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1994 Javelin For $4000, Good Price?? 2025

fishing user avatar(='_'=) reply : 

hey. i have been looking for a bassboat for a while to replace my old (really old, 1977) bassboat.... the one i currently own has a 85HP still running, i still fish out of it sometimes, but its not as comfortable, is very small, and besides, a friend offered me $1700 for it, so im selling it tomorrow...


now, i live in Mexico, so finding boats in here is more difficult than in the US.... this is the one im really considering:


1994 Javelin, 18 ft, with a 150HP Johnson, 


71lb trolling motor

Humminbird 857 CI HD  at the console

Humminbird 550 at the bow

trailer with brakes

marine radio (communication)

owner claims 50+ MPH with 2 adults















owner wants $4700 for it, but i think i can have it for $4100 or so...


is it a good price?? i know its still an older boat, but its way better than mine, local, and ready to fish... it has some flaws, but mostly cosmetical, like the faded spots seen in the pictures... the trim and speed gauges dont work, i think every ther gauge does...


what do you think?? anything to be aware about?? on another post some people advised me against the Force motors... can anyone identify this motor?? i asked him about it and he only said its a Johnson 150HP from 1994 or 95, but he had it painted and added the decals... 


by the way, im taking it for a test drive on saturday...



fishing user avatarlo n slo reply : 

If the motor is good, that is a fair price. If you know a mechanic, ask him to check that motor out for you. Even if he charges for his services it would be money well spent. Dont forget to check out the live wells too.

I own a 95 Javelin 367 that has a color scheme almost identical to the one in your post. It has a 2000 Johnson 90 and it will do every bit of 50 although it gets frisky going that fast in rough water.

Good luck

fishing user avatarSurfcaster reply : 

I was looking recently at 1996 Javelin with a 150 Johnson Fast Strike engine.  It was at a dealer with a $6800 price which could have been negotiated lower I am sure.  I thought that price was a little high for a 19 year old boat but it seems that is the norm these days.

fishing user avatarWIGuide reply : 

If everything checks out mechanically, that's not too bad of a buy. The motor is either a Johnson or Evinrude. Definitely not a force. 

fishing user avatarBob C reply : 
  On 8/7/2015 at 8:01 PM, WIGuide said:

If everything checks out mechanically, that's not too bad of a buy. The motor is either a Johnson or Evinrude. Definitely not a force.

I had a 96 Javelin 369 SE. Wish I would have kept it. The best boat I ever had.

fishing user avatarNathanW reply : 

HAHA, yeah first thing I thought when I saw it. As long as its not a FORCE its a good deal. I would say maybe even a great deal because that boat is super clean looking. If it turns over good, sounds right, doesn't bog down at all when you hit the gas hard, shifts in and out of F/R gear crisply, and doesn't have any water in the lower unit I would be willing to bet its a fair deal at that price. If its still got good/great compression its probably a steal.  

fishing user avatarslonezp reply : 

Force was a venture with Mercury. So you're good there.

fishing user avatarLuckyGia reply : 

I think it is a very good price if everything checks out.

fishing user avatarJig Man reply : 

If you want a good idea of its value, book it out on NADA Guides.

fishing user avatargardnerjigman reply : 

If I could get it for $4100, granted everything checked out in the lake test, it would come home with me. If they batteries were pretty new, I wouldn't be sad giving $4300-$4400.

fishing user avatar(='_'=) reply : 

thanx a lot for your help! tomorrow we will be checking it on the lake, if everything is as the owner says, this could be the one im looking for... 

fishing user avatarVayned reply : 

I paid 5400 for my 93 409t, it came with a 200xp and 75lb motorguide. That 94 looks nice

fishing user avatar(='_'=) reply : 

well, today we went to the lake, checked it out, and, as i had suspected, i ended up pulling her home... its a 379T if i remember correctly. it started at the first turn of the key, and everything works except the RPM and TRIM gauge...bilge, livewells, lights, everything is ready to fish. so, here it is. for the smaller waters within 2 hours of m house this will be more than enough, and now i have access to bigger water where i didnt even dare taking my old boat... 


it needs some work, ill be adding rod holders in the rod locker (its basically a long box), some cup holders, and, eventually, i would like to sand it and put a new clear coat, as its faded in some points... but ill have to look more into this as im not sure how it will hold... i may even wrap it and that will make her look almost new....


here it is... pulling with the wrangler was easy, and the brakes on the trailer make it also easy and safe to stop... 









fishing user avatarslonezp reply : 


fishing user avatargardnerjigman reply : 

What did you end up giving for it?

fishing user avatarBluebasser86 reply : 

Great looking older boat for sure. You'll love having the extra space and stability. 

fishing user avatar(='_'=) reply : 
  On 8/9/2015 at 6:27 AM, gardnerjigman said:

What did you end up giving for it?


with the currency as it is right now ($16.3 pesos to a dollar), the equivalent to $4,170 USD.... 

fishing user avatar(='_'=) reply : 
  On 8/9/2015 at 2:07 PM, Bluebasser86 said:

Great looking older boat for sure. You'll love having the extra space and stability. 


today i went again in the afternoon and drove for a while... i need to get used to alot of things, and to learn how to use them properly, but so far im really liking it... tomorrow morning ill fish out of it, i think thats when i will fully understand the advantage of all that extra space....

fishing user avatargardnerjigman reply : 

Great buy

fishing user avatarWayne P. reply : 

I had the 93 Javelin 379T with the Johnson Faststrike 150. WOT 68.4 mph


You will need to learn how to handle a high performance hull at WOT because it will "fly".


I sold mine in October 2008 for $5500. Still have a copy of the Bill of Sale.

fishing user avatarJig Man reply : 

If that is your tow vehicle, get a hitch with more drop.  It shouldn't be tongue high when being towed.

fishing user avatar(='_'=) reply : 
  On 8/10/2015 at 6:04 AM, Wayne P. said:

I had the 93 Javelin 379T with the Johnson Faststrike 150. WOT 68.4 mph


You will need to learn how to handle a high performance hull at WOT because it will "fly".


I sold mine in October 2008 for $5500. Still have a copy of the Bill of Sale.


yes, i have a lot to learn about how to handle this boat.... my previous one didnt even had a trim, so i know very little about it, basically only what the PO told me on the test ride and some youtube videos i have seen... he did show me how to adjust it somehow, but without the trim gauge, i need more hours behind the wheel to know the boat....  BTW where can i get the trim gauge replacement?? and is my motor a Johnson Faststrike?? 68 MPH is a lot, today i got it to 48 with 3 people and i felt i was fast enough, at least for the small lakes we fish here...

fishing user avatar(='_'=) reply : 
  On 8/10/2015 at 6:12 AM, Jig Man said:

If that is your tow vehicle, get a hitch with more drop.  It shouldn't be tongue high when being towed.


thats correct, tomorrow ill be getting an adjustable hitch to level the trailer... 

fishing user avatarQuarry Man reply : 

Update? looking at buying one! any advice is needed!

fishing user avatarXpressJeff reply : 

Good looking old girl!

fishing user avatar(='_'=) reply : 
  On 7/4/2017 at 1:14 AM, Quarry Man said:

Update? looking at buying one! any advice is needed!


well, i still have the Javelin, and fish it almost every weekend. 


i have been doing some work to it...  i started by making a deck extension with a bigger cooler, as sometimes we fish from dawn till dusk, and the smaller cooler is not enough....






just this past weekend i installed led lights, red on the deck, white on the compartments, and blue on the livewells...







a 12" strip is enough for the compartments...




my max speed is about 50 MPH but i dont have a jackplate and im running a 24 Raker prop. my rpm gauge is not working, so i dont know at what rpm im turning.... thats the next thing to replace. 


so far i really like this boat. 

fishing user avatarDownEast Bassin' reply : 

Hi, I have a 97 Javelin 389SD and most of the lettering is unreadable on the dashboard switches and the livewell switches.  Would you be willing to post some pics of your switch setup and explain how the livewell switches work?


I'm also looking at adding your deck extension idea this month.

fishing user avatar(='_'=) reply : 
  On 10/13/2018 at 1:43 AM, DownEast Bassin' said:

Hi, I have a 97 Javelin 389SD and most of the lettering is unreadable on the dashboard switches and the livewell switches.  Would you be willing to post some pics of your switch setup and explain how the livewell switches work?


I'm also looking at adding your deck extension idea this month.

hey!! i just saw your post. 


Here is a pic of my switches....


The Master Aerator has a 3 position switch. On the FISH (up) position, it will fill the livewell with fresh water from the lake. the other 2 positions are OFF. 


The Recirc. will recirculate the water within the livewell. 


When i got the boat, the filling pump wouldnt work. So i put new pumps and wires, and thats how i wired it. I am not really sure how is the correct setup, as i dont understand the FISH and RUN labels on the Aerator. Now that i think about it, I could swap the pumps, so the Recirculation fills the livewell, and use the 3 position switch for Recirculation Manual and Timer. 



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