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Anyone from Idaho? 2025

fishing user avatarIDbasser reply : 

Just wondering how many members are from Idaho, I am from Southern Idaho, and have been a member of this forum for about a week and have only seen posts from one Idaho member from Northern Idaho. What about from northern Utah?

fishing user avatarpowder pig reply : 

got one here from nw wyoming,whats up?

fishing user avatarIDbasser reply : 

Powder pig,

Was hoping to find some people around the area to fish with.  Ever go into Utah and fish Willard Bay?  I've been thinking about fishing there this summer, it is a 2 hr drive from where I live.

fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 

We have a couple of ID members, but they haven't been around much lately. Maybe they will pop up when the weather warms a bit. Glad to see you here.

BTW, Nice fatty in your avatar!


fishing user avatarbaterista_dan reply : 

I'm from southeastern Idaho. I am new to this website and bass fishing. I am hoping to get into it alot though.


fishing user avatarGatorbassman reply : 


SE Idaho is my favorite part of the country. My dad used to guide the Snake river back in the 50's and I grew up fishing Henry's Fork every summer. I love that area. There is nothing like pulling in a couple of 20inch rainbows a day.

fishing user avatarzachvii reply : 

I live in Boise and fish the local tournaments around here. My buddy jetsprint2 is also from Boise.  We are around, few and far between though.

fishing user avatarIDbasser reply : 

You guys from Boise fish CJ Strike?  I love fishing there, but when I go I fish for Crappie and bluegill, and have not really fished for bass there.  I fish the Snake and Lake Walcott for Bass here in Cassia and Minidoka counties.  My avatar pic is one from Walcott.

fishing user avatarFR0G reply : 

I am not from there, but my grandparents own a RV resort in Clarkfork. I go there every summer. I know of some great smallmouth fishing over there.

fishing user avatarGet Offme Fish reply : 

North Idaho Here (Hayden), I too am new to this forum, pretty sweet btw.

fishing user avatarElken reply : 

I just joined; I live in Southwestern Idaho.  I do fish C.J. Strike once in a while; I'm probably headed up there this Friday or Saturday.  I have fished Milner a fair amount, but haven't made it to Walcott.  Yet...

fishing user avatarIDbasser reply : 

I am heading to CJ in a couple of weeks, and Walcott tommorrow

fishing user avatarTournyFish001 reply : 

Finally some other guys from southern Idaho- good luck in the 208 this year boys- its gunna be a great year- ZachVII(he called me jetsprint2- my old name) and I are fishing a tourny on strike this weekend 4/12/08- oh yeah I live in Boise

fishing user avatarCookie reply : 

I'm from the Idaho Falls area. Going to fish Milner and Walcott this weekend if the snow stops and it warms up a little. :)

fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 

Welcome aboard!

Idaho is coming on strong.


fishing user avatarTournyFish001 reply : 
I'm from the Idaho Falls area. Going to fish Milner and Walcott this weekend if the snow stops and it warms up a little. :)

small jigs like bitsy bugs work in Walcott- go to the uppper end where there is a rocky wall about 5-10ft of water be patient- craw patterns, small tubes worked too like 2.5" stubbies, it is really slow this time of year but find that rock wall area and use these baits there are huge football shaped smallies in there, not uncommon for 3-5lbers!!!  For some reason this time of year they don't want anything medium to large sized. downsize did I mention go small???

fishing user avatardworshakbass reply : 

I'm from lewiston area just bought a boat from danny aden at tri state marine in nampa no him

fishing user avatarIdahoLunkerHunter reply : 

I'm From North idaho. Been a while since I've been back to forum writing, but i'm here for a while now. I live in Sandpoint Area but fish lakes and resevoirs in CDA and Spokane. anyone want to go fishing give me a pm.

fishing user avatarEZOP reply : 

I'm down here in Southwest Idaho, fish Brownlee Reservoir mostly.

fishing user avatarIDbasser reply : 

I have not fished Brownlee yet, I sure would like to.  I mostly fish Milner and Walcott.

fishing user avatardyno reply : 

New member here out of Boise area. I fish mostly these days at Strike, Brownlee and Cascade. Great forum!

fishing user avatarIDbasser reply : 

Welcome to the forum dyno.

fishing user avatarEZOP reply : 

Speaking of Brownlee, I'll be camping up there at Woodhead from around the 21st to the 28th of July. Stop by and say hi.

Just look for the black Lund with Team Quill on the side.

fishing user avatarbaterista_dan reply : 

Anybody fished Massacre Rocks recently? I'm looking to head out there pretty soon.

fishing user avatarIDbasser reply : 

When are you going?  I have been wanting to fish that area but have not yet fished it.  I hope to try it out this year.  I am 30-40 minutes away.

fishing user avataridahobass1 reply : 

I must have somehow missed this board. Don't quite know how. Maybe it's just that time of day where the brain turns off. Anyways, I fish CJ Strike alot.  We are fishing the BBB OPEN at Lake Lowell this Saturday. The lake is almost full and it's supposed to be warm with little wind.

It's gonna be a jig day. Flippin, Flippin, Flippin & more Flippin.

Gotta love the largies hiding in the trees. :)

fishing user avatarbaterista_dan reply : 

Alright so I fished Massacre Rocks on Saturday and had no luck.  I'm pretty new to bass fishing so I blame myself more than anything.  What does it take to catch bass this time of year?  For those who don't know, Massacre Rocks is on the Snake River west of American Falls.  Any tips would be appreciated.  Thanks

fishing user avatarIDbasser reply : 

There is a lot of water flowing down the river right now.  They may increase the flow more soon.  We might have flows like we did in 1997 when we had flooding here along the river.

fishing user avatareastid reply : 

East Idaho here. Been wanting to try Massacre Rocks too. Just started smallmouth fishing last year. Been fishing Ririe but I can't catch smallmouth of any significant size there. Went out to Ririe last Friday and got skunked on the smallmouth. I did catch a kokanee and a trout.

fishing user avatarIDbasser reply : 

Welcome to the forum eastid, great to have another Idahoan here.

fishing user avatareastid reply : 

Thanks IDbasser.

fishing user avataralarcher reply : 

I don't know how I missed this thread either. I live in Nampa and fish the hell out of CJ, Brownlee, Lowell, Owyhee, Ben Ross, and usually slay this time of year, however winter just won't let go and the waters I've been hitting are still in the high 40s or low 50s. Rough year so far on the smallies for sure! I'm thinking this weekend should finally be decent. I'm heading to Owyhee or CJ, I'll let you know how it goes.

fishing user avatarIDbasser reply : 

I was at Lake Walcott Monday and the water temp was 52 degrees.  I did not stay long but caught a 2lb 5oz and a 3lb 8oz.  Thursday I am heading out there again camping till Tuesday.  Hopefully I can get into the bigger ones.

fishing user avatarbaterista_dan reply : 

Went out to American Falls on Saturday.  Finally caught a nice 4 pounder on the west side of the rock bar by Willow Bay.  Anybody else had any luck there?  PS below the dam opens this weekend I am stoked for that.

fishing user avatarIDbasser reply : 

I have never fished AF Reservoir for bass.  Looks like I should.  I will be at Lake Walcott all weekend.

fishing user avatarOro_Aaron reply : 

I will be visiting my family on Twin lakes here over the summer, can anyone offer any advice as far as what  I should be using?  I am new to the whole bass fishing scene and any help would be appreciated!  




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