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Anybody From the Pacific Northwest? 2025

fishing user avatardurhamluke reply : 

Just wondering if there is anybody from the Pacific Northwest on here. It seems that most of the people on here are from the east. I feel alone in this place! message/comment if you are from the northwest!

fishing user avatarGlenn reply : 

There's several from here, including me (Maple Valley).  Welcome!

fishing user avatarWCCT reply : 

Me too.  :)  I live in Enumclaw, but was raised in eastern Washington.  Welcome.

fishing user avatarOregon reply : 

Im in SO Oregon. I feel like a loner here too :P

fishing user avatarbpm2000 reply : 


fishing user avatarWABass reply : 

Omak Washington here :)

fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 

Welcome aboard!


fishing user avatarHUNTER19 reply : 

SPokane!!!! Welcome

fishing user avatarMikey40 reply : 

Another one from Southern Oregon here, originally from Astoria OR.

fishing user avatarswamprat reply : 

Hell yea!!!! I live in the Northwest. from Mississippi originaley . I fish the southend quite a bit. IE spanaway lake, rapjohn,silver,ohop, west side.   east side Columbia river, Mardon (sand dunes for LM, levee for smallies) have caught some nice LM last year and looking forward to this year. I have a 16 ft flat bottom that is set for Bass. In my opinon if you can catch Bass in Western Wa you can catch bass anywhere.

Swamprat out


fishing user avatarHogHooker reply : 

i'm about as northwest as it gets in the bass category, Vancouver BC Canada.

fishing user avatarPopeye reply : 

A hearty WELCOME to BR!!! Best bass forum on the internet, IMO:o)

fishing user avatarim4fishnak reply : 

Yup, currently living in Alaska, Not too many bass up here, My house is for sale, and am moving down to northern CA.  Can't wait to lay into another bucket mouth.

fishing user avatarthe old fishing pond reply : 

oregon here

fishing user avatarT_Dot reply : 

seattle and vancity


fishing user avatarBassChump reply : 

Central Oregon coast here. Bass country. I'm lucky. Plenty of fishing here. Lots of lakes, rivers, streams, bays, etc.

New to bass fishing but having lots of fun so far. 8-)

fishing user avatarbunktheclown reply : 

Just south of Portland Oregon here!!

fishing user avatarNick_Barr reply : 

Olympia/Lacey, WA

Have not been on in a while, but I am trying to make it back.


fishing user avatarMarc reply : 

Steilacoom, WA here.  You aren't alone.



fishing user avatarProP-JunKie reply : 

Spokane here or should I say "the new Alaska" whats with all the snow?!?!?! Anyhoo you have company and welcome and like to hear from ya...later

fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 

Welcome aboard!


fishing user avatarscottylook reply : 

Southern Oregon here, Grants Pass

fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 

Welcome aboard!


fishing user avatarBassyak reply : 

I'm here in Bremerton on Kitsap Peninsula for another year or so, and then hopefully back in the south (Texas, if I have my wish)!

fishing user avatarbassmaster3000 reply : 

eastern WA!!!

fishing user avatarFarmerBass reply : 

Grants Pass Oregon..  Your not alone, just spread out.


fishing user avatarBlue Devil reply : 

I'm in the Olympia WA  area, always trying to find new fishing buddies and learn more.


fishing user avatarscarycrow reply : 

Beaverton, OR here. Just outside Portland. Fairly new to the area, going on 7 years. So been exploring for new spots and discovering the area.

fishing user avatarSJex reply : 

Vancouver, B.C.

fishing user avatarRLampi reply : 
Another one from Southern Oregon here, originally from Astoria OR.

Astoria, OR! VERY close to where i live and fish... bass fishing as close as it gets to the ocean

fishing user avatarcrasha51pan reply : 

Not Pacific, but Northwest works. N/W Montana and we got fish !

fishing user avatarurp reply : 

Medford, Or. here.

fishing user avatarrat-l-trapper reply : 

Wow, there's alot more people here from Oregon than I thought. I'm from southern Oregon, Ashland to be exact.

fishing user avatarProCrafter reply : 

been gone here in Covington Wa. near Maple Valley.

fishing user avatarHuntFishAK reply : 

Spokane, WA here.

fishing user avatarWoolleyBass reply : 

Sedro Woolley, WA Bass fishing everyday. It's Great.

fishing user avatarHinkle2891 reply : 

I'm in the Willamette Valley, OR, and yes, it does seem kinda lonesome here. Plus, finding bass fishermen around here are kind of hard, because everyone around here fishes for steelhead and salmon. it sucks, because i always get the fishing fever around this time of year when it's really cold out, and all the rivers are too high for steelhead, but it's real hard to catch bass!

fishing user avatarbassattackerdad reply : 

Southern Oregon here too. We fish Emigrant, Applegate, Lost Creek Lake, Howard Prairie, Hyatt, Galesville, Irongate, Cottage Grove, Dorena, Ten Mile, Tahkenitch, the Willamette, the Umpqua, Foster, Green Peter, Crane Prairie, Shasta, Shastina, Prineville.

fishing user avatarHinkle2891 reply : 
Southern Oregon here too. We fish Emigrant, Applegate, Lost Creek Lake, Howard Prairie, Hyatt, Galesville, Irongate, Cottage Grove, Dorena, Ten Mile, Tahkenitch, the Willamette, the Umpqua, Foster, Green Peter, Crane Prairie, Shasta, Shastina, Prineville.

i fish tahkenitch quite a bit. what works well for ya there? i like chartreuse and white spinnerbaits.

fishing user avatarflippin and pitchin reply : 

Welcome !  Longview Wa. here !  Raised in Eugene, GO DUCKS. Lots of bassers in my local area. I want to get in touch with bassattackerdad and pick his brain about Green Peter.

fishing user avatarTeal101 reply : 

Wenatchee WA.  Fish Moses mainly for smallies.

fishing user avatarAdam G reply : 


Spokane native, born and raised on Liberty Lake!

That's where that nice 5lb'er in the profile pic comes from FYI...

fishing user avatarsilverbullet32 reply : 

sedro-woolley, washington right here

fishing user avatarGlenn reply : 

Looks like Washington state is getting well-represented!  8-)

fishing user avatarBig Fish Rice reply : 

Spokane, WA here.

Fishing lakes mostly south of the big city (Amber, Badger, Chapman,Williams, Clear, Bonnie, Rock, Downs, and much more)

Going to try Banks lake, and maybe even Lake Roosevelt if I get the chance.

fishing user avatarsilverbullet32 reply : 

Sedro-Woolley, WA right here!

fishing user avatarbassmaster85 reply : 

Tacoma, wa originally from NC & AL

fishing user avatarfish_rman2000 reply : 

Port Coquitlam B.C.

fishing user avatarMatt B reply : 

New guy from Pasco, WA!

fishing user avatarbillsarima reply : 

Forks, Wa.

fishing user avatarCAdeltaLipRipper reply : 

theres like no one from CA on this site lol

fishing user avatarGlenn reply : 

In CA located in the Pacific Northwest?  I mean, I know y'all have earthquakes and what not, but I don't recall hearing about one being THAT big! ;)

fishing user avataramankopf reply : 

im from cda idaho

fishing user avatarHAWGHUNTER88 reply : 

Yea,this is the coldest rain infested place I have ever been. Port Orchard, Wa. I can't believe how good the bas fishing is here.

fishing user avatarYogi965 reply : 

Estacada Oregon

fishing user avatarbassinsergeant reply : 

Just moved here in November. I haven't done any fishing yet but plan on it soon. I'm in the Yelm,WA area.

fishing user avatarflippin and pitchin reply : 
  On 6/13/2011 at 9:56 AM, bassinsergeant said:

Just moved here in November. I haven't done any fishing yet but plan on it soon. I'm in the Yelm,WA area.

Find Captain Ron Large. He will set you up. His ORI is NC I recall. Great guy. MP ????

fishing user avatarNick C reply : 

Auburn, Wa here!

fishing user avatarLastCast12 reply : 

Arlington, Washington... its a small town

fishing user avatarRodney Heupel reply : 

Tacoma, Washington member WBC. visit our web site at

fishing user avatarseadog92 reply : 

Just joined today. Can't wait to have the weather get a bit warmer so these old bones can start fishing again. Looking for someone that likes to hit perch, crappie, any and all freshwater pan fish to fish with. I'm in Tacoma.

fishing user avatarflippin and pitchin reply : 

Welcome Seadog92. I'm down here in Cowlitz County.

fishing user avatarSeth Mandich reply : 

Another southern Oregonian here! Guess theres a collection of us here!

fishing user avatarsenco lover reply : 

washington yaaaaaaaaaaaa

fishing user avatarurp reply : 

Another from So Oregon.

fishing user avatarQuillback reply : 

Not from there anymore, but lived almost 20 years in North Bend, WA. Spent most of my time chasing salmon in the Sound, steelies in the rivers, and trout in the lakes and rivers. There's some great smallie fishing in Lake Sammamish, and I hear Chelan smallies rock! great place to live if you like to fish.

fishing user avatarIneedAnewScreenName-972341 reply : 

Southern Oregon. Central Point to be exact.

fishing user avatarflippin and pitchin reply : 

Welcome ! Lot's of great folks here. Have you fished Galesville ?

fishing user avatarGlennMc7 reply : 

Poertland here

fishing user avatargreyleg33 reply : 

Medford, Or.

fishing user avatarmotobrad14 reply : 

Tri Cities here... anyone want to teach a newbie how to steelhead fish? haha from shore? Been doing pretty good on the yak for smallies with a popper and fly-pole. Just fished Naneum Lake near Ellensburg with caddis flys and got a few nice cutthroat!!

fishing user avatarRoushBasser reply : 

Another new guy from Orting, WA. This site is pretty much awesome and has so much info!!

fishing user avatarMrBadGuy reply : 

some guys from california?I go on vacation this year and want to catch some bass there!

fishing user avatarNWBasslover reply : 

I'm down in Lewiston, Id. So besides amankopf, is there anyone else on the Idaho side up north with us?

fishing user avatarHuskyKMA reply : 

I'm in Camas, WA. Haven't done much bass fishing around here, been focusing on the salmon and steelhead but I hope to start learn where the bass are.

fishing user avatarmotodmast reply : 
  On 2/18/2013 at 8:38 AM, RoushBasser said:

Another new guy from Orting, WA. This site is pretty much awesome and has so much info!!

Im from Enumclaw, right up the road , i fish tapps alot also, i seen your post on that 8 you got on tapps! nice green!

fishing user avatarAnglerNo.2112 reply : 

Hey new guy from Olympia Wa checking in here, bumping an old thread!

fishing user avatarOregon Native reply : 

Lived in Oregon 60 years now it Tennessee. Loved bass fishing the west coast. Columbia, Delta, Shasta, Orville. May get to come back this summer and check out Columbia for couple days. Not best time of year but can be awesome.

Tight lines

fishing user avatarWolfyBrandon reply : 

Spokane, WA

fishing user avatarstarcraft1 reply : 

Does N. Cal. count? I'll be fishing a lot of so.Og. this spring, summer, and fall. I've heard all about the Rouge for salmon & steelies, but I'll be looking for smallies. I was also told about 5 lakes around the Grants Pass area. One holds the state LG record. Looking forward to it. Got a buddy in Merlin to hold up with.  Two more months! 

fishing user avatardea reply : 

Me me me.  I just joined.  Everett, WA.


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