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Ordered My I Pilot!!! 2025

fishing user avatarbolivier reply : 

Title says it all. Should be here this week. WooHoo!!!!!

fishing user avatarslonezp reply : 

Woohoo X2

fishing user avatarUnder the Radar reply : 

You're gonna Like it.

I think I'd give up my SI before my iPilot.

fishing user avatartomustang reply : 

I think this is the beginning of a beautiful relationship.

fishing user avatarbolivier reply : 

It's here!!!



fishing user avatarslonezp reply : 

Doesn't do you any good lying on the floor.

fishing user avatarKhong reply : 

I had mine for 3 year now and it's still running as solid as the day I bought it. 

fishing user avatarLong Mike reply : 

That's it!  You are now addicted.  It's a great addiction.

fishing user avatarbolivier reply : 








fishing user avatarDelcoSol reply : 

What are your thoughts on the electronic pedal? I have heard a lot of guys don't like them. I want to upgrade my POS Edge.

fishing user avatarbolivier reply : 

I've only used to electronic pedal on my dads once. It was also the first time I had ever used a pedal, so I couldn't really give you any good info about it. I will after I take mine to the lake and try it out a little. Just completed the install a couple hours ago.

fishing user avatarB@ssCrzy reply : 

I upgraded at the beginning of the summer from a Motorguide regular cable steer to a MinnKota Terrova with Autopilot.  Best thing I have done to my boat.  Was able to concentrate on fishing and not on driving the boat.  In the wind it is amazing.  While other people are worrying about the wind blowing them around I am just worrying about fishing.  Can't wait to get I-Pilot, but even with just the auto pilot it is a huge upgrade from the cable steer.  Will never go back to cable steer.  Just make sure your sonar power wire has it's own direct line to your cranking battery or you will blow your unit like I did.  Have fun and enjoy!!

fishing user avatarB@ssCrzy reply : 
  On 9/22/2013 at 6:18 AM, DelcoSol said:

What are your thoughts on the electronic pedal? I have heard a lot of guys don't like them. I want to upgrade my POS Edge.


If I were constantly finding myself immersed in trees and stump fields I could see how a cable steer would be more responsive and somewhat preferable if I was zooming in and out.  Only because your brain gets used to the feel of where the motor is in relation to the angle of the pedal.  Which you don't get with the electric steer.  But if that is not the case than I much prefer the electric steer.  If you fish more open lakes then there is no reason to not go with electric steer.  Especially when you can have the auto pilot or I-pilot addition.  The best thing about the electric steer models is that new innovations will continue to be developed, whereas with the cable steer it pretty much is what it is.  

fishing user avatarslonezp reply : 
  On 9/22/2013 at 6:18 AM, DelcoSol said:

What are your thoughts on the electronic pedal? I have heard a lot of guys don't like them. I want to upgrade my POS Edge.

Mine is in storage. I use the hand control only

fishing user avatarKhong reply : 
  On 9/22/2013 at 8:21 AM, slonezp said:

Mine is in storage. I use the hand control only


Hahaha!!! Me too!  That foot control is never ever been used again after I got the remote.  SPOT LOCK is the best thing in the world!


If you have the extra cash, I go out and get the I-Link with Hummingbird.  You can fish contour dept or have it run from point A to B and back and forth.  That there is the ULTIMATE COMBO!!!!

fishing user avatarNathanW reply : 

Going to revive an old post here because I need to make a tough decision and I was hoping you fellas could share your thoughts. I have run a Terrova AP for two seasons now and we have had our ups and downs. I have convinced myself that I was going to downgrade back to a cable steer but a salmon/steelhead guy in my office is telling me I should try the Ipilot first due to its spotlock feature.... So how good is spot lock? Does it malfuction ever? Also are there any other features Ipilot (non-Link) offers that bass guys actually use?


Right now, for me, there are a lot less Terrova "pros" than "cons" . For instance, my autopilot has gone out three times, I have personally solered the ribbon back together now that its out of warranty. Right now its broken again and there is not enough ribbon left to solder. Also, the head can be too slow (when compared to cable steer) around cover and there is no feel for direction in the pedal.


You folks ovbiously like the Terrova and lately I have been considering to myself how fabulous Spot lock would be if it worked well. Also the Ipilot install means my autopilot goes away and becomes GPS Autopilot. Detail on how spot lock performs would be great!


One last question. How is the durablity of the Ipilot head? If I get it I will also be installing a RAM mount stabilizer because we have some very rough water on the Columbia River.

fishing user avatarslonezp reply : 

Spot lock will keep you in a 5 foot radius. It is not a "shallow water anchor" so if that is what you are expecting, you will be disappointed. I primarily use spot lock for crappie and walleye fishing. I also use it if I have to retie or net a fish and don't feel like getting blown out of position.  I use the cruise control more than anything. I've run Ipilot since it came out on both a V2 and now a 80lb Terrova, and would recommend it to anyone. I actually just took delivery of a new 112 Terrova and the Ipilot Link. I'm hoping the follow the contour feature will make fishing even easier.

fishing user avatarNathanW reply : 

When you say I would be disappointed are you referring to its inability to hold in that 5' radius or more referring to how silent power poles operate up shollow? When on the water a 5' radius is very tight, so if it could do that I would be impressed. One of the lakes I fish is mostly offshore angling in current, I drop a lot of marker buoys and try to hold on them while fishing. Cruise control is autopilot but run by GPS correct? Thanks a lot for the response.


  On 1/28/2014 at 4:19 AM, slonezp said:

Spot lock will keep you in a 5 foot radius. It is not a "shallow water anchor" so if that is what you are expecting, you will be disappointed. I primarily use spot lock for crappie and walleye fishing. I also use it if I have to retie or net a fish and don't feel like getting blown out of position.  I use the cruise control more than anything. I've run Ipilot since it came out on both a V2 and now a 80lb Terrova, and would recommend it to anyone. I actually just took delivery of a new 112 Terrova and the Ipilot Link. I'm hoping the follow the contour feature will make fishing even easier.

fishing user avatarslonezp reply : 

If you're expecting to hold solid, you'll be disappointed. I have both a Talon for shallow water anchoring and the Ipilot for deep water anchoring. I fish shallow for bass 90% of the time. If you are "anchoring" in deep water, which I do for walleye and panfish, then it is well worth it in my opinion. The cruise control is exactly what you think it is. I can set direction and speed and it will do it's best to keep me in line. A good gust of wind or a boat wake will throw you off course, but that's going to happen with a cable steer. The Ipilot will recover on it's own, the cable steer won't. I can set the cruise control speed in 1/10ths of a mile per hour. The copilot option is built into the control as well as is autopilot. All of which have their time and place. I haven't utilized the record a track.  

fishing user avatarBrian Needham reply : 

slonezp pretty much summed it up...... I had a terrova i pilot, sold it with my boat, and new boat came with cable steer, and now I am looking to go back to i pilot just for the spot lock!

fishing user avatarbasscatcher8 reply : 

This will be my first season with a terrova cant wait to try it out. I kept my 70 lb Edge off my old boat and bought the minn kota universal quick change mount. So depending on where im fishing i can quickly unhook the terrova and slide the edge on or vice versa.

fishing user avatarcadman reply : 

You will love Your Terrova. I have had my Terrova since 2007 and put on the I-pilot 2 years ago. I love both my Terrova and my I-pilot. No more standing on the foot pedal. I only use my foot pedal when it is really windy outside, like 20-30 mph winds.

fishing user avatarNathanW reply : 
  On 1/29/2014 at 4:25 AM, cadman said:

You will love Your Terrova. I have had my Terrova since 2007 and put on the I-pilot 2 years ago. I love both my Terrova and my I-pilot. No more standing on the foot pedal. I only use my foot pedal when it is really windy outside, like 20-30 mph winds.


So you pretty happy with the Ipilot upgrade so far? Also wondering how it is to use a remote while bass fishing, is it no big deal? Do you guys use lanyards around the neck or attach it to your boat, or what? Does the remote ever become a hassel in your opinion?

fishing user avatarslonezp reply : 

I have a lanyard attached to my belt loop. I can operate the remote without looking at the buttons because I've been doing it so long. The buttons do not light up so if you're not familiar with the remote, fishing at night might be difficult. There is a button to light up the screen.

fishing user avatartomustang reply : 

Remote>any pedal. My pedal sits in a compartment

fishing user avatarNathanW reply : 

Thanks guys. I think the belt loop holster seems like a good idea. I think Ill give the I-Pilot a shot.

fishing user avatarcadman reply : 


    I have my remote on my belt loop. Doesn't hamper fishing and no problem. Easy to use and once you get used to it you will rarely if ever use a pedal. I would not do without my Terrova and I-pilot.

fishing user avatar00 mod reply : 

Spot lock is worth its weight in gold.  Other than that, I would have a cable steer.  But I don't because spot lock is that great of a feature!



fishing user avatarNathanW reply : 

Do any of you guys thinks its worth it to spend the extra $150 to get the Gen-2 Ipilot with the updated remote vs. the Gen-1 Ipilot. Just curious...

fishing user avatarslonezp reply : 
  On 1/30/2014 at 3:14 AM, NathanW said:

Do any of you guys thinks its worth it to spend the extra $150 to get the Gen-2 Ipilot with the updated remote vs. the Gen-1 Ipilot. Just curious...

Sent you a PM


The Gen 1 remotes will eventually need to be replaced. The buttons break.

fishing user avatarBamacapsfan reply : 

Great information I'm about ready to buy a used boat with a Minn Kota Terrova with i-Pilot, 24 volt, 80 lb thrust trolling motor with GPS, foot pad and remote control. Good to get these reviews. Thanks

fishing user avatarscrutch reply : 

I use my Terrova in a lake full of trees and stumps. There IS a short learning curve but I can take my boat anywhere in those stump fields just as easy as a cable steer. The trick is to go slow, set the autopilot, and make small course corrections with the right and left buttons on the front of the foot pedal. I almost never use the foot pedal itself. Just an easy toe tap right or left to miss a stump and you're picking your way through the stumps no problem! Also, a toe tap will turn on or off the autopilot and/or the constant speed cruise control. It takes some practice but it is verrrry easy once you get the hang of it


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