they were all during my drunken stooper. My buddy fished his butt off all day and he blanked. I am not proud of my showing that morning, but I think I did learn that it is sometimes best to slow down.


Fishing with a brutal hangover is really hard. Especially when its really hot out and they arent biting and waves from other boats keep you a rockin. Not to mention you have stuff coming out of both ends. Not fun at all

fishing user avatarflyfisher reply : 
  On 1/1/2013 at 3:18 PM, LAG ISSUEZ said:
That's funny, that reminds me of when my wife called me when I was on my kayak and I set the hook right then. I was basically holding the phone with one hand, holding the rod with the other and trying to reel the fish with my leg while holding a conversation. Totally awkward!

That's the exact reason i went to using my iPhone for music and then can answer and talk hands free if needed :)

fishing user avatarNitrofreak reply : 

It's tough mentally to hold your concentration for long periods of time, thats what causes us to daydream or loose focus on what we are trying to get accomplished, just like if you are pitching to a target, your focused in on hitting your mark, once you hit that mark, you have a tendency to relax and start focusing on other tasks, even the simple task of switching hands, or clicking the spool lever by turning the crank handle, those simple things are done by second nature and becomes so natural that we don't even think about it at all, it just gets done automatically, so slowing down or holding your concentration is something you have to condition your mind for just like the simple tasks we take for granted, the longer you can hold your concentration, the more conditioned your mind becomes to performing that task.


Most everything we do in life only takes seconds to perform, our minds become conditioned to short periods of time, if you want to hold your concentration on longer periods of time you have to train your mind to do so, try staring at a glass of water and time yourself as to how long you can hold your attention to that glass of water without thinking of something else, it's the same as if you were watching your line, then try putting a lure in that same glass of water, see how long you can focus on the lure in that glass of water, you will find that you can hold your thoughts a little longer even though it may only be for a few seconds longer, your mind is expecting a reaction from the object and will hold it's thought process until it knows there are no more tasks to be performed, in short it's learning something new.


Slowing down is something you have to condition yourself to do, it's not a repetitive act we perform on a daily basis. 

fishing user avatarSodus Bay Scooter reply : 

Reply to nitrofreak.

Yeah I've noticed that those times when my concentration is razor sharp that you get mentally fatigued after awhile. You're right. It is difficult to maintain focus and willfully slow down.

fishing user avatarNitrofreak reply : 

During those times when it becomes tough to focus, I find that taking a short break, such as sitting down, taking a deep breath or two and grabbing a quick snack, like a piece of jerky or a cracker seems to help a lot, when you are new to trying to mentally perform a task as slowing down it's mentally tough and exhausting for the ol' gray matter, it wants to do what it's been conditioned to do, the one thing that will help the most is sleep, get plenty of rest prior to the night before your trip, we all know how excited we get before the big day of fishing, the more relaxed you are the less stress you have on yourself and your mind, rest is key to being and staying razor sharp when it counts the most. 

fishing user avatarSodus Bay Scooter reply : 

That's good advice nitro. Yeah I definitely get way excited, so much so that I completely forgot my paddle for my kayak back at the house once. Can't get far without that!

fishing user avatarstrikequeentiff reply : 

Do you remember the quote from CaddyShack...


"I'm going to give you a little advice. There's a force in the universe that makes things happen. And all you have to do is get in touch with it, stop thinking, let things happen, and be the ball." - Ty Webb


BE THE FISH!!!!!!! If you were a fish, what would you bite?????? 


It doesn't mean put a piece of steak on the bait either... However, if you put a piece of steak on the bait, I'd SO bite! You know that's true! 

fishing user avatariceman11 reply : 

My personal favorite is whenever I go "okay last cast" reel it in and nothing. Then throw it one more time and bam! Hit! I have had that happen like 10 or so times. 

fishing user avatarislandbass reply : 

You are not alone! I am in the same boat.  Sometimes though, that focused in the zone mode (which costs a lot of mental energy) can pay off.


I remember one time taking some seniors trout fishing, I tossed my rig out, put my rod in a holder and noted the position of my line as I had my attention now turned on juggling, undoing tangled lines and rebaiting their hooks with power bait.


After I got done getting everyone rebaited and untangled, I noticed my line was in a completely different position and there was no wind so I knew it had to be a fishing on.  Inattention, nonetheless had paid off.  I know that if were sitting there paying attention to my line with a hawk's eye, nothing would have happened on the other end of the line, lol.

fishing user avatarjhoffman reply : 
  On 2/19/2013 at 3:57 PM, islandbass said:

You are not alone! I am in the same boat.  Sometimes though, that focused in the zone mode (which costs a lot of mental energy) can pay off.


I remember one time taking some seniors trout fishing, I tossed my rig out, put my rod in a holder and noted the position of my line as I had my attention now turned on juggling, undoing tangled lines and rebaiting their hooks with power bait.


After I got done getting everyone rebaited and untangled, I noticed my line was in a completely different position and there was no wind so I knew it had to be a fishing on.  Inattention, nonetheless had paid off.  I know that if were sitting there paying attention to my line with a hawk's eye, nothing would have happened on the other end of the line, lol.



I have a similar story, only mine involved a brand new rod and reel. I had the reciept in my pocket, turned around to help a girl I was dating and that rod took off like a rocket ship. I was JACKED but at the same time had to laugh. I shouldve framed that reciept. I litterally owned that entire rod setup for a half an hour.

fishing user avatarDarren. reply : 
  On 1/1/2013 at 3:18 PM, LAG ISSUEZ said:

That's funny, that reminds me of when my wife called me when I was on my kayak and I set the hook right then. I was basically holding the phone with one hand, holding the rod with the other and trying to reel the fish with my leg while holding a conversation. Totally awkward!


This has happened to me a few times. Wife calls, kids call, fish on. Bruise on leg where I slammed it into the reel to attempt to keep line tight.


Distractions take your mind off the task at hand and slow you down.

fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 
  On 2/19/2013 at 1:06 PM, iceman11 said:

My personal favorite is whenever I go "okay last cast" reel it in and nothing. Then throw it one more time and bam! Hit! I have had that happen like 10 or so times. 


Always speak up to announce "This is my last cast."  Then wait a minute or two and cast again...The fish think you're gone!




fishing user avatarSodus Bay Scooter reply : 
  On 2/20/2013 at 12:04 AM, roadwarrior said:

Always speak up to announce "This is my last cast."  Then wait a minute or two and cast again...The fish think you're gone!





LOL! I think I might actually try this!

fishing user avatarnaynayshimer reply : 

all so true! i'm fine with it, as long as i dont miss the strike!! 


i think that fish have somewhat of a 6th sense, (7th if you count the lateral line), that allows them to do this. it's just one of those little things that make fishing so enjoyable!

fishing user avatarmnbassman23 reply : 

This happens to me a lot as well and it comes down to slowing down.


Good example of this was a day my soon to be Father-in-Law and I had out on the boat last spring. We were ripping it up on watermelon colored senkos. We had a 5lber spotted on the edge of a small rock pile and could not catch that fish. Threw the kitchen sink at her and nada. I finally retied my senko on, casted to the exact spot I knew were she was laying and set my rod down. Unzipped the pants and "unloaded" the tank. When I picked up my rod thats all i felt was weight. Next thing I know I have a 5lber in the boat. 

fishing user avatarSodus Bay Scooter reply : 
  On 2/20/2013 at 7:10 AM, mnbassman23 said:

This happens to me a lot as well and it comes down to slowing down.


Good example of this was a day my soon to be Father-in-Law and I had out on the boat last spring. We were ripping it up on watermelon colored senkos. We had a 5lber spotted on the edge of a small rock pile and could not catch that fish. Threw the kitchen sink at her and nada. I finally retied my senko on, casted to the exact spot I knew were she was laying and set my rod down. Unzipped the pants and "unloaded" the tank. When I picked up my rod thats all i felt was weight. Next thing I know I have a 5lber in the boat. 


"unloaded the tank" LOL love it! I'm gonna steal that one from you.

fishing user avatarJay Ell Gee reply : 
  On 2/20/2013 at 12:04 AM, roadwarrior said:

Always speak up to announce "This is my last cast."  Then wait a minute or two and cast again...The fish think you're gone!





Sounds reasonable!

fishing user avatarlmbfisherman reply : 
  On 1/1/2013 at 7:40 AM, LAG ISSUEZ said:

Why is it that so often when I'm concentrating real hard, paying complete attention to everything I'm doing while fishing that the bites come so infrequently, BUT, when I start to casually drift off in my thoughts and start day dreaming WHAMMO! There's the strike!

Anyone else experience this? It happens more often than not to me. And then on the contrary, when I try to reproduce the day dreaming fishing action nothing happens of course.

Oh well, I still catch fish even when I concentrate but I just noticed this happens a lot.

What are your thoughts?

One way to look at it, is maybe when you are day dreaming and not paying attention your doing something/presenting the fish on what they want?  Or maybe when you are focused you are over thinking. 

fishing user avatarloodkop reply : 

The best way to slow down is to cast a huge overwind with a weightless worm. Seems about half the time there is a bass on by the time I'm sorted. Sometimes they will even try to steal the rod while I'm still trying to untangle the line.

fishing user avatariceman11 reply : 
  On 2/20/2013 at 12:04 AM, roadwarrior said:

Always speak up to announce "This is my last cast."  Then wait a minute or two and cast again...The fish think you're gone!




One of my fishing stories I have from when I was little was my brother and I were pulling fish out of this lake left and right with our scout troop. My scout master and still good friend couldn't catch a cold anyway long story short we were all bank fishing and packing up to go back to camp. Just before all of this my line had tangled so I called it a night early figuring to fix it at camp. I don't know how but as i was walking it became untangled I cast it just for S&G's right where my scout master was and it had barely hit the water and BAM!  

fishing user avatarLasher reply : 

Same thing happens to me deer hunting. When I am focused and concentrated on the deer, they won't move.  When I start closing my eyes, nodding off, checking my phone, or daydream, that's when the deer get active.  Sometimes wildlife just likes to see if your paying attention.  I think it's their little game they like to play with us.  In college when I was trying to pick up girls the same thing happened.  When I tried real hard and paid them a lot of attention, the less they cared.  When I started ignoring them and just had fun with my friends, the more they seemed to be interested.

fishing user avatarrun23 reply : 
  On 2/20/2013 at 3:29 PM, loodkop said:

The best way to slow down is to cast a huge overwind with a weightless worm. Seems about half the time there is a bass on by the time I'm sorted. Sometimes they will even try to steal the rod while I'm still trying to untangle the line.

haha. this. i figure the fish must just be staring at the plastic and as soon as i'm sorted and reel up all the slack...bang. you'd figure i'd learn something from that, but i still fish too fast. it takes a lot of patience to let something sit there for a minute or two. heck, 30 seconds seems like an eternity. 

fishing user avatarSodus Bay Scooter reply : 
  On 2/19/2013 at 12:37 PM, strikequeentiff said:

Do you remember the quote from CaddyShack...


"I'm going to give you a little advice. There's a force in the universe that makes things happen. And all you have to do is get in touch with it, stop thinking, let things happen, and be the ball." - Ty Webb


BE THE FISH!!!!!!! If you were a fish, what would you bite?????? 


It doesn't mean put a piece of steak on the bait either... However, if you put a piece of steak on the bait, I'd SO bite! You know that's true! 


Did someone say STEAK?? Like seven succulent steaks? You know what's funny? I'd actually like to try threading a steel leader through a hot dog and put a treble hook on the end and walk the hot dog. If I caught a fish like that I'd laugh my a&% off!! 

fishing user avatarJigfishn10 reply : 
  On 2/19/2013 at 12:37 PM, strikequeentiff said:

Do you remember the quote from CaddyShack...

"I'm going to give you a little advice. There's a force in the universe that makes things happen. And all you have to do is get in touch with it, stop thinking, let things happen, and be the ball." - Ty Webb

BE THE FISH!!!!!!! If you were a fish, what would you bite??????

It doesn't mean put a piece of steak on the bait either... However, if you put a piece of steak on the bait, I'd SO bite! You know that's true!

Too funny. Probably my all time favorite movie. More one liners and quotes came out of that movie than I can remember.

I find my mind drifting off on bottom baits - jigs, t-rigs, c-rigs etc- than on reaction type baits and believe it or not dog walking baits have me looking around and not paying attention more than anything. Swish, swish, swish is all I hear while looking at different things on the water.

But as Carl the groundskeeper would say: "I'd keep playing."

fishing user avatarSmallmouth Hunter reply : 

The other week I missed a 5+ lb bass on a frog cause I was drifting off while fishing.. (Not good to do while frog fishing cause you need to set the hook hard).. I heard the plop and felt the weight on my line but I didn't think fast enough and missed him.

fishing user avatarHuskyKMA reply : 

This happened to me last weekend as well. Was fishing a lipless crank and not getting anything. Mind started to wander as I made a cast to a dock and I got hit. Forgot to set the hook though and he came off right at the boat. Next time I need to allow the mind to wander again but set the hook when the bite comes!

fishing user avatarSmallmouth Hunter reply : 

Wow this happened to me twice today.. Missed 2 solid 3+ lber cause I was talking. Gotta learn to focus the whole trip hahaha.

fishing user avatarHuskyKMA reply : 

It always happens to us when salmon fishing. If you're watching the rod, it's going to be a long day. I hardly ever notice the moment when a strike first happens. They all happen when I'm playing with my phone, talking with dad, tying my shoe, eating a sandwich, or anything other than looking at the rod when I randomly look over and my rod tip is dipping into the water. Makes me wonder sometimes how many strikes I never see.

fishing user avatarlucasrd reply : 

I tend to catch more bass in the pads when my 6 year-old is with me fishing for sunnies.  I'll toss a weightless worm and then help him bait his hook, re-bait his hook, fix snagged line and take sunnies off his hook...letting that worm sink weightless and working it back that slow (and also using Gulp Alive) attracts fish  From cast to cast it may take me 3-5 minutes to work it back, but I catch fish!


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