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Which Lure Would You Surf Fish With? 2025

fishing user avatarsmr_hga reply : 

I'll be coming up on a somewhat difficult decision soon considering i have 0 knowledge on surf fishing. Yes, i know they're bass lures but i have no other options.

Here are my choices:


Rebel Pop-R


Johnson's Silver Minnow Weedless Spoon


Spinnerbait W/ Saltwater Jig


Square Bill Crank

fishing user avatarthe reel ess reply : 

Well, I went to BPS at Myrtle Beach and picked up all the shiny stuff I see on TV. Then I found an associate and asked his opinion and he told me to put it all away and gave me 2 lures: Gold Johnson Silver Minnow and White Gulp Mullet. He handed me a popping cork and jigheads. He said that would cover redfish, flounder and trout. I caught 2 flounder, keeper size, though I didn't keep them.


The popping cork with jig was for Trout/reds. The Johnson spoon was for reds. You can drag the Gulp Mullet on the jighead for flounder. If you get a bite from a flounder, let them take it for about 12-15 sec. It takes them a while to take the bait.



fishing user avatarBig C reply : 

I think the spoon and the popper are the best choices you have.  If you use the popper make it really chug, remember it's not for bass the more obnoxious the splash the better. 


If you are going to buy an additional lure make it a 3-4" Berkely GULP! "New Penny" shrimp on a red or chart. jig head.  Those are absolutely killer.

fishing user avatarSenko lover reply : 

You have no other options? At least get a non-weedless spoon, that should cover most species. 

fishing user avatarblckshirt98 reply : 

I'm not sure about Florida but out here in Calfornia the baits that do the best are -


1) 2" Gulp Camo Sandworms - affectionately nicknamed "crack".  Carolina Rig.


2) Soft shelled(molting) sandcrabs, dug up from the sand for free.  Carolina Rig.


3) Motor oil/red flake (and variant) 1.5-2" grubs.  Carolina Rig.


4) 3" Big Hammers  On a swimbait head.


5) Classic casting irons - Kastmasters and Krocodiles.


6) Luckycraft Flashminnow



From your list I'd use the Johnson' spoon first for sure.  The popper might work (any fish out there that hits topwater?) too.  The squarebill crank I'd avoid because the currents might make it swim really weird.

fishing user avatarsmr_hga reply : 
  On 10/27/2015 at 3:18 AM, Big C said:

I think the spoon and the popper are the best choices you have.  If you use the popper make it really chug, remember it's not for bass the more obnoxious the splash the better. 


If you are going to buy an additional lure make it a 3-4" Berkely GULP! "New Penny" shrimp on a red or chart. jig head.  Those are absolutely killer.

Lol i actually do have a pack of gulp shrimp 3" in new penny XD I just don't want to risk them getting destroyed by a bluefish or jack.

fishing user avatarthe reel ess reply : 

That spinnerbait looks like a decent one for reds too. Although they might rip it to shreds if it's not sturdy.

fishing user avatarWeld's Largemouth reply : 

None of those. They would hardly cast far at all. Get a 6-7" wood pencil  popper. It also depends on where you are fishing and for what.

fishing user avatarsmr_hga reply : 
  On 10/27/2015 at 3:52 AM, Weld said:

None of those. They would hardly cast far at all. Get a 6-7" wood pencil  popper. It also depends on where you are fishing and for what.

I can cast about 50yds with these... I'll be fishing here on the east coast of florida (around Daytona Beach) If i catch anything it'll probably be bluefish, jacks, ladyfish etc. I think a 6-7in lure would be too big. Especially since i'll be using 15lb line.

fishing user avatarA-Jay reply : 
The Bucktail Jig has been producing in the Surf for a Long, Long, Long Time.




Big Linesider

fishing user avatarbuzzed bait reply : 

i'm no salt fisher, but the spoon and that pop-r would be my first options.  

and i know most folks suggested a bucktail jig as an all around surf lure.  you can find some for fairly cheap too.

fishing user avatarthe reel ess reply : 

If you can get into an inlet or river or creek, your odds get better with the reds, flounder and trout. And it's a lot easier to fish and cast in the skinnier water. I was using a kayak that day. You can rent them near most beach communities and they'll even bring them down to the launch or beach for you and come back and get it when you call or at a prearranged time

fishing user avatarbigbill reply : 

The ATOM popper of course in blue and white. For blueish.

Rubber surgical tubing(eels) with a weighted head for stripers

Large Kastmaster silver with white Bucktail.


There's a spoon that turns in a circle it's hot for trolling for blues and weakfish.

fishing user avatartomustang reply : 

If you can't spend $10~20 on salt tackle, how can you afford to fish the surf?

fishing user avatarChris at Tech reply : 

You're begging for heartbreak... :)

Spend $5 and at least get a Krocodile spoon so you'll have something which can withstand more than one angry saltwater fish.

fishing user avatarfisherrw reply : 

Panther matin for surf perch

fishing user avatarjbw252 reply : 

Wherever you're going, stop at the local tackle shop & ask.  They'll be happy to help you out.  Buy local & help them out.  If you can't afford stuff, ask around - somebody must have some saltwater gear to lend out.  A-Jay gave you a great tip on the bucktails, especially with a trailer (pork rind or plastic). 

fishing user avatarsmr_hga reply : 
  On 10/27/2015 at 5:13 AM, tomustang said:

If you can't spend $10~20 on salt tackle, how can you afford to fish the surf?

Alright Alright I'll get some lures lol

fishing user avatarBobP reply : 

I'd start with a Carolina rig, 3/4-1 oz, with live bait or Gulp.  I'd also try a standard bottom rig, with 2 hooks and a pyramid sinker and live bait.  The right bait depends on what species are near shore when you go fishing.  Check some surf fishing and pier fishing sites to get an update on what's biting. Then stop at a local fishing gear store to get an update and maybe the exact lures you will need.  Some of the species that are fun to catch have very particular feeding habits and it's no use fishing for them unless you have the right gear and baits.  You may also want to upsize your gear and line diameter to accommodate critters like rays, sharks, and bluefish.  

fishing user avatarbigbill reply : 
  On 10/27/2015 at 5:13 AM, tomustang said:

If you can't spend $10~20 on salt tackle, how can you afford to fish the surf?

I use a $15 hurricane rod with a better reel and linear

fishing user avatarbigbill reply : 

Don't forget the wire leader.

We used stainless wire line with Penn 49M reels trolling for blues in a boat in long Iland sound.

fishing user avatarbigfruits reply : 
  On 10/27/2015 at 3:31 AM, LiftedSquare13 said:

Lol i actually do have a pack of gulp shrimp 3" in new penny XD I just don't want to risk them getting destroyed by a bluefish or jack.


you wouldnt trade a gulp shrimp for a bluefish fight? all day!


stop by a tackle shop near the beach and get a a couple of white bucktail jigs and white soft plastic paddle tail swimbaits or other long white trailer. while youre in there, get some cut bait (ask someone whats working at the bait shop) and cast it out on your heaviest rod with a big weight and keep your eye on it while you cast your artficial lure.


the popper is probably a little small but if a school of bluefish swim by it will be a good time. id use the larger of the baits you posted above if you have to use bass lures.

fishing user avatarClackerBuzz reply : 
  On 10/27/2015 at 4:00 AM, A-Jay said:


The Bucktail Jig has been producing in the Surf for a Long, Long, Long Time.



fishing user avatarA-Jay reply : 
  On 10/28/2015 at 12:40 PM, ClackerBuzz said:



Man ~ I Really Miss that fishing.


Very Special.



fishing user avatarsoflabasser reply : 

The lures you posted will catch some saltwater fish, but will most likely be destroyed by them. Saltwater fish are on another level and you need to step up your lures and gear. Some lures that I recommend are


Rapala Skitter Walk's

Rapala  Xrap's


Bomber Magnum Long A's

Saltwater jigs of various sizes

fishing user avatareverythingthatswims reply : 

Jerkbait and lipless crank are some bass baits that do REALLY well in the salt



Also, I have caught my fair share of flounder on medium diving crankbaits



If I had one choice, 4" gulp swimming mullet 3/8oz jighead

fishing user avatarbigbill reply : 

Big sale at over stocked bait & tackle right now.


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