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Castaic Lagoon WHOPPER! 2025

fishing user avatarSinjin Kim reply : 

Met up with Roger, Alan, Ray, Captain Castaic, Jesse and a few others at the lagoon. Everyone caught fish and had a blast cracking jokes at one another. It was a pleasure fishing with you gents and look forward to doing it again.

Ray, Roger, Alan and I decided to stay while the rest of the party left. This is when the action got hot! Ray caught is personal best of 4# 10oz. and slayed them all night. He definitely had the hot stick.

Although I didn't catch a lot of fish, I kinda made up for the lack of quantity with a toad!


Rod: Rogue MB 704C (7' 8-17#)

Reel: Team Daiwa TD-X103 HSDF

Line: P-Line CXX (8#)

Hook: Fina (Arrow Point) Wide Gap #1/0

Lure: Roboworm 7' Fat Straight Tail M.M. III

Scent: Smelly Jelly "BASS FEAST"




fishing user avatarfourbizz reply : 

Gorgeous fish! What did she weigh?

fishing user avatarCaptain Cali reply : 


Congratulations once again! It was really good to see a big fish after the "chemical bomb" incident.


She weighed 11-02 on my digi.

fishing user avatarfourbizz reply : 


fishing user avatarbassbob08 reply : 

great fish.

fishing user avatarCaptain Cali reply : 

WORD!  8-)

fishing user avatarbpm2000 reply : 


fishing user avatarT-rig reply : 

I just stumbled across this post! What georgeous fish man! Please post catches like on the outings section, it would be a shame if not everyone could see awesome pics like that! :)

fishing user avatarIdahoLunkerHunter reply : 

I couldn't imagine bringing in a fish of that size. My pb is 7lb and it was a fight for like 20 mins. I guess I do use 8 lb mono and a med/heavy 6'5" rod.

fishing user avatarInfidel. reply : 

Hey Sinjin, nice fish.  Hopefully you and Tom don't fair so well on Friday   :)

Well, actually I hope you guys do stick a toad.  I just hope that I get one an ounce larger  ;)

Good job man!

fishing user avatardumb_dog11 reply : 

that is one amazing fish

fishing user avatarflipnsonofapitch reply : 

Jesus not on this board too >:(  so  the cops are looking for you now for exploiting the castaic lagoon, you are guilty sinjin, all the littered shorelines are a product of your selfishness. THIS GUY HAS POSTED THIS THREAD ON 15 OTHER BOARDS AND HAS RUINED A FISHERY BY DOING SO.

fishing user avatarGhetto_Basser reply : 
Jesus not on this board too >:( so the cops are looking for you now for exploiting the castaic lagoon, you are guilty sinjin, all the littered shorelines are a product of your selfishness. THIS GUY HAS POSTED THIS THREAD ON 15 OTHER BOARDS AND HAS RUINED A FISHERY BY DOING SO.

I dont understand

fishing user avatarJCrzy4Bass reply : 
Jesus not on this board too >:( so the cops are looking for you now for exploiting the castaic lagoon, you are guilty sinjin, all the littered shorelines are a product of your selfishness. THIS GUY HAS POSTED THIS THREAD ON 15 OTHER BOARDS AND HAS RUINED A FISHERY BY DOING SO.

I dont understand

If I'm reading right, by this guy posting this thread in so many places and posting pictures, everyone and anyone seeking a citation or pig of a bass is headed out to this lagoon to do so.  The area gets over fished, many many people visit it.  Some of these folks are bound to leave behind trash or litter around the lake (a problem I see WAY TOO OFTEN in Northern Virginia).  I don't know if it's just the product of this one guy as I have seen about 4-5 other guys post pictures from this lagoon.  But I do think it is unneccesary to post the pic in that many forums if he is doing so.  I understand you are proud of a pic like that and it's a moment to capture, but be at least a little vague or hide the spot some so the regulars don't get upset, frustrated, or mad.  Eventually if word gets out enough newbs begin to overtake an area, the bass see every lure, color, or bait in existence and therefore become harder to catch or next to impossible.  I have a local pond I fish that recieves virtually NO FISHING PRESSURE.  Any time I post pics or talk about it, I never reveal the name, take pictures of background, etc just because I wanna keep it as unheard about as possible.  However, the person who posted that comment about him ruining the fishery doesn't need to be that bitter... if he does, he needs to take it up with the person who posted.

fishing user avatarJCrzy4Bass reply : 

As someone pointed out maybe it was the innappropriate word to use in the context "newbs" in my previous post... what I meant to say was:

New people fishing an unfamiliar area, as well as people just getting into bass fishing.  More than likely... imho I believe that when your in a new body of water sure enough you are going to start broad and narrow down your focus, therefore probably working the most common lures or baits on the market.  The bass condition themselves and soon you have to work twice as hard for your catch (not that I mind).  While I myself may be a fairly NEW bass fishermen I am just stating what I have read in countless threads on here and information I have gathered from friends who have been fishing a LONG TIME, people on this site, and people I have talked to at some of our OVER pressured bodies of water here in Va (Lake Anna, Potomac River, Burke Lake).

fishing user avatarGhetto_Basser reply : 

I see.

fishing user avatarflipnsonofapitch reply : 
Jesus not on this board too >:( so the cops are looking for you now for exploiting the castaic lagoon, you are guilty sinjin, all the littered shorelines are a product of your selfishness. THIS GUY HAS POSTED THIS THREAD ON 15 OTHER BOARDS AND HAS RUINED A FISHERY BY DOING SO.

I dont understand

If I'm reading right, by this guy posting this thread in so many places and posting pictures, everyone and anyone seeking a citation or pig of a bass is headed out to this lagoon to do so. The area gets over fished, many many people visit it. Some of these folks are bound to leave behind trash or litter around the lake (a problem I see WAY TOO OFTEN in Northern Virginia). I don't know if it's just the product of this one guy as I have seen about 4-5 other guys post pictures from this lagoon. But I do think it is unneccesary to post the pic in that many forums if he is doing so. I understand you are proud of a pic like that and it's a moment to capture, but be at least a little vague or hide the spot some so the regulars don't get upset, frustrated, or mad. Eventually if word gets out enough newbs begin to overtake an area, the bass see every lure, color, or bait in existence and therefore become harder to catch or next to impossible. I have a local pond I fish that recieves virtually NO FISHING PRESSURE. Any time I post pics or talk about it, I never reveal the name, take pictures of background, etc just because I wanna keep it as unheard about as possible. However, the person who posted that comment about him ruining the fishery doesn't need to be that bitter... if he does, he needs to take it up with the person who posted.

The only reason I am bitter, is due the the fact that i do everything to protect our pressured fisheries, I am obsessed with Largemouth bass and their FUTURE, i want my boy to be able to have some good action when he grows up, the problem here stretches on further than i really want to take it, even members of his own board Fishing net work are with me on this, There was a guy that broke the d.v.l striped bass record over and over and he is a very well known pro angler, he chose to keep quiet beacuse the guy is smart and knew what would happen if he posted it on various baords and the local outdoor newspaper, more pressure! Fishing network has some 3,0000 or more sum odd members and thats not including guest, what kind of a person would do sucha thing knowing that  half of those guys will be out there the next night trying to do the same thing which they were(your newbs), just not a smart angler in my opinion, and this has now escalated into a legal matter, i have a friend that was just out there the other night and had to run and hide from the sherriff's that were looking for the Sinjin aka halejedi and his GROUP of friends, yes he has groupies now. I tried to talk to him but he was just full of selfishness ego and negetivity, all he could do was insult me with my mistake grammer, and it ended in a childish result on his part along with the thread getting wacked, even fishing network was shut down for a few days because of it, i feel you on keeping spots secret, i have a few that were destroyed by me "giving up the spot" on other boards that were considerd "tight knit", people look down on you and wont reply to your reports if you dont give up the location,which i think is b.s especially when some of these spot i've scouted myself, what am i supposed to let the lazy guys chowing doritos behind his p.c come up just by hitting enter?? F. no!! thats just plain dum, i'm all about "respect the bass and the bass will respect you" and most


Jayson- BassProtectionActivist

fishing user avataral reply : 

great fish ...............................hawg!

fishing user avataral reply : 

I do not agree completely the littering part yes I understand Posting it in 15 forums Yes abit much but getting mad because a lot of people are going to fish the lagoon and ruin your spot..... give me a break I live in the same area and know why the LMB are so big in that Lagoon.The reason why though is because someone told me about it so i could go there and catch fish and have FUN!!!!!!!! I welcome anyone who wants to fish in the waters we have here thats the beauty of fishing is passing it on to a family member or friend as long as its good clean fun why not. Being Selfish like that is just flat bad sportsman ship. the poor guy was probably extremly excited and bored at

fishing user avatarflipnsonofapitch reply : 
I do not agree completely the littering part yes I understand Posting it in 15 forums Yes abit much but getting mad because a lot of people are going to fish the lagoon and ruin your spot..... give me a break I live in the same area and know why the LMB are so big in that Lagoon.The reason why though is because someone told me about it so i could go there and catch fish and have FUN!!!!!!!! I welcome anyone who wants to fish in the waters we have here thats the beauty of fishing is passing it on to a family member or friend as long as its good clean fun why not. Being Selfish like that is just flat bad sportsman ship. the poor guy was probably extremly excited and bored at

Like i said this goes alot deeper than i want to get into, castaic is not "my spot" i have never even fished the lake in my life, claiming bad sportsmanship is not so bright on your part because this particular situation has nothing to do with sportsmanship, more to do exploiting fishing spots on the internet for praises, selfishness is not an issue here at all on my part, its the protection of fisheries from those that do not care to c.p.r, clean up trash, obey d.f.g laws and fish ilegally, the consequence of this usually turns out bad for the smart angler, and yes i belive strongley that there are idiot fisherman and smart anglers, so the poor guy at work maybe should find a better job that sittting over his p.c in sloth mode being a comment hore and bringing the crowds to other's spots do you have any idead how many member f.f.n has?? and half of them are just lurkers. I dont think you see the whole picture and your lack of knowledge in this partictular situation just makes you look a bit foolish. Do you research buddy.

fishing user avatarSPEEDBEAD. reply : 

Great looking catch.....

Flip, I am sure you have your reasons for making the comments you have.....but the way you come across makes YOU seem like the foolish one.

If the guy has broken any laws and the authorities have been notified, calling people out on the internet isnt doing anything at all.


fishing user avataral reply : 


fishing user avatarflipnsonofapitch reply : 

Right on guys, sorry if i came off harsh allen. I shouldent have taken my anger out on another member, my apologies. I'm still cooling off over this whole thing. Sinjin has hurt screwed over some really good friends of mine, (the problem is deeper than i can say) however i s

Fish Hard guys!!


fishing user avatarSPEEDBEAD. reply : 

No worries   ;)

Good luck with the whole situation, hopefully it works itself out.


fishing user avatarWRB reply : 

Don't know if the members on this site are aware of the size of the lower afterbay at Castaic; less than 2,500 feet long and 400 feet wide ; 1/2 mile X 1/8 mile pond. Pressure is a way of life for these giant bass and they seem to survive OK, unless poached. The afterbay is closed to night fishing.


CalTIP #916/653.7664

fishing user avataral reply : 

Its all good I know you were just venting and frustrated no worries here :)

fishing user avatarSinjin Kim reply : 
Hey Sinjin, nice fish.  Hopefully you and Tom don't fair so well on Friday   :)

Well, actually I hope you guys do stick a toad.  I just hope that I get one an ounce larger  ;)

Good job man!

This thread is pretty d**n old but wanted to reply to this reply of yours. Isn't it funny how things worked out. You wanted us to go 1/2 at the FOCL event back in September and that is exactly what happened.  ;D

We made a crucial error. We didn't have a close enough estimate of our limit in the live well. Actually, we were off by 4 pounds! Had we known we had over 17#s, we would have targeted another 4-5# fish with the techniques that caught us the bulk of the fish and possibly have culled our smallest fish which went 2#.

Instead, we though we needed a 7-8# kicker and spent the last hour throwing big baits and it didn't pay off.

I am glad you guys won that night. Coming in second at my first tournament with a new partner wasn't too shabby.

Taking 1st the very next tournament was an awesome feeling!

It all starts again next month. Are you fishing the FOCL this year? I plan to fish the Piru as well as the DVL series as well this year.

See you out there.

fishing user avatarProP-JunKie reply : 

very nice bro!!!! ;D

fishing user avatarInfidel. reply : 
It all starts again next month. Are you fishing the FOCL this year? I plan to fish the Piru as well as the DVL series as well this year.

See you out there.

I'll be at the FOCL, don't know about Piru.  Want to but Josh and I will have to see how money is.  DVL would be great but Josh's boat has a two stroke.  Will you be fishing those with Tom?  Good luck out there.

fishing user avatarSinjin Kim reply : 
It all starts again next month. Are you fishing the FOCL this year? I plan to fish the Piru as well as the DVL series as well this year.

See you out there.

I'll be at the FOCL, don't know about Piru.  Want to but Josh and I will have to see how money is.  DVL would be great but Josh's boat has a two stroke.  Will you be fishing those with Tom?  Good luck out there.

I am not 100% certain if I am going to be fishing with Tom for the FOCL. I want to fish with someone who is certain he is going to make all the tournaments for the year. As for Piru or DVL, I will be fishing with someone else.

Tom is busy with his new kid and time off is usually a problem.

fishing user avatarJamesUSCG reply : 

Inspiring. Awesome, SK.

Catches like that elevate the sport, (LOVED the **release** picture.) draw interest to the parks and waterways, which we all benefit from. Attracting people to bass fishing makes people more conscious of conservation, revealing the waters to be living ecosystems, not just lifeless racetracks for personal watercraft or something to sit next to while working on the tan.

Checked in this morning, and I can confirm that bass are indeed not on the endangered species list. Congratulations on such a fine fish! If I had caught it, (and I plan to.) I probably would have taken out a full-page ad in the Wall-Street Journal, called Rapala about an endorsement deal, and started wearing tournament jerseys to church. :)

Taking my son out to the upper lake this morning in our little 10' suitcase boat.

Again, congrats on being a great example of responsible angling, and, frankly, astonishing restraint. -- JP

fishing user avatarmcbassin reply : 

GIANT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :o :o

fishing user avatarSin_City702 reply : 
I do not agree completely the littering part yes I understand Posting it in 15 forums Yes abit much but getting mad because a lot of people are going to fish the lagoon and ruin your spot..... give me a break I live in the same area and know why the LMB are so big in that Lagoon.The reason why though is because someone told me about it so i could go there and catch fish and have FUN!!!!!!!! I welcome anyone who wants to fish in the waters we have here thats the beauty of fishing is passing it on to a family member or friend as long as its good clean fun why not. Being Selfish like that is just flat bad sportsman ship. the poor guy was probably extremly excited and bored at

Like i said this goes alot deeper than i want to get into, castaic is not "my spot" i have never even fished the lake in my life, claiming bad sportsmanship is not so bright on your part because this particular situation has nothing to do with sportsmanship, more to do exploiting fishing spots on the internet for praises, selfishness is not an issue here at all on my part, its the protection of fisheries from those that do not care to c.p.r, clean up trash, obey d.f.g laws and fish ilegally, the consequence of this usually turns out bad for the smart angler, and yes i belive strongley that there are idiot fisherman and smart anglers, so the poor guy at work maybe should find a better job that sittting over his p.c in sloth mode being a comment hore and bringing the crowds to other's spots do you have any idead how many member f.f.n has?? and half of them are just lurkers. I dont think you see the whole picture and your lack of knowledge in this partictular situation just makes you look a bit foolish. Do you research buddy.

I have fished the main lake at Castaic almost every weekend for years. The lower lake is never "Presurred" The most boats i have every seen out there at once was 9!!!! CALM DOWN! It is still full of great fish.


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