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Want Your Guess at the Weight of This One 2025

fishing user avatarRich K reply : 

I caught this one last Saturday night in SW Michigan. This is my first large smallie. We were poorly prepared to catch anything of this size and had no scale and/or tape measure with us. My father-in-law was with me and is a carpenter by trade (knows his measurements) - He guesses this fish would have been 5 lbs, but you know how they always look bigger when you first catch them (adrenaline, etc...). We both agreed that this is a 20" fish, but I would like some of you guys who have caught bigger ones to share what your guess would be of the weight of this one.

Thanks for your input!



fishing user avatarfourbizz reply : 

Looks around 4 to me. Great smallie!

fishing user avatarPigsticker reply : 

Awesome fish probably around 4-5 lbs depending on girth

I haven't fished for smallmouth in awhile makes want to get back into it :)

fishing user avatarCyork reply : 

4+, probably close to 4 1/2.  Nice fish.   :)

fishing user avatarbigbaitfisher reply : 

Absolutely beautiful smallmouth.  I would have to guess around 4 to 4.5 pounds, which is an excellent smallmouth no matter where you are!!

Nice catching!

fishing user avatarthetr20one reply : 

Yeah thats around 4lbs!! Nice fish!!

fishing user avatarSuskyDude reply : 

3.5 lbs

Seriously doubt twenty inches as well, looks closer to 18.

Sorry,  not being a hater, but I've caught and weighed ALOT of fish that size.

Nice fish either way, and I love the pic! The mashed up cigar is a nice touch.

fishing user avatarSam reply : 

Let's see.

She looks about 18 inches long and a total of 14 inches grith.


18 X 18 X 14 = 3.78


If you can give us the length from the photo and then estimate the grith you can use the above formula to estimate the weight.

And that is a beautiful smallie.

Good job!   :)

fishing user avatarRich K reply : 

Thanks for the kind words! This is my PB SM. I caught a largie at 20.5" and 14.25" girth - that weighed in at 5lbs 14 oz. That is my PB. Big fish for Northern Illinois.

I could see how you might think the fish is shorter than 20", but we know the length was 20" - For a frame of reference, I am not a small guy - 6' - 230 lbs with broad shoulders. I do a lot of shore fishing and have measured from my fingertips to the inside crease of my left elbow and that is 18" - this fish was 19.5 - 20"...

fishing user avatarhuskybass reply : 

That smallie looks to be around 4 pounds to me, given your size as a background.  Congrats.  

fishing user avatarGary D. reply : 

I'd say 3-1/2 to 3-3/4lbs

Nice Fish!!!!!

To give you an example click on my name on my avatar

That fish was a little over 19inches, and was 4lbs on the nose

Pics are deceiving but scales don't lie, LOL ;D

fishing user avatarhuskybass reply : 

To give you a frame of reference, here are (in order) a 4-0, 4-4, 4-8 and 5-0. I'm sure you will be able to tell which one yours is closest in size to.









Nice catch, congrats. And best of luck with your replica mount.

fishing user avatarBassnajr reply : 

I guess 3lbs. 11oz. Great fish...nice job!!! I caught a 2lb. 11oz. smallie the other day (my PB) in a pond not really known for smallies. Great fish........Congrats!!!

fishing user avatarRich K reply : 

Thanks for keeping it real guys! I really appreciate all of the feedback. I am still on the quest for a 5lb+ smallie!

fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 

3 - 3 1/2 lbs

Nice fish!


fishing user avatarGrey Wolf reply : 

Cast all doubt aside and buy a scale. Nice smallie.

fishing user avatarX-Rap reply : 

id say 4-4.5 great fish

fishing user avatarSenkoShawn reply : 

im normally very good at this i say 3.12

fishing user avatarArtificial Only reply : 

I would guess a 4 pounder is real close.Nice fish bud.

fishing user avatarSQUAREHEAD reply : 

I'm thinking around four to four and a half.  Nice fish!

fishing user avatarTin reply : 
3.5 lbs

Seriously doubt twenty inches as well, looks closer to 18.

Sorry, not being a hater, but I've caught and weighed ALOT of fish that size.

Nice fish either way, and I love the pic! The mashed up cigar is a nice touch.

Ya I would agree with that and that is on the heavy side.

fishing user avatarsoroted51 reply : 

Nice fish.  Here's a 5-7


fishing user avatarSenkoShawn reply : 

nice fish but from that pic. it IS NOT 20 inches more like 17-18

fishing user avatar5bass reply : 

3 - 3 1/2 pounds

Its a goodun'

fishing user avatarMrs. Matstone reply : 

I have no idea on the size of it but that is one beautiful  smallie! Congrats to you.  ;D

fishing user avatarrondef reply : 

Looks like it is time to invest in a scale so you don't have to ask others to guess the weight.  That is a beautiful smallie though.

fishing user avatarRich K reply : 

Thanks for the feedback.

I did buy a scale - just waiting for it to ship now...

Thanks again!

fishing user avatarfarmpond1 reply : 

I would guess around 4 lbs.  Nice fish!

fishing user avatarRich K reply : 

** New Information **

I should have thought of this sooner, but I had my wife measure the front of my shoulders - that came out to be 21". While not huge and I am holding the fish closer to the camera than I am - this should give some perspective when I say that this fish was 20".

According to the weight calculator on this site, It came out to 4.8 lbs.

Any new guesses at the weight?

fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 
3 - 3 1/2 lbs

Almost three weeks later and it still looks about the same to me.


fishing user avatarDan: reply : 

^ what he said.

fishing user avatarMichBassMan reply : 

Nice fish, I'd say over 3lbs. and under 4lbs.

fishing user avatarGRIZZ reply : 

I'll go with Sam 3.78

The cigar? A Punch champion??? ;)

fishing user avatarRich K reply : 

Man, you guys are brutal! I can't explain enough how big this fish was. Friends who know me and my size say it looks so big it looks fake. My uncle-in-law caught another smallie one out of the same waters that weighed at 3.5 lbs and it was a lot smaller than this fish.

Anyway, thanks for the feedback! I am definitely encouraged that I have a scale now and will be sure to use it!

The cigar I was smoking is a Gurkha Legend. Great smoke with a lot of coffee overtones that I love! As you can see I was thoroughly enjoying it - right down to the nub!

fishing user avatarTournyFish001 reply : 


fishing user avatarBassboss reply : 

4-4 1/2lbs

Very nice small mouth!!  8-)


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