On average how long after your last fishing excursion does it take before you get the "itch" to fish again? And then, if not scratched, how long does it take for that "itch" to become a full-blown "panic"?
I can usually go about 2.5 days before the itch hits and if not gratified with a week, it becomes more of a panic. (During the winter months it becomes akin to a long term neurosis-bordering on psychosis-often accompanied by wild, staring eyes and incoherent babbling).
(The itch is getting pretty strong right now).
Couple hours
Im currently on day 8...and i dying!
taking the stuff out of the boat at the end of the trip.....
About the same as you...A good 8 or 10 hour day of fishing satisfies me for a couple days. Panic hits when it has been a week and there are no fishing trips planned to look forward to
I went on Sunday afternoon and I am feeling practically sick from wanting to fish.....
Other than a couple trips to a local pond lasting no more than an hour each I haven't been fishing in over 2 weeks now. Hold on... There are guys in white coats knocking on my door. It looks like they brought me a new coat.
Depends on how well I did. I'm usually not satisfied with a trip unless I catch at least one good size fish. Depending on the body of water that could be 3-5 lbs minimum. I'm never disappointed if I catch some decent ones, but I'd rather catch one beast. That usually holds me over as far as the itch goes, but it doesn't really matter either way. I'll be back out fishing again in a few days lol.
I start itching about 1 or two days after a trip (depending on how well that particular trip went) 3 or 4 days and im usually running a fever. Havent gone longer than a week since spring so im not sure what a week or longer would do to me.
I go usually 2 times a week. Monday and then Thursday after work, but Sunday is my first tournament of the season in my series and I didn't get to go this Monday so I'm pretty much dying right now. Bu then after this Sunday I'll be on the water every weekend in June and then almost every other weekend till fall for tournaments and probably once during the week between them.
The second I'm off the lake I'm ready to head back out. Going on my second week with out fishing and I'm borderline go insane.
Usually when I'm driving home from a day on the water I start to get the itch to go again.
I tend to fish frequently, about 4 days a week or so, but usually only for about 3-4 hours each time. Various physical ailments keep me from fishing all day like I could a decade or so ago.
I get the itch on pretty much every day I'm not fishing
For various reasons I took 7 years off once...it became unbearable once I made up my mind that I needed fishing back in my life.
I think I could spend every day bass fishing. I always seem to have the itch to go fishing. I have been really tempted lately to liquidade all my assets (minus my fishing gear) and moving to Guntersville, AL. Housing is so cheap in AL compared to MD. I would be on the lake every free second I had. Hopes and dreams.
My itch is constant and thankfully I'm in a position to fish 7 days a week, even if it's for just an hour after work.
My itch and panic start to set in as I'm at the end of my fishing day, look at my phone and realize I have time for "just one more cast". And I know I won't be able to fish again for another week........
On the way back to the launch!
On 6/11/2015 at 10:36 PM, Catt said:On the way back to the launch!
I'm thinking about the next fish while reeling a fish to the boat,
and planning my next trip on the way back to the ramp, and during the ride home.
On 6/11/2015 at 11:30 PM, RoLo said:I'm thinking about the next fish while reeling a fish to the boat,
and planning my next trip on the way back to the ramp, and during the ride home.
I get the itch often...
When the weather is perfect, good cloud
cover, and I've got to drive to a soccer
game. Panic.
My "itch" is really more a "chronic rash". And the treatment gets expensive with Dr. Monkey.
Bass season isn't even open yet here
I've been in panic mode since January
Its safe to say I have a constant itch for fishing.
When I am fishing I am calm. Collected. everything is right.
When I am not fishing, everything isn't right.
SO I must fish so everything will be right.
Panic mode sets in when life gets in the way!!!
I'm usually getting the itch to go again when I'm loading up the boat from being out on the water. Panic sets in after more than a day or two, so you can just imagine what 5 1/2-6 1/2 months of winter does to me...
I have the itch right now. Had to run some very early morning errands and only glimpsed the river before I got stranded at home without a car.
Hot day though here, and quite humid... but even so I'd still walk to the river with my rod and tackle if I had the stamina at the moment.
Hmm maybe I could hitchhike
Im going to hit the lake here in about 45 min. I really cant wait. I wish i could move the on my watch and it would be that time for everyone.
That itch is probably scabies or something. It's disgusting and you should see a doctor and practice better hygiene.
Usually about 5 hours. It's been over a week for me now I need help brothers
Every time I go to work I wish I were out fishing.
On 6/11/2015 at 12:51 PM, Nlm321 said:The second I'm off the lake I'm ready to head back out. Going on my second week with out fishing and I'm borderline go insane.
Sort of the same for me. There are times in the winter that I haven't gone fishing in open water for like 4-6 months. When it gets that long I am almost dying!! :cry4:
ry3: This is what might happen if I watched a fishing video on my computer in the middle of winter!
I can only go once a week, so that is that!
It's an itch that Preparation H won't cure. Hmmmm....I wonder if that would make a good fish attractant?