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casting accuracy? 2024

fishing user avatarhiker reply : 

People talk about how accurate they are with their baitcasters, but I've never heard anyone really try to tell what that means exactly.  I'm just a little bit curious if anyone has ever tried to quantify their accuracy claims.  Something along the lines of ... "In practice I can put a cast onto a paper plate 9 out of ten times at 50 feet" or "I tried casting 10 casts into a 5 gallon bucket 40 feet away and put 6 into it and hit the side on 2."

For me, I cast to hula hoop laying on the ground at 60 feet, and I generally get about 5 or 6 out of ten into the hoop.  My best is 8 for 10.

fishing user avatarHook Set reply : 

Sounds like your pretty accurate to me.

I also practice casting to spot in the backyard, about the size of a hula hoop. I practice my pitching standing on the tail gate of my pickup truck (to mimic being on the boat) and pitch to a 5 gallon bucket. Lately I've been practicing my roll casting for my buzz bait, spinner bait applications. I rarely get them all in the spot I'm casting for, BUT my percentage is consistently getting higher. I"m convinced, an accurate cast will yield a higher catch ratio.

fishing user avatarK_Mac reply : 

This usually ends up with something like, "I can pitch a jig into a shot glass at 125 feet, in a pouring rain and 35 MPH winds." ::)

I think I do OK until I fish with someone who is really good. There are some very good casters out there. I am not one of them.  Watch a pro pitch a crankbait into heavy cover. It is a thing of beauty. I am getting better though. 8-)

fishing user avatarhiker reply : 
This usually ends up with something like, "I can pitch a jig into a shot glass at 125 feet, in a pouring rain and 35 MPH winds." ::) ...

Hahaha, yeah, we all remember the great ones and seem to forget the others.  We all remember that perfect throw where we hit our buddy in the ear with a snowball or whatever.  But we forget the million others that missed.  That's why I think you can't just talk about those casts you make during a day of fishing, where you layed it right on the lilly pad you were casting for.  It's not a real representation of your skill level.

fishing user avatarburleytog reply : 

Practical accuracy is a skill acquired through experience.

fishing user avatarb.Lee reply : 

fishing user avatarb.Lee reply : 

Shaw Grigsby in his... well just watch

fishing user avatarD4u2s0t reply : 

i'm pretty accurate with spinning and casting,  I practice regularly.  I've never kept a score, but now i'm interested to find out.  I need to work on pitching/flipping with casting gear, i'm not very good at that yet.  Spinning i'm spot on flipping or pitching.

I think casting is something that most people don't practice, but it's one of the most valuable and worthwhile things to get better at.  I took my brother out for perch a few weeks ago, and while we caught similar #'s of fish, mine were consistently bigger because I was able to cast next to the stump that was under the tree branch with maybe a 1-2 foot opening.

Also, I like casting with the baits I use, not a practice weight.  A practice weight casts totally different than a soft plastic does, so I'll tie on a bait and go to town.

fishing user avatarBlue Streak reply : 
People talk about how accurate they are with their baitcasters, but I've never heard anyone really try to tell what that means exactly. I'm just a little bit curious if anyone has ever tried to quantify their accuracy claims. Something along the lines of ... "In practice I can put a cast onto a paper plate 9 out of ten times at 50 feet" or "I tried casting 10 casts into a 5 gallon bucket 40 feet away and put 6 into it and hit the side on 2."

For me, I cast to hula hoop laying on the ground at 60 feet, and I generally get about 5 or 6 out of ten into the hoop. My best is 8 for 10.

Now lay that hula hoop under a bush and cast to it with the branches covering most of it. Seems like that is what you need to do on the water, the honey holes are seldom easy.

fishing user avatarWRB reply : 

Apparently you haven't visited any seminars or fishing exhibitions where casting contest are regularly held.

Expert casters can perform amazing feats and cast into a coffee cup at 50 yards. Very few recreational bass anglers can cast 50 yards, let alone accurately.

As mentioned hula hoops are a common target and some shows will have bulls eye type targets to cast to.

Contest are run during these exhibitions for attendees to try to win prizes by casting the longest distance closest to the bulls eye, a few can hit a 3' diameter ring. The are also contest for pitching and flipping from a bass boat to targets; usually small target set up out to 30, 40 & 50 feet.

Go to a show and test your skills.


fishing user avatarCatt reply : 

I can hit a 3# bass in the mouth @ 30 yds in 20' of water ;)

fishing user avatarBlue Streak reply : 

Casting contests and casting while fishing are two entirely different things. Put those contest casters in a boat with the wind blowing and branches hanging over their target and see if they can still hit it at 50 yards.

fishing user avatarWRB reply : 
I can hit a 3# bass in the mouth @ 30 yds in 20' of water ;)

+1; and in the dark without any lights.

great answer Catt!!

fishing user avatarstealthcaster reply : 
Casting contests and casting while fishing are two entirely different things. Put those contest casters in a boat with the wind blowing and branches hanging over their target and see if they can still hit it at 50 yards.


fishing user avatarCatt reply : 
Casting contests and casting while fishing are two entirely different things. Put those contest casters in a boat with the wind blowing and branches hanging over their target and see if they can still hit it at 50 yards.


I find this answer interesting since casting contest participants I've met while competing were all guides, tournament anglers, & highly productive anglers.

fishing user avatarCRFisher reply : 

I can hit any type of tree branch imaginable from shore.  Overhangs, submerged branches, branches on the opposite shore (usually with spoons), floating branches, etc. - I can't miss!

fishing user avatarBlue Streak reply : 
Casting contests and casting while fishing are two entirely different things. Put those contest casters in a boat with the wind blowing and branches hanging over their target and see if they can still hit it at 50 yards.


I find this answer interesting since casting contest participants I've met while competing were all guides, tournament anglers, & highly productive anglers.

Probably true Catt. But if a guy is in a casting contest that involves distance plus accuracy. Don't you think he is using equipment suited for that? I think they would be using reels with super fast bearings and ultra light spools and probably using the lightest line they can possibly use.

   But my whole point is, it is much easier to hit a target while standing on solid ground rather than in a boat with the waves moving you up and down and branches or whatever blowing around in the wind obstructing your target. And who neds to make 50 yard casts while fishing? Sorry I am not impressed with competion casting.

fishing user avatarcufishin reply : 
I can hit any type of tree branch imaginable from shore. Overhangs, submerged branches, branches on the opposite shore (usually with new spoons), floating branches, etc. - I can't miss!

There, I fixed that for you. If they Have a contest to see who can snag a lure the highest in a tree I'm in.

fishing user avatardmac14 reply : 

The thing with casting is if they are good on land then I am sure they are just as good on the water.

If they can hit a stationary target indoors with no wind, but you cant, I am sure they would have a better chance of hitting it under windy conditions than you would.

fishing user avatarCatt reply : 
Casting contests and casting while fishing are two entirely different things. Put those contest casters in a boat with the wind blowing and branches hanging over their target and see if they can still hit it at 50 yards.


I find this answer interesting since casting contest participants I've met while competing were all guides, tournament anglers, & highly productive anglers.

Probably true Catt. But if a guy is in a casting contest that involves distance plus accuracy. Don't you think he is using equipment suited for that? I think they would be using reels with super fast bearings and ultra light spools and probably using the lightest line they can possibly use.

But my whole point is, it is much easier to hit a target while standing on solid ground rather than in a boat with the waves moving you up and down and branches or whatever blowing around in the wind obstructing your target. And who neds to make 50 yard casts while fishing? Sorry I am not impressed with competion casting.

The competition I compete in is outdoors, with normal fishing tackle, and from the deck of a parked boat.

fishing user avatarBlue Streak reply : 
Casting contests and casting while fishing are two entirely different things. Put those contest casters in a boat with the wind blowing and branches hanging over their target and see if they can still hit it at 50 yards.


I find this answer interesting since casting contest participants I've met while competing were all guides, tournament anglers, & highly productive anglers.

Probably true Catt. But if a guy is in a casting contest that involves distance plus accuracy. Don't you think he is using equipment suited for that? I think they would be using reels with super fast bearings and ultra light spools and probably using the lightest line they can possibly use.

But my whole point is, it is much easier to hit a target while standing on solid ground rather than in a boat with the waves moving you up and down and branches or whatever blowing around in the wind obstructing your target. And who neds to make 50 yard casts while fishing? Sorry I am not impressed with competion casting.

The competition I compete in is outdoors, with normal fishing tackle, and from the deck of a parked boat.

Are you saying then that you can pick up any one of the oufits you use for bass and cast it 50 yards and hit your target? In the outdoors, from the deck of a boat.

fishing user avatarCatt reply : 

Blue Streak, to avoid coping every thing we each type the answer is yes I can ;)

The ranges we cast at are 25 yds, 50 yds, & 75 yds; as distances increase so does target size & each target is surrounded by artifical brush/trees.

FYI maximum casting distances for baitcasting competition is 135 yds with specialized rods with tuned Abu Garcia 6500 reels.

fishing user avatarBlue Streak reply : 

Catt I wish I could give you the opportunity to pick any two outfits out of my boat and do that. I won't believe it until I see it. By the way my equipment is always in max operating condition.

fishing user avatarCatt reply : 

There is a whole world of fly, spin, and bait casting competition out there at all levels and I competed at the lowly amatuer level.

FYI American Casting Association Games

5/8 Oz. (18g) Plug Accuracy is mainly associated with bass tackle and fishing.The only thing it lacks are obstacles to make it realistic. The hardest thing to acquire is the proper tackle that allows feeling the rod flex and a fast free running reel. Then it takes hours upon hours of practice to perfect.

1/4 Oz (7.5g) Plug Distance Single Handed requires a spinning reel and has a rod length restriction of 8'2". This event represents fishing medium sized bodies of water with small lures or bait. Most casters use fine monofilament line. Casts can approach 300' in length.

5/8 Oz (18g) Plug Revolving Spool Distance, Double Handed resembles tackle you'd use for surf fishing with bait. Of course, you'd jetison the bait this way! The rod length is unrestricted and both 5/8 games require line no thinner than .010". This event produces the longest of the ACA casts in the 380' range!

5/8 Oz (18g) Plug Distance Double Handed is the finesse plug distance event. Backlashes take you out of it! Matching reel lube viscosity to air temperature is only one important factor. Casts in the 350' range are goldworthy.

fishing user avatarNBR reply : 

Many times I have heard that trap and skeet shooters were not as on target when shooting live birds. Since I have had the pleasure of both clay target and liv e bird shooting with a state champion clay target shooter. Few misses on clays and few misses on birds.

I would bet that 99.99% of casting contest people got into contests as an offshoot of fishing and because of basic talent and considerable practice they would waste most of us on the water.

fishing user avatarnew2BC4bass reply : 
Many times I have heard that trap and skeet shooters were not as on target when shooting live birds. Since I have had the pleasure of both clay target and liv e bird shooting with a state champion clay target shooter. Few misses on clays and few misses on birds.

I would bet that 99.99% of casting contest people got into contests as an offshoot of fishing and because of basic talent and considerable practice they would waste most of us on the water.

+1 Good hand/eye coordination doesn't disappear just because you moved from a target range to the field (or woods), or from a casting competition to actual fishing. I'd almost be willing to bet that the top tier in either field have better than average eye sight. Read something about that years ago about the best baseball hitters and what great eyesight they had/have.

I probably couldn't make out the targets at the longer ranges these guys cast to so how could I possibly hit them? Not that I could do any better on the ones I could see! :( :(

fishing user avatarBlue Streak reply : 

Catt I have been pulling your leg a little with some of this, but I am curious now. You say the reel of choice is a wide spool ABU 6500? If I remember right those are a pretty big reel. Why would they be better than a smaller narrow spool reel? And why not use the ABU Record, or is it the same as the 6500 reel?

fishing user avatarCatt reply : 

As per ACA web site

Plug Distance Reels:

In 1/4 oz distance you have should find reel that has a spool with an angle between 5-12. I have a Shimano Super Aero 7000 for two-handed spin distance. There have been other aero models that work too. DAIWA SS2600 ($89..$99 new) with a 12 degree cone angle which is borderline too much. Buy ACA conical spool(s), but you can get started with any light reel with a big spool.

2-hand revolving = I used to say that all decent reels (ABU 1600 ...max, Calais 100A, ABU record 2100, Bantam, ...) are all the same once all extra parts are gone and the brake weights are arranged properly. I recently changed my mind. The ABU 2500C with the available spool ( for $78) is a bit better. I think it's mostly because of the ultralight spool (not counting the axle) which requires a smaller brake weight.

5/8 Oz (18g) Plug Revolving Spool Distance, Double Handed resembles tackle you'd use for surf fishing with bait (Abu 6500). Of course, you'd jetison the bait this way! The rod length is unrestricted and both 5/8 games require line no thinner than .010". This event produces the longest of the ACA casts in the 380' range!

Aint bothering me none  ;)

fishing user avatarBlue Streak reply : 

Thanks for explaining that. Do you use a very small diameter line? Or does the test of the line come into play according to the rules? And does say mono cast better than flouro or a hybrid?


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