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I Could Be Writing For A Fishing Mag 2024

fishing user avatarpbrussell reply : 

I don't want to jinx myself here, so I'll refrain from giving specific details but, I got in contact with an editor for a fishing magazine and they have given me an assignment to do an article with a pro. A few of you doofs know the specifics, but that's only because I'm a blabber mouth.


When the article gets the thumbs up to go in the magazine, I'll tell you all which mag, pro, and topic.


Looks like my english degree is finally going to get some use.

Needless to say, I'm pretty dang excited.

fishing user avatarFelix77 reply : 

Congrats ... that is awesome.  Please let us know the details as soon as you can.

fishing user avatarmnbassman23 reply : 

Congrats that's a great opportunity. Keep us filled in on the details. 

fishing user avatarSmokinal reply : 

How cool would that be?

fishing user avatarA-Jay reply : 

That's very Cool ~ Congrats !



fishing user avatarSiebert Outdoors reply : 

Thats cool.  I hope it works out.

fishing user avatarcamovan reply : 

I hope your a better writer than artist  :P

fishing user avatarreb67 reply : 

That's great, beats what I do. Wish you the best of luck

fishing user avatarDjman72 reply : 

Fishing is helping you pay the bills?


I'm sure i speak for many when I say you are a lucky man/woman.

fishing user avatargeo g reply : 

Get some real info from the guy, not just the sponsor line. Good luck, you have a chance to make your mark. This may be a career move.

fishing user avatarBoomer_bassin reply : 

Awesome congrats!

fishing user avatargr8outdoorz reply : 

Congrats!! Thats some great news. I hope it leads to many more opportunities!

fishing user avatarbasseditor reply : 

Good luck.

fishing user avatarbmac31 reply : 

That's tremendous. Best of luck. Try not to forget us when your rubbing elbows with KVD and IKE.

fishing user avatarpbrussell reply : 

Thanks everyone. I'll be sure to keep you all updated. I have a lot of research to do on the topic yet so that I won't be going into the interview blind. If anything, it's going to be a great opportunity to learn a lot more about these green, and brown fish.



  On 2/14/2014 at 2:04 PM, bmac31 said:

That's tremendous. Best of luck. Try not to forget us when your rubbing elbows with KVD and IKE.


They're dudes, just like the rest of us. They're just a little better at fishing. 

fishing user avatarbuzzed bait reply : 

very cool!  i look forward to reading the article!

fishing user avatarSam reply : 

I think you will find 99 out of a 100 pro bass fisherman are great guys and gals.


Of course, there is always one in the crowd that acts like a jack*$$.


Looking forward to your articles and some pics.

fishing user avatarpbrussell reply : 

Well, just got off the phone with the editor, things feel a little more "set in stone."

So, I'll leak a little bit of information. 


I'll be writing for bassquest magazine, and my first article will be with Keith Combs. I guess you'll have to pick up the issue to see what's inside.  :eyebrows:

fishing user avatarHi Salenity reply : 

Don't let him see you in your bikini ;)

fishing user avatarpbrussell reply : 
  On 2/15/2014 at 4:17 AM, Hi Salenity said:

Don't let him see you in your bikini ;)


fishing user avatarBassfishing375 reply : 

That is so awesome congrats

fishing user avatarHooligan reply : 

That's cool.  Being published is something to be proud of.  Continuing to be published is really, really cool.

fishing user avatarSmokinal reply : 

I'm happy and envious at the same time. I wrote a short series of children's books about a father taking his boys bass fishing. I sent manuscripts to some publishers but never got accepted. I have lost the air in my balloon but am happy for you.

fishing user avatarjeremyryanwebb reply : 

Thats so awesome! I write fishing reports for the Outfitters center i work at and do seminars but would love to write actual fishing instruction articles.  Good for you man! Im jealous.

fishing user avatarpbrussell reply : 
  On 2/15/2014 at 12:58 PM, Hooligan said:

That's cool.  Being published is something to be proud of.  Continuing to be published is really, really cool.

That's right. Though it's a honor to have an article published in the first place, I don't intend to stop there. I'm hoping this is just the beginning, and I intend for it (at least at this time) to be a life long pursuit.  :eyebrows:


Thanks guys. The article hasn't been published yet (obviously), nor am I yet considered a staff writer, but I'll be chasing it down. The best thing you all can do is tell other fisherman about the magazine. It's a newer publication, and it's folks like you that make it possible for guys like me to chase down this dream. That, and the magazine is pretty cool too. I'm super pleased with the mission of the magazine- that mainly being to truly educate the reader on how to catch more fish, and not just skim over subjects but get down and dirty with em. 

fishing user avatarplumworm reply : 

Good Luck. Being able to write well is a gift. Remember what Hemingway said, " I just want to be able to write one true sentence" Took him about 30+ years, but, I guess he got it right. Best to you.

fishing user avatarFrogFreak reply : 

Congrats!! Ask the hard questions! Like.... Oh I can't think of any.

fishing user avatarpbrussell reply : 

Had my interview with Keith Today.

Even got to talk a little bit about how prefishing is going for the classic. 


fishing user avatarGrizzn N Bassin reply : 



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