Wear your PFD.
Don’t forget your kill switch cord as well for the boaters out there.
........especially in the Spring, when hypothermia is just minutes away.
Harold..those are sweet glasses...
This just happened locally Thursday night. 33 y/o man and his 4 y/o daughter drowned while kayaking. Popular fishing spot.
They had a story on our local news a couple of weeks ago. A man and his son tried to go fishing when we were having a lot of flooding. The river was about 9' higher than normal and was really rolling with a lot of strong current. The current over took control of the boat. It got lodged against some limbs right at the dam. They were rescued okay. Said he had just bought the boat two days before that and just wanted to go fishing.
Calling you out! I happen to be one of your fans on YT, and I enjoy watching your videos. Based on the high subscriber count, I'm sure there are a lot young folks watching that are going to get into kayak fishing because they watch your videos. Please set a good example for them to emulate and wear your PFD, the life you save may be theirs.
Body was found this morning without a PFD. Spread the word, PFDs save lives!
BREAKING: BELTON, TEXAS — An empty kayak on Lake Belton has led to a search for a missing man, Morgan’s Point Resort Fire Chief Taran Vaszozc-Williams told the Telegram. Multiple agencies are searching for the man, but his name hasn’t been released yet. The man is in his 50s and has grayish-white hair and a goatee, Vaszozc-Williams said. The search is being concentrated near Belton Lake Outdoor Recreation Area and also at Frank’s Marina near the Belton Dam.
I hope he is found safe. Either way, I thought it would be good time for a reminder.
On 5/22/2019 at 4:35 AM, Harold Scoggins said:BREAKING: BELTON, TEXAS — An empty kayak on Lake Belton has led to a search for a missing man, Morgan’s Point Resort Fire Chief Taran Vaszozc-Williams told the Telegram. Multiple agencies are searching for the man, but his name hasn’t been released yet. The man is in his 50s and has grayish-white hair and a goatee, Vaszozc-Williams said. The search is being concentrated near Belton Lake Outdoor Recreation Area and also at Frank’s Marina near the Belton Dam.
I hope he is found safe. Either way, I thought it would be good time for a reminder.
UPDATE: They have found the body.
Calling you out. Come on folks, set a good example for those thinking about, or just getting into the sport of kayak fishing. Wear a PFD.
And what's up with the jeans? Cotton kills.
Keep calling them out, Harold. Like it.
Every group I've been affiliated with or even aware of requires PFD be worn at all times. My local club won't allow pics on social media pages, if yakker isn't wearing his/her pfd....even if non-competition fishing
On 5/30/2019 at 4:26 AM, Choporoz said:Keep calling them out, Harold. Like it.
Every group I've been affiliated with or even aware of requires PFD be worn at all times. My local club won't allow pics on social media pages, if yakker isn't wearing his/her pfd....even if non-competition fishing
My local kayak FB page just implemented a rule for no pictures w/o a pfd too.
Can't believe someone would go out with a 4 y/o and not have a pfd on them. I make my 4 y/o wear one all the time while we are on our lakehouse dock even with adults out there. So sad. Protect yourself and your loved ones on and off the water.
Calling you out Lance. Well, at least the dog is wearing his PFD.
Another kayak angler has lost his life. An overturned kayak belonging to Timothy Clauge, 39, of Nottingham, NH, was found Friday on Watchic Lake, Maine. His body was recovered yesterday in 29 feet of water. He was not wearing a PFD.
Wear a PFD folks, if not for yourself, wear it for the others who care about you.
On 4/27/2019 at 10:36 AM, Harold Scoggins said:Calling you out! I happen to be one of your fans on YT, and I enjoy watching your videos. Based on the high subscriber count, I'm sure there are a lot young folks watching that are going to get into kayak fishing because they watch your videos. Please set a good example for them to emulate and wear your PFD, the life you save may be theirs.
If someone doesn't care for their own safety I doubt they'll care about that of others. To each his own, let Darwin sort 'em out.
On 6/14/2019 at 8:50 AM, schplurg said:
If someone doesn't care for their own safety I doubt they'll care about that of others. To each his own, let Darwin sort 'em out.
And what about the people that risk their lives to recover the bodies? To each their own, too?
Once the survival expectancy had long since been past, the search, discovery & recovery of drowning victims was an important aspect of my job; understandably a very tough one.
Often times families were present during the search & discovery - just a bad scene all around, especially when the victim(s) were children. We all have memories, these are the ones I try to forget.
While wearing a Life Jacket is, in many instances 'the law', in other's it is not, but still a good plan.
My personal experiences have shaped my own choices on the water.
Wish there was some way I could put what's in my memory on a video & post it here.
It'd be horrific & sad but perhaps it would help save a few more lives.
Here's a good one for you. This guy was showing off his new kayak, look how he replied to my comment about the PFDs. I wish he cared as much about his young son as he does his new kayak. Took me a couple of minutes to figure out the "Hoover law." Chad Hoover of KBF is always promoting the wearing of PFDs when kayaking.
On 6/14/2019 at 8:24 PM, J Francho said:And what about the people that risk their lives to recover the bodies?
On 6/14/2019 at 8:49 PM, A-Jay said:Once the survival expectancy had long since been past, the search, discovery & recovery of drowning victims was an important aspect of my job
No one ever thinks of the First Responders.
I consider not wearing your PFD to be akin to playing Russian Roulette. Sure you may luck out many times in a row, but one day that hammer is going to fall on the loaded cylinder. That's why my PFD is on from the time I get into my canoe until I'm back at the launch.
On 6/14/2019 at 9:33 PM, Harold Scoggins said:
No one ever thinks of the First Responders.
In these cases we were the first & often the second responders.
The initial call for a 'missing' or overdue boater starts search & rescue case.
After life expectancy is past and there is no target located, the 'search' is usually 'suspended pending further developments'.
Later on (how long is usually dependent on the season) remains will often be located by a good sanitarian.
The location usually dictates who may be asked, tasked or best equip to recover it; Federal, State or Local authorities.
And I have to add this. . . . . .
I fish from a canoe, less now than in previous years but for a solid 10 years that was all I had.
I've posted videos of my exploits in the Old Town here and on my youtube channel.
As embarrassed as I am to admit it, there are several from the earliest trips where I am NOT Wearing a life Jacket.
Despite what I've seen, I was taking the easy way out.
A few years into it, it was my wife (also USCG Retired) who finally called me out.
I was ashamed of my selfishness and have since fixed that deal.
The path of least resistance is rarely the right one.
Stay Safe
I've got a pretty solid libertarian bent. So, I don't necessarily mind adults who chose not to wear a PFD after 'honestly' considering the risks.
However, the social media 'influencers' and those putting kids at risk don't get a pass from me, and do deserve to get 'called out'.
On 6/14/2019 at 10:09 PM, Choporoz said:I've got a pretty solid libertarian bent. So, I don't necessarily mind adults who chose not to wear a PFD after 'honestly' considering the risks.
I'm fairly libertarian as well, but when you consider the social costs it's more than just personal choice. I mean they have seatbelt laws now and you can get fined for not wearing one..isn't that interfering with personal choice?
I wouldn't be against a PFD law long as it was thought out...wearing a PFD when you're on a 50' dinner cruiser (we have those on Minnetonka) is a bit much, but otherwise I'd be for it.
On 6/14/2019 at 10:22 PM, MN Fisher said:I mean they have seatbelt laws now and you can get fined for not wearing one..isn't that interfering with personal choice?
Absolutely. I'd have no problem leaving that requirement to the insurance companies to mandate, if they chose.
In my state (PA) it is only a requirement to have a PFD in the vessel. The amount of kayak fishermen I see with their PFD on the deck still amazes me.
Outside of the obvious safety benefits, it seems foolish to me (from a fishing standpoint) to have a PFD taking up space on the deck. I have spent so much time figuring out how to maximize working space in the yak that even a pair of pliers has its proper place. Having a PFD to store some of my gear on my person has been a huge win in space management for me.
In regards to the child in the pics above - there is a Federal regulation that exists when no state regulation is in force.
"33 CFR 175.15(c) provides that no person may operate a recreational vessel underway with any child under 13 years old aboard unless each such child is either wearing an appropriate PFD approved by the Coast Guard or below decks or in an enclosed cabin. If the child is observed above deck without a PFD, then a violation has occurred. If the child was below decks with no PFD, then no violation has occurred."
https://www.uscg.mil/Portals/0/Headquarters/Legal/CGHO/Civil Penalty Articles/COMMERCIAL VESSEL SAFETY EQUIPMENT/CHILD WEAR OF PERSONAL FLOTATION DEVICE1.pdf
If there's a state reg, then it takes precedence over the federal reg. In Minnesota, the age is under 10 years of age for the requirement. So a child of 11 not wearing a PFD in MN is still in compliance.
Since when would a state law override a federal law?
On 6/15/2019 at 12:53 AM, J Francho said:Since when would a state law override a federal law?
It's not a 'law' but a 'regulation' - and the next paragraph in the link says that the state Reg applies IF there are state regs, otherwise the Federal reg applies.
"33 CFR 175.25 provides that where a State has established by statute that children aboard a recreational vessel of a certain age wear an appropriate PFD approved by the Coast Guard, that requirement applies on the waters subject to the State’s jurisdiction. For example, the State of Ohio has established by statute that children under the age of 10 years old wear a PFD. A violation would not exist if a child of 11 years was not wearing a PFD aboard a recreational vessel on waters subject to Ohio jurisdiction."
Not so much an override. The fed law simply states that if states don't have any law explicit to kids and pfd's, then fed regs prevail. So, if a state does have a law, there isn't a fed reg that applies and can be over-ridden. I think it's a good compromise to bow to states' rights to make their own rules, but if they don't....well, then the feds get it done
On 6/15/2019 at 12:53 AM, J Francho said:Since when would a state law override a federal law?
I believe the fed statute says that in the event of no state law, the federal law, is law. The wording allows for states to require as they see fit
I bet the water itself matters, too. I mean ours are federally controlled and policed by USCG, along with ICE/Border Patrol and the Sheriff.
I am all for boater safety and it hurts to see this happen, especially in my back yard. That said, I don't think it's the governments role to tell adults what they have to do. We don't require helmets when riding motorcycles ( over 18) and think this falls into the same category. We all assume responsibility for our decisions, I am not going to tell another man they have to wear a PFD in a kayak, if they don't thanks on a paddle board.
On 6/15/2019 at 7:38 AM, NHBull said:I am all for boater safety and it hurts to see this happen, especially in my back yard. That said, I don't think it's the governments role to tell adults what they have to do. We don't require helmets when riding motorcycles ( over 18) and think this falls into the same category. We all assume responsibility for our decisions, I am not going to tell another man they have to wear a PFD in a kayak, if they don't thanks on a paddle board.
Agreed, as far as PFDs and helmets go.
Seat belts and (motorcycle) eye protection are different - they're about prevention, keeping you on the controls... safety of others, not just self. As a former NH resident I always appreciated they mandate motorcycle eye protection but not helmets. Live free or die.
On 6/15/2019 at 8:24 AM, haggard said:Agreed, as far as PFDs and helmets go.
Seat belts and (motorcycle) eye protection are different - they're about prevention, keeping you on the controls... safety of others, not just self. As a former NH resident I always appreciated they mandate motorcycle eye protection but not helmets. Live free or die.
Motorcycle Eye Protection, absolutely!
Helmets, never! A survey done in the U.K. some years ago proved there were more fatalities among those wearing helmets than those who did not. The reasoning was simple, less ability to hear, less peripheral vision, and a false sense of security.
As for the seatbelts, to each his own. I never wear one for a host of reasons, but primarily I just don't like the government trying to protect me from myself.
The PFD I always wear because with age comes a little less endurance, and it's good to know ones limitations.
And shouldn't the NH state moto be something like Live, Freeze and Die? Seems like that's what most folks I know who live there seem to think.????
Before many of you were born back in the 1960s they did pass a law requiring motorcycle riders to wear helmets. They threw such a fit about it they finally repealed it. How come nobody had mass protest about having to wear seat belts? With helmets or seat belts it is still about individual choice. I wear a PFD even though the waters I normally fish are not heavily patrolled.
On 6/17/2019 at 1:50 AM, Log Catcher said:Before many of you were born back in the 1960s they did pass a law requiring motorcycle riders to wear helmets. They threw such a fit about it they finally repealed it. How come nobody had mass protest about having to wear seat belts? With helmets or seat belts it is still about individual choice. I wear a PFD even though the waters I normally fish are not heavily patrolled.
Seatbelt laws differ from state to state. It's a states right issue. I believe all require them for kids below a certain age, many don't require them for adults..This is the same for helmets.
On 6/17/2019 at 2:56 AM, NHBull said:Seatbelt laws differ from state to state. It's a states right issue. I believe all require them for kids below a certain age, many don't require them for adults..This is the same for helmets.
Only one that doesn't have a primary or secondary law on the books for adults is New Hampshire.
On 6/17/2019 at 3:42 AM, flyfisher said:https://www.ghsa.org/state-laws/issues/Seat-Belts
Only one that doesn't have a primary or secondary law on the books for adults is New Hampshire.
Yup, and I live in central NH “live free or die”
keep in mind, that it is still a stated right, not Feds. The way feds have manipulated the States is usually by withholding some type of fund. That got the drinking age to 21 based on withholding highway funds
On 6/17/2019 at 1:50 AM, Log Catcher said:How come nobody had mass protest about having to wear seat belts? With helmets or seat belts it is still about individual choice.
Not the same. Seat belts keep you in control of brakes and steering, possibly the two most important controls on a vehicle. If someone gets hit, or even if simply swerves or makes a minor "off road excursion", they'll probably find themselves out of control of 5,000+ lb of vehicular matter :D
Then there's that part about getting ejected through the windshield, but that's more about personal choice because the rig has probably already come to an abrupt stop at that point.
On 6/17/2019 at 4:09 AM, NHBull said:The way feds have manipulated the States is usually by withholding some type of fund.
Or by imposing some type of fee :D
I had wanted this thread to promote kayak safety and it seems to be morphing into something else. Is it time to lock, @J Francho?
On 6/17/2019 at 7:14 AM, Harold Scoggins said:I had wanted this thread to promote kayak safety and it seems to be morphing into something else. Is it time to lock, @J Francho?
why? It is talking about the individual rights of people and what they choose or do not choose to do and other examples are given that are similar.
no need to lock something that isn't out of hand just because it took a turn somewhere you didn't want it to go.
On 6/17/2019 at 7:14 AM, Harold Scoggins said:I had wanted this thread to promote kayak safety and it seems to be morphing into something else. Is it time to lock, @J Francho?
Speaking only for myself @Harold Scoggins I apologize for getting off the topic of kayak safety, which I appreciate you taking the time to remind us all of.
As I stated before, I always wear my PFD and was thankful my hubby had his on this season too. His first (and most likely last) attempt at kayaking resulted in him flipping over a 70# kayak in maybe 15 ft of very chilly 55° water. Granted we were not terribly far from the ramp when this occurred and there was a small island he could reach easily, but this lake also has a large amount of submerged rocks and stumps, so things could have turned out quite differently.
On 4/2/2019 at 10:03 PM, Happybeerbuzz said:Don’t forget your kill switch cord as well for the boaters out there.
It is our moral responsibility to set an example for the newer kayak anglers.
On 6/15/2019 at 12:53 AM, J Francho said:Since when would a state law override a federal law?
Since marijuana became popular again.....
In the summer dehydration is disaster!
On 6/17/2019 at 7:14 AM, Harold Scoggins said:I had wanted this thread to promote kayak safety and it seems to be morphing into something else. Is it time to lock, @J Francho?
Apologies for the off topic content. I'll gladly correct course and talk kayak safety any day