Hey, this is one of my first posts and I just wanted to say hello to all the people on this forum, i'm a newbie when it comes to fishing and i've learned a ton already from reading all the articles on this site.
The last couple days i've fished two different lakes and have gotten few bites each time. Today I hit a few bass in the face with a couple different lures and they just sat there and shot me the bird. One bass in particular was kind of pacing back and forth real close to the bank like it was guarding something and no matter what I threw over there it ignored it. I'm wondering if this is a behavior of a spawing bass or what?? Yesterday, at another lake, I noticed the bass feeding on huge groups of tiny shad close to the bank but again they wouldnt bite anything i threw at them. I guess my question is, how do you know when bass are spawning? (the weather here has been cooler than usual for this time of year, today it actually got up in the 80's but its mostly been in the 50's when the sun goes down and 60's during the day). Also, is it strange to actually slap a bass in the face with a lure and still get no bite? or do I just really suck at fishing?
You got it! Definetely a bass gaurding a nest. If he didn't get scared off by the sight of you or your lure hitting him in the face he is for sure catchable. Find the spot in the nest where he doesn't want your bait to be. Make reapeated cast back at it. Your bait being in it's nest will eventually tick him off enough to pick up your bait and move it off. Watch your line closely and be certain he has the bait in it's mouth and set the hook. Bed fishing can be some of the most fun and frustrating fishing at the same time.
Even though you are a Tennessee fan I will give a link to the best way I know of to catch these bird shooten bass that you have seen.
Go Dawgs
go catch some bedding fish, it took me 3 attempts to get one off of a bed with a craw, hit em in the nose the 3rd time and it was on!
QuoteGo Dawgs
Who dat? Georgia maybe?
One thing i've done this year is pitch a tube in there and if she doesn't hit it after a while I started hiting her with the tube and after a couple times a that she just turned around and killed it.
Go Gators!
Go Rebels!
I know they sucked last year, but I just had to throw that in since ya'll seem to be making a round through the SEC.
Welcome to the forum. It's the best.
GO BIG 12!!!!!!!! ;D
One thing you might try on a bedding fish, is take a spinnerbait and burn it by the bass's bed several times. Make sure the get the bait in front of the bass so it'll see it. Do this several times (5 or 6) Then on the next cast burn it to the bed and KILL IT. Let the spinnerbait fall into the bed. A lot of the time they'll jump all over that dude! It's worked for me!
Good tip Skeeter. I usually target bedding bass with plastics. I'll have to your suggestion.
Go *****! ok, we may not be very good this year...but the prison team will be awesome! just ask Tennessee!
You will never catch fish as long as you are a Tennessee fan. Go with the LSU Fighting Tigers and catch fish after fish after fish. Wear purple and gold in place of orange and you will see a dramatic difference in your success. And don't forget that we sometimes jive each other on this site with lots smiles and fun. Actually, I like UT except when they play LSU. Remember, BEAT FLORIDA!
Hey Sam, Tell that to Bill Dance.
the best way to catch those bass is to pitch your favorite soft plastic right into the middle of the bed and just leave it there. He will eventually pick it up to move it and SET THE HOOK.
Hope this helps.
Write back and let us know.
Hey thanks for all the tips. I havent had a chance to try them out yet but its gonna be fun seeing what works.
UT gets Florida in the swamp this year and they're goin down for the second year in a row. The best thing about the upcoming season is that spurrier is once again available for a nice beating,..which he is always badly in need of. ;D
Watch your Bass and it will face the sweet spot. Flip a white lizard past the bed, drag it slowly back to the sweet spot and just wiggle the rod tip gently which will make the lizard look as if it is eating the eggs. It may take some effort and repeated casts but if the Bass stays in the area he/she is catchable. Try it --it works.
I've been catching bedding bass, sometimes two or three times with the same fish, using a multi-colored black jig with either a black or black/chartruese pork trailer. Throw it into the bed or just past it and hop it back into the bed. Let it sit, jiggle it and always watch your line especially if you can't actually see the fish. Crawdad trailer work pretty well also. Give it a try! Good luck!
Is this the Question at hand?
how do you know when bass are spawning?
I think they like their privacy, so with the blinds down and the covers over them.....LMAO...... ;D
"how do you know when bass are spawning?"
The bottom tip of the tail will be red (raw) from clearing a nest.
they frequently smoke a cigarette when they have finished
Many moons ago, while fishing a friends farm pond I noticed these very large bass on sandy, rocky bottoms. 8) There must have been 12 to 14 bass in a 30ft. by 30ft. area in the 8 to 12 pound range. They ignored every thing I tossed at them, live bait, artficial etc... :-X I spent the whole day trying to catch these uncooperating hawgs.
Feeling frustrated but not defeated I went home with an upset stomach. :-[ Back at the house my mind worked overtime. How can I go tomorrow and catch those fish? ??? My wife offered me an "ALKA-SELTZER" for my stomach. As I was about to take it I accidently dropped it in the sink with used dish water. Wow! Look at all of those bubbles.
I tied " ALKA-SELTZER" to #4 hook, I caught almost every bedding bass, then released them. Next time you you see bedding bass break the "ALKA-SELTZER" and place it in a tube jig and hold on... :-* Come 2 Poppa!
try flipping a small lizard that is the color or the bottom of the lake. put it on a small hook with a piece of nail in the head, no sliding weight. toss it right on the bed and it will fall head first, and it will look like it is eating the eggs. bass willl get mad and try to move it. set the hook
Quotethey frequently smoke a cigarette when they have finished![]()
Oh yeah...Go TARHEELS
When you can't catch them.
What does that abreviation mean you guys left me Oh Yea Go St.Johns
it means laughing my a$$ off.
No problem.
Okay....it goes like this...
First..A "Boy" bass meets a "Girl" bass at say...a Spring Bass Dance where the two dance and snuggle and after a long discussion with Her Parents and with their permission they are allowed to see each other again......but that would take far to long to discuss in real time as this message board would be just that...board! so.......To speed things up.....they fall in love....he asks her to go to the spawning grounds...she says yes but only if her mother can come along....he says...GRRRRR....they start off...the mother-in-law bass gets caught by RoadWarrior and taken home for a fish fry and they live happily everafter...oh...they spawned in the spring when the water temp was like 60+ degrees and YADA YADA YADA....
What no dinner first? shheesh lol
when you see a bass chasing off other fish off its bed and you can see the bass and it won't budge unless it is casing something...
QuoteI tied " ALKA-SELTZER" to #4 hook, I caught almost every bedding bass, then released them. Next time you you see bedding bass break the "ALKA-SELTZER" and place it in a tube jig and hold on... :-* Come 2 Poppa!
That was a cool story.
I know bedding bass are sometimes tough to catch, but sometimes there aren't females, sometimes they are bucks guarding the bed. I noticed persistence pays off.
What's the deal with everyone misusing the forum to tout their favorite college team? The poor guy asks a question and you guys go off on your own tangent and start yelling out your favorite teams! Ridiculous I say!
That was a good story PAPA Glenn....now tell me another....lol
Would it still be called a peeping Tom if ya like to watch them go at it?....lol