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I Caught A Fish On This?! 2025

fishing user avatarTexasRigger21 reply : 

I've been catching fish all day on a 6" zoom lizard that was black with a blue tail. Before this, I have never caught fish on it. I was so surprised. Are there any lures y'all have been surprised to catch a bass on?

fishing user avatarTartan34 reply : 

A popper that I found in my box....hasn't been used since 1996 or so and looked brand new. First time I used it recently, I was killing them on it. The only bad part is that I have no idea who makes it, etc. I've tried to replicate the color scheme, but nothing i have is as effective!

fishing user avatarGeorgiaBassBros reply : 
  On 6/8/2013 at 5:13 AM, Tartan34 said:

A popper that I found in my box....hasn't been used since 1996 or so and looked brand new. First time I used it recently, I was killing them on it. The only bad part is that I have no idea who makes it, etc. I've tried to replicate the color scheme, but nothing i have is as effective!

Some hardbaits just have that "it" factor. No tellin what it might be, i have a chug bug that i just cant replicate no matter how many of the same color i buy. I dont really recall ever being super surprised to catch a fish on a certain lure but i have been amazed at the size of fish that will hit big lures. Once caught an about 7 inch bass on a 12 inch worm. Greedy little critters

fishing user avatardraggin reply : 

yep, I made a lure out of a beer bottle cap and caught a fish on it. bout crapped my self when it hit

fishing user avataraquaholic reply : 

back when i was little i put a hook through a cigarette butt and slayed sunfish on it in a neighborhood pond.

fishing user avatarBluebasser86 reply : 

First time I caught a fish on a Little George I was shocked, I never believed a fish would eat one. I know better than to think that about them now :)

fishing user avatarshootermcbob reply : 

on a nasty "professional" overrun...AKA a terrible backlash. happened a few summers ago, I spent 2-3 minutes working that bad boy out, and when I did, AHAH! I had a fish on the line.


Moral of the story...slow down!

fishing user avatarSam reply : 

Anything I throw I am still amazed that they hit it.

fishing user avatarbasskicker98 reply : 

Believe it or not.... a jig! Up until a few months ago a jig was a weapon reserved for the pros in my mind. I tied one on and BAM! The fish came swimming in. It's my go-to bait now.

fishing user avatarTeal reply : 

The first time i caught fish on a big spoon. I was likke "man really" fish love em..

fishing user avatarpowerduster reply : 

For me its gotta be the buzzbait and a wacky rigged senko. I was pretty amazed, lol.

fishing user avatarGrizzn N Bassin reply : 

I put a sour gummy worm on rigged wacky.... nailed a 2 pounder amazing and I ate it after too.. can't let a siur gummy go in eaten. I was 14 at the.time

fishing user avatarbmlum415 reply : 

Took a quarter, drilled holes on each side, added a split ring and a treble hook and jigged it like a spoon and caught a spot on it

fishing user avatarBankbeater reply : 

While fishing for bluegill one time I put a dead fly on the tip of the hook and lowered it down into the water.  The bait only lasted for one hit, but I caught a bluegill.

fishing user avatarHyrule Bass reply : 

cant think of a specific example of this. but one time i was having a tough time fishing a pond, hadnt caught a fish in the two hours i was there. went to my old reliable berkley red shad shakey worm, t-rigged. was tossing it around with no luck either. as i was starting to lose interest i was thinking a few more casts and ill go. next i proceeded to make an errant cast, it was in the water but not where i wanted. so i start burning it back in. as im getting near the bank i see a streak shooting the water 100mph toward me. i quickly kill my bait which stops right at the edge of the bank in the water. this bass comes into less than a foot of water and goes absolutely bananas on the worm when it strikes, it was real vicious looking to me. i set the hook, a couple handle cranks and i swing the bass on shore. unhook it, release it and called it a day...i believed i could catch a fish on that bait, just not the way it happened...


then there was the time i was also losing interest so i tied on a crickhopper to catch some of the nice bluegill in the same pond as above. i cast out and start my retrieve, looking out at the highway and the farm across the street in kind of a lull i feel a tug on my line, look back and its a small bluegill on my crickhopper. being lazy i was letting it jerk around hoping it would free itself. this is in shallow very clear water right near the bank. as im watching the bluegill, this bass shoots out from under an algae patch and crushes this bluegill and goes into a tail walk twice. the bass starts to head for deeper water, feeling the the tension of my line which wasnt out very far to begin with, it circles back towards shore, dives out of the water like superman straight towards me. im wanting to catch this bass but dont see how im gonna do it since my lure is hooked into a bluegill. so as this bass is flying towards me through the air, i can see clearly in its mouth. the bluegill was halfway down the basses throat tail first. all while in mid air i decided to yank like a hookset. when i do this i see the bluegill go down the basses throat completely and one of the small trebles on my crickhopper catches the bass in the top lip and reel her in. she was 19 inches and 4lbs. i got my wish of not having to unhook that bluegill and instead got to unhook a nice bass...if i had blinked i wouldve missed it all, it happened so fast...this is when i learned i could use small bluegill to catch nice bass...

fishing user avatarPABASS reply : 

When I was young a local pound had a 4-5# bass and she would only eat bluegills, I probably caught her 4 or 5 times using this method and before this tried everything I knew at the time which I now realize wasn't much.  This is when I fell in love with a buzzbait because she was my first fish on one and holy crap was it awesome..  From that point on took my buzzbait to many lakes and ponds and would hammer fish, sadly haven't enticed any fish to hit one this year.

fishing user avatarderekxec reply : 
  On 6/9/2013 at 2:03 PM, Grizzn N Bassin said:

I put a sour gummy worm on rigged wacky.... nailed a 2 pounder amazing and I ate it after too.. can't let a siur gummy go in eaten. I was 14 at the.time


we were catching small snook on sour gummy worms on a jig head yesterday friend got some at the store before we got to the spot and we didnt catch anything for about an hour so we were messing with random stuff and they worked lol they just didnt stay on the hook after a few casts lol

fishing user avatarTyfisher reply : 

Posted in a previous thread, but my gf used a bushy green plant as a topwater on a 3/0 ewg and caught a little guy almost immediately...was quite funny.

fishing user avatartillday reply : 
  On 6/8/2013 at 7:13 PM, shootermcbob said:

on a nasty "professional" overrun...AKA a terrible backlash. happened a few summers ago, I spent 2-3 minutes working that bad boy out, and when I did, AHAH! I had a fish on the line.


Moral of the story...slow down!

Fish in my picture was a similar story. Cast out toward a downed tree, I gave it a couple jerks and noticed a loop on my reel. I start pulling line off the spool until I get it, fix the loop, reeling in the slack, line goes taught, I pull up on the rod tip and my kayak starts turning on me. 


Sour gummy worms? I get those all the time when I go fishing, tried them once or twice on the hook, I had a hit once right on the surface but other than that nothing. Like you guys said, they fall apart quickly and if you touch them when they come out of the water your hands get slimy and sticky, really gross, I don't mind fish slime, or slime from real worms, washes off easy enough and doesn't get sticky when it dries up, sugar makes a mess. 


Caught a small bass on a self-tied fly, wasn't biting anything so I was throwing everything in my box at it. 


Caught blue gills on an empty gold hook when I was a kid. 

fishing user avatarBasscook reply : 

My son threw a 1/2 ox crankbait and a blue gill hit it.  It was a MASSIVE Bluegill, just over two pounds.  Thought it might me a state record at the time.  It wasn't.  But it was the biggest BG we have ever landed. 

fishing user avatarRoachDad reply : 
  On 6/8/2013 at 5:01 AM, TexasRigger21 said:

I've been catching fish all day on a 6" zoom lizard that was black with a blue tail. Before this, I have never caught fish on it. I was so surprised. Are there any lures y'all have been surprised to catch a bass on?

Brother, I am surprised every time I catch a Bass on anything!




Honestly, buzzbaits amaze me.  When I hear fisherman jumping through hoops to trip the skirt on a bait or alter the color or make something perform differently, my response is always the same.  A bass will hit a stinking BUZZ BAIT!!

C'mon man!  There is nothing life like in any way about a buzzbait.  It does not imitate anything that fish sees in the natural world. 


So, when I hear you have to have this kind of line or the fish are too smart to hit it, I have to laugh.

fishing user avatarPABASS reply : 
  On 6/12/2013 at 1:57 AM, RoachDad said:

Brother, I am surprised every time I catch a Bass on anything!




Honestly, buzzbaits amaze me.  When I hear fisherman jumping through hoops to trip the skirt on a bait or alter the color or make something perform differently, my response is always the same.  A bass will hit a stinking BUZZ BAIT!!

C'mon man!  There is nothing life like in any way about a buzzbait.  It does not imitate anything that fish sees in the natural world. 


So, when I hear you have to have this kind of line or the fish are too smart to hit it, I have to laugh.


I have heard several theories on this, it angers them into killing the buzzbait to make the noise/action stop and or it imitates fish feeding on schooling bait fish, basically a predator fish chasing smaller fish.


When you try and break down a buzzbait strike, bass typically hammer them and they typically get hooked, why?  They are not attacking the blade(s) but the lure the part that has the hook and looks to be fish like.  I believe its a combination and depends on the fishes mood, with that said its a reaction and or territorial strike, not a "hunger strike" which is why this funny looking bait catches fish.

fishing user avatarRoachDad reply : 
  On 6/12/2013 at 2:41 AM, PABASS said:

.  I believe its a combination and depends on the fishes mood, with that said its a reaction and or territorial strike, not a "hunger strike" which is why this funny looking bait catches fish.


Yeah, I've read the articles also.  Its still a mystery.  It does not resemble anything in their world.  It amazes me whenever it works.


ANd I still think it is funny when I see people going to great lengths to make a lure "just right".  There is nothing in a Bass' diet that rattles but they hit Rat-l-traps. 


I'm convinced that fishing has much more to do with 1) finding them 2) finding them when they are interested or active.  Lures make much less difference than most people think.  Same goes for presentation.


Just my opinion.

fishing user avatarPABASS reply : 

Interested and active fish is one way to catch fish, but they are not always interested or active, how do you catch emm then?  Three ways you catch fish reaction, hunger, territorial when you break down lures you can fit those ones that you might be scratching your head over into one or more of these categories.  I understand your thinking, what we are doing is the extreme more than whats found in nature and why not?  A Rat-lTrap a key is playing to the bass lateral line and sight when it vibrates, can a bass decide that this lure is louder then normal prey, doubtful since we get bit on them and because of this it has an easier time finding the lure.  Lures are just taking nature to the extreme, to give us the best chance for our quarry bass to eat our lures.  I used to scratch my head over a worm, when would a bass ever see a worm in nature, but man do they love them, sight, smell and taste, easy meal.

fishing user avatarmartintheduck reply : 

Tossed a frog over a tree limb and just as it hit the water, a 2 lb'er gulped it. I set the hook over the limb and reeled him into mid air COVERED in hydrilla. Wind was blowing 20ish that day and it was a pain to get the boat up on him without smashing every tree around. Really was thinking "uhhh. what just happened?"

fishing user avatarendless reply : 

Ranch sunflower seeds for bluegill.

fishing user avatarSherlock 60 reply : 

When I was a kid my brother and I would tie a safety pin on some string and mold a bit of white bread around the safety pin. We would catch bluegill all day long on those simple rigs.

Ah, back when life was simple (and inexpensive).


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