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Fishing fix during winter? 2024

fishing user avatarSimonSays reply : 

How do you guys get your fishing fix over the winter?  This is the first summer where i've actually been fishing for more then 1 time a month, and i'm scared of winter!

fishing user avatarbassclown reply : 

i go fishing....just make sure to clean the ice out of your guides. the fish are still there. snow storms can be very productive times for fishing.  

fishing user avatarSiebert Outdoors reply : 

I hunt when its cold. Keeps me busy.

fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 

Simon Says,

This is a pretty sillly thread on August 3, 2006.

If you don't fish when it's good, why do you think about fishing when it's bad?

I mean really, who cares?

fishing user avatarBass Smacker reply : 
How do you guys get your fishing fix over the winter? This is the first summer where i've actually been fishing for more then 1 time a month, and i'm scared of winter!

BE scared be very Scared. Its a horrable time of year. You will sharpen all your hooks to the barb your famile will want to sent you to the nut house. You freinds will avoid you like the plage fishing will consume you. The bait monky will fallow you around like a lost dog. you will find your self on a bank in the freezing cold throwing lures in the ice and not know how you got there ;).

Then spring comes and your all better ;D

fishing user avatarChug Bug reply : 
Simon Says,

This is a pretty sillly thread on August 3, 2006.

If you don't fish when it's good, why do you think about fishing when it's bad?

I mean really, who cares?

You sure are mean for a moderator ;)

fishing user avatarSimonSays reply : 
Simon Says,

This is a pretty sillly thread on August 3, 2006.

If you don't fish when it's good, why do you think about fishing when it's bad?

I mean really, who cares?

Ahh mainly cause I have classes during the summer, Organic Chem 2 + Lab shoved into a 4 week timeframe leaves little time to fish =/

and my friends here at the library are wondering what i'd do during the winter time, so i just thought i'd ask everyone else!

fishing user avatarJohn Cullum reply : 

I fish all year round.

We have some power plant cooling lakes a few hours from me that never close. So I head out there a few times a month during the winter when I'm not doing shows.

fishing user avatarCaptain Cali reply : 

Winter? What is winter?  ;)

I fish all year long so I can't help much. Maybe plan a trip to Florida in January.

fishing user avatarcart7t reply : 

I've heard that guys up north fish for a species that isn't catchable during spring through fall, it's called an Ice fish.  Not sure what they look like but some of those guys actually go out when it's way cold and sit in little houses on top of a frozen lake to catch them.  They must not be big fish, the rods are like 1 foot long and they fish through a little hole they cut in the ice.  It's gotta be a beaach to cast a lure into that little hole every time.

fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 

Chug Bug,

I still get to have some fun, too.

We haven't had rain in twenty-seven days and are in our 12th day of 100+ heat indexes (107 today). I'm not thinking about all the issues we face in winter, are you?

Yep, if you have only been fishing "1 time a month" during the best time of year for bass, then I'm not cutting you any slack for asking a silly question about winter fishing. Like I said...

Who cares?

fishing user avatarBob 06239 reply : 

Ice Fishing....catch some BIG fish in the winter. ;D Hot food,Cold liquor,and good freinds....doesn't get much better then that.........



fishing user avatarSimonSays reply : 
Chug Bug,

I still get to have some fun, too.

We haven't had rain in twenty-seven days and are in our 12th day of 100+ heat indexes (107 today). I'm not thinking about all the issues we face in winter, are you?

Yep, if you have only been fishing "1 time a month" during the best time of year for bass, then I'm not cutting you any slack for asking a silly question about winter fishing. Like I said...

Who cares?

Ahh if you reread my OP it says something to the tune of "this is the first summer where i've been fishing more than once a month" meaning in previous summers I wasn't as crazy into fishing as I am now.

Also i'm only asking because my friends were poking fun at my fishing "obsession" and wondering what I would do when winter comes around. (keep in mind the question came from people who don't normally fish, meaning they aren't thinking about how good the season is now) So I just wanted to know what everyone else did just as something to pass the time!

sorry if I hit a nerve RW! just wanted something to keep my mind off studying orgo for a bit!

fishing user avatarcajun1977. reply : 

i  care             i go ice fishing in the winter i love it just as much as summer fishin      yeah yeah i know  who cares

fishing user avatarjtbassman reply : 

Winter is my favorite time to bass fish, that is, just fishing.  Now bedfishing in April is a different story.

The fish aren't pressured as much, and you also have a chance at catching bigger fish.

Buy a Lucky Craft Pointer 78 in Chartruese shad color and just work it R   E    E    A     L       S     L     O       W, you will have fun. :)

fishing user avatarRandySBreth reply : 

Sorry to pile on but calling fishing a couple of times a month an "obsession" is dumb enough that if any of them have touched the distilled goods twice this past month they must be "alcoholics"!

1000 degrees and idiots on "personal watercrafts" and float streams overflowing with more of the drunken louts...... Aaauuurrghhh! This is the WORST time of year for most guys around here.

I love winter. Hunting takes up some time, and I won't talk about 10 pound+ brown trout on the bass boards but I catch more large bass of all three species working the float and fly and suspending jerkbaits during winter than everything else throughout the year combined.

Plus all the fair weather fools are at home watching football, waiting for spring so they can prove they forgot whatever they may have learned about launching a boat from last year, as I wait, for an eternity, for them to get said boat launched.

Besides, to quote John Geirach: "Any jack@#$ can catch fish when it's nice out."

fishing user avatarSimonSays reply : 

Yea I fish about twice a week, that's not too bad eh =D? But now atleast I have something look forward to in the winter!

fishing user avatartipptruck1 reply : 

Well i live in wisconsin and the river never freezes over. So when i get the fishing bug in i go to the river and cast around in till I can't fell my hands. I also like to go and find all the bass beds from last year. And they will spawn in the same spot that coming spring.

fishing user avatarMyKeyBe reply : 
Who cares?

What??? :-?

Someone asked so they must care. ::)

From what I have read someone just caught the fishing bug and is worried about what they will do this winter when the ice is 2 foot thick on their home lake? Did I read that right? I know I don't like to freeze my /zz off fishing in the freezing cold winter. ;)

I practice pitching to my sun room, drives the cat's nuts (remember to remove your hooks). :P

I play a lot of Mark Davis Pro Fishing on the PS2.

I also spend a lot more time here, as do others.

I hope for ice out everyday and I load up on all the fishing stuff that is on winter mark down.

I dream about the day ice out happens and I can use my discounted stuff to catch a lunker like I did on the PS2! :-?

Yep, winter sucks.

fishing user avatarIRATE reply : 

Ice fishing is a good fix during the winter months , i plan to do more ice fishing then i have ever done before this winter.Cart7 i love your post  .I have only gone ice fishing a hand full of time but it was great fun and i always cought alot more fish per outing

fishing user avatarRODBENDER reply : 

I can't wait for winter to get here ........I live in central Mississippi where winter dosen't keep us off the water .....if i can't get the bass bite going , i'll jig up a few crappie   ......this is the good side of living in

this hellish humidity of the deep south .....

fishing user avatarKeithscatch reply : 

Man RW, you pounded me on another thread for sounding defensive and you were right...Well it is your time now to take a pounding. As a moderator to go around bashing someones post because he asked a question is the silly thing to me. You should know better dude.

Think of it this way, when it is winter time these same guys up north are going to be talking about summer fishing right?  So it is middle of the summer and someone is talking about winter fishing. I mean c'mon, give the guy a break. geez.

Winter happens to be my favorite time of the year to fish. Of course I do not live up north either. But in Texas and in Florida it is the time to fish as you might hang a double digit at anytime.

fishing user avatarMatt Fly reply : 

To answer the question, its simple, for the ones who don't fish or can't fish due to weather, they get to listen to us, the ones who do fish thru the winter.

Post counts double in the winter.   Don't really know that, just figure you have more time to kill since you can't fish.



fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 


I thought about deleting or modifying the post, but I was already getting kicked around, so I left it up.

I think it's silly to talk about winter fishing during the hottest part of the year. If we're just looking ahead to plan a trip, the fall bite is not too far off, but to get all tied up with winter strategies just strikes me as odd. "Who cares?" Well, maybe that comment comes across too strong, so let me restate it this way:

For everyone starting to prepare for winter fishing, we have an entire section of the BassResource Library dedicated to this topic. I think it is comprehensive and I hope you enjoy reading the many articles you will find there. After you peruse those articles, come on back to the Forum and ask all the questions you can think of. We have some very knowledgable members that are anxious to help!

fishing user avatardink reply : 

Bad RW!  ...........   GOOD RW!!!!!! ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

fishing user avatarguest reply : 

I now have a scorched rear-end from sitting on a hot seat, and even though there's only a little redness on my elbow, I could bet the farm I need a transplant from puttng that elbow on hot metal. Even the fishfinders are too hot to touch with bare fingers. I picked up a rod with handle so hot I had to dunk it in the lake. Yeah, it's a little hard to switch into winter talk, but out there now sometimes thoughts of snow falling seems to help the psyche. With sweat coming out at about 2 liters a minute it might scare a partner yelling "Look at all that snow" just to try cooling down.

Come deer season I carry a rifle i nthe boat and keep an eye out for a good buck. It's a good break from cold fishing to get out and stalk around a while. Our winters are really not what most of you would call winter, more like a cold spring. I fished many days last December in a short sleeved shirt and had gnats and mosquitos pestering me. That kills deer hunting for me.


fishing user avatarjomatty reply : 

i care and in fact have been thinking the same thing.  in past years i mainly lay off for the winter and wonder if ive lost my love of fishing to some extent and then realize on the first outing of the spring that it wasnt fishing that was the problem it was just my aversion to bad weather.  i start my spring early catching smallmouth in the river though so its not that lng a wait really.  this year ive gotten a little overboard on the fishing though and will prob fish during the winter.  i for one have already started hitting up the winter articles.


fishing user avatar.ghoti. reply : 

In my neck of the woods, the ice never seems to get thick enough for me to be comfortable about going out on it. It does keep me from fishing though. So, I spend the winter ordering more rods, cleaning my reels, ordering more baits, organizing my tackle bags, ordering more reels, re-organizing my tackle bags, ordering more tackle bags so I have to then re-organizing my tackle, etc. Winter is a dangerous time for me. I'm glad when it's over so I can start fishing and stop buying stuff.

fishing user avatarbasser89 reply : 

This is an easy one for me. I fish year round. I don't ice fish either (had one experienced that just freaked me out and haven't been back out there since). I have two warm water discharge areas on the upper Potomac from coal burning power plants. Its good for smallies and an occasional largemouth. So as long as I can keep the ice off the guides, I'm good to go!


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