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Night fishing and things that go bump in the night 2024

fishing user avatarjustfishin reply : 

                                                                                                                  I ran across this while surfing around. I was wondering, as a lot of us are night fishing now, have any of you had any spooky experiances while on the water at night?                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Scary Fishing Trip

Every word of this story is absolutely true.

For the last few months I have been fishing at an abandon mining pit. I guess when they were at around 200 feet they hit an underground steam. I guess they tried to pump it out but it was useless. Some equipment never made it out so I'm sure it makes pretty good cover for anything living down there.

Now I have seen some things there while fishing at night that I cannot explain. If my buddy hadn't been there to see this one I would have never mentioned to anyone. One day my Buddy and I were fishing on a very small island that drops off to well over 50 ft and just gets deeper farther out- Much Deeper.

Anyway we decided to pack it in about an hour before dark. As my buddy was trying to untangle his dog from his fishing line I saw something in the water about 40 feet away.

I didnt pay much attention thinkg it was a log. When I looked again it had moved about ten feet toward us, with no wind. So I said what is that. My buddy looked and said , I have no clue but it's coming toward us. We watched it for about minute or so when I remmebered I small binoculars in my takle box.

Now it was about 20 ft. away and I zoomed in to see what I can only describe as being about 2 1/2 feet wide about 12 to 14 inches high (thats just what was out of the water!) and it looked like a giant meatball with dark hair (or fur) on it. I couldn't see any eye's so I dont know we were looking at the head or back or what.

When my buddy looked with the binoculars he freaked . I said what do you think it is? His reply was, I dont know and I'm not sure I want to,but it's definetly coming toward us.Let's go!

That night we were trying to come up with any possible explanation for what we now call MEATWAD. Thats when we realised that thing was stalking his dog! (hopefully not us) It made sense that anything that big would need to eat alot. So it probably ambushed unsuspecting coyotes and things that came down to drink.

After that I never fish there at night alone and never without a gun!

fishing user avatarFish Chris reply : 

Here's a couple....

I was once night fishing in a North Louisiana swamp, by myself, at night. As I maneuvered my boat down a channel with trees and vines grown all the way over the top of it, I turned around to have my headlight shining straight at a big watersnake (Copperhead ?) hanging from a tree, and looking straight at my face, from about 1 foot away ! Yikes !


Last week my buddy was telling me about one of his solo night trips, in which he had on his I-Pod, cranking up some heavy metal (that in itself would freak me out..... it's already hard enough to see at night.... but then to take away the hearing too ?) So anyway, he said he started to smell something weird... like a barn yard or something. So he takes off his headphones, to find that he is basically surrounded by wild pigs, snorting, and grunting !


Anyway, I wouldn't consider myself a wimp, and I wouldn't even think twice about fishing at night, by myself. Done it plenty of times..... But the wild things out there can certainly be kind of spooky at times :-)



fishing user avatarNeedemp reply : 

We just had a couple of guys fishing a night tournament, here in MO, that had a rattle snake fall in the boat. They got snagged on shore, went to free it and pushed off. Then they noticed this unusual sound coming from the bottom of the boat. Shined the light down and discovered their uninvited passenger in a grumpy mood. They flung it out with a paddle and went on with the tournament.

fishing user avatarRaul reply : 

There are two things that stop me from nightfishing from the bank:

1.- that rattling sound you hear 3 ft away from your feet ain 't a RatL-Trap and

2.- that goofy little critter on your arm with a pointy tail and claws ain 't a crawfish.

fishing user avatarGeorge Welcome reply : 

Geez Raul, now you are giving me a case of the munchies.

fishing user avatarT-rig reply : 
There are two things that stop me from nightfishing from the bank:

1.- that rattling sound you hear 3 ft away from your feet ain 't a RatL-Trap and

2.- that goofy little critter on your arm with a pointy tail and claws ain 't a crawfish.

I wouldn't even consider fishing any place at night that has scorpions near it! No way man!

When I lived in Honduras (Bay Islands) I woke up  one morning and was going to put my shoes on. My friend, a local, which stood besides me said: wait! He took my shoe, shook it and out came this black scorpion.

fishing user avatarjustfishin reply : 

I fish a lot by myself at night and never got spooked too much but, you do hear and see things at night that can be creepy. I do remember watching a show about Sasquatch and they had a incident where down south somewhere where they have a so called " Swamp Ape ". The show did a reenactment of the incident. The guys were in a boat at night and heard something and smelled a strong odor out in a swamp and turned their spot light toward the bank and startled a Bigfoot whom started sreaming and held its hands up to block the light from its eyes. True or not true, if something like this happened to me I believe I would have to throw my Fruit of the Looms away !!!

fishing user avatarcart7t reply : 

Bats flying right around me get to me at times.  Even though I know they won't run into me, that little flitting noise they make as they pass right by my head can be a little un-nerving at times.  

fishing user avatarCatt reply : 

Pat & I were back in a little cove one cloudy overcast night in his 15' Alweld; he was up front with me in the back. From where I was in the back of the boat the bank was maybe 15 yards away; suddenly we hear this loud high pitched scream that raised the hair on the back of our necks, then the sound of something crashing through the buck bush along the bank followed by something slashing through the water straight behind me. Before Pat could pull up the trolling motor I had the Suzuki fired up and was ricocheting off of stump not stopping until we were a good ¼ mile off shore.

Didn't know what it was but I knew where I aint  

fishing user avatargoldenone7710 reply : 
                                                                                                                  I ran across this while surfing around. I was wondering, as a lot of us are night fishing now, have any of you had any spooky experiances while on the water at night?                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Scary Fishing Trip

Every word of this story is absolutely true.

For the last few months I have been fishing at an abandon mining pit. I guess when they were at around 200 feet they hit an underground steam. I guess they tried to pump it out but it was useless. Some equipment never made it out so I'm sure it makes pretty good cover for anything living down there.

Now I have seen some things there while fishing at night that I cannot explain. If my buddy hadn't been there to see this one I would have never mentioned to anyone. One day my Buddy and I were fishing on a very small island that drops off to well over 50 ft and just gets deeper farther out- Much Deeper.

Anyway we decided to pack it in about an hour before dark. As my buddy was trying to untangle his dog from his fishing line I saw something in the water about 40 feet away.

I didnt pay much attention thinkg it was a log. When I looked again it had moved about ten feet toward us, with no wind. So I said what is that. My buddy looked and said , I have no clue but it's coming toward us. We watched it for about minute or so when I remmebered I small binoculars in my takle box.

Now it was about 20 ft. away and I zoomed in to see what I can only describe as being about 2 1/2 feet wide about 12 to 14 inches high (thats just what was out of the water!) and it looked like a giant meatball with dark hair (or fur) on it. I couldn't see any eye's so I dont know we were looking at the head or back or what.

When my buddy looked with the binoculars he freaked . I said what do you think it is? His reply was, I dont know and I'm not sure I want to,but it's definetly coming toward us.Let's go!

That night we were trying to come up with any possible explanation for what we now call MEATWAD. Thats when we realised that thing was stalking his dog! (hopefully not us) It made sense that anything that big would need to eat alot. So it probably ambushed unsuspecting coyotes and things that came down to drink.

After that I never fish there at night alone and never without a gun!

What's even more strange is that there's a rock quarry in my hometown that had the exact same thing happen. They were down about 200-300 feet blasting with TNT and hit the water table. The quarry filled up very quickly and A LOT of equipment never made it out. This was back in the mid 1950's. When I was a teenager, me and a buddy slipped down there one evening as the sun was setting. We were fishing with 12lb line. We heard something hit the water to our left that sounded like someone dropped a cement block from an airplane. We were startled and looking around wondering what exactly we just heard. All of a sudden something hits his bait and turns like it swam straight to the bottom. It was pulling like someone had tied an anvil on his line. His drag was set somewhere in the 2/3 to 3/4 range (tight). He was reeling has fast as he could, but the brakes simply wouldn't hold whatever this was. He finally ran out of line and nearly had the rod jerked out of his hands right before his lined snapped. To this day I can't even imagine what it could have been.

fishing user avatarT-rig reply : 



fishing user avatarLow_Budget_Hooker reply : 

Cart, they WILL hit you, their sonar either isn't as great as it's made out to be or some of them get a little aggressive chasing the bugs,lol.  Eric was hit in the head once (luckily he has very short hair) and our rods have been hit numerous times.

Ok, here it is, LBH is crazy, whatever.

In 1994, my buddy Vinny (member of a very prominent motorcycle group- support 81  for those of you who know what that means) well, we were on the lake around 1am and we saw a UFO.  It was a light on the horizon that I pointed out to Vin and as he was saying, "that's weird",and then it suddenly shot straight up at an unknown speed, very high in the sky, and then it shot to the right like lightning and was gone.

Vin looked in my direction and simply said "Get me off the water, we have a better chance on land"  (as if that were true) but I didn't second guess him, my hand was already on the throttle.

Say what you will, I saw what I saw.


Another one, just the other night, I was fishing near shore, employing that "flipping a pattern" I wrote about a few weeks ago and something on land, nearby, let out a screech and scared the poop out of me.  As I settled down, trying to figure out what the heck it was, it barked.  Now, the first sound  can only describe as a terradactyl sound.  What the heck makes that sound and also a barking sound, I was freaked out.  I rolled film, is the audio, anyone help?

Now, I assumed from noise #1 that this thing was in a tree because it sounded high but I also heard leaves being stepped on coming from that area and thought an animal was near a birds nest and it was warding it off.

Erics dad insists it was a fox, anyone back him up or have another suggestion??


fishing user avatarCatt reply : 

Sounds to me like a screech owl or a crane of some type  ;)

fishing user avatarjustfishin reply : 

Did you ever see the Winnie The Pooh Movie during All Hallows Eve LBH? I think it was one of those " Spookables " that ol' Tiger was talking about !!!

fishing user avatarBass Smacker reply : 

Sounds like a owl. At least thats what I would have told myself so I could keep fishing...

fishing user avatarMicro reply : 

I was deer hunting several years ago.  I was hunting alone, on some paper-company land.   There were power lines that ran through the middle of the property and the land beneath them had been cleared.  I got into the woods long before sunrise, while the moon was still high.  It was cold, and everything had some frost on it giving everything an eery glow.  I had walked the trail under the power lines a few hundered yards and stopped.  I stood there for a few seconds very still and I closed my eyes.  I was holding my shotgun at a sort of port-arms position.  I took a few breaths and opened my eyes.  When I did I saw a very large owl heading straight for me, appearing to have the intention of landing on my head.  Instinctively, I yelled and hoisted my shot gun.  The owl veered off but came so close that I felt the woosh of wind on my face.   I'd probably have needed stiches if it had landed on my head.  

fishing user avatarNeedemp reply : 
I was deer hunting several years ago. I was hunting alone, on some paper-company land. There were power lines that ran through the middle of the property and the land beneath them had been cleared. I got into the woods long before sunrise, while the moon was still high. It was cold, and everything had some frost on it giving everything an eery glow. I had walked the trail under the power lines a few hundered yards and stopped. I stood there for a few seconds very still and I closed my eyes. I was holding my shotgun at a sort of port-arms position. I took a few breaths and opened my eyes. When I did I saw a very large owl heading straight for me, appearing to have the intention of landing on my head. Instinctively, I yelled and hoisted my shot gun. The owl veered off but came so close that I felt the woosh of wind on my face. I'd probably have needed stiches if it had landed on my head.

WOW :o

fishing user avatarCephkiller reply : 
In 1994, my buddy Vinny (member of a very prominent motorcycle group- support 81  for those of you who know what that means) well, we were on the lake around 1am and we saw a UFO.  It was a light on the horizon that I pointed out to Vin and as he was saying, "that's weird",and then it suddenly shot straight up at an unknown speed, very high in the sky, and then it shot to the right like lightning and was gone.

Any roads nearby?  With hills?  This same thing happened to me and a friend several times one night 15-20 years ago while night fishing.  We were getting pretty creeped out when I realized that it was headlights cresting a hill.  As the cars approached the hill (and driving towards our position), the glow from the headlights would slowly become visible on the horizon.  As the cars began to climb the hill, the light beams shot straight up to the sky.  As the cars crested the hill, the lights would veer off suddenly and disappear as they began to point down.  Sound familiar?

fishing user avatarburleytog reply : 

Another one, just the other night, I was fishing near shore, employing that "flipping a pattern" I wrote about a few weeks ago and something on land, nearby, let out a screech and scared the poop out of me. As I settled down, trying to figure out what the heck it was, it barked. Now, the first sound can only describe as a terradactyl sound. What the heck makes that sound and also a barking sound, I was freaked out. I rolled film, is the audio, anyone help?

Now, I assumed from noise #1 that this thing was in a tree because it sounded high but I also heard leaves being stepped on coming from that area and thought an animal was near a birds nest and it was warding it off.

Erics dad insists it was a fox, anyone back him up or have another suggestion??


Heron. They will scare you if you're not paying attention.

fishing user avatarLow_Budget_Hooker reply : 

Burley- We DO have Great Blue Heron at the lake....hmmmm

Ceph- no way, there was no mistake, all this happened above the horizon.  It defied all we know about airborne travel.

fishing user avatarsnapperd1 reply : 

LBH sounds like a fox to me.  We have them in the yard sometimes chacing the neibors cat they make the damdest noises.  Almost sounds like a scream more so then a bark.


fishing user avatarbassholebuster14 reply : 
                                                                                                                  I ran across this while surfing around. I was wondering, as a lot of us are night fishing now, have any of you had any spooky experiances while on the water at night?                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Scary Fishing Trip

Every word of this story is absolutely true.

For the last few months I have been fishing at an abandon mining pit. I guess when they were at around 200 feet they hit an underground steam. I guess they tried to pump it out but it was useless. Some equipment never made it out so I'm sure it makes pretty good cover for anything living down there.

Now I have seen some things there while fishing at night that I cannot explain. If my buddy hadn't been there to see this one I would have never mentioned to anyone. One day my Buddy and I were fishing on a very small island that drops off to well over 50 ft and just gets deeper farther out- Much Deeper.

Anyway we decided to pack it in about an hour before dark. As my buddy was trying to untangle his dog from his fishing line I saw something in the water about 40 feet away.

I didnt pay much attention thinkg it was a log. When I looked again it had moved about ten feet toward us, with no wind. So I said what is that. My buddy looked and said , I have no clue but it's coming toward us. We watched it for about minute or so when I remmebered I small binoculars in my takle box.

Now it was about 20 ft. away and I zoomed in to see what I can only describe as being about 2 1/2 feet wide about 12 to 14 inches high (thats just what was out of the water!) and it looked like a giant meatball with dark hair (or fur) on it. I couldn't see any eye's so I dont know we were looking at the head or back or what.

When my buddy looked with the binoculars he freaked . I said what do you think it is? His reply was, I dont know and I'm not sure I want to,but it's definetly coming toward us.Let's go!

That night we were trying to come up with any possible explanation for what we now call MEATWAD. Thats when we realised that thing was stalking his dog! (hopefully not us) It made sense that anything that big would need to eat alot. So it probably ambushed unsuspecting coyotes and things that came down to drink.

After that I never fish there at night alone and never without a gun!

What's even more strange is that there's a rock quarry in my hometown that had the exact same thing happen. They were down about 200-300 feet blasting with TNT and hit the water table. The quarry filled up very quickly and A LOT of equipment never made it out. This was back in the mid 1950's. When I was a teenager, me and a buddy slipped down there one evening as the sun was setting. We were fishing with 12lb line. We heard something hit the water to our left that sounded like someone dropped a cement block from an airplane. We were startled and looking around wondering what exactly we just heard. All of a sudden something hits his bait and turns like it swam straight to the bottom. It was pulling like someone had tied an anvil on his line. His drag was set somewhere in the 2/3 to 3/4 range (tight). He was reeling has fast as he could, but the brakes simply wouldn't hold whatever this was. He finally ran out of line and nearly had the rod jerked out of his hands right before his lined snapped. To this day I can't even imagine what it could have been.

these two kinda sound like gators or somthing of the like

fishing user avatarTheBeast reply : 

The one that made the sound of a cinder block being dropped from a plane was a beaver or otter one, they slap the water with their tale and it sounds like a cannon going off.  Had one swim up to within 4 feet of me wading the river once and had to warn my B-I-L of it coming toward him so he could make a move to scare it off.  It came up about 50 yards downstream again and slapped the water, wouldn't believe how loud it was if I hadn't heard it myself.

fishing user avatarburleytog reply : 
Burley- We DO have Great Blue Heron at the lake....hmmmm

They sound almost exactly like a pterodactyl.

Before I started working nights, I had never heard that sound. But we've got several around the plant and the first time I heard that 'call', I d**n near rurt myself.

fishing user avatarfourbizz reply : 

Heron. They will scare you if you're not paying attention.

Yep. I thought it was a funkin Yetti the first time I heard it. Creepy.

fishing user avatarjaystraw reply : 

I just had this happen a couple weeks ago and have been told by everyone it was a beaver:

I was out fishing on the Contoocook River last night in Henniker NH around 8:10pm. I was standing on a large rock fishing the strong current caused by the river getting a bit narrower. I heard a sound so loud just to my right (less than 2 feet away) that I thought the ledge I had been standing on earlier had given way and fallen 5 feet into the water. The ledge was still there, and there was no sign of any other activity.

I kept fishing, but I honestly was a bit shaken. About a couple minutes later, another similar large splash occurred about 10 feet upstream from me between two rocks that I had been fishing a minute before. I could not seen anything below the water, and there was no obvious animal that I could see.

Now, being a fisherman, I wanted to catch whatever it was (assuming it was a fish), but the two splashes I had heard made me reconsider that option. I was not sure my line would hold whatever could make a sound that big.

Either way, I never got a chance. I did not hear another splash until it was almost 50-100 feet upstream. I could clearly hear whatever it was as it splashed down into the water, even at that distance.

Scared the hell outta me. Now I've been told 100 times it was a beaver and I feel silly.

fishing user avatarFendercaster reply : 

justfishin -  

I don't know what you saw, but the most logical explanation would be an otter or beaver. If you were fishing out on the Bay, I'd say you had an encounter with Chessie!

What quarry were you fishing? I've heard some stories about the quarry near Dickerson.

fishing user avatarJ-Boogie reply : 

I had a fox jump in the boat one night. Yea it was nutts. He lungedback out to the water. Other than that,bobcats moaning and screaming like hell creeps me out

fishing user avatarjustfishin reply : 

Fendercaster, I picked that story up on the web, it wasn't a personal experiance.

fishing user avatarBassHunter69 reply : 

dang catt i'd have loved to see ya move that fast ya must have been like speedy gonzalies over there   ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Pat & I were back in a little cove one cloudy overcast night in his 15' Alweld; he was up front with me in the back. From where I was in the back of the boat the bank was maybe 15 yards away; suddenly we hear this loud high pitched scream that raised the hair on the back of our necks, then the sound of something crashing through the buck bush along the bank followed by something slashing through the water straight behind me. Before Pat could pull up the trolling motor I had the Suzuki fired up and was ricocheting off of stump not stopping until we were a good ¼ mile off shore.

Didn't know what it was but I knew where I aint


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