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NW Roadtrip Anyone? 2025

fishing user avatarProCrafter reply : 

With me withdrawing from the Pickwick Trip and having Vaca. accrued already is there any interest in a regional Roadtrip....say Potholes Reservoir near Moses Lake? I always hit this fishery this time of year and it is phenominal for big Smallies and Largemouth in big numbers..........let me know if interested...Warden lake resort can accomodate all of us and there is motels close by for those not camp ready....short notice but fishin right! ;D

fishing user avatarHuntFishAK reply : 

That's a good idea.  I don't think I could do a multiple day trip.  I've got a tourney a month til I leave for Alaska in August.  Plus I don't have a boat.  I do want to take the wife up to Potholes to fish from the bank.  I saw some good spots with some shore access.

fishing user avatarProCrafter reply : 

Ill be there also from April 2-4th...Back in the dunes it looks like Luisiana with the willows...brush....spiders..beaver huts...yup good structure!




fishing user avatarProCrafter reply : 

Gotta be some Northwest folks who wanna fish!!!! c'mon the fish are waiting!!!

Just think how you will feel when you see the pics of all the fish...only without your mug holding 'em!!! :D

fishing user avatarGlenn reply : 

Was just there last weekend.  I got a 3-10, 4-14, and a 5-10.  Not to be outdone, Keri nailed a 6-13!  :o   And the water isn't even above 50 degrees yet!!

Not sure if we can make it though.  But we'll certainly try!

fishing user avatarHuntFishAK reply : 

Way to go Keri!  I'd really like to go if I can convince the wife.  It would be for one day only, but like I said, I don't have a boat.

fishing user avatarGlenn reply : 

Here are pics:





fishing user avatarHuntFishAK reply : 

Nice fish Glenn!  Man a couple of those and I'd be sitting pretty good in any of the tourney's I'm fishing.

fishing user avatarGlenn reply : 

Weather's been pretty crummy lately.  Hopin' it gets better by time the first week of May rolls around!

fishing user avatarfirefightn15 reply : 

Wow Keri, nice catch!  Keepin' Glenn on his toes, cool  8-)

fishing user avatarProCrafter reply : 

Okay NW folks...Glenn, Keri and Myself are gonna be on "The Holes" me from the 1st. till the 9th...I will be at Wardens Lake Campground they're number is

(509) 349-9865 they have some of the lowest rates for the area and a clubhouse...communal firepit showers and even on the shores of lil' Warden Lake!! Blackbirds seranade every morning!!!

If you are looking to come out for a day...two or the whole time just post it here and we can coordinate a etc..either way we all are going fishin!!!

Glenn and Keri post up info on Sportsmens and such....

fishing user avatarHuntFishAK reply : 

I'm assuming you mean May1-9.  I might be able to talk the wife into letting me go up for a day.

ProCrafter - Are you fishing alone?  Would it be possible for me to fish on your boat?  I don't have one.

fishing user avatarProCrafter reply : 

I am fishing alone...let me know which days/day and bring a vest if you have one.

fishing user avatarHuntFishAK reply : 

Looks like I am in for the 1st. :)  Looking forward to meeting you guys!

Procrafter - PM sent

fishing user avatarGlenn reply : 

I don't know when we're going over, how long we'll be staying, or even if we're going now.

fishing user avatarGlenn reply : 

Tic Tock, Tic, Tock.  :)

fishing user avatarHuntFishAK reply : 

Are you guys going to be there Glenn?  I'm meeting ProCrafter Saturday morning for the day.  I need some fun fishing after a dismal tournament last weekend.

fishing user avatarGlenn reply : 

We will be there Saturday.

fishing user avatarProCrafter reply : 

I have a contin. education class today...grease up the trailer bearings....load up some goodies and in the AM tommorrow hit the road!!!

The last hour of work yesterday took sooooooooo loooooonnnnngggggg!!!! :D

fishing user avatarHuntFishAK reply : 

  Man I can't wait!  I have no idea what I'm going to tie on Friday night.  ;D

fishing user avatarProCrafter reply : 

I'm starting with a Spinnerbait.....a weightless Senko....a Jig/trailer...and a Texas Rigged Lizard.

fishing user avatarHuntFishAK reply : 

Do you think there will be much of a topwater bite?  I'm itching to throw a sammy or a frog.

Have a safe trip over everyone.  :)

fishing user avatarGlenn reply : 

Bring 'em. You never know!

fishing user avatarArthur Cat reply : 

Is there any good fishing up on the peninsula? I've always wanted to go up there but never find the time.

fishing user avatarMatt B reply : 

Man, why didn't I see this before?

I may be headed up there this friday (5/7) for the day. On my own for the morning, then I'll hopefully pick up my wife around mid-day to go back out again.

I've never fished Potholes from a boat before and have no idea where to look for fish this time of year. I went out for the morning last Sunday until the wind kicked up. Poked around the dunes for a bit (my first time out there) but didn't have any luck at all. Wasn't really sure where to go out there.

Anybody have any tips they could pass along?

ProCrafter, not sure if you're online at all or not this week, but if you see this and are interested in meeting up for a while in the morning on friday, let me know. I'd love to spend some time fishing with someone who knows what they're doing.


fishing user avatarHuntFishAK reply : 

Matt - He's camping out there and doesn't have internet access.  We saw most fish up in shallow flats.  Caught them working soft plastics slowly.  Water temp was 55*.  Hope this helps.

fishing user avatarMatt B reply : 

Were you back in the dunes?

Should I look for particular types of cover to find them? Seems like I saw tons of "fishy" looking spots everywhere, but didn't even know where to start. I fished around a couple of beaver huts and along some brushy flooded shorelines to no avail.

fishing user avatarHuntFishAK reply : 

Yes we were in the dunes.  We saw most fish in shallow, flat bottoms that were pretty clean.  Not alot of that green scum.  They are definitely moving up and making beds.

fishing user avatarProCrafter reply : 

Just got pics downloaded and got un-packed.....with the low pressure stalled over Montana and spinning bands of Thunderstorms at us it was difficult at best to get out...Me and (Huntfishspokane) got out Saturday the 1st. and well...we really earned the 4 Largemouth we got...Good to see Jake get his first sight fish/ Bed fish was a classic!!




Unfortunately for us the excitment was just starting as we started across the lake to get to some Smally areas we encountered heavy swells and whitecap conditions...we came off plane to plow through the sweels when we fell into three large troughs of 10-12 ft!!!! I have never had to....and hope to never again yell the words.."Get the Bailing Bucket and start bailing!!! as the water got up to our knees!!! but the bilge pumps caught up and we made it to the launch OK but minus some sunglasses..beanie and a cracked nose cone for the outboard steering/control access and a new set of plugs....


Sunday was a wind-off with just 4 hrs fishing...Monday had winds in excess of 50 MPH sustained with gusts to 65!!! saw and was in a tackle store when the roof came off an apartment building and crashed into the building!!...Tuesday got down to 28 degrees with hard frost...did get out but only for a few hours due to Thunderstorms!!....Wednesday...same thing as the wind and storms kept chasing us off....Thursday starting to improve as I got four Smallies off rock piles and shelfs....dropshots and Carolina rigs.



Largemouth just starting to move around again but super skiddish...even long casts spook them off!! lots of wind damaged trees blocking some of the better bays and pools.....Friday was tough as it was warming and I should have moved to the Smally pattern but stayed looking for cruising, staged Largies and found them ...around 15 different fish just could get none to the boat...broke off three and had two come un buttoned!!!

With no fish to take pics of got some sunset stuff and some deer pics...




Last day... Saturday....went back with a club member... got back in the dunes and finally seeing interested fish...boated the first...a solid 4 lber on a tube bait...saw several cruisers and was able to cast far enough ahead with a Senko to get a 3 lber to go and then got another on a Senko also a 3.....



my partner worked two bed fish for two hours and got a 3-3/4 Smally later in the day....overall for me just 9 fish total but considering the conditions...well worth the trip!!! Thanks to Jake, Glenn and Keri and Bob from my club for coming along!!


fishing user avatarMatt B reply : 

Good stuff ProCrafter! I spent the better part of last friday (5/7) back out in the dunes. Fished a few hours by myself, finally ended up in a shallow protected cove where I lost one and landed a second, maybe 14" largemouth. First fish on the new boat!

Went and picked up my wife after lunch and fished a few more hours out there in a different cove. Gave her a baby brush hog to throw and she proceeded to outfish me 2-0. One being around that 14" or so size and one quite a bit larger. No idea the size, I need to get a scale. It was a fatty though.

I didn't go very far back in there for fear of getting lost. I don't have a gps to guide me back out. ;D I'm really looking forward to exploring that place, though. I love fishing all that submerged brush/trees!

Definitely want to go try to figure out how/where to catch the smallies as well. I've had pretty decent luck catching them from the bank along the dam, but never fished from a boat there before.

fishing user avatarHuntFishAK reply : 

First of all, I want to say a big thank you to Larry. Man, I had a blast. You were a pleasure to fish with and I hope we get together again soon. Hopefully we'll stay dry this time. ;D Here is the bed fish that was mentioned. I caught it on a Strike King Ocho in junebug. Not only was it my first bed fish, it was my first fish on a senko type bait. The other fish was also the first one caught on a Zoom centipede in watermelon w/ black fleck, tail weighted with a 1/32 oz nail weight. Again, thanks for having me along.


fishing user avatarGlenn reply : 

Looks like we just missed you, but got there in time for the big wind storm! We tried to have the best time we could, despite the elements.  It was a memorable experience for sure!

Great pics.  I'll try to post some later.

fishing user avatarGlenn reply : 




Dust storm!!










fishing user avatarHuntFishAK reply : 

Nice fish and pics Glenn.  Looks like you guys caught some nice fish.  Good to see some muley's in velvet.  Have seen one buck with fuzzy nubs, muley or white-tail.

fishing user avatarbassinsergeant reply : 

Looks like you guy's had fun. It really excites me to see this post. I will be moving to Fort Lewis sometime later this year and i have been wondering how the fishing is up there. I'm really looking forward to it now.

fishing user avatarCAdeltaLipRipper reply : 
First of all, I want to say a big thank you to Larry. Man, I had a blast. You were a pleasure to fish with and I hope we get together again soon. Hopefully we'll stay dry this time. ;D Here is the bed fish that was mentioned. I caught it on a Strike King Ocho in junebug. Not only was it my first bed fish, it was my first fish on a senko type bait. The other fish was also the first one caught on a Zoom centipede in watermelon w/ black fleck, tail weighted with a 1/32 oz nail weight. Again, thanks for having me along.


fishing user avatarCAdeltaLipRipper reply : 



Dust storm!!










Is that....a yamaha?how could you?youre our leader on here and you go and betray us like that? :'(


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