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Buzzbait Poll 2024

fishing user avatarznarffsu reply : 

Although I usually only fish buzzbaits and other topwaters during early morning and late evening, I often see Pro's on TV catching fish in the middle of the day.  Im curious if any of you still find them worthwhile to use from 9am - 4pm.

fishing user avatarcajun1977. reply : 

i voted never cause a buzzbait is rarely thrown from my rods

fishing user avatarguest reply : 

I'm with you cajun1977.  I use to throw them but don't anymore.  It has been replaced with other "buzz" type baits

fishing user avatarRoLo reply : 

Buzzbaits are the epitome of excitement, and really peg the needle on the Fun Meter.

I used to fish them much more often, but now I only think of buzzers in warm water in the 70s.

Like any lure, buzzbaits will catch bass practically all year, but only during a relatively short season

are they the best lure to throw. I don't mind winding my fool head off if I'm banging bass,

but if I go 30 minutes without buzzbait contact, I'm already thinking of about 3 other lures.


fishing user avatarAFC reply : 

I throw them over shallow weed beds when its overcast (weeds within 2-3 feet of the surface). I sometimes use them under the surface and bump them off of logs. Maybe im using them wrong but it gets fish.

fishing user avatarCephkiller reply : 

I seldom hit the water without giving a buzzer a try.  I have caught tehm with water temps down into the mid 40s.  Granted, that's rare, but it has happened enought that I'll still try it.

fishing user avatarbassmasta7 reply : 

I'm just not a buzzbait fan. I voted never.

fishing user avatartopwaterdog91 reply : 

Nothing beats the excitment of fishing with a buzz bait.  That was one of the first lures I ever used to get me hooked on bass fishing, so I have a ton of memories using them.  But I have caught some of the biggest bass I've ever caught using buzz baits during the day time.  

fishing user avatarbasspro48 reply : 

I voted seldom, I stick with buzzbaits in the early morning and evening, unless its overcast or rainy.

fishing user avatarcedar1 reply : 

It's one of my favorite lures

fishing user avatarpapa smurf reply : 

I voted occasionally.  While they usually work best for me during the traditional times, there are some days that bass will hammer a buzzbait even though it's not a low light situation.  This seems especially true in the late summer and early fall.  They are also one of my favorite lures to fish, so maybe I try them a little more often than most people.

fishing user avatarChris reply : 

pad fields all day long morning fish the edge afternoon dig in. ;)

fishing user avatarHookem reply : 

There is one tied on every trip in any season.  8-)

fishing user avatarcart7t reply : 

I consider a buzzbait bite a pattern itself.  I've probably caught as many fish buzzin  outside the listed "traditional" hours as I have within.

fishing user avatarguest reply : 

I find buzzers to work best during the lowlight conditions,  but I have been successful with them in shallow coves with emergent vegetation.

Buzzers are fun for awhile, then it starts to become work.

Me no like work  

fishing user avatarRattlinrogue reply : 

I like to throw 'em in lowlight conditions:early,late,night,and overcast days.

fishing user avatarLightninrod reply : 

I never fish early or late.  I've caught several Bass(from dinks to 5 lbers) on a buzzbait right in the middle of a sun-shiny, hot, summer day; the best time to throw them IMO.


fishing user avatarbixbybasspro reply : 

Awesome bait and i still don't throw it enough... 8-)

fishing user avatarbuzzbaitfool12 reply : 

Ok..look at the caught 4 bass over nine pound last year the biggest going a 12.4.  All but one of these were caught on the double bladed persuader buzz baits..I had many bass literally hammer this bait and break propellers off lure..Once you see one engulf a three to four feet area, no matter what you will be hooked..Always throw late and early..low light hours but if it is windy good bait to throw in middle of day..

fishing user avatarWormy reply : 

I vote occassionally because here in the south, especially the shallower lakes, the water tends to warm a little quicker and most fish have been seeing subsurface baits for a couple of months. This will usually land a couple early in the mornings and sometimes they are much bigger than what the rest of the day produces...

fishing user avatarmarlboroman reply : 

I don't see the work in a buzz, I use a 7.1.1 baitcaster and it really zooms the buzz across the water.

fishing user avatar.ghoti. reply : 

One of the all-time great baits for big bass. I, too, usually throw one either early or late, but, I'll try one about anytime if nothing else is working.

fishing user avatarBrian_Reeves reply : 

I don't fish buzzbaits during "traditional times."  In the early morning or late evening I've had more luck on poppers or walk the dog style baits.  Buzzbaits are strictly a spring-fall mid-day reaction strike type lure for me.  I've always used them that way...not sure why, but it's always worked.

I consider myself a topwater fanatic regardless and I've put together a long list of patterns that work well together with times, clarities, wind/wave factor, and current.  So far it's held really dead on with me.

I do know that the biggest fish I've hooked into (who flung my bait back at my face) was hooked on a topwater...but not a buzz.  It was in low light conditions on a Spitin' Image over recently flooded bankline.  Buzzbaits are really successful in the heat of the day providing that there is ample cover and relatively shallow water.  I've never caught a fish on a buzz in water over 12 feet deep.

fishing user avatarLandinlunkers reply : 

I probably don't try it as often as I should.  The only time it dawns on me to trow one in the middle of the day is when it's overcast and the breeze is blowing.  I've caught some good ones on buzzbaits in those conditions.  I like buzzbaits with clackers most of the time.

fishing user avatarCaptain Cali reply : 

Did someone say buzzbait?!?!?!?!  8-)

I've only had luck during prime buzzbait hours. Night and early morning have worked best but who knows what will happen this summer. I plan on throwing buzzbaits a lot more during the middle of the day.

fishing user avatarLunkers0 reply : 

I voted occassionally.  I can definately say that I don't consider it one of my "go to baits" but I still throw it at least once every time out.  Its good for at least a fish or two.  

fishing user avatarMikey40 reply : 

I voted occasionally...I have caught many fish throwing buzzbaits at all times of the day and here in Oregon I fish many small ponds and sloughs that don't have the same patterns as some of the big lakes!!!

fishing user avatarjusttrying reply : 

summertime in the rivers is much different than summertime in the lakes.

that, being said, even in the hottest part of the day there is often shade & current along some parts of the bank that fish will hold on.  a buzzbait is a Very good "locator" bait that allows you to cover lots of water in a short time.

the plus about this, is that not only do you get the thrill of initial huge strike, but, if you miss the hook-up, you can always throw a worm or tube back into the area & usually catch the fish.

and, for what it's worth, i've got/tried different types/models of buzzbaits, but, Nothing beats the original Lunker Lure!

fishing user avatardink reply : 

Look at all the replies for "low-light, overcast, dawn and dusk, etc."  THAT is why I throw one all times of the day... with much success.  I might go through three different styles, sizes, colors, trailers and retrieves before I find something productive.  Yet, it is a good go-to lure if you can throw it with the same confidence as other go-to lures.  Granted, I have thrown it enough to find out the subtle differences and 'patterns' in which it can excel.  Anytime you limit ANY lure to certain applications, you run the chance of missing out on something that could be quite special.  I personally need to remember that with crankbaits this year ;).


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