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They're hittin everything- what would you throw? 2025

fishing user avatarZ71 reply : 

I fish soft plastics more than anything, because I consistently catch more fish, but when I can get on a good spinnerbait bite, I absolutely love that the most! Fast, furious, and they really hammer it hard, plus I seldom miss one, it seems. Unfortunately I don't get on a good spinerbait bite often, really probably 1-2 times a year it seems, but I always throw it some to test the waters, but I tire of throwing one after awhile if they aren't nailin it.

So, if they were hittin anything or everything, what would you tie on? What's your favorite type of bait, not what consistently produces for you? or is it both in the same?

fishing user avatarLookinForLunkers reply : 

I'll have to go with a buzzbait, there's nothing like a good topwater strike.  

fishing user avatarBASS fisherman reply : 
I'll have to go with a buzzbait, there's nothing like a good topwater strike.

I agree with LFL.  I got my biggest bass last year on a pop-r.  The bass jumped clean out of the water, missed, and then went after the lure again and got it the second time around. It is one of those moments that makes your heart stop and jump up into your throat.  A good topwater strike is truely a thing of beauty.

fishing user avatarWCCT reply : 

I like the feel of a big hook set ;)  So I would go with a texas rigged soft plastic or jig.

fishing user avatarsenko_77 reply : 

Sammy 100 in american shad

fishing user avatarburleytog reply : 

I would use something that I don't have much confidence using.  Catching fish on a particular bait instills confidence.

Therefore I would use a crankbait.  I like fishing them, but I can't catch a cold (at least in a lake) on a crankbait.

fishing user avatarbassin_man reply : 

I would have to go with a topwater bait of some sort.  I just love seeing an explosion on top really gets the blood pumping.

fishing user avatarT-rig reply : 

i agrre with bassin_man! a hit on a pencilbait or popper cant't be beat!

fishing user avatarguest reply : 

EVERYTHING  Dahh!!!!!!!!!

fishing user avatarGeorge Welcome reply : 

If they are hitting anything go with the cheapest bait you have - nothing like catching 100 bass in a day on a bait that only cost $2.98 - Bill Lewis rattle trap.

fishing user avatarCatt reply : 

I would have to agree with ole George here  8-)

I hard to beat a Rat-L-Trap bite  ;)

Last year during pre-spawn in 5 hours a buddy & I caught 47 bass from 2 to 7 lbs, the paint was worn off the traps and our thumbs were raw.

fishing user avatarjustfishin reply : 

Hands down a top water like a Spook. I love that top water bite.

fishing user avatarcart7t reply : 

A topwater. Specifically a Rebel prop bait I got in a bargain bin for 99 cents.

fishing user avatardodgeguy reply : 


fishing user avatarFishin49er reply : 

My homemade spinnerbaits.

fishing user avatarrichweaver reply : 

a FROG  

love topwater action

fishing user avatarCephkiller reply : 

If you're saying you can catch an equal number of fish on any bait, then definitely topwater.  But if the fish are only hitting everything equally well, then one can certainly catch more fish by covering more water.  In the latter case, I definitely choose a lipless crank.  I can cover more water with these than any other bait.

fishing user avatardink reply : 


fishing user avatarThe_Natural reply : 

Something that covers water fast- a buzzbait in the morning, and then moving to shallow cranks and spinnerbaits.

fishing user avatarHawgin reply : 

1/2oz spinnerbait, with twin willow leaf blades.  I love the way that bait comes through the water, and there is no doubt when you have a strike.

fishing user avatar5bass reply : 

In a tournament : jig

Just fishing : crankbait of course

fishing user avatarsenile1 reply : 

Everything???!!!  I'd have to use a big Zara Spook and watch 'em kill it or I'd go with a shallow crankbait.

fishing user avatarNick B reply : 

A hook

fishing user avatarmanny reply : 

spro bronzeye frog

fishing user avatarguest reply : 

It depends.

Like any of the "ole timers" I have been in this situation a few times.  It's hard not to go with a ratLtrap because they can be fished so quick, you can really run the numbers up fast,

Then again, who can argue against the fun of the top water bite.  Seeing that bass bust through the surface and explode on a spook or frog is quite the thrill.

But I LOVE jig fishing.  My idea of heaven on the water, is a nice gentle breeze pushing me at the pace of a slow walk down a shorleine, where I can pitch a jig and catch fish on a regular basis.  I just never get tired of it.

Typically, after catching a bunch on ratLtraps, and topwaters, I put on a jig.  If the bite is lasting awhile I'll switch from the jig to everything in the tackle box except soft plastics.  

Soft plastics are not the most fun baits for me, but they happen to work the best.  So when I can catch em on something else I ususally do.  The only exception to this is busting through heavy cover with a pegged heavyweight sinker and a hunk of something plastic.  

Now that's Florida bassin.

fishing user avatarhi_steel_basser reply : 

If they'll hit ANYTHING!!? I'd love to see that happen... I'd throw a big spook or a buzzer. Or a jig. These three produce better quality fish, IMO. OR, I'd throw a 15" swimbait, so I could catch the biggest fish in the lake.

fishing user avatarFishTank reply : 

I got to go with any topwater bait; buzzbait, Sammy, Spook or some type of torpedo bait.  There is nothing like seeing a big bass jumping out of the water to eat a topwater bait.


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