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Thank-you!!!! 2024

fishing user avatarikebass15 reply : 

I just wanted to say thank's to all the mods on they do such a great job keeping things clean and making sure everything is up and running, so let's give them 3 cheer's and a lot of smiley's!!



do you think i did enough? LOL!!

Keep up the good work!!!!!  

fishing user avatarGatorbassman reply : 

That's like 40 something cheers Ike. Thanks, but we give most the credit to Glenn. He is the quarterback and we are just the linemen.

fishing user avatarfishingrulz reply : 

And the members are like waterboys and towel boys and grass. ;D

fishing user avatarflechero reply : 
That's like 40 something cheers Ike. Thanks, but we give most the credit to Glenn. He is the quarterback and we are just the linemen.

As a former lineman, I almost took exception to that!!  A great QB can't operate or stay healthy very long without a good line!!

So how about a pat on the back to the QB and a great "line"

fishing user avatarikebass15 reply : 
And the members are like waterboys and towel boys and grass. ;D


fishing user avatarGatorbassman reply : 

Flech, If you only knew how much blocking we do for him.  ;)

fishing user avatarLow_Budget_Hooker reply : 
That's like 40 something cheers Ike. Thanks, but we give most the credit to Glenn. He is the quarterback and we are just the linemen.

Fluke, just made a 135 lb lineman.  Are you nuts?  I'm gonna get killed!

But ,...back  on a serious note... I'm gonna get killed,lol

Sometimes I wonder how wide the scope of this site has become.  How many doors have opened for people.  How many more fish have we all caught.  How many new friends have been made whether long distance or right in your own backyard.  How many questions answered.  How many families helped.  How many people have open invites in states they've never been to offered by people they've never met.  How many road trips were born.  How many people's business  we have influenced.  How many hours Glenn has donated in maintaining this site.  How many people got as lucky as us?

Thanks Glenn.  I'm gonna go put you on my list of people I look up to.

fishing user avatarTom Bass reply : 

Y'all done GOOD!

Thanks for a very cool website that we can all enjoy.

fishing user avatarBucketmouthAngler13 reply : 

Hip Hip!!!....

fishing user avatarRiskKid. reply : 



fishing user avatarWishICouldFish reply : 


(Just thought I'd finish that for ya)

fishing user avatar5bass reply : 
That's like 40 something cheers Ike. Thanks, but we give most the credit to Glenn. He is the quarterback and we are just the linemen.

Sometimes I wonder how wide the scope of this site has become. How many doors have opened for people. How many more fish have we all caught. How many new friends have been made whether long distance or right in your own backyard. How many questions answered. How many families helped. How many people have open invites in states they've never been to offered by people they've never met. How many road trips were born. How many people's business we have influenced. How many hours Glenn has donated in maintaining this site. How many people got as lucky as us?

Thanks Glenn. I'm gonna go put you on my list of people I look up to.

That scope is getting bigger everyday LBH......and that's a good thing. ;)

Glenn has single-handedly opened so many doors for people looking for bass fishing info just by starting this site.He's brought a lot of good people together and I'm sure that was in his plan from the get-go.I feel fortunate and priviledged to be a part of this place.......carry on.

fishing user avatarGlenn reply : 

Thanks everyone, that really means alot.  It makes all that work over the past decade more than well worth it!

But as flechero noted, I'm only one person, and the mods make me look good.  In reality, they're doing A LOT of the heavy lifting in order to free me up to focus on running the show.  Without them, this site would suffer.  They are really what makes this place rock!

That said, without you, the members, this place would be just a shell.  You folks make up the soul of this place... give it life, personality, and make it home.  Without you, all this would be nothing.  So my hat's off to all the members, and the fantastic mods!

fishing user avatarCraw reply : 

Thank you all for the work you do on this site. I absolutely love it!

fishing user avatarvincedia reply : 

I can honestly say that this site has helped me in more ways than I can explain, but I'm going to try.

I never fished seriously in my life. It was always see what food type product I could throw off the dock and get the fish I could see, or I would be with someone else who would set the bait and let me hold the rod. Then one day I was with a friend who wanted to go fishing so we had to get a fishing license. I bought a cheapo rod/reel combo and a license and actually got a fish! I had no idea what kind of fish, how I caught it, or even where I was fishing. I really didn't care much about the sport.

Two years go by and I never touched the pole since.

This year I moved into a new home, got married, and finished part one of my degree. When all of that wrapped up in May I had some free time. So I saw my rod sitting in my basement and decided I wanted to try fishing again. I had no clue where to start or what to do. I'm a computer geek, so I turned to Google. I found and started reading and boy I am glad I did!

I learned more from reading here in one night than everything everyone ever tried to teach me. The how-to section for beginners is top notch! The articles are well written and have just about enough technical information for an extreme beginner like me. The forums have a comfort to them like I have never felt from an online community. The people here make this site great. Even though I have only been here for a few months mostly lurking then just recently posting, I feel like a lot of the members are good friends. I really can not wait to move up to the more advanced techniques and tips.

I can honestly say that I can not wait till I have stored up enough information to begin to give back to the community.

So I would like to give a big THANK YOU to the staff and members of this wonderful family, and please for the sake of all the future anglers, keep up the great work! Without all of your knowledge and the willingness to share I would not have been able to claim that I have a new hobby. I would still be using pieces of hotdog or worms. I would be using a #10 hook in a 5" worm, and I would be using no more then 3' of line standing on the dock or at some pay per pull pond.

Instead I have been sitting in my office trying to get a t-rig just right, or practicing my knots in the dental floss that came on my rod/reel wally world combo because I don't want to waste the expensive braided line or fluro leaders. I even picked up a new pet...and it's all your fault, my baitmonkey named chipper! He's a bit jumpy right now, but that is only because he has a LOT of work to do.

So thank again all!


fishing user avatarThefishy1 reply : 

Hey Ive always wanted to be a blade of grass on a football field

;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D


fishing user avatarHooked On Bass Fishing reply : 

Quote: "He is the quarterback and we are just the linemen. "

But the quarterback is nothing without the blocking that the lineman do

Hah Thanks

fishing user avatarbasser89 reply : 

No team is complete without a quaterback, the linemen, receivers and backs and so on and so on!

Hats off to Glenn for creating the site! Props to the Mod's for all they do! A thanks to all the members who make this place THE BEST bass site on the net, bar none! ;)  We all play an important part in making the site so knowledgeable and enjoyable!  ;D

fishing user avatarnboucher reply : 

Before this site, we would have had to pay lots and lots of money for the quantity and quality of advice we've received here. The Internet is an amazing thing, and Glenn is a visionary for making use of it the way he has. This site is a true community of people of wildly different lifestyles, politics, religions, personalitlies, income levels, educational levels, etc., all united by a love for being outdoors and fishing and then for coming inside and talking about what they've learned and what has puzzled them. I can't begin to describe all that I have learned here, and all the people I would love to fish with and then sit down and chat withlisten to, reallyfor hours.

Thanks, Glenn, and thanks, all.

fishing user avatarGeneinTX reply : 

This is by far and without exception the best Bass website there is. I am so glad i found it. So many questions have been answered right here for me. BRAVO!!!

You all are #1!!!

Keep up the flawless work!!!!

fishing user avatarcpvenom reply : 

Glenn is THE CAPTAIN: . The mods are THE  MUSCLE: . The members FILL THE SHELL: . Each member is DIFFERENT:   . But we all LIKE TO FISH:   . So lets show our   to this great big place, that I'm proud to call:  !


fishing user avatarZebco202 reply : 

This is by far the best fishing site on the web.  It's the most informative as well.  I've learned so much here, my only hope is that I'm able to take some of this knowledge and pass it along to others.

Many thanks to Glenn, the mods and all of the thousands of members who pass along so much knowledge is every thread.  

fishing user avatarflechero reply : 
But as flechero noted, I'm only one person, and the mods make me look good. In reality, they're doing A LOT of the heavy lifting in order to free me up to focus on running the show. Without them, this site would suffer. They are really what makes this place rock!

I hope no one took my analogy the wrong way... even with the best line, it still takes a top notch QB to bring it all home!! I'll be looking for you in Canton one of these days, Glenn!!  

fishing user avatarpaparock reply : 

The best fishing site on the net takes a lot of hard work from all that keep it up and running. My hat is off to all!

fishing user avatarFALCON reply : 




fishing user avatarikebass15 reply : 
Glenn is THE CAPTAIN: . The mods are THE MUSCLE: . The members FILL THE SHELL: . Each member is DIFFERENT: . But we all LIKE TO FISH: . So lets show our to this great big place, that I'm proud to call: !



fishing user avatarpapa p reply : 

Hey Ike!  I am a new member trying to figure my way around the BR site.  So far, when I have hit a problem area I have been shown the right direction to go and my problem is fixed.  In the short few days that I have been on BR I have learned a lot from what seems to me to be a bunch of good guys who are willing to share what they have learned.  For this I am very grateful!!  Now if I can only apply it when I get on the water.

fishing user avatarLow_Budget_Hooker reply : 

Papa, you got one toe in the water,.....I hope you brought a snorkel, get's pretty deep here!  

Welcome aboard!

fishing user avatarikebass15 reply : 
Hey Ike! I am a new member trying to figure my way around the BR site. So far, when I have hit a problem area I have been shown the right direction to go and my problem is fixed. In the short few days that I have been on BR I have learned a lot from what seems to me to be a bunch of good guys who are willing to share what they have learned. For this I am very grateful!! Now if I can only apply it when I get on the water.

hey papa,   you'll love it here!!!


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